コード例 #1
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

# We define these variables to (optionally) connect to an external MongoDB
# instance.
dbstring = 'mongodb+srv://{0}:{1}@{2}/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority'

# Since we are asked to pass a class rather than an instance of the class to the
# add_resource method, we open the connection to the database outside of the
# Recom class.
if os.getenv(envvals[0]) is not None:
    envvals = list(map(lambda x: str(os.getenv(x)), envvals))
    client = createConnectionMongoDB()
    client = createConnectionMongoDB()
database = client.huwebshop

class Recom(Resource):
    """ This class represents the REST API that provides the recommendations for
    the webshop. At the moment, the API simply returns a random set of products
    to recommend."""
    def get(self, profileid, count, type, productid):
        """ This function represents the handler for GET requests coming in
        through the API. It currently returns a random sample of products. """
        # randcursor = database.products.aggregate([{'$sample': {'size': count}}])
        # prodids = list(map(lambda x: x['_id'], list(randcursor)))
        prodids = []
コード例 #2
import csv
import os

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv

from database.connection import createConnectionMongoDB

load_dotenv(dotenv_path=find_dotenv(), verbose=True)

database = createConnectionMongoDB()
file = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/csv/sub_category.csv", "w+", encoding="utf-8")

data = database.sessions.find()

with file:
    fnames = ['session_id', 'views', 'sub_gategory_name'
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fnames, delimiter='#')
    print('Started creating viewed_sub_gategory.csv')

    for item in data:
            sub_categories = item['preferences']['sub_category']
            for sub_category in sub_categories:
                lineDic = {}
                    lineDic.update({'session_id': item['_id']})
                except KeyError:
                    lineDic.update({'session_id': None})

コード例 #3
import csv
import os

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv

from database.connection import createConnectionMongoDB

load_dotenv(dotenv_path=find_dotenv(), verbose=True)

database = createConnectionMongoDB().huwebshop
file = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +

data = database.sessions.find()

with file:
    fnames = ['session_id', 'views', 'brand_name']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fnames, delimiter='#')
    print('Started creating viewed_brand.csv')

    for item in data:
            brands = item['preferences']['brand']
            for brand in brands:
                lineDic = {}
                    lineDic.update({'session_id': item['_id']})
                except KeyError:
                    lineDic.update({'session_id': None})
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, app):
        """ Within this constructor, we establish a connection with the database
        and perform necessary setup of the database (if applicable) and menu."""
        self.app = app

        # Depending on whether environment variables have been set, we connect
        # to a local or remote instance of MongoDB, and a default or non-default
        # external recommendation service.
        envdict = {}
        if os.getenv(self.envvals[0]) is not None:
            for val in self.envvals:
                envdict[val] = str(os.getenv(val))
            if envdict["MONGODBUSER"] and envdict["MONGODBPASSWORD"] and envdict["MONGODBSERVER"]:
                self.client = createConnectionMongoDB()
                self.client = createConnectionMongoDB()
            if envdict["RECOMADDRESS"]:
                self.recseraddress = envdict["RECOMADDRESS"]
            self.client = createConnectionMongoDB()
        self.database = self.client.huwebshop

        # Once we have a connection to the database, we check to see whether it
        # has a category index prepared; if not, we have a function to make it.
        if "categoryindex" not in self.database.list_collection_names() or self.database.categoryindex.count_documents({}) == 0:

        # We retrieve the categoryindex from the database when it is set.
        self.categoryindex = self.database.categoryindex.find_one({}, {'_id' : 0})

        # In order to save time in future, we flatten the category index once,
        # and translate all values to and from an encoded, URL-friendly, legible
        # format.
        catlist = self.flattendict(self.categoryindex)
        for cat in catlist:
            enc_cat = self.encodecategory(cat)
            self.catencode[cat] = enc_cat
            self.catdecode[enc_cat] = cat

        # Since the main menu can't show all the category options at once in a
        # legible manner, we choose to display a set number with the greatest 
        # number of associated products.
        countlist = list(map(lambda x, y: (y['_count'], x), self.categoryindex.keys(), self.categoryindex.values()))
        self.mainmenuitems = [x[1] for x in countlist[0:self.mainmenucount]]

        # Finally, we here attach URL rules to all pages we wish to render, to
        # make the code self-contained; although the more common decorators do
        # the same thing, we wish to have this class contain as much logic as
        # possible.
        self.app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', self.renderpackettemplate)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/', 'producten-0', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/', 'producten-1', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<cat2>/', 'producten-2', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<cat2>/<cat3>/', 'producten-3', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<int:page>/', 'producten-4', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<int:page>/', 'producten-5', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<cat2>/<int:page>/', 'producten-6', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<cat2>/<cat3>/<int:page>/', 'producten-7', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/<cat1>/<cat2>/<cat3>/<cat4>/<int:page>/', 'producten-8', self.productpage)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/productdetail/<productid>/', 'productdetail', self.productdetail)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/winkelmand/', 'winkelmand', self.shoppingcart)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/categorieoverzicht/', 'categorieoverzicht', self.categoryoverview)
        self.app.add_url_rule('/change-profile-id', 'profielid', self.changeprofileid, methods=['POST'])
        self.app.add_url_rule('/add-to-shopping-cart', 'toevoegenaanwinkelmand', self.addtoshoppingcart, methods=['POST'])
        self.app.add_url_rule('/producten/pagination-change', 'aantalperpaginaaanpassen', self.changepaginationcount, methods=['POST'])
コード例 #5
from database.connection import createConnectionMysqlDB, createConnectionMysqlDBREC, createConnectionMongoDB
import os, csv
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from engine.migrations.create_trend_recommendations import Trend
from engine.migrations.create_terms_table import Terms
from database.migrations.create_products_table import Products

recDB = createConnectionMysqlDBREC().connect()
dataDB = createConnectionMysqlDB().connect()
mongoDB = createConnectionMongoDB().huwebshop

def prepproduct(p):
    """ This helper function flattens and rationalizes the values retrieved
    for a product block element. """
    r = {}
    r['name'] = p['name']
    r['price'] = p['price']['selling_price']
    r['price'] = str(
        r['price'])[0:-2] + ",-" if r['price'] % 100 == 0 else str(
            r['price'])[0:-2] + "," + str(r['price'])[-2:]
    if r['price'][0:1] == ",":
        r['price'] = "0" + r['price']
    if p['properties']['discount'] is not None:
        r['discount'] = p['properties']['discount']
    r['smallimage'] = ""  # TODO: replace this with actual images!
    r['bigimage'] = ""  # TODO: replace this with actual images!
    r['id'] = p['_id']
    return r