コード例 #1
def _load_tile_data(tx, ty):
    # Do nothing if this tile has already been loaded
    if _tile_loaded() and db.get('coords', 'tile') == (tx, ty):

    path = cytokit_io.get_extract_image_path(cfg.region_index, tx, ty,
    path = osp.join(cfg.exp_data_dir, path)
    img, meta = cytokit_io.read_tile(path, return_metadata=True)

    # Select cycle and z plane
    img = img[cfg.extract_cycle, cfg.extract_z]
    labels = list(meta['structured_labels'][cfg.extract_cycle, cfg.extract_z])

        'Loaded tile image for tile x = %s, tile y = %s, shape = %s, dtype = %s',
        tx, ty, img.shape, img.dtype)
    if img.dtype != np.uint8 and img.dtype != np.uint16:
        raise ValueError(
            'Only 8 or 16 bit images are supported (image type = {})'.format(

    # Image is now (C, H, W)
    db.put('images', 'tile', img)
    db.put('channels', 'tile', labels)
    db.put('coords', 'tile', (tx, ty))
コード例 #2
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: wishgale/cytokit
    def add_cell_images(g):
        reg, tx, ty = g.iloc[0][['region_index', 'tile_x', 'tile_y']]

        # Extract the relevant 2D image to be used for both cell object isolation and cell image display
        path = osp.join(
            cytokit_io.get_extract_image_path(reg, tx, ty, extract))
        img, meta = cytokit_io.read_tile(path, return_metadata=True)
        icyc, iz = kwargs.get('cycle', 0), kwargs.get('z', 0)
        img = img[icyc, iz]
        channels = list(meta['structured_labels'][icyc, iz])
        processor = cvproc.get_image_processor(channels,

        # Get the cell image data frame containing the original cell id, cell image based on processed
        # raw image, and associated cell image properties
        cell_data = pd.DataFrame(

        # Verify that the only shared field between the two datasets is 'id'
        assert g.columns.isin(cell_data.columns).sum() == 1, \
            'Cell data frame should only have one overlapping field with cytometry data frame;' \
            '\nCell fields = {}\nCytometry fields = {}'.format(cell_data.columns, g.columns)

        # Left join cytometry data on single cell data
        return pd.merge(g, cell_data, how='left', on='id')
コード例 #3
ファイル: tile_generator.py プロジェクト: wishgale/cytokit
    def _run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ncyc, nz, nch = self.config.n_cycles, self.config.n_z_planes, self.config.n_channels_per_cycle


        # If in "raw" mode, load a tile by accumlating individual grayscale images
        if self.mode == 'raw':
            # Tile should have shape (cycles, z, channel, height, width)
            img_cyc = []
            for icyc in range(ncyc):
                img_ch = []
                for ich in range(nch):
                    img_z = []
                    for iz in range(nz):
                        img_path = cytokit_io.get_raw_img_path(self.region_index, self.tile_index, icyc, ich, iz)
                        img_path = osp.join(self.data_dir, img_path)
                        img = cytokit_io.read_raw_microscope_image(img_path, self.raw_file_type)
                        if img.ndim != 2:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Expecting raw image at path "{}" to have 2 dims but found shape {}'
                                .format(img_path, img.shape)
                    img_ch.append(np.stack(img_z, 0))
                img_cyc.append(np.stack(img_ch, 1))
            tile = np.stack(img_cyc, 0)

        # Otherwise assume that the tile has already been assembled and just read it in instead
            tx, ty = self.config.get_tile_coordinates(self.tile_index)
            img_path = cytokit_io.get_img_path(self.path_fmt_name, self.region_index, tx, ty)
            tile = cytokit_io.read_tile(osp.join(self.data_dir, img_path))

        return tile
コード例 #4
def create_montage(output_dir,
    from cytokit.utils import ij_utils

