def build_csv(overwrite): if not os.path.exists('../data/p2p_assists/'): os.makedirs('../data/p2p_assists') print('MAKING DIRECTORY : ' + './data/p2p_assists') file_path = '../data/p2p_assists/passing.csv' if (not os.path.isfile(file_path)) or overwrite: passing_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=['Year', 'Receiver_Id', 'Receiver_Name', 'Passer_Id', 'Passer_Name', 'Frequency', 'Pass', 'Assists']) for year in range(2013, 2016): base_df = get_general_stats(PlayerOrTeam.P, MeasureTypes.BASE, PerModes.TOTAL, get_year_string(year), SeasonTypes.REG) for index, receiver in base_df.iterrows(): print(receiver.PLAYER_NAME) player_passing_df = get_player_passing_dashboard(receiver.PLAYER_ID, get_year_string(year)) if player_passing_df is not None: for index2, passer in player_passing_df.iterrows(): row = [year, passer.PLAYER_ID, passer.PLAYER_NAME_LAST_FIRST, passer.PASS_TEAMMATE_PLAYER_ID, passer.PASS_FROM, passer.FREQUENCY, passer.PASS, passer.AST] passing_df = passing_df.append(pd.Series(row, index=passing_df.columns), ignore_index=True) passing_df = passing_df.sort_values(by='Assists', ascending=False) passing_df.to_csv(file_path) return passing_df else: return pd.read_csv(file_path)
def make_matplot_kde_shot_chart(df, player_name, player_id, year, season_type, chart_type): player_pic = get_player_picture(player_id, player_name) # create our jointplot # get our colormap for the main kde plot # Note we can extract a color from cmap to use for # the plots that lie on the side and top axes cmap = # n_levels sets the number of contour lines for the main kde plot joint_shot_chart = sns.jointplot(df.LOC_X, df.LOC_Y, stat_func=None, kind='kde', space=0, color=cmap(0.1), cmap=cmap, n_levels=50, extent=[-250, 250, 422.5, -47.5]) joint_shot_chart.fig.set_size_inches(12, 11) # A joint plot has 3 Axes, the first one called ax_joint # is the one we want to draw our court onto and adjust some other settings ax = joint_shot_chart.ax_joint draw_court(ax) # Adjust the axis limits and orientation of the plot in order # to plot half court, with the hoop by the top of the plot ax.set_xlim(-250, 250) ax.set_ylim(422.5, -47.5) # Get rid of axis labels and tick marks ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') # Add a title title = player_name + ' ' + dg.get_year_string(year) + ' ' + season_type ax.set_title(title, y=1.2, fontsize=18) # Add Data Scource and Author ax.text(-250, 445, 'Data Source:', fontsize=12) # Add Harden's image to the top right # First create our OffSetImage by passing in our image # and set the zoom level to make the image small enough # to fit on our plot img = OffsetImage(player_pic, zoom=0.6) # Pass in a tuple of x,y coordinates to set_offset # to place the plot where you want, I just played around # with the values until I found a spot where I wanted # the image to be img.set_offset((987, 907)) # add the image ax.add_artist(img) file_path = '../charts/' + chart_type + '/kde/' + player_name + '_' + str( year) + '_' + season_type + '.png' dg.create_directories_and_check_for_file(file_path) plt.savefig(file_path) plt.close()
def make_histogram(df, player_name, year, season_type, chart_type): plt.figure() title = player_name + ' ' + dg.get_year_string(year) + ' ' + season_type plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Distance (Feet)') df['SHOT_DISTANCE'].plot.hist(alpha=0.5) file_path = '../charts/' + chart_type + '/hist/' + player_name + '_' + str(year) + '_' + season_type + '.png' dg.create_directories_and_check_for_file(file_path) plt.savefig(file_path) plt.close()
def get_season_game_ids(season_year): url = ( "" "Counter=1000&" "DateFrom=&" "DateTo=&" "Direction=DESC&" "LeagueID=00&" "PlayerOrTeam=T&" "Season={seasonYear}&" "SeasonType=Regular+Season&" "Sorter=PTS" ) url = url.format(seasonYear=data.get_year_string(season_year)) func_df = data.json_to_pandas(url, 0) return func_df["GAME_ID"].unique()
