コード例 #1
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
 def upgrade_environment(self, db):
     """Actually perform an environment upgrade.
     Implementations of this method should not commit any database
     transactions. This is done implicitly after all participants have
     performed the upgrades they need without an error being raised.
     success = True
     ver = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, dbkey)
     self.log.debug('Estimator about to upgrade from ver:%s' % ver)
     if ver < 1:
         self.log.debug('Creating Estimate and Estimate_Line_Item tables (Version 1)')
         success = success and dbhelper.execute_in_trans(self.env, 
             ("""CREATE TABLE estimate(
                  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                  rate DECIMAL,
                  variability DECIMAL,
                  communication DECIMAL,
                  tickets VARCHAR(512),
                  comment VARCHAR(8000)
             ("""CREATE TABLE estimate_line_item(
                  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                  estimate_id integer,
                  description VARCHAR(2048),
                  low DECIMAL,
                  high DECIMAL
     if success:
         dbhelper.set_system_value(self.env, dbkey, dbversion)
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/trachacks
 def upgrade_environment(self, db):
     """Actually perform an environment upgrade.
     Implementations of this method should not commit any database
     transactions. This is done implicitly after all participants have
     performed the upgrades they need without an error being raised.
     success = True
     ver = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, dbkey)
     self.log.debug('Estimator about to upgrade from ver:%s' % ver)
     if ver < 1:
             'Creating Estimate and Estimate_Line_Item tables (Version 1)')
         success = success and dbhelper.execute_in_trans(
             self.env, ("""CREATE TABLE estimate(
                  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                  rate DECIMAL,
                  variability DECIMAL,
                  communication DECIMAL,
                  tickets VARCHAR(512),
                  comment VARCHAR(8000)
              )""", []), ("""CREATE TABLE estimate_line_item(
                  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                  estimate_id integer,
                  description VARCHAR(2048),
                  low DECIMAL,
                  high DECIMAL
             )""", []))
     if success:
         dbhelper.set_system_value(self.env, dbkey, dbversion)
コード例 #3
    def upgrade(self):
        self.env.log.debug("T&E Checking for custom_report upgrade")
        # Check to see what version we have
        version = tryint(dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, self.name))
        if version > self.version:
            raise TracError(
                "Fatal Error: You appear to be running two plugins with"
                " conflicting versions of the CustomReportManager class."
                " Please ensure that '%s' is updated to "
                "version %s of the file reportmanager.py (currently using version %s)."
                % (__name__, str(self.version), str(version)))

            # Do the staged updates, I removed this: version < 1 and
        if not dbhelper.db_table_exists(self.env, 'custom_report'):
                self.env, "CREATE TABLE custom_report ("
                "id         INTEGER,"
                "uuid       VARCHAR(64),"
                "maingroup  VARCHAR(255),"
                "subgroup   VARCHAR(255),"
                "version    INTEGER,"
                "ordering   INTEGER)")

            #if version < 2:

        # Updates complete, set the version
        dbhelper.set_system_value(self.env, self.name, self.version)
        self.env.log.debug("T&E END Checking for custom_report upgrade")
コード例 #4
  def upgrade(self):
    self.env.log.debug("T&E Checking for custom_report upgrade")
    # Check to see what version we have
    version = tryint(dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, self.name))
    if version > self.version:
      raise TracError("Fatal Error: You appear to be running two plugins with"
                      " conflicting versions of the CustomReportManager class."
                      " Please ensure that '%s' is updated to "
                      "version %s of the file reportmanager.py (currently using version %s)."
                      % (__name__, str(self.version), str(version)))

      # Do the staged updates, I removed this: version < 1 and
    if not dbhelper.db_table_exists(self.env, 'custom_report'):
        "CREATE TABLE custom_report ("
        "id         INTEGER,"
        "uuid       VARCHAR(64),"
        "maingroup  VARCHAR(255),"
        "subgroup   VARCHAR(255),"
        "version    INTEGER,"
        "ordering   INTEGER)")
        #if version < 2:

    # Updates complete, set the version
    dbhelper.set_system_value(self.env, self.name, self.version)
    self.env.log.debug("T&E END Checking for custom_report upgrade")
コード例 #5
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
 def __init__(self):
     # Setup logging
     self.statuses_key = 'T&E-statuses'
     self.db_version_key = 'TimingAndEstimationPlugin_Db_Version'
     self.db_version = 8
     # Initialise database schema version tracking.
     self.db_installed_version = dbhelper.get_system_value(self, \
         self.db_version_key) or 0
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self):
     # Setup logging
     self.statuses_key = 'T&E-statuses'
     self.db_version_key = 'TimingAndEstimationPlugin_Db_Version'
     self.db_version = 6
     # Initialise database schema version tracking.
     self.db_installed_version = dbhelper.get_system_value(self, \
         self.db_version_key) or 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
 def environment_needs_upgrade(self, db):
     """Called when Trac checks whether the environment needs to be upgraded.
     Should return `True` if this participant needs an upgrade to be
     performed, `False` otherwise.
     ver = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, dbkey)
     ans = (not ver) or (ver < dbversion)
     self.log.debug('Estimator needs upgrade? %s [installed version:%s  pluginversion:%s '%(ans, ver, dbversion))
     return ans
コード例 #8
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/trachacks
 def environment_needs_upgrade(self, db):
     """Called when Trac checks whether the environment needs to be upgraded.
     Should return `True` if this participant needs an upgrade to be
     performed, `False` otherwise.
     ver = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, dbkey)
     ans = (not ver) or (ver < dbversion)
         'Estimator needs upgrade? %s [installed version:%s  pluginversion:%s '
         % (ans, ver, dbversion))
     return ans
コード例 #9
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
    def upgrade_environment(self, db):
        """Actually perform an environment upgrade.
        Implementations of this method should not commit any database
        transactions. This is done implicitly after all participants have
        performed the upgrades they need without an error being raised.
        success = True
        ver = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, dbkey)
        ver = (ver and int(ver)) or 0
        self.log.debug("Estimator about to upgrade from ver:%s" % ver)
        if ver < 1:
            self.log.debug("Creating Estimate and Estimate_Line_Item tables (Version 1)")
            success = success and dbhelper.execute_in_trans(
                    """CREATE TABLE estimate(
                     id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                     rate DECIMAL,
                     variability DECIMAL,
                     communication DECIMAL,
                     tickets VARCHAR(512),
                     comment text
                    """CREATE TABLE estimate_line_item(
                     id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                     estimate_id integer,
                     description VARCHAR(2048),
                     low DECIMAL,
                     high DECIMAL
        # ver 2 might have left the database in an invalid state.
        if ver < 3:
            self.log.debug("Altering estimate adding diffcoment 2")
            success = success and dbhelper.execute_in_trans(
                self.env, (""" ALTER TABLE estimate ADD COLUMN diffcomment text ; """, [])
        if ver < 4:
            self.log.debug("Adding save date to estimates (Version 3)")
            success = success and dbhelper.execute_in_trans(
                self.env, (""" ALTER TABLE estimate ADD COLUMN saveepoch int ; """, [])

        if success:
            dbhelper.set_system_value(self.env, dbkey, dbversion)
コード例 #10
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
 def have_statuses_changed(self):
     """get the statuses from the last time we saved them,
     compare them to the ones we have now (ignoring '' and None),
     if we have different ones, throw return true
     s = dbhelper.get_system_value(self, self.statuses_key)
     if not s:
         return True
     sys_stats = get_statuses(self)
     s = s.split(',')
     sys_stats.difference_update(['', None])
     return len(sys_stats) > 0
コード例 #11
 def have_statuses_changed(self):
     """get the statuses from the last time we saved them,
     compare them to the ones we have now (ignoring '' and None),
     if we have different ones, throw return true
     s = dbhelper.get_system_value(self, self.statuses_key)
     if not s:
         return True
     sys_stats = get_statuses(self)
     s = s.split(',')
     sys_stats.difference_update(['', None])
     return len(sys_stats) > 0
コード例 #12
 def have_statuses_changed(self):
     """get the statuses from the last time we saved them,
     compare them to the ones we have now (ignoring '' and None),
     if we have different ones, throw return true
     s = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, self.statuses_key)
     if not s:
         return True
     sys_stats = get_statuses(self.env)
     s = s.split(',')
     #self.env.log.debug('T&E: Statuses: stored:%r , sys:%r' %(s, sys_stats))
     sys_stats.difference_update(['', None])
     #self.env.log.debug('T&E: Statuses: diff:%r ' %(sys_stats, ))
     return len(sys_stats) > 0
コード例 #13
 def have_statuses_changed(self):
     """get the statuses from the last time we saved them,
     compare them to the ones we have now (ignoring '' and None),
     if we have different ones, throw return true
     s = dbhelper.get_system_value(self.env, self.statuses_key)
     if not s:
         return True
     sys_stats = get_statuses(self.env)
     s = s.split(',')
     #self.env.log.debug('T&E: Statuses: stored:%r , sys:%r' %(s, sys_stats))
     sys_stats.difference_update(['', None])
     #self.env.log.debug('T&E: Statuses: diff:%r ' %(sys_stats, ))
     return len(sys_stats) > 0