コード例 #1
 def getResourceFullInfo(self, resource_id):
     resource_dao = ResourceDAO()
     category = resource_dao.getResourceById(resource_id)[2]
     if category == 1:
         return FuelHandler().getFuelByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 2:
         return FoodHandler().getFoodByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 3:
         return MedicineHandler().getMedicineByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 4:
         return ToolHandler().getToolByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 5:
         return ClothHandler().getClothByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 6:
         return HeavyEquipHandler().getHeavyEquipByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 7:
         return WaterHandler().getWaterByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 8:
         return MedDeviceHandler().getMedDeviceByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 9:
         return BatteryHandler().getBatteryByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 10:
         return GeneratorHandler().getGeneratorByResourceId(resource_id)
     elif category == 11:
         return IceHandler().getIceByResourceId(resource_id)
         return jsonify(Error="Invalid category"), 400
コード例 #2
 def deleteResource(self, r_id):
     dao = ResourceDAO()
     if not dao.getResourceById(r_id):
         return jsonify(Error = "Resource not found."), 404
         return jsonify(DeleteStatus = "OK"), 200
コード例 #3
 def getResourceById(self, r_id):
     dao = ResourceDAO()
     resources_list= dao.getResourceById(r_id)
     if not resources_list:
         return jsonify(Error="Resource Not Found"), 404
         result = self.build_resource_dict(resources_list)
     return jsonify(Resource=result)
コード例 #4
 def getResourceById(self, resource_id):
     resource_dao = ResourceDAO()
     row = resource_dao.getResourceById(resource_id)
     if not row:
         return jsonify(Error="Resource not found"), 404
         resource = self.build_resource_dict(row)
         return jsonify(Resource=resource)
コード例 #5
    def searchSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegion(self,rname, rsid, args):

        daoRes = ResourceDAO()
        daoRegion = RegionDAO()
        dao = SupplierDAO()

        if not daoRegion.getRegionByName(rname):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Region Not Found'), 404

        if not daoRes.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Resource Not Found'), 404

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        suppliers_list = []

        if(len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstAlastEmailPhone(rname, rsid, afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstAlastEmail(rname, rsid, afirst, alast, email)
        elif(len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstAlastPhone(rname, rsid, afirst, alast, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstPhoneEmail(rname, rsid, afirst, phone, email)
        elif(len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAlastEmailPhone(rname, rsid, alast, email, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstAlast(rname, rsid, afirst, alast)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstEmail(rname, rsid, afirst, email)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirstPhone(rname, rsid, afirst, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAlastEmail(rname, rsid, alast, email)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAlastPhone(rname, rsid, alast, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByEmailPhone(rname, rsid, email, phone)
        elif(len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAfirst(rname, rsid, afirst)
        elif(len(args) == 1) and alast:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByAlast(rname, rsid, alast)
        elif(len(args) == 1) and email:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByEmail(rname, rsid, email)
        elif(len(args) == 1) and phone:
            suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisRegionByPhone(rname, rsid, phone)
            return jsonify(Error = "Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in suppliers_list:
            result = self.build_supplier_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Suppliers = result_list)
コード例 #6
    def getRequestersOfThisResource(self, rsid):

        dao = RequesterDAO()
        daoRec = ResourceDAO()

        if not daoRec.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error="Resource Not Found"), 404

        requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResource(rsid)
        result_list = []

        for row in requesters_list:
            result = self.build_requester_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Requesters=result_list)
コード例 #7
    def getSuppliersOfThisResource(self, rsid):

        daoRes = ResourceDAO()
        dao = SupplierDAO()

        if not daoRes.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Resource Not Found'), 404

        suppliers_list = dao.getSuppliersOfThisResource(rsid)

        result_list = []
        for row in suppliers_list:
            result = self.build_supplier_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Supplier = result_list)
コード例 #8
    def getResourceRegion(self, rsid):

        daoRes = ResourceDAO()
        dao = RegionDAO()

