コード例 #1
ファイル: shard.py プロジェクト: qrgmr/cah-bot
 async def displayMid(self, ch):
     # don't display if not enough players
     if config.C[ch]['nPlayers'] < 2: return
     msg = '─'*20 + '\n'
     for i in range(config.C[ch]['nPlayers']):
         msg += config.C[ch]['players'][i].display_name + ' - ' + str(config.C[ch]['score'][i])
         if config.C[ch]['played'][i] and not config.done(ch): msg += ' **Played!**'
         elif config.C[ch]['pov'] == i: msg += ' **Czar**'
         msg += '\n'
     if config.C[ch]['win'] not in config.C[ch]['score']:
         msg += '\nCurrent Czar: ' + config.C[ch]['players'][config.C[ch]['pov']].mention + '\n\n'
         msg += 'Black card:\n' + config.C[ch]['curr'].replace('_','\_'*5) + '\n'
     if config.done(ch):
         msg += '\n'
         for m in range(len(config.C[ch]['mid'])):
             msg += '**' + 'ABCDEFGHIJKL'[m] + ')** '
             for card in config.C[ch]['mid'][m][0]:
                 msg += card + '\n'
     msg += '─'*20
         #em = discord.Embed(description=msg, colour=0xBBBBBB)
         if config.C[ch]['msg'] == None or config.done(ch):
             #config.C[ch]['msg'] = await self.client.send_message(ch, embed=em)
             config.C[ch]['msg'] = await self.client.send_message(ch, msg)
             config.C[ch]['time'] = time.time()
             #await self.client.edit_message(config.C[ch]['msg'], embed=em)
             await self.client.edit_message(config.C[ch]['msg'], msg)
     except Exception as e:
         print(f'[shard {self.shard}] Error in displayMid() at', time.asctime())
         c = config.pre[ch.id] if ch.id in config.pre else 'c'
         await self.client.send_message(ch,
             'Encountered error while displaying - answer selection may not function normally. If the czar is unable to select, try using `'+c+'!display`.')
     if config.done(ch):
         letters = ['\U0001F1E6','\U0001F1E7','\U0001F1E8','\U0001F1E9','\U0001F1EA',
         error_occured = False
         for i in range(config.C[ch]['nPlayers']-1):
                 await self.client.add_reaction(config.C[ch]['msg'], letters[i])
                 if not error_occured:
                     error_occured = True
                     await self.client.send_message(ch,
                         'An error occurred while adding a letter; if the letter of your choice is not shown, please choose it by adding the letter manually.')
コード例 #2
ファイル: beta_shard.py プロジェクト: SyedAhkam/cah-bot
    async def removePlayer(self, ch, p, kick=False):
        if p in config.C[ch]['players']:
            i = config.C[ch]['players'].index(p)

            if config.C[ch]['played'][i]:
                await ch.send(
                    'You have already played your cards and may not leave.')

            for s in ['players', 'played', 'hands', 'score', 'kick']:

            if i < config.C[ch]['pov']:
                config.C[ch]['pov'] -= 1

            config.C[ch]['nPlayers'] = len(config.C[ch]['players'])
            config.C[ch]['pov'] %= config.C[ch]['nPlayers']

            # update cards already in the middle
            for j in range(len(config.C[ch]['mid'])):
                if config.C[ch]['mid'][j][1] > i:
                    config.C[ch]['mid'][j][1] -= 1

            # all players are done
            if config.done(ch):

            if not kick:
                await ch.send(p.display_name + ' has left the game.')
            await self.displayMid(ch)
        if config.C[ch][
                'nPlayers'] < 2:  # number of players has been reduced to 1
            await config.reset(ch)
            await ch.send('Not enough players, game has been reset.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: shard.py プロジェクト: qrgmr/cah-bot
 async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
     ch = reaction.message.channel
     if (ch not in config.C) or (not config.C[ch]['started']):
     czar = config.C[ch]['players'][config.C[ch]['pov']]
     letters = ['\U0001F1E6','\U0001F1E7','\U0001F1E8','\U0001F1E9','\U0001F1EA',
     if config.done(ch) and config.C[ch]['msg'] != None and reaction.message.content == config.C[ch]['msg'].content and czar == user:
         if reaction.emoji in letters:
                 p = config.C[ch]['mid'][letters.index(reaction.emoji)][1]
                 config.C[ch]['score'][p] += 1
                 msg = czar.display_name + ' selected ' + 'ABCDEFGHIJ'[letters.index(reaction.emoji)] + '.\n'
                 msg += config.C[ch]['players'][p].display_name + ' wins the round!'
                 await self.client.send_message(ch, msg)
                 if config.C[ch]['win'] in config.C[ch]['score']:
                     await self.displayWinners(ch)
                     await config.reset(ch)
                     await self.pass_(ch)
             except Exception as e:
                 print('Error with answer selection at', time.asctime())
コード例 #4
ファイル: shard.py プロジェクト: SyedAhkam/cah-bot
    async def play(self, ch, p, s):
        s = s.strip().replace(' ',
                                                      '').replace('>', '')

        # check that player is in current game
            player = config.C[ch]['players'].index(p)

        # ignore czar/players who have already played card(s)
        if config.C[ch]['played'][player] or player == config.C[ch]['pov']:

            newMid = []
            for x in s:
                card = config.C[ch]['hands'][player][
                if card in newMid:
                # check for blank
                if card == '':
                    await p.send(
                        "You tried to send a blank card without filling it in first!\nMessage me what you'd like to put in the blank."

            if len(newMid) == config.nCards(ch):
                config.C[ch]['mid'].append([newMid, player])
                for c in newMid:
                config.C[ch]['played'][player] = True
                await ch.send(p.display_name + ' has played!')
                await p.send(
                    f'This prompt requires {config.nCards(ch)} white card(s).')

            # update kicks
            for k in range(len(config.C[ch]['kick'])):
                if config.C[ch]['kick'][k] == p.mention:
                    config.C[ch]['kick'][k] = ''

            # all players are done
            if config.done(ch):
                config.C[ch]['time'] = time.time()

            await self.displayMid(ch)
コード例 #5
ファイル: beta_shard.py プロジェクト: SyedAhkam/cah-bot
    async def timer_check(self):
        await self.client.wait_until_ready()

        while not self.client.is_closed():
            start_time = time.time()

            channels = list(config.C.keys())
            for ch in channels:
                if config.C[ch]['started'] and 'time' in config.C[ch]:
                    if config.C[ch]['timer'] != 0 and time.time(
                    ) - config.C[ch]['time'] >= config.C[ch]['timer']:
                        # reset timer
                        config.C[ch]['time'] = time.time()

                        if config.done(ch):
                                # pick random letter
                                l = len(config.C[ch]['mid'])
                                if l == 0:
                                    letter = random.randint(0, l - 1)

                                p = config.C[ch]['mid'][letter][1]
                                config.C[ch]['score'][p] += 1

                                msg = "**TIME'S UP!**\nThe bot randomly selected " + 'ABCDEFGHIJ'[
                                    letter] + '.\n'
                                msg += config.C[ch]['players'][
                                    p].display_name + ' wins the round!'
                                await ch.send(msg)
                                await self.pass_(ch)

                                if config.C[ch]['win'] in config.C[ch][
                                    await self.displayWinners(ch)
                                    await config.reset(ch)
                            except Exception as e:
                                print('Error in timer_check at',
                                # unknown channel/missing access
                                if 'unknown' in str(e).lower(
                                ) or 'missing' in str(e).lower():
                                await ch.send(
                                    "**TIME'S UP!**\nFor those who haven't played, cards will be automatically selected."

                                N = config.nCards(ch)
                                for p in range(len(config.C[ch]['players'])):
                                    if not config.C[ch]['played'][
                                            p] and config.C[ch]['pov'] != p:
                                        cards = ''
                                        for c in range(
                                            if config.C[ch]['hands'][p][c]:
                                                cards += 'abcdefghijkl'[c]
                                                if len(cards) == N:
                                                    await self.play(
                                                        ch, config.C[ch]
                                                        ['players'][p], cards)
                            except Exception as e:
                                print('Error in timer_check at',
                                # unknown channel/missing access
                                if 'unknown' in str(e).lower(
                                ) or 'missing' in str(e).lower():

            # debug
            elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
            #if elapsed_time > 2: print('timer_check: {0}'.format(time.time() - start_time))
            #print('number of channels: {0}'.format(len(channels)))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)
コード例 #6
ファイル: beta_shard.py プロジェクト: SyedAhkam/cah-bot
    async def on_message(self, message):
        #if (time.time() / 3600) - last_update > 1:
        #    await self.client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='on '+'_'*4+' servers. ' + str(len(client.guilds))+'.'))
        #    config.last_update = time.time() / 3600

        msg = message.content.lower()
        ch = message.channel
        au = message.author

        c = config.pre[ch.id] if ch.id in config.pre else 'c'

        # ignore own messages
        if au.id == 429024440060215296:

        # fill in blank cards
        if isinstance(ch, discord.abc.PrivateChannel):
            # check for c!p or c!play
            if msg.startswith(c + '!p'):
                await au.send(
                    'Please play your card(s) in the corresponding channel and not as a private message.'