def make_matplot_hexbin_shot_chart(df, player_name, player_id, year, season_type, chart_type): player_pic = get_player_picture(player_id, player_name) # create our jointplot cmap = plt.axis([-250, 250, 422.5, -47.5]) joint_shot_chart = sns.jointplot(df.LOC_X, df.LOC_Y, stat_func=None, reduce_C_function=np.sum, kind='hex', space=0, color=cmap(.2), cmap=cmap, extent=[-250, 250, 422.5, -47.5], gridsize=30) joint_shot_chart.fig.set_size_inches(12, 11) # A joint plot has 3 Axes, the first one called ax_joint # is the one we want to draw our court onto ax = joint_shot_chart.ax_joint draw_court(ax) # Adjust the axis limits and orientation of the plot in order # to plot half court, with the hoop by the top of the plot ax.set_xlim(-250, 250) ax.set_ylim(422.5, -47.5) # Get rid of axis labels and tick marks ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') # Add a title ax.set_title(player_name + ' ' + dg.get_year_string(year) + ' ' + season_type, y=1.2, fontsize=18) img = OffsetImage(player_pic, zoom=0.6) img.set_offset((987, 907)) ax.add_artist(img) file_path = '../charts/' + chart_type + '/hexbin/' + player_name + '_' + str( year) + '_' + season_type + '.png' dg.create_directories_and_check_for_file(file_path) plt.savefig(file_path) plt.close()
def make_matplot_scatter_shot_chart(df, player_name, player_id, year, season_type, chart_type): player_pic = get_player_picture(player_id, player_name) # create our jointplot joint_shot_chart = sns.jointplot(df.LOC_X, df.LOC_Y, stat_func=None, kind='scatter', space=0, alpha=0.5) joint_shot_chart.fig.set_size_inches(12, 11) # A joint plot has 3 Axes, the first one called ax_joint # is the one we want to draw our court onto and adjust some other settings ax = joint_shot_chart.ax_joint draw_court(ax) # Adjust the axis limits and orientation of the plot in order # to plot half court, with the hoop by the top of the plot ax.set_xlim(-250, 250) ax.set_ylim(422.5, -47.5) # Get rid of axis labels and tick marks ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') # Add a title ax.set_title(player_name + ' ' + dg.get_year_string(year) + ' ' + season_type, y=1.2, fontsize=18) img = OffsetImage(player_pic, zoom=.7) img.set_offset((987, 907)) ax.add_artist(img) file_path = '../charts/' + chart_type + '/scatter/' + player_name + '_' + str( year) + '_' + season_type + '.png' dg.create_directories_and_check_for_file(file_path) plt.savefig(file_path) plt.close()
def merge_pbp_and_shot_data(year): file_path = "../data/merged_shot_pbp/" + str(year) + ".csv" if not data.create_directories_and_check_for_file(file_path): game_ids = get_season_game_ids(year) full_year_merged_df = pd.DataFrame() shot_df = data.get_shot_data(overwrite=False, season_year=year) shot_df = shot_df[ [ "ACTION_TYPE", "EVENT_TYPE", "GAME_EVENT_ID", "GAME_ID", "LOC_X", "LOC_Y", "SHOT_DISTANCE", "SHOT_MADE_FLAG", "SHOT_TYPE", "SHOT_ZONE_AREA", "SHOT_ZONE_BASIC", "SHOT_ZONE_RANGE", ] ] for i, game_id in enumerate(game_ids): print(i, game_id) pbp_df = data.get_pbp_data(game_id, data.get_year_string(year), data.SeasonTypes.REG, overwrite=False) try: pbp_df = pbp_df[ [ "GAME_ID", "EVENTNUM", "PERIOD", "PCTIMESTRING", "HOMEDESCRIPTION", "NEUTRALDESCRIPTION", "VISITORDESCRIPTION", "PLAYER1_ID", "PLAYER1_NAME", "PLAYER1_TEAM_ID", "PLAYER2_ID", "PLAYER2_NAME", "PLAYER2_TEAM_ID", "PLAYER3_ID", "PLAYER3_NAME", "PLAYER3_TEAM_ID", ] ] merge_df = pd.merge( pbp_df, shot_df, left_on=["GAME_ID", "EVENTNUM"], right_on=["GAME_ID", "GAME_EVENT_ID"], how="inner" ) except KeyError: print("KEY ERROR") full_year_merged_df = full_year_merged_df.append(merge_df) full_year_merged_df.to_csv("../data/merged_shot_pbp/" + str(year) + ".csv") return full_year_merged_df else: return pd.read_csv(file_path)
import MySQLdb import data_getters as data import pandas as pd db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="1qw2SQL3er4", db="nbadb") cur = db.cursor() df = pd.DataFrame() for year in range(1996, 2016): base_df = data.get_general_stats( data.PlayerOrTeam.P, data.MeasureTypes.BASE, data.PerModes.TOTAL, year, data.SeasonTypes.REG ) base_df["YEAR"] = data.get_year_string(year) base_df = base_df[ [ "PLAYER_ID", "TEAM_ID", "YEAR", "AGE", "PLAYER_NAME", "TEAM_ABBREVIATION", "GP", "MIN", "AST", "BLK", "DREB", "OREB", "FGA", "FGM", "FG3A",