    # Loop through regions and generate a montage for each, skipping any (with a warning) that
    # do not have focal plane selection information
    if region_indexes is None:
        region_indexes = config.region_indexes

    path = None
    for ireg in region_indexes:
        logger.info('Generating montage for region %d of %d', ireg + 1,
        tiles = []
        labels = None
        for itile in range(config.n_tiles_per_region):
            tx, ty = config.get_tile_coordinates(itile)
            path = cytokit_io.get_extract_image_path(ireg, tx, ty, extract)
            tile, meta = cytokit_io.read_tile(osp.join(output_dir, path),
            if labels is None:
                labels = meta['labels']
        reg_img_montage = montage(tiles, config)
        if prep_fn is not None:
            reg_img_montage = prep_fn(reg_img_montage)
        path = osp.join(output_dir,
                        cytokit_io.get_montage_image_path(ireg, name))
        logger.info('Saving montage to file "%s"', path)
        tags = [] if labels is None else ij_utils.get_slice_label_tags(labels)
    logger.info('Montage generation complete; results saved to "%s"',
                None if path is None else osp.dirname(path))
コード例 #5
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: philloidin/cytokit
    def add_cell_images(g):
        # Get region and tile coordinates as well as z coordinate depending on whether
        # it is supposed to be fetched from the given data or static
        reg, tx, ty = g.iloc[0][['region_index', 'tile_x', 'tile_y']]
        iz = g.iloc[0]['z'] if z is None else z

        # Extract the relevant 2D image to be used for both cell object isolation and cell image display
        path = osp.join(
            cytokit_io.get_extract_image_path(reg, tx, ty, extract))
        if path not in tile_cache:
            tile_cache[path] = cytokit_io.read_tile(path, return_metadata=True)
        img, meta = tile_cache[path]
        img = img[cycle, iz]
        channels = list(meta['structured_labels'][cycle, iz])
        processor = cvproc.get_image_processor(channels,

        # Get the cell image data frame containing the original cell id, cell image based on processed
        # raw image, and associated cell image properties
        cell_data = pd.DataFrame(

        # Verify that the only shared field between the two datasets is 'id'
        assert g.columns.isin(cell_data.columns).sum() == 1, \
            'Cell data frame should only have one overlapping field with cytometry data frame;' \
            '\nCell fields = {}\nCytometry fields = {}'.format(cell_data.columns, g.columns)

        # Left join cytometry data on single cell data
        return pd.merge(g, cell_data, how='left', on='id')
コード例 #6
ファイル: pipeline_test.py プロジェクト: wishgale/cytokit
    def test_pipeline_01(self):
        out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cytokit_test_pipeline_01_')
        print('Initialized output dir {} for pipeline test 01'.format(out_dir))

        raw_dir = osp.join(cytokit.test_data_dir, 'experiment',
                           'cellular-marker-small', 'raw')
        val_dir = osp.join(cytokit.test_data_dir, 'experiment',
                           'cellular-marker-small', 'validation')
        config_dir = osp.join(cytokit.test_data_dir, 'experiment',
                              'cellular-marker-small', 'config')
        config = ck_config.load(config_dir)

        # Run processor and extractions/aggregations
        operator.Operator(data_dir=out_dir, config_path=config_dir).run_all()
        analysis.Analysis(data_dir=out_dir, config_path=config_dir).run_all()

        # ##################### #
        # Processor Data Checks #
        # ##################### #
        df = ck_fn.get_processor_data(out_dir)['drift_compensator']
        # Expect one drift comp record since there are two cycles and one is the reference
        self.assertEqual(len(df), 1)
        # Expecting 12 row and -3 col translation introduced in synthetic data
        self.assertEqual(df.iloc[0]['translation'], [12, -3])

        df = ck_fn.get_processor_data(out_dir)['focal_plane_selector']
        # Expect one focal selection record (there is only 1 tile in experiment and these
        # records are per-tile)
        self.assertEqual(len(df), 1)
        # Expecting second of 3 z planes to have the best focus (data was generated this way)
        self.assertEqual(df.iloc[0]['best_z'], 1)

        # ##################### #
        # Cytometry Stats Check #
        # ##################### #
        df = ck_fn.get_cytometry_data(out_dir, config, mode='best_z_plane')

        # Verify that the overall cell count and size found are in the expected ranges
            20 <= len(df) <= 25,
            'Expecting between 20 and 25 cells, found {} instead'.format(
        nuc_diam, cell_diam = df['nucleus_diameter'].mean(
        ), df['cell_diameter'].mean()
            4 < nuc_diam < 6,
            'Expecting mean nucleus diameter in [4, 6] um, found {} instead'.
            8 < cell_diam < 10,
            'Expecting mean cell diameter in [8, 10] um, found {} instead'.

