def upgrade(tool): # Hack prevent out-of-date upgrading # Related: PR #1484 # from lims.upgrade import skip_pre315 if skip_pre315(aq_parent(aq_inner(tool))): return True portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(tool)) at = getToolByName(portal, 'archetype_tool') at.setCatalogsByType('SubGroup', ['bika_setup_catalog', ]) setup = portal.portal_setup setup.runImportStepFromProfile('profile-bika.lims:default', 'controlpanel') try: _createObjectByType("SubGroups", portal.bika_setup, "bika_subgroups", title="Sub-groups") obj = portal.bika_setup.bika_subgroups obj.unmarkCreationFlag() obj.reindexObject() except BadRequest: # folder already exists pass return True
def upgrade(tool): # Hack prevent out-of-date upgrading # Related: PR #1484 # from lims.upgrade import skip_pre315 if skip_pre315(aq_parent(aq_inner(tool))): return True portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(tool)) at = getToolByName(portal, 'archetype_tool') at.setCatalogsByType('SubGroup', [ 'bika_setup_catalog', ]) setup = portal.portal_setup setup.runImportStepFromProfile('profile-bika.lims:default', 'controlpanel') try: _createObjectByType("SubGroups", portal.bika_setup, "bika_subgroups", title="Sub-groups") obj = portal.bika_setup.bika_subgroups obj.unmarkCreationFlag() obj.reindexObject() except BadRequest: # folder already exists pass return True
def test_default_stickers(self): """ display SampleID or SamplePartition ID depending on bikasetup.ShowPartitions value """ folder = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices services = [_createObjectByType("AnalysisService", folder, tmpID()), _createObjectByType("AnalysisService", folder, tmpID())] services[0].processForm() services[1].processForm() services[0].edit(title="Detect Dust") services[1].edit(title="Detect water") service_uids = [s.UID for s in services] folder = self.portal.clients client = _createObjectByType("Client", folder, tmpID()) client.processForm() folder = self.portal.clients.objectValues("Client")[0] contact = _createObjectByType("Contact", folder, tmpID()) contact.processForm() contact.edit(Firstname="Bob", Surname="Dobbs", email="*****@*****.**") folder = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_sampletypes sampletype = _createObjectByType("SampleType", folder, tmpID()) sampletype.processForm() sampletype.edit(title="Air", Prefix="AIR") values = {'Client': client.UID(), 'Contact': contact.UID(), 'SamplingDate': '2015-01-01', 'SampleType': sampletype.UID()} for stemp in getStickerTemplates(): # create and receive AR ar = create_analysisrequest(client, {}, values, service_uids) ar.bika_setup.setShowPartitions(False) doActionFor(ar, 'receive') self.assertEquals(ar.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state'), 'sample_received') # check sticker text ar.REQUEST['items'] = ar.getId() ar.REQUEST['template'] = stemp.get('id') sticker = Sticker(ar, ar.REQUEST)() pid = ar.getSample().objectValues("SamplePartition")[0].getId() self.assertNotIn(pid, sticker, "Sticker must not contain partition ID %s"%pid) # create and receive AR ar = create_analysisrequest(client, {}, values, service_uids) ar.bika_setup.setShowPartitions(True) doActionFor(ar, 'receive') self.assertEquals(ar.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state'), 'sample_received') # check sticker text ar.REQUEST['items'] = ar.getId() ar.REQUEST['template'] = stemp.get('id') sticker = Sticker(ar, ar.REQUEST)() pid = ar.getSample().objectValues("SamplePartition")[0].getId() self.assertIn(pid, sticker, "Sticker must contain partition ID %s"%pid)
def addReferenceAnalysis(self, service_uid, reference_type): """ add an analysis to the sample """ rc = getToolByName(self, REFERENCE_CATALOG) service = rc.lookupObject(service_uid) analysis = _createObjectByType("ReferenceAnalysis", self, tmpID()) analysis.unmarkCreationFlag() calculation = service.getCalculation() interim_fields = calculation and calculation.getInterimFields() or [] renameAfterCreation(analysis) # maxtime = service.getMaxTimeAllowed() and service.getMaxTimeAllowed() \ # or {'days':0, 'hours':0, 'minutes':0} # starttime = DateTime() # max_days = float(maxtime.get('days', 0)) + \ # ( # (float(maxtime.get('hours', 0)) * 3600 + \ # float(maxtime.get('minutes', 0)) * 60) # / 86400 # ) # duetime = starttime + max_days analysis.setReferenceType(reference_type) analysis.setService(service_uid) analysis.setInterimFields(interim_fields) return analysis.UID()
