コード例 #1
def create_math_ufunc(math_name, nargs, name, doc):
    assert 1 <= nargs <= 2
    if nargs == 1:
        return elementwise.create_ufunc(name, ('e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'),
                                        'out0 = %s(in0)' % math_name,
        return elementwise.create_ufunc(name, ('ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'),
                                        'out0 = %s(in0, in1)' % math_name,
コード例 #2
ファイル: ufunc.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer
def create_math_ufunc(math_name, nargs, name, doc):
    assert 1 <= nargs <= 2
    if nargs == 1:
        return elementwise.create_ufunc(
            name, ['e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'],
            'out0 = %s(in0)' % math_name, doc=doc)
        return elementwise.create_ufunc(
            name, ['ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'],
            'out0 = %s(in0, in1)' % math_name, doc=doc)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ufunc.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer
def create_comparison(name, op, doc=''):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name,
        ['??->?', 'bb->?', 'BB->?', 'hh->?', 'HH->?', 'ii->?', 'II->?',
         'll->?', 'LL->?', 'qq->?', 'QQ->?', 'ee->?', 'ff->?', 'dd->?'],
        'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #4
ファイル: ufunc.py プロジェクト: yanweifu/chainer
def create_comparison(name, op, doc=''):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc('cupy_' + name, [
        '??->?', 'bb->?', 'BB->?', 'hh->?', 'HH->?', 'ii->?', 'II->?', 'll->?',
        'LL->?', 'qq->?', 'QQ->?', 'ee->?', 'ff->?', 'dd->?'
                                    'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #5
def create_arithmetic(name, op, boolop, doc):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name, (('??->?', 'out0 = in0 %s in1' % boolop), 'bb->b',
                         'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
                         'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'),
        'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #6
ファイル: elementwise.py プロジェクト: ryuuji5/chainer
def _create_bit_op(name, op, no_bool, doc=''):
    types = () if no_bool else ('??->?',)
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name,
        types + ('bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
                 'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q'),
        'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #7
ファイル: ufunc.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer
def create_arithmetic(name, op, boolop, doc):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name,
        [('??->?', 'out0 = in0 %s in1' % boolop),
         'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
         'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'],
        'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #8
def _create_bit_op(name, op, no_bool, doc=''):
    types = () if no_bool else ('??->?', )
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name,
        types + ('bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
                 'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q'),
        'out0 = in0 %s in1' % op,
コード例 #9
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer
def _create_float_test_ufunc(name, doc):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc(
        'cupy_' + name, ['e->?', 'f->?', 'd->?'], 'out0 = %s(in0)' % name,
コード例 #10
ファイル: elementwise.py プロジェクト: ryuuji5/chainer
    'bitwise_xor', '^', False,
    '''Computes the bitwise XOR of two arrays elementwise.

    Only integer and boolean arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.bitwise_xor`


invert = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    (('?->?', 'out0 = !in0'), 'b->b', 'B->B', 'h->h', 'H->H', 'i->i', 'I->I',
     'l->l', 'L->L', 'q->q', 'Q->Q'),
    'out0 = ~in0',
    doc='''Computes the bitwise NOT of an array elementwise.

    Only integer and boolean arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.invert`


left_shift = _create_bit_op(
    'left_shift', '<<', True,
    '''Shifts the bits of each integer element to the left.

    Only integer arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.left_shift`
コード例 #11
ファイル: arithmetic.py プロジェクト: ryuuji5/chainer

reciprocal = elementwise.create_ufunc(
        ("e", "out0 = 1 / in0"),
        ("f", "out0 = 1 / in0"),
        ("d", "out0 = 1 / in0"),
    "out0 = in0 == 0 ? 0 : (1 / in0)",
    doc="""Computes ``1 / x`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.reciprocal`


negative = elementwise.create_ufunc(
コード例 #12
    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.exp`


expm1 = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'expm1', 1, 'cupy_expm1', '''Computes ``exp(x) - 1`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.expm1`


exp2 = elementwise.create_ufunc('cupy_exp2', ('e->e', 'f->f',
                                              ('d->d', 'out0 = pow(2., in0)')),
                                'out0 = powf(2.f, in0)',
                                doc='''Elementwise exponentiation with base 2.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.exp2`


log = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'log', 1, 'cupy_log', '''Elementwise natural logarithm function.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.log`


log10 = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'log10', 1, 'cupy_log10', '''Elementwise common logarithm function.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.log10`
コード例 #13
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: hokuto-k/chainer
            ``condition`` is ``True``, otherwise elements of ``y``.


