def execute(self,aSql): """execute a sql request on the database""" sql = sqlalchemy.text(aSql) if self._activateTimer: result = [] func = self._conn.execute t= ftimer(func,[sql],{},result,number=1) self._log.debug("\nTime: %s secs \nDatabase: %s\nRequest: %s\n"%(t,self._database,aSql)) return result[0] else: result = self._conn.execute(sql) return result
def get_list_messages_to_copy(a_script,a_hostname,a_origin_dir,a_local_dir,a_remote_user='******',a_result_file='result.msgs'): # make local dir if not done ctbto.common.utils.makedirs(a_local_dir) # path under which the file is going to be stored destinationPath = "%s/%s"%(a_local_dir,a_result_file) func = res = [] print("run (using ssh): \"%s %s %s %s %s\n"%(a_script,a_hostname,a_origin_dir,destinationPath,a_remote_user,) ) t = ftimer(func,[[a_script,a_hostname,a_origin_dir,destinationPath,a_remote_user]],{},res,number=1) print("\nCreated file: %s in %s secs \n /n"%(destinationPath,t)) if res[0] != 0: raise Exception(-1,"Trying to fetch remote file (using ssh) with\"%s %s %s %s %s. Error code %s\n"%(a_script,a_hostname,a_origin_dir,destinationPath,a_remote_user,res[0]) ) return open(destinationPath)
def _getRemoteFile(self): """ fetch the file and store it in a temporary location """ # make local dir if not done ctbto.common.utils.makedirs(self._localDir) # path under which the file is going to be stored # It is the original filename_id # for the moment always assume that it is a spectrum destinationPath = "%s/%s" % (self._localDir, self._localFilename) # if file there and caching activated open fd and quit if os.path.exists(destinationPath) and self._cachingActivated:"Fetch %s from the cache %s" % (self._remotePath, destinationPath)) self._fd = open(destinationPath, "r") # check to see if the file is not available locally elif os.path.exists(self._remotePath) and self._cachingActivated:"Fetch %s, offset %s, size %s" % (self._remotePath, self._remoteOffset, self._remoteSize)) self._fd = self._get_file_locally_available_in_cache( self._remotePath, self._remoteOffset, self._remoteSize, destinationPath ) else: # try to get it remotely # try 3 times before to fail tries = 1 res = [] while tries < 4: func = 'Trying to fetch remote file (using ssh) with"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s"' % ( self._remoteScript, self._remoteHostname, self._remotePath, str(self._remoteOffset), str(self._remoteSize), destinationPath, self._remoteUser, ) ) t = ftimer( func, [ [ self._remoteScript, self._remoteHostname, self._remotePath, str(self._remoteOffset), str(self._remoteSize), destinationPath, self._remoteUser, ] ], {}, res, number=1, ) self._log.debug( "\nTime: %s secs \n Fetch file: %s on host: %s\n" % (t, self._remotePath, self._remoteHostname) ) if res[0] != 0: if tries >= 3: raise CTBTOError( -1, 'Error when executing remotely script :"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s". First Error code = %d\n' % ( self._remoteScript, self._remoteHostname, self._remotePath, str(self._remoteOffset), str(self._remoteSize), destinationPath, self._remoteUser, res[0], ), ) else: tries += 1 else: tries += 4 self._fd = open(destinationPath, "r")