        # The drift align dapi channels should be nearly identical across cycles, but in this case there are border
        # cells that end up with dapi=0 for cval=0 in drift compensation translation function so make the check
        # on a threshold (the ratio is < .5 with no drift compensation)
        dapi_ratio = df['ni:DAPI2'].mean() / df['ni:DAPI1'].mean()
            .8 < dapi_ratio <= 1,
            'Expecting cycle 2 DAPI averages to be similar to cycle 1 DAPI after drift compensation, '
            'found ratio {} (not in (.8, 1])'.format(dapi_ratio))

        # Check that all records are for single z plane (with known best focus)
        self.assertEqual(df['z'].nunique(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(int(df['z'].unique()[0]), 1)

        # Verify that single cell image generation works
        df = ck_fn.get_single_cell_image_data(out_dir,
                                              image_size=(64, 64))
        self.assertEqual(df['image'].iloc[0].shape, (64, 64, 3))

        # ################## #
        # Segmentation Check #
        # ################## #
        # Load extract with object masks
        img, meta = ck_io.read_tile(osp.join(
        # Ensure that the 8 channels set for extraction showed up in the resulting hyperstack
        self.assertEqual(len(meta['labels']), 8)

        # Verify that IoU for both nuclei and cell masks vs ground-truth is > 80%
        img_seg_cell = img[0, 0, meta['labels'].index('cyto_cell_mask')]
        img_seg_nucl = img[0, 0, meta['labels'].index('cyto_nucleus_mask')]
        img_val_cell = sk_io.imread(osp.join(val_dir, 'cells.tif'))
        img_val_nucl = sk_io.imread(osp.join(val_dir, 'nuclei.tif'))

        def iou(im1, im2):
            return ((im1 > 0) & (im2 > 0)).sum() / ((im1 > 0) |
                                                    (im2 > 0)).sum()

        self.assertGreater(iou(img_seg_cell, img_val_cell), .8)
        self.assertGreater(iou(img_seg_nucl, img_val_nucl), .8)

        # ############# #
        # Montage Check #
        # ############# #
        # Load montage and check that it has the same dimensions as the extract image above,
        # since there is only one tile in this case
        img_mntg = ck_io.read_tile(
                     ck_io.get_montage_image_path(ireg=0, name='best_z_segm')))
        self.assertEqual(img.shape, img_mntg.shape)
        self.assertEqual(img.dtype, img_mntg.dtype)
コード例 #7
def _load_montage_data():
    from skimage.transform import resize

    path = cytokit_io.get_montage_image_path(cfg.region_index,
    path = osp.join(cfg.exp_data_dir, path)
    img, meta = cytokit_io.read_tile(path, return_metadata=True)

    # Select cycle and z plane
    img = img[cfg.montage_cycle, cfg.montage_z]
    labels = list(meta['structured_labels'][cfg.montage_cycle, cfg.montage_z])

    # Montage Display Properties

    channel_filter = cfg.montage_channel_names
    if channel_filter is not None:
        # Validate that all provided channel names exist
        for c in channel_filter:
            if c not in labels:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Configured montage channel name "{}" does not exist in montage image '
                    '(available channels = {}); Fix or remove this channel name from the (comma-separated) environment '
                    'variable "{}" and run again'.format(
                        c, labels, ENV_APP_MONTAGE_CHANNEL_NAMES))

        # Subset both the image and the labels to the channels provided (make sure order of arrays matches
        # order of given channels -- which then matches to other montage options like color/range)
        img = img[np.array([labels.index(c) for c in channel_filter])]
        labels = channel_filter

    ranges = cfg.montage_channel_ranges
    colors = cfg.montage_channel_colors
    # Map string color names to rgb multipliers
    if colors is not None:
        colors = [color.map(c) for c in colors]

    # Montage Resampling

    logger.info('Loaded montage image with shape = %s, dtype = %s', img.shape,
    if img.dtype != np.uint8 and img.dtype != np.uint16:
        raise ValueError(
            'Only 8 or 16 bit images are supported (image type = {})'.format(