def createInvoice(self, client_uid, items): """ Creates and invoice for a client and a set of items """ invoice_id = self.generateUniqueId('Invoice') invoice = _createObjectByType("Invoice", self, invoice_id) invoice.edit( Client=client_uid, InvoiceDate=DateTime(), ) invoice.processForm() invoice.invoice_lineitems = [] for item in items: lineitem = InvoiceLineItem() if item.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest': lineitem['ItemDate'] = item.getDatePublished() lineitem['OrderNumber'] = item.getRequestID() lineitem['AnalysisRequest'] = item description = get_invoice_item_description(item) lineitem['ItemDescription'] = description elif item.portal_type == 'SupplyOrder': lineitem['ItemDate'] = item.getDateDispatched() lineitem['OrderNumber'] = item.getOrderNumber() description = get_invoice_item_description(item) lineitem['ItemDescription'] = description lineitem['Subtotal'] = item.getSubtotal() lineitem['VATAmount'] = item.getVATAmount() lineitem['Total'] = item.getTotal() invoice.invoice_lineitems.append(lineitem) invoice.reindexObject() return invoice
def create_sample(context, request, values): # Retrieve the required tools uc = getToolByName(context, 'uid_catalog') # Determine if the sampling workflow is enabled workflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() # Create sample or refer to existing for secondary analysis request if values.get('Sample_uid', ''): sample = uc(UID=values['Sample'])[0].getObject() else: sample = _createObjectByType('Sample', context, tmpID()) # Specifically set the sample type sample.setSampleType(values['SampleType']) # Specifically set the sample point if 'SamplePoint' in values: sample.setSamplePoint(values['SamplePoint']) # Specifically set the storage location if 'StorageLocation' in values: sample.setStorageLocation(values['StorageLocation']) # Update the created sample with indicated values sample.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Perform the appropriate workflow action workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if workflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' context.portal_workflow.doActionFor(sample, workflow_action) # Set the SampleID sample.edit(SampleID=sample.getId()) # Return the newly created sample return sample
def __call__(self): form = self.request.form bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog') # find and remove existing specs cs = bsc(portal_type = 'AnalysisSpec', getClientUID = self.context.UID()) if cs: self.context.manage_delObjects([ for s in cs]) # find and duplicate lab specs ls = bsc(portal_type = 'AnalysisSpec', getClientUID = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs.UID()) ls = [s.getObject() for s in ls] for labspec in ls: clientspec = _createObjectByType("AnalysisSpec", self.context, tmpID()) clientspec.processForm() clientspec.edit( SampleType = labspec.getSampleType(), ResultsRange = labspec.getResultsRange(), ) translate = self.context.translate message = _("Analysis specifications reset to lab defaults.") self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(self.context.absolute_url() + "/analysisspecs") return
def create_service(self, src_uid, dst_title, dst_keyword): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices dst_service = _createObjectByType("AnalysisService", folder, tmpID()) # manually set keyword and title dst_service.setKeyword(dst_keyword) dst_service.setTitle(dst_title) dst_service.unmarkCreationFlag() _id = renameAfterCreation(dst_service) dst_service = folder[_id] return dst_service
def __call__(self): wf = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow') part = _createObjectByType("SamplePartition", self.context, tmpID()) part.processForm() SamplingWorkflowEnabled = part.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() ## We force the object to have the same state as the parent sample_state = wf.getInfoFor(self.context, 'review_state') changeWorkflowState(part, "bika_sample_workflow", sample_state) self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(self.context.absolute_url() + "/partitions") return