    missing = (x is None, y is None).count(True)

    if missing == 1:
        raise ValueError("Must provide both 'x' and 'y' or neither.")
    if missing == 2:
        # TODO(unno): return nonzero(cond)
        return NotImplementedError()

    return _where_ufunc(condition.astype('?'), x, y)

_where_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('???->?', '?bb->b', '?BB->B', '?hh->h', '?HH->H', '?ii->i', '?II->I',
     '?ll->l', '?LL->L', '?qq->q', '?QQ->Q', '?ee->e', '?ff->f',
     # On CUDA 6.5 these combinations don't work correctly (on CUDA >=7.0, it
     # works).
     # See issue #551.
     '?hd->d', '?Hd->d',
    'out0 = in0 ? in1 : in2')

# TODO(okuta): Implement searchsorted

# TODO(okuta): Implement extract
コード例 #14
bitwise_xor = _create_bit_op(
    'bitwise_xor', '^', False,
    '''Computes the bitwise XOR of two arrays elementwise.

    Only integer and boolean arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.bitwise_xor`


invert = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    'cupy_invert', (('?->?', 'out0 = !in0'), 'b->b', 'B->B', 'h->h', 'H->H',
                    'i->i', 'I->I', 'l->l', 'L->L', 'q->q', 'Q->Q'),
    'out0 = ~in0',
    doc='''Computes the bitwise NOT of an array elementwise.

    Only integer and boolean arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.invert`


left_shift = _create_bit_op(
    'left_shift', '<<', True,
    '''Shifts the bits of each integer element to the left.

    Only integer arrays are handled.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.left_shift`

コード例 #15
ファイル: ops.py プロジェクト: ytoyama/yans_chainer_hackathon
    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_and`


logical_or = ufunc.create_comparison(
    'logical_or', '||', '''Computes the logical OR of two arrays.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_or`


logical_not = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('?->?', 'b->?', 'B->?', 'h->?', 'H->?', 'i->?', 'I->?', 'l->?', 'L->?',
     'q->?', 'Q->?', 'e->?', 'f->?', 'd->?'),
    'out0 = !in0',
    doc='''Computes the logical NOT of an array.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_not`


logical_xor = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('??->?', 'bb->?', 'BB->?', 'hh->?', 'HH->?', 'ii->?', 'II->?', 'll->?',
     'LL->?', 'qq->?', 'QQ->?', 'ee->?', 'ff->?', 'dd->?'),
    'out0 = !in0 != !in1',
    doc='''Computes the logical XOR of two arrays.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_xor`

コード例 #16

logical_or = ufunc.create_comparison(
    'logical_or', '||',
    '''Computes the logical OR of two arrays.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_or`


logical_not = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('?->?', 'b->?', 'B->?', 'h->?', 'H->?', 'i->?', 'I->?', 'l->?', 'L->?',
     'q->?', 'Q->?', 'e->?', 'f->?', 'd->?'),
    'out0 = !in0',
    doc='''Computes the logical NOT of an array.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_not`


logical_xor = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('??->?', 'bb->?', 'BB->?', 'hh->?', 'HH->?', 'ii->?', 'II->?', 'll->?',
     'LL->?', 'qq->?', 'QQ->?', 'ee->?', 'ff->?', 'dd->?'),
    'out0 = !in0 != !in1',
    doc='''Computes the logical XOR of two arrays.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.logical_xor`
コード例 #17
from cupy import elementwise

_id = 'out0 = in0'

# TODO(okuta): Implement convolve

_clip = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('???->?', 'bbb->b', 'BBB->B', 'hhh->h', 'HHH->H', 'iii->i', 'III->I',
     'lll->l', 'LLL->L', 'qqq->q', 'QQQ->Q', 'eee->e', 'fff->f', 'ddd->d'),
    'out0 = min(in2, max(in1, in0))')

def clip(a, a_min, a_max, out=None):
    '''Clips the values of an array to a given interval.