            # iterate through all users with blank cards
            for p in config.P:
                if p.id == au.id:
                    for c in config.P[p]:
                        if config.C[c]['started'] and au in config.C[c][
                                'players']:  # check that user is currently playing
                            i = config.C[c]['players'].index(au)
                            if '' in config.C[c]['hands'][
                                    i]:  # check that player has a blank
                                j = config.C[c]['hands'][i].index('')
                                    'hands'][i][j] = message.content.replace(
                                        '*', '\*').replace('_', '\_').replace(
                                            '~', '\~').replace('`', '\`')
                                await self.sendHand(c, i)

        # ignore irrelevant messages
        if not msg.startswith(c + '!'):

        if ch not in config.C:
            config.C[ch] = {}
            await config.initChannel(ch)

        # warning
        if msg.startswith(c + '!warning') and au.id == 252249185112293376:
            for x in config.C:
                if config.C[x]['started']:
                    await x.send(message.content[9:])
        # check number of ongoing games
        if msg == c + '!ongoing' and (au.id == 252249185112293376
                                      or au.id == 413516816137322506):
            nC = 0
            for x in config.C:
                if config.C[x]['started']:
                    nC += 1
            await ch.send(str(nC))
        # save state
        if (msg == c + '!save'
                or msg == c + '!savestate') and au.id == 252249185112293376:
        # number of servers
        if msg == c + '!servers' and (au.id == 252249185112293376
                                      or au.id == 413516816137322506):
            await ch.send(str(len(self.client.guilds)))
#         # eval
#         if message.content.startswith(c+'!eval') and au.id == 252249185112293376:
#             try:
#                 print(eval(message.content[6:].strip()))
#                 await ch.send(str(eval(message.content[6:].strip())))
#             except:
#                 pass

# changelog
        if msg == c + '!whatsnew' or msg == c + '!update' or msg == c + '!updates':
            s = info.changelog
            await ch.send(s[:s.index('**9/27')])

        # commands list
        if msg == c + '!commands' or msg == c + '!command':
            await ch.send(info.commands)

        # support server
        if msg == c + '!support' or msg == c + '!server' or msg == c + '!supp':
            await ch.send('https://discord.gg/qGjRSYQ')

        # FAQ
        if msg == c + '!faq':
            await ch.send('https://goo.gl/p9j2ve')

        # invite link
        if msg == c + '!invite':
            await ch.send(
                'Use this link to invite the bot to your own server:\n<https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=429024440060215296&permissions=134294592&scope=bot>'

        # vote link
        if msg == c + '!vote':
            await ch.send(
                'Use this link to vote for the bot on discordbots.org:\n<https://discordbots.org/bot/429024440060215296/vote>'

        # donation links
        if msg == c + '!donate':
            await ch.send(
                'Help support the bot:\n<http://buymeacoffee.com/sourmongoose>\n<https://paypal.me/sourmongoose>'

        # custom prefix setting
        if len(msg
               ) == 10 and msg[:9] == c + '!prefix ' and 'a' <= msg[9] <= 'z':
            await ch.send('Command prefix set to `' + msg[9] + '`!')
            config.pre[ch.id] = msg[9]
            with open('prefix.txt', 'a') as f:
                f.write(str(ch.id) + ' ' + msg[9] + '\n')

        if not config.C[ch]['started']:
            # language change
            for l in config.languages:
                if msg == c + '!language ' + l.lower():
                    if config.C[ch]['lang'] != l:
                        config.C[ch]['lang'] = l
                        await ch.send('Language changed to ' + l + '.')
                        await self.edit_start_msg(ch)

            if msg == c + '!help':
                await ch.send((
                    "Use `{0}!start` to start a game of Cards Against Humanity, or `{0}!cancel` to cancel an existing one.\n"
                    "Use `{0}!commands` to bring up a list of available commands.\n"
                    "For a list of frequently asked questions and general directions, use `{0}!faq`."
            elif msg == c + '!language english':
                if config.C[ch]['lang'] != 'English':
                    config.C[ch]['lang'] = 'English'
                    await ch.send('Language changed to English.')
                    await self.edit_start_msg(ch)
            elif msg == c + '!start':
                if not config.C[ch]['playerMenu']:
                    config.C[ch]['playerMenu'] = True
                    s = await self.get_start_msg(ch)
                    config.C[ch]['msg'] = await ch.send(s)
                    output = str(len(
                        config.C[ch]['players'])) + '/20 Players: '
                    output += ', '.join(usr.display_name
                                        for usr in config.C[ch]['players'])
                    await ch.send(output)
                elif 2 <= len(config.C[ch]['players']) <= 20:
                    config.C[ch]['playerMenu'] = False
                    config.C[ch]['nPlayers'] = len(config.C[ch]['players'])
                    await self.start_(ch)