    # Resize the montage image to something much smaller (resize function expects channels last
    # and preserves them if not specified in target shape)
    img = np.moveaxis(img, 0, -1)
    img = resize(img,
    img = np.moveaxis(img, -1, 0)

    # Image is now (C, H, W)
    db.put('images', 'montage', img)
    db.put('channels', 'montage', labels)
    db.put('colors', 'montage', colors)
    db.put('ranges', 'montage', ranges)
コード例 #8
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: wishgale/cytokit
def get_extract_image_meta(output_dir, extract):
    path = osp.join(output_dir,
                    cytokit_io.get_extract_image_path(0, 0, 0, extract))
    _, meta = cytokit_io.read_tile(path, return_metadata=True)
    return meta
コード例 #9
def get_tile_montage(config, image_dir, hyperstack, icyc=0, iz=0, ich=0, ireg=0, bw=0, bv_fn=None, allow_missing=False,
    """Generate a montage image for a specific cycle, z-plane, channel, and region

    This function supports both raw, flattened 2D images as well as consolidated, 5D
    hyperstacks (as determined by `hyperstack` argument)
        config: Experiment configuration
        image_dir: Location of tiled images; These should include all z-planes, cycles, and channels in
            individual tif files (e.g. the output of the pre-processing or segmentation pipelines)
        hyperstack: Flag indicating whether or not images are 5D hyperstacks or flattened 2D images:
            - Hyperstacks are typically results from any sort of processing or segmentation step
            - Flattened 2D images are typically raw files generated directly from a microscope
        icyc: 0-based cycle index
        iz: 0-based z-plane index
        ich: 0-based channel index
        ireg: 0-based region index
        bw: Border width (in pixels) to add to each tile in the montage image, which useful for determining
            tile location within the montage; If <= 0, this parameter will do nothing
        bv_fn: Border value function with signature `fn(tile_x, tile_y) --> float`; if not given all
            border values are assigned a value of 0
        allow_missing: Flag indicating whether or not to allow missing tiles into the montage; defaults
            to false and is generally only useful when debugging missing data
        imread_fn: When not using 5D hyperstacks (i.e. reading raw image files) this can be useful for cases when,
            for example, raw, single-channel files are actually 3 channel files with the first two channels blank
            (this happens w/ Keyence somehow).  This function will take an image path and must return a single 2D
            image with shape (rows, cols)
        A (usually very large) 2D array containing all tiles stitched together
    tile_indexes = list(range(config.n_tiles_per_region))
    tw, th = config.tile_width, config.tile_height
    tiles = []
    for itile in tile_indexes:
        tx, ty = config.get_tile_coordinates(itile)

        # If operating on a hyperstack, extract the appropriate slice to add to the montage
        if hyperstack:
            path = cytokit_io.get_processor_img_path(ireg, tx, ty)
            path = osp.join(image_dir, path)
            if not osp.exists(path) and allow_missing:
                tile = np.zeros((th, tw))
                tile = cytokit_io.read_tile(path)
            tile = tile[icyc, iz, ich, :, :]
        # Otherwise, assume raw acquisition files are to be loaded and then cropped before being added
            path = cytokit_io.get_raw_img_path(ireg, itile, icyc, ich, iz)
            path = osp.join(image_dir, path)
            if not osp.exists(path) and allow_missing:
                tile = np.zeros((th, tw))
                tile = cytokit_io.read_image(path) if imread_fn is None else imread_fn(path)
                if tile.ndim != 2:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Expecting 2D image at path "{}" but shape found is {}.  Consider using the '
                        '`imread_fn` argument to specify a custom function to open files or if already using it, '
                        'make sure that results are 2D'
                        .format(path, tile.shape)
                tile = tile_crop.apply_slice(tile, tile_crop.get_slice(config))
        # Highlight borders, if configured to do so
        if bw > 0:
            bv = 0 if bv_fn is None else bv_fn(tx, ty)
            tile[0:bw, :] = bv
            tile[-bw:, :] = bv
            tile[:, 0:bw] = bv
            tile[:, -bw:] = bv
        # Add to montage

    return core.montage(tiles, config)