    This is equivalent to ``maximum(minimum(a, a_max), a_min)``, while this
    function is more efficient.

        a (cupy.ndarray): The source array.
        a_min (scalar or cupy.ndarray): The left side of the interval.
        a_max (scalar or cupy.ndarray): The right side of the interval.
        out (cupy.ndarray): Output array.

        cupy.ndarray: Clipped array.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.clip`

コード例 #18
def _create_float_test_ufunc(name, doc):
    return elementwise.create_ufunc('cupy_' + name, ('e->?', 'f->?', 'd->?'),
                                    'out0 = %s(in0)' % name,
コード例 #19

arctan2 = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'atan2', 2, 'cupy_arctan2',
    '''Elementwise inverse-tangent of the ratio of two arrays.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.arctan2`


deg2rad = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'),
    'out0 = in0 * (out0_type)(M_PI / 180)',
    doc='''Converts angles from degrees to radians elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.deg2rad`, :data:`numpy.radians`


rad2deg = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'),
    'out0 = in0 * (out0_type)(180 / M_PI)',
    doc='''Converts angles from radians to degrees elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.rad2deg`, :data:`numpy.degrees`

コード例 #20
ファイル: misc.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer
from cupy import elementwise

_id = 'out0 = in0'

def convolve(a, v, mode='full'):
    # TODO(beam2d): Implement it
    raise NotImplementedError

_clip = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ['bbb->b', 'BBB->B', 'hhh->h', 'HHH->H', 'iii->i', 'III->I', 'lll->l',
     'LLL->L', 'qqq->q', 'QQQ->Q', 'eee->e', 'fff->f', 'ddd->d'],
    'out0 = min(in2, max(in1, in0))')

def clip(a, a_min, a_max, out=None):
    '''Clips the values of an array to a given interval.

    This is equivalent to ``max(min(a, a_max), a_min)``, while this function is
    more efficient.

        a (cupy.ndarray): The source array.
        a_min (scalar or cupy.ndarray): The left side of the interval.
        a_max (scalar or cupy.ndarray): The right side of the interval.
        out (cupy.ndarray): Output array.

        cupy.ndarray: Clipped array.
コード例 #21
    return _where_ufunc(condition.astype('?'), x, y)

_where_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
        # On CUDA 6.5 these combinations don't work correctly (on CUDA >=7.0, it
        # works).
        # See issue #551.
    'out0 = in0 ? in1 : in2')

# TODO(okuta): Implement searchsorted

# TODO(okuta): Implement extract
コード例 #22
from cupy import elementwise
from cupy.math import ufunc

add = ufunc.create_arithmetic(
    'add', '+', '|', '''Adds two arrays elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.add`


reciprocal = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('b', 'B', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'q', 'Q', ('e', 'out0 = 1 / in0'),
     ('f', 'out0 = 1 / in0'), ('d', 'out0 = 1 / in0')),
    'out0 = in0 == 0 ? 0 : (1 / in0)',
    doc='''Computes ``1 / x`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.reciprocal`


negative = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    (('?->?', 'out0 = !in0'), 'b->b', 'B->B', 'h->h', 'H->H', 'i->i', 'I->I',
     'l->l', 'L->L', 'q->q', 'Q->Q', 'e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'),
    'out0 = -in0',
    doc='''Takes numerical negative elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.negative`

コード例 #23
ファイル: arithmetic.py プロジェクト: hokuto-k/chainer
add = ufunc.create_arithmetic(
    'add', '+', '|',
    '''Adds two arrays elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.add`


reciprocal = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('b', 'B', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'q', 'Q',
     ('e', 'out0 = 1 / in0'),
     ('f', 'out0 = 1 / in0'),
     ('d', 'out0 = 1 / in0')),
    'out0 = in0 == 0 ? 0 : (1 / in0)',
    doc='''Computes ``1 / x`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.reciprocal`


negative = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    (('?->?', 'out0 = !in0'),
     'b->b', 'B->B', 'h->h', 'H->H', 'i->i', 'I->I', 'l->l', 'L->L',
     'q->q', 'Q->Q', 'e->e', 'f->f', 'd->d'),
    'out0 = -in0',
    doc='''Takes numerical negative elementwise.
コード例 #24
ファイル: ranges.py プロジェクト: yanweifu/chainer
        return ret

def logspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, base=10.0, dtype=None):
    # TODO(beam2d): Implement these
    raise NotImplementedError

def meshgrid(*xi, **kwargs):
    # TODO(beam2d): Implement these
    raise NotImplementedError

# TODO(beam2d): Implement these
# mgrid
# ogrid

_arange_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc('cupy_arange', [
    'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',
    'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'
], 'out0 = in0 + i * in1')

_float_linspace = 'out0 = in0 + i * in1 / in2'
_linspace_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    'cupy_linspace', [
        'bbb->b', 'Bbb->B', 'hhh->h', 'Hhh->H', 'iii->i', 'Iii->I', 'lll->l',
        'Lll->L', 'qqq->q', 'Qqq->Q', ('eel->e', _float_linspace),
        ('ffl->f', _float_linspace), ('ddl->d', _float_linspace)
    ], 'out0 = (in0_type)(in0 + _floor_divide(in1_type(i * in1), in2))')
コード例 #25
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: himawarijp/chainer
        x (cupy.ndarray): Values from which to choose on ``True``.
        y (cupy.ndarray): Values from which to choose on ``False``.

        cupy.ndarray: Each element of output contains elements of ``x`` when
            ``condition`` is ``True``, otherwise elements of ``y``.


    missing = (x is None, y is None).count(True)

    if missing == 1:
        raise ValueError("Must provide both 'x' and 'y' or neither.")
    if missing == 2:
        # TODO(unno): return nonzero(cond)
        return NotImplementedError()

    return _where_ufunc(condition.astype('?'), x, y)

_where_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('???->?', '?bb->b', '?BB->B', '?hh->h', '?HH->H', '?ii->i', '?II->I',
     '?ll->l', '?LL->L', '?qq->q', '?QQ->Q', '?ee->e', '?ff->f', '?dd->d'),
    'out0 = in0 ? in1 : in2')

# TODO(okuta): Implement searchsorted

# TODO(okuta): Implement extract
コード例 #26
from cupy import elementwise
from cupy.math import ufunc

signbit = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ['e->?', 'f->?', 'd->?'],
    'out0 = signbit(in0)',
    doc='''Tests elementwise if the sign bit is set (i.e. less than zero).

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.signbit`


copysign = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'copysign', 2, 'cupy_copysign',
    '''Returns the first arugment with the sign bit of the second elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.copysign`


ldexp = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ['ei->e', 'fi->f', 'el->e', 'fl->f', 'di->d', 'dl->d'],
    'out0 = ldexp(in0, in1)',
    doc='''Computes ``x1 * 2 ** x2`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.ldexp`
コード例 #27
ファイル: ranges.py プロジェクト: ryuuji5/chainer
    if retstep:
        return ret, step
        return ret

# TODO(okuta): Implement logspace

# TODO(okuta): Implement meshgrid

# mgrid
# ogrid

_arange_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',
     'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d'),
    'out0 = in0 + i * in1')

_float_linspace = 'out0 = in0 + i * in1 / in2'
_linspace_ufunc = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ('bbb->b', 'Bbb->B', 'hhh->h', 'Hhh->H', 'iii->i', 'Iii->I', 'lll->l',
     'Lll->L', 'qqq->q', 'Qqq->Q', ('eel->e', _float_linspace),
     ('ffl->f', _float_linspace), ('ddl->d', _float_linspace)),
    'out0 = (in0_type)(in0 + _floor_divide(in1_type(i * in1), in2))')
コード例 #28
ファイル: explog.py プロジェクト: umitanuki/chainer

expm1 = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'expm1', 1, 'cupy_expm1',
    '''Computes ``exp(x) - 1`` elementwise.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.expm1`


exp2 = elementwise.create_ufunc(
    ['e->e', 'f->f', ('d->d', 'out0 = pow(2., in0)')],
    'out0 = powf(2.f, in0)',
    doc='''Elementwise exponentiation with base 2.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.exp2`


log = ufunc.create_math_ufunc(
    'log', 1, 'cupy_log',
    '''Elementwise natural logarithm function.

    .. seealso:: :data:`numpy.log`