        if not daoRes.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error='Resource Not Found'), 404

        regions_list = dao.getResourceRegion(rsid)

        result_list = []

        for row in regions_list:
            result = self.build_region_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Region=result_list)
コード例 #9
 def updateResource(self, r_id, form):
     dao = ResourceDAO()
     if not dao.getResourceById(r_id):
         return jsonify(Error = "Resource not found."), 404
         if len(form) != 3:
             return jsonify(Error="Malformed update Resource"), 400
             r_name = form['r_name']
             r_category = form['r_category']
             r_type = form['r_type']
             if r_name and r_category and r_type:
                 dao = ResourceDAO()
                 dao.update(r_id, r_name, r_category, r_type)
                 result = self.build_resource_attributes(r_id, r_name, r_category, r_type)
                 return jsonify(Resource=result), 201
                 return jsonify(Error="Unexpected attributes in update Resource"), 400
コード例 #10
    def getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisCity(self, cname, rsid):

        daoRes = ResourceDAO()
        daoCity = CityDAO()
        dao = SupplierDAO()

        if not daoCity.getCityByName(cname):
            return jsonify(Error = 'City Not Found'), 404

        if not daoRes.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error = 'Resource Not Found'), 404

        suppliers_list = dao.getSupplierOfThisResourceOnThisCity(cname, rsid)

        result_list = []

        for row in suppliers_list:
            result = self.build_supplier_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Supplier = result_list)
コード例 #11
    ***def insertResource(self, form):
        if len(form) != 1:
            return jsonify(Error = "Malformed Post Request"), 400
            resource = form['resource']
            if resource:
                dao = ResourceDAO()
                rsid = dao.insert(resource)
                result = self.build_resource_attributes(rsid, resource)
                return jsonify(Resource = result), 201
                return jsonify(Error = "Unexpected attributes in post request"), 400

    ***def updateResource(self, rsid, form):
        dao = ResourceDAO()
        if not dao.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error = "Resource Not Found"), 404
            resource = form['resource']
            if resource:
                dao.update(rsid, resource)
                result = self.build_resource_attributes(rsid, resource)
                return jsonify(Resource = result), 200
                return jsonify(Error = "Unexpected attributes in update request"), 400

    ***def deleteResource(self, rsid):
        dao = ResourceDAO()
        if not dao.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error = "Resource Not Found"), 404
コード例 #12
    def searchRequestersOfThisResource(self, rsid, args):

        dao = RequesterDAO()
        daoRec = ResourceDAO()

        if not daoRec.getResourceById(rsid):
            return jsonify(Error="Resource Not Found"), 404

        afirst = args.get('afirst')
        alast = args.get('alast')
        email = args.get('email')
        phone = args.get('phone')

        requesters_list = []

        if (len(args) == 4) and afirst and alast and email and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceAfirstAlastEmailPhone(
                rsid, afirst, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and email:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstAlastEmail(
                rsid, afirst, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and alast and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstAlastPhone(
                rsid, afirst, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and afirst and phone and email:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstPhoneEmail(
                rsid, afirst, phone, email)
        elif (len(args) == 3) and alast and email and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAlastEmailPhone(
                rsid, alast, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and alast:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstAlast(
                rsid, afirst, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and email:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstEmail(
                rsid, afirst, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and afirst and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirstPhone(
                rsid, afirst, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and email:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAlastEmail(
                rsid, alast, email)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and alast and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAlastPhone(
                rsid, alast, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 2) and email and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByEmailPhone(
                rsid, email, phone)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and afirst:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAfirst(
                rsid, afirst)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and alast:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByAlast(
                rsid, alast)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and email:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByEmail(
                rsid, email)
        elif (len(args) == 1) and phone:
            requesters_list = dao.getRequestersOnThisResourceByPhone(
                rsid, phone)
            return jsonify(Error="Malformed query string"), 400
        result_list = []
        for row in requesters_list:
            result = self.build_requester_dict(row)
        return jsonify(Requesters=result_list)