コード例 #1
ファイル: psestimation.py プロジェクト: sjforeman/driftscan
    def make_clzz(self, pk):
        """Make an angular powerspectrum from the input matter powerspectrum.

        Uses the lmax and frequencies from the telescope object.

        pk : function, np.ndarray -> np.ndarray
            The input powerspectrum (must be vectorized).

        aps : np.ndarray[lmax+1, nfreq, nfreq]
            The angular powerspectrum.
        crt = corr21cm.Corr21cm(ps=pk, redshift=1.5)
        crt.ps_2d = True

        clzz = skymodel.im21cm_model(

        print("Rank: %i - Finished making band." % mpiutil.rank)
        return clzz
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_corr.py プロジェクト: tanderson23/cora
def test_corr_signal():
    """Test that the signal power spectrum is being calculated correctly.

    Correct here is referenced to a specific version believed to have no errors.

    cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()

    aps1 = cr.angular_powerspectrum(np.arange(1000), 800.0, 800.0)
    assert len(aps1) == 1000
    assert np.allclose(
        aps1.sum(), 1.5963772205823096e-09, rtol=1e-7
    )  # Calculated for commit 02f4d1cd3f402d

    fa = np.linspace(400.0, 800.0, 64)
    aps2 = cr.angular_powerspectrum(
        np.arange(1000)[:, None, None], fa[None, :, None], fa[None, None, :]
    assert aps2.shape == (1000, 64, 64)

    # Calculated for commit 02f4d1cd3f402d
    v1 = 8.986790805379046e-13  # l=400, fi=40, fj=40
    v2 = 1.1939298801340165e-18  # l=200, fi=10, fj=40
    assert np.allclose(aps2[400, 40, 40], v1, rtol=1e-7)
    assert np.allclose(aps2[200, 10, 40], v2, rtol=1e-7)
コード例 #3
ファイル: makesky.py プロジェクト: tanderson23/cora
def _21cm(fstate, nside, pol, filename, eor, oversample):
    """Generate a Gaussian simulation of the unresolved 21cm background."""

    from cora.signal import corr21cm

    # Read in arguments.
    if eor:
        cr = corr21cm.EoR21cm()
        cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()

    cr.nside = nside
    cr.frequencies = fstate.frequencies
    cr.oversample = oversample if oversample is not None else 3

    # Generate signal realisation and save.
    sg_map = cr.getpolsky() if pol == "full" else cr.getsky()

    # Save map
    write_map(filename, sg_map, cr.frequencies, fstate.freq_width,
              pol != "none")
コード例 #4
def _21cm(ctx, eor, oversample):
    """Generate a Gaussian simulation of the unresolved 21cm background.

    from cora.signal import corr21cm

    # Read in arguments.
    if eor:
        cr = corr21cm.EoR21cm()
        cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()

    cr.nside = ctx.obj.nside
    cr.frequencies = ctx.obj.freq
    cr.oversample = oversample if oversample is not None else 3

    # Generate signal realisation and save.
    sg_map = cr.getpolsky() if ctx.obj.full_pol else cr.getsky()

    # Save map
    write_map(ctx.obj.filename, sg_map, cr.frequencies, ctx.obj.freq_width,
コード例 #5
def im21cm_model(lmax, frequencies, npol, cr=None, temponly=False):

    nfreq = frequencies.size

    if not cr:
        global _cr
        if not _cr:
            if not _reionisation:
                _cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()
                _cr = corr21cm.EoR21cm()
        cr = _cr

    #cr._freq_window = np.abs(cr.cosmology.comoving_distance(frequencies[0]) - cr.cosmology.comoving_distance(frequencies[1]))

    cv_t = skysim.clarray(cr.angular_powerspectrum, lmax, frequencies)

    if temponly:
        return cv_t
        cv_sg = np.zeros((npol, npol, lmax + 1, nfreq, nfreq))
        cv_sg[0, 0] = cv_t
        return cv_sg
コード例 #6
ファイル: psestimation.py プロジェクト: zhucg123456/tlpipe
    def genbands(self):
        """Precompute the powerspectrum bands, including the P(k, mu) bands
        and the angular powerspectrum.

        print "Generating bands..."

        cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()
        cr.ps_2d = False

        # Create different sets of bands depending on whether we're using polar bins or not.
        if self.bandtype == 'polar':

            # Create the array of band bounds
            self.theta_bands = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi / 2.0, self.num_theta + 1, endpoint=True)

            # Broadcast the bounds against each other to make the 2D array of bands
            kb, tb = np.broadcast_arrays(self.k_bands[np.newaxis, :], self.theta_bands[:, np.newaxis])

