コード例 #1
    def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback):
        if not ex_value:
            return True

        if isinstance(ex_value, exception.NotAuthorized):
            raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=ex_value.msg))
        elif isinstance(ex_value, exception.Invalid):
            raise Fault(
        elif isinstance(ex_value, TypeError):
            exc_info = (ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback)
            LOG.error(_LE('Exception handling resource: %s'),
            raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest())
        elif isinstance(ex_value, Fault):
            LOG.info(_LI("Fault thrown: %s"), ex_value)
            raise ex_value
        elif isinstance(ex_value, webob.exc.HTTPException):
            LOG.info(_LI("HTTP exception thrown: %s"), ex_value)
            raise Fault(ex_value)

        # We didn't handle the exception
        return False
コード例 #2
ファイル: fault.py プロジェクト: uhlhosting/coriolis
    def _error(self, inner, req):
        LOG.exception(_LE("Caught error: %(type)s %(error)s"), {
            'type': type(inner),
            'error': inner
        safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False)
        headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None)
        status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500)
        if status is None:
            status = 500

        msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)
        LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"), msg_dict)
        outer = self.status_to_type(status)
        if headers:
            outer.headers = headers
        if safe:
            msg = (inner.msg if isinstance(inner, exception.CoriolisException)
                   else six.text_type(inner))
            params = {
                'exception': inner.__class__.__name__,
                'explanation': msg
            outer.explanation = _('%(exception)s: %(explanation)s') % params
        return wsgi.Fault(outer)
コード例 #3
ファイル: wsgi.py プロジェクト: gergo-debreczeni/coriolis
    def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback):
        if not ex_value:
            return True

        if isinstance(ex_value, exception.NotAuthorized):
            raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=ex_value.msg))
        elif isinstance(ex_value, exception.Invalid):
            raise Fault(exception.ConvertedException(
                code=ex_value.code, explanation=ex_value.msg))
        elif isinstance(ex_value, TypeError):
            exc_info = (ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback)
                'Exception handling resource: %s'),
                ex_value, exc_info=exc_info)
            raise Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest())
        elif isinstance(ex_value, Fault):
            LOG.info(_LI("Fault thrown: %s"), ex_value)
            raise ex_value
        elif isinstance(ex_value, webob.exc.HTTPException):
            LOG.info(_LI("HTTP exception thrown: %s"), ex_value)
            raise Fault(ex_value)

        # We didn't handle the exception
        return False
コード例 #4
ファイル: wsgi.py プロジェクト: gergo-debreczeni/coriolis
    def __call__(self, request):
        """WSGI method that controls (de)serialization and method dispatch."""

        LOG.info(_LI("%(method)s %(url)s"),
                 {"method": request.method,
                  "url": request.url})

        # Identify the action, its arguments, and the requested
        # content type
        action_args = self.get_action_args(request.environ)
        action = action_args.pop('action', None)
        content_type, body = self.get_body(request)
        accept = request.best_match_content_type()

        # NOTE(Vek): Splitting the function up this way allows for
        #            auditing by external tools that wrap the existing
        #            function.  If we try to audit __call__(), we can
        #            run into troubles due to the @webob.dec.wsgify()
        #            decorator.
        return self._process_stack(request, action, action_args,
                                   content_type, body, accept)
コード例 #5
    def __call__(self, request):
        """WSGI method that controls (de)serialization and method dispatch."""

        LOG.info(_LI("%(method)s %(url)s"), {
            "method": request.method,
            "url": request.url

        # Identify the action, its arguments, and the requested
        # content type
        action_args = self.get_action_args(request.environ)
        action = action_args.pop('action', None)
        content_type, body = self.get_body(request)
        accept = request.best_match_content_type()

        # NOTE(Vek): Splitting the function up this way allows for
        #            auditing by external tools that wrap the existing
        #            function.  If we try to audit __call__(), we can
        #            run into troubles due to the @webob.dec.wsgify()
        #            decorator.
        return self._process_stack(request, action, action_args, content_type,
                                   body, accept)
コード例 #6
ファイル: fault.py プロジェクト: cloudbase/coriolis
    def _error(self, inner, req):
        LOG.exception(_LE("Caught error: %(type)s %(error)s"),
                      {'type': type(inner),
                       'error': inner})
        safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False)
        headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None)
        status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500)
        if status is None:
            status = 500

        msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)
        LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"), msg_dict)
        outer = self.status_to_type(status)
        if headers:
            outer.headers = headers
        if safe:
            msg = (inner.msg if isinstance(inner, exception.CoriolisException)
                   else six.text_type(inner))
            params = {'exception': inner.__class__.__name__,
                      'explanation': msg}
            outer.explanation = _('%(exception)s: %(explanation)s') % params
        return wsgi.Fault(outer)
コード例 #7
ファイル: wsgi.py プロジェクト: gergo-debreczeni/coriolis
    def _process_stack(self, request, action, action_args,
                       content_type, body, accept):
        """Implement the processing stack."""

        # Get the implementing method
            meth, extensions = self.get_method(request, action,
                                               content_type, body)
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound())
        except KeyError as ex:
            msg = _("There is no such action: %s") % ex.args[0]
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
        except exception.MalformedRequestBody:
            msg = _("Malformed request body")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Now, deserialize the request body...
            if content_type:
                contents = self.deserialize(meth, content_type, body)
                contents = {}
        except exception.InvalidContentType:
            msg = _("Unsupported Content-Type")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
        except exception.MalformedRequestBody:
            msg = _("Malformed request body")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Update the action args

        project_id = action_args.pop("project_id", None)
        context = request.environ.get('coriolis.context')
        if (context and project_id and (project_id != context.tenant)):
            msg = _("Malformed request url")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Run pre-processing extensions
        response, post = self.pre_process_extensions(extensions,
                                                     request, action_args)

        if not response:
                with ResourceExceptionHandler():
                    action_result = self.dispatch(meth, request, action_args)
            except Fault as ex:
                response = ex

        if not response:
            # No exceptions; convert action_result into a
            # ResponseObject
            resp_obj = None
            if type(action_result) is dict or action_result is None:
                resp_obj = ResponseObject(action_result)
            elif isinstance(action_result, ResponseObject):
                resp_obj = action_result
                response = action_result

            # Run post-processing extensions
            if resp_obj:
                _set_request_id_header(request, resp_obj)
                # Do a preserialize to set up the response object
                serializers = getattr(meth, 'wsgi_serializers', {})
                if hasattr(meth, 'wsgi_code'):
                    resp_obj._default_code = meth.wsgi_code
                resp_obj.preserialize(accept, self.default_serializers)

                # Process post-processing extensions
                response = self.post_process_extensions(post, resp_obj,
                                                        request, action_args)

            if resp_obj and not response:
                response = resp_obj.serialize(request, accept,

            msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, status=response.status_int)
            msg = _LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d")
        except AttributeError as e:
            msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, e=e)
            msg = _LI("%(url)s returned a fault: %(e)s")

        LOG.info(msg, msg_dict)

        return response
コード例 #8
    def _process_stack(self, request, action, action_args, content_type, body,
        """Implement the processing stack."""

        # Get the implementing method
            meth, extensions = self.get_method(request, action, content_type,
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound())
        except KeyError as ex:
            msg = _("There is no such action: %s") % ex.args[0]
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
        except exception.MalformedRequestBody:
            msg = _("Malformed request body")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Now, deserialize the request body...
            if content_type:
                contents = self.deserialize(meth, content_type, body)
                contents = {}
        except exception.InvalidContentType:
            msg = _("Unsupported Content-Type")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
        except exception.MalformedRequestBody:
            msg = _("Malformed request body")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Update the action args

        project_id = action_args.pop("project_id", None)
        context = request.environ.get('coriolis.context')
        if (context and project_id and (project_id != context.tenant)):
            msg = _("Malformed request url")
            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))

        # Run pre-processing extensions
        response, post = self.pre_process_extensions(extensions, request,

        if not response:
                with ResourceExceptionHandler():
                    action_result = self.dispatch(meth, request, action_args)
            except Fault as ex:
                response = ex

        if not response:
            # No exceptions; convert action_result into a
            # ResponseObject
            resp_obj = None
            if type(action_result) is dict or action_result is None:
                resp_obj = ResponseObject(action_result)
            elif isinstance(action_result, ResponseObject):
                resp_obj = action_result
                response = action_result

            # Run post-processing extensions
            if resp_obj:
                _set_request_id_header(request, resp_obj)
                # Do a preserialize to set up the response object
                serializers = getattr(meth, 'wsgi_serializers', {})
                if hasattr(meth, 'wsgi_code'):
                    resp_obj._default_code = meth.wsgi_code
                resp_obj.preserialize(accept, self.default_serializers)

                # Process post-processing extensions
                response = self.post_process_extensions(
                    post, resp_obj, request, action_args)

            if resp_obj and not response:
                response = resp_obj.serialize(request, accept,

            msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, status=response.status_int)
            msg = _LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d")
        except AttributeError as e:
            msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, e=e)
            msg = _LI("%(url)s returned a fault: %(e)s")

        LOG.info(msg, msg_dict)

        return response