                    await ch.send('Game is starting!\n' +
                                  ' '.join(usr.mention
                                           for usr in config.C[ch]['players']))

                    config.C[ch]['msg'] = None
                    await self.displayMid(ch)
            elif msg.startswith(c + '!setwin'):
                    n = int(msg[8:].strip())
                    if n > 0:
                        config.C[ch]['win'] = n
                        await ch.send(
                            f'Number of points needed to win has been set to {n}.'
                        await self.edit_start_msg(ch)
            elif msg.startswith(c + '!timer') or msg.startswith(c +
                #await ch.send('Idle timer is currently disabled.')
                    n = int(msg[msg.index('timer') + 5:].strip())
                    if n >= 15:
                        config.C[ch]['timer'] = n
                        await ch.send(f'Idle timer set to {n} seconds.')
                        await self.edit_start_msg(ch)
                    elif n == 0:
                        config.C[ch]['timer'] = n
                        await ch.send('Idle timer is now disabled.')
                        await self.edit_start_msg(ch)
                        await ch.send('Please choose a minimum of 15 seconds.')
            elif msg.startswith(c + '!blank') or msg.startswith(c +
                #await ch.send('Blank cards are currently disabled.')
                    n = int(msg[msg.index('blank') + 5:].strip())
                    if 0 <= n <= 30:
                        config.C[ch]['blanks'] = n
                        await ch.send(f'Number of blanks has been set to {n}.')
                        await self.edit_start_msg(ch)
                    elif n > 30:
                        await ch.send('Please choose a maximum of 30 cards.')
            elif msg == c + '!packs':
                output = (
                    "**List of available packs:**\n"
                    "(pack code followed by name of pack, then number of black and white cards)\n"
                for p in config.packs:
                    cnt = await config.getCount(p)
                    output += f'**{p}** - {config.packs[p]} ({cnt[0]}/{cnt[1]})\n'
                await ch.send(output)
                output = '\nThird party packs:\n'
                for p in config.thirdparty:
                    cnt = await config.getCount(p)
                    output += f'**{p}** - {config.thirdparty[p]} ({cnt[0]}/{cnt[1]})\n'
                output += (
                    "\nUse `{0}!add <code>` to add a pack, or use `{0}!add all` to add all available packs.\n"
                    "(Note: this will only add official CAH packs; use `{0}!add thirdparty` to add all third party packs.)\n"
                    "Use `{0}!contents <code>` to see what cards are in a specific pack."
                await ch.send(output)
            elif msg.startswith(c + '!contents'):
                pk = message.content[10:].strip()

                # check for CardCast packs
                    b, w = api.get_deck_blacks_json(
                        pk), api.get_deck_whites_json(pk)
                    deck_b = ['_'.join(c['text']) for c in b]
                    deck_w = [''.join(c['text']) for c in w]

                    output = '**Cards in ' + api.get_deck_info_json(
                        pk)['name'] + '** (code: ' + pk + ')**:**\n\n'
                    output += '**Black cards:** (' + str(len(deck_b)) + ')\n'
                    for c in deck_b:
                        output += '- ' + c + '\n'
                        if len(output) > 1500:
                            await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))
                            output = ''
                    output += '\n**White cards:** (' + str(len(deck_w)) + ')\n'
                    for c in deck_w:
                        output += '- ' + c + '\n'
                        if len(output) > 1500:
                            await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))
                            output = ''
                    await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))


                # check built-in packs
                pk = pk.lower()
                if pk in config.packs or pk in config.thirdparty:
                    output = ''
                    if pk in config.packs:
                        output = '**Cards in ' + config.packs[pk] + ':**\n\n'
                    elif pk in config.thirdparty:
                        output = '**Cards in ' + config.thirdparty[
                            pk] + ':**\n\n'

                    cnt = await config.getCount(pk)
                    cards = await config.getPack(pk)
                    output += f'**Black cards:** ({cnt[0]})\n'
                    for card in cards[0]:
                        output += '- ' + card[0] + '\n'
                        if len(output) > 1500:
                            await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))
                            output = ''
                    output += f'\n**White cards:** ({cnt[1]})\n'
                    for card in cards[1]:
                        output += '- ' + card[0] + '\n'
                        if len(output) > 1500:
                            await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))
                            output = ''
                    await ch.send(output.replace('_', '\_' * 3))
            elif msg == c + '!cancel':
                if config.C[ch]['playerMenu']:
                    config.C[ch]['playerMenu'] = False
                    config.C[ch]['players'] = []
                    await ch.send('Game cancelled!')

            if config.C[ch]['playerMenu']:
                curr = len(config.C[ch]['players'])
                if msg == c + '!join':
                    if au not in config.C[ch]['players']:
                elif msg == c + '!leave':
                    if au in config.C[ch]['players']:
                if curr != len(config.C[ch]['players']):
                    output = str(len(
                        config.C[ch]['players'])) + '/20 Players: '
                    output += ', '.join(usr.display_name
                                        for usr in config.C[ch]['players'])
                    await ch.send(output)
                if len(msg) > 6 and msg[:6] == c + '!add ' and config.C[ch][
                        'lang'] == 'English':
                    await self.addPack(ch, message.content[6:])
                if len(msg) > 9 and msg[:9] == c + '!remove ' and config.C[ch][
                        'lang'] == 'English':
                    await self.removePack(ch, message.content[9:])
                elif len(msg) > 5 and msg[:5] == c + '!rm ' and config.C[ch][
                        'lang'] == 'English':
                    await self.removePack(ch, message.content[5:])
                if msg == c + '!join' or (len(msg) > 6
                                          and msg[:6] == c + '!add '):
                    await ch.send(
                        'Use `c!start` to start a game before joining or adding packs.'
            if msg == c + '!help':
                await ch.send((
                    "To play white cards, use `{0}!play` followed by the letters next to the cards you want to play. "
                    "For example, `{0}!play b` would play card B, and `{0}!play df` would play cards D and F.\n"
                    "If you're the czar, react with the letter of your choice once everyone has played their cards.\n"
                    "To reset an ongoing game, use `{0}!reset`.\n"
                    "To leave an ongoing game, use `{0}!leave` or `{0}!quit`.\n"
                    "To join an ongoing game, use `{0}!join`.\n"
                    "To kick an AFK player, use `{0}!kick <player>`.\n"
                    "To re-display the scoreboard, use `{0}!display`."

            # player commands
            if au in config.C[ch]['players']:
                if msg == c + '!display':
                    config.C[ch]['msg'] = None
                    await self.displayMid(ch)
                elif msg == c + '!leave' or msg == c + '!quit':
                    if not config.done(ch):
                        await self.removePlayer(ch, au)
                        await ch.send(
                            'Please wait for the czar to pick a card before leaving.'
                elif msg.startswith(c + '!kick'):
                    mt = message.content[6:].strip()  # player to kick
                    if mt == au.mention:
                        await ch.send(
                            'You cannot kick yourself. To leave the game, use `'
                            + c + '!leave`.')
                        for i in range(len(config.C[ch]['players'])):
                            p = config.C[ch]['players'][i]
                            if mt == p.mention:
                                if not config.C[ch]['played'][i]:
                                        'players'].index(au)] = p.mention
                                    cnt = config.C[ch]['kick'].count(p.mention)
                                    await ch.send(au.mention + ' has voted to kick ' + p.mention + '. ' \
                                        + str(cnt) + '/' + str(config.C[ch]['nPlayers']-1) + ' votes needed')
                                    if cnt == config.C[ch]['nPlayers'] - 1:
                                        await ch.send(
                                            p.mention +
                                            ' has been kicked from the game.')
                                        await self.removePlayer(ch,
                                    await ch.send(
                                        'This player has already played and cannot be kicked.'

                elif msg == c + '!reset':
                    await config.reset(ch)
                    await ch.send('Game reset!')
                if msg == c + '!join':
                    if not config.done(ch):
                        await self.addPlayer(ch, au)
                        await ch.send(
                            'Please wait for the czar to pick an answer before joining.'

            # playing cards
            if msg.startswith('c!play'):
                await self.play(ch, au, msg[6:])
                    await message.delete()
            elif msg.startswith(c + '!p '):
                await self.play(ch, au, msg[4:])
                    await message.delete()

            # admin override
            if au.id == 252249185112293376 or au.permissions_in(
                if msg == c + '!display':
                    config.C[ch]['msg'] = None
                    await self.displayMid(ch)
                elif msg == c + '!reset':
                    await config.reset(ch)
                    await ch.send('Game reset!')