            # Pull out the start, end and centre of the bands in k, mu directions
            self.k_start = kb[1:, :-1].flatten()
            self.k_end = kb[1:, 1:].flatten()
            self.k_center = 0.5 * (self.k_end + self.k_start)

            self.theta_start = tb[:-1, 1:].flatten()
            self.theta_end = tb[1:, 1:].flatten()
            self.theta_center = 0.5 * (self.theta_end + self.theta_start)

            bounds = zip(self.k_start, self.k_end, self.theta_start, self.theta_end)

            # Make a list of functions of the band window functions
            self.band_func = [ bandfunc_2d_polar(*bound) for bound in bounds ]

            # Create a list of functions of the band power functions
            if self.unit_bands:
                # Need slightly awkward double lambda because of loop closure scaling.
                self.band_pk = [ (lambda bandt: (lambda k, mu: cr.ps_vv(k) * bandt(k, mu)))(band) for band in self.band_func]
                self.band_power = np.ones_like(self.k_start)
                self.band_pk = self.band_func
                self.band_power = cr.ps_vv(self.k_center)

        elif self.bandtype == 'cartesian':

            # Broadcast the bounds against each other to make the 2D array of bands
            kparb, kperpb = np.broadcast_arrays(self.kpar_bands[np.newaxis, :], self.kperp_bands[:, np.newaxis])

            # Pull out the start, end and centre of the bands in k, mu directions
            self.kpar_start = kparb[1:, :-1].flatten()
            self.kpar_end = kparb[1:, 1:].flatten()
            self.kpar_center = 0.5 * (self.kpar_end + self.kpar_start)

            self.kperp_start = kperpb[:-1, 1:].flatten()
            self.kperp_end = kperpb[1:, 1:].flatten()
            self.kperp_center = 0.5 * (self.kperp_end + self.kperp_start)

            bounds = zip(self.kpar_start, self.kpar_end, self.kperp_start, self.kperp_end)

            self.k_center = (self.kpar_center**2 + self.kperp_center**2)**0.5

            # Make a list of functions of the band window functions
            self.band_func = [ bandfunc_2d_cart(*bound) for bound in bounds ]

            raise Exception('Bandtype %s is not supported.' % self.bandtype)

        # Create a list of functions of the band power functions
        if self.unit_bands:
            # Need slightly awkward double lambda because of loop closure scaling.
            self.band_pk = [ (lambda bandt: (lambda k, mu: cr.ps_vv(k) * bandt(k, mu)))(band) for band in self.band_func]
            self.band_power = np.ones_like(self.k_center)
            self.band_pk = self.band_func
            self.band_power = cr.ps_vv(self.k_center)

        # Use new parallel map to speed up computaiton of bands
        if self.clarray is None:


        print "Done."
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()
コード例 #8
ファイル: plot_cora_pk1d.py プロジェクト: zuoshifan/flat_cl
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy import constants as const
import h5py
from cora.signal import corr21cm
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

corr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()
corr.x_width = 20.0  # degree
corr.y_width = 20.0  # degree
corr.x_num = 256
corr.y_num = 256
corr.nu_lower = 700.0  # MHz
corr.nu_upper = 800.0  # MHz
corr.nu_num = 256

freq0 = 1420.4  # MHz
z1 = freq0 / corr.nu_upper - 1.0  # lower redshifts
z2 = freq0 / corr.nu_lower - 1.0  # higher redshifts

k = np.linspace(0.01, 2, 1000)  # Mpc^-1

Pk1d = corr.powerspectrum_1D(k, z1, z2, 256)
print Pk1d.shape

# plot Pk1d
plt.loglog(k, 1.0e6 * Pk1d)
コード例 #9
from astropy import units
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import IPython

import os, sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from drift.core.manager import ProductManager
import IPython
from IPython import get_ipython

cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

from cora.signal import corr21cm
cr = corr21cm.Corr21cm()
from drift.core.psestimation import decorrelate_ps_file

def fg_wedge(kperp, z=1.33, theta=5 * units.deg):
    return theta.to('rad').value * (cosmo.comoving_distance(z) * cosmo.H(z) /
                                    consts.c / (1 + z)).to('').value * kperp

def plot_power_spectrum(measured_fname, prod_fname, label=None):

    with h5py.File(measured_fname, 'r') as fil:
        pa = fil['powerspectrum'][()]
        err = fil['fisher'][()]
    with h5py.File(prod_fname, 'r') as fil:
        kpar = fil['kpar_center'][()]