def create_samplepartition(context, data, analyses=[]): partition = _createObjectByType('SamplePartition', context, data['part_id']) partition.unmarkCreationFlag() # Determine if the sampling workflow is enabled workflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() # Sort containers and select smallest container = data.get('container_uid', None) if container: containers = [] if type(container[0]) is str: # UIDs containers = context.bika_setup_catalog(UID=container) containers = [_p.getObject() for _p in containers] elif hasattr(container[0], 'getObject'): # Brains containers = [_p.getObject() for _p in container] elif hasattr(container[0], 'portal_type'): containers = [c for c in container] if containers: try: containers.sort(lambda a, b: compare_containers(a, b)) except: pass container = containers[0] # Set the container and preservation preservation = set_container_preservation(context, container, data) # Add analyses partition_services = data['services'] analyses = [a for a in analyses if a.getServiceUID() in partition_services] if analyses: partition.edit(Analyses=analyses) # Set some generated values partition.edit( Container=container, Preservation=preservation, ) # Attach partition to analyses if analyses: for analysis in analyses: analysis.setSamplePartition(partition) # Perform the appropriate workflow action workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if workflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' context.portal_workflow.doActionFor(partition, workflow_action) # Return the created partition return partition
def __call__(self): # Validation form = self.request.form analyst = self.request.get('analyst', '') template = self.request.get('template', '') instrument = self.request.get('instrument', '') if not analyst: message = _("Analyst must be specified.") self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(self.context.absolute_url()) return rc = getToolByName(self.context, REFERENCE_CATALOG) wf = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_workflow") pm = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_membership") ws = _createObjectByType("Worksheet", self.context, tmpID()) ws.processForm() # Set analyst and instrument ws.setAnalyst(analyst) if instrument: ws.setInstrument(instrument) # overwrite saved context UID for event subscribers self.request['context_uid'] = ws.UID() # if no template was specified, redirect to blank worksheet if not template: ws.processForm() self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(ws.absolute_url() + "/add_analyses") return wst = rc.lookupObject(template) ws.setWorksheetTemplate(wst) ws.applyWorksheetTemplate(wst) if ws.getLayout(): self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(ws.absolute_url() + "/manage_results") else: msg = _("No analyses were added") self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(msg) self.request.RESPONSE.redirect(ws.absolute_url() + "/add_analyses")
def workflow_action_save_partitions_button(self): form = self.request.form # Sample Partitions or AR Manage Analyses: save Partition Table sample = self.context.portal_type == 'Sample' and self.context or\ self.context.getSample() part_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" nr_existing = len(sample.objectIds()) nr_parts = len(form['PartTitle'][0]) # add missing parts if nr_parts > nr_existing: for i in range(nr_parts - nr_existing): part = _createObjectByType("SamplePartition", sample, tmpID()) part.setDateReceived = DateTime() part.processForm() # remove excess parts if nr_existing > nr_parts: for i in range(nr_existing - nr_parts): part = sample['%s%s' % (part_prefix, nr_existing - i)] for a in part.getBackReferences("AnalysisSamplePartition"): a.setSamplePartition(None) sample.manage_delObjects([ '%s%s' % (part_prefix, nr_existing - i), ]) # modify part container/preservation for part_uid, part_id in form['PartTitle'][0].items(): part = sample["%s%s" % (part_prefix, part_id.split(part_prefix)[1])] part.edit( Container=form['getContainer'][0][part_uid], Preservation=form['getPreservation'][0][part_uid], ) part.reindexObject() objects = WorkflowAction._get_selected_items(self) if not objects: message = _("No items have been selected") self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') if self.context.portal_type == 'Sample': # in samples his table is on 'Partitions' tab self.destination_url = self.context.absolute_url() +\ "/partitions" else: # in ar context this table is on 'ManageAnalyses' tab self.destination_url = self.context.absolute_url() +\ "/analyses" self.request.response.redirect(self.destination_url)
def test_instrument_calibration(self): # Getting all instruments instrument_names = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments.keys() # Setting calibration dates for instrument_name in instrument_names: # Getting each instrument instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[ instrument_name] today = # Getting last valid calibration lastcal = instrument.getLatestValidCalibration() if not lastcal: # Creating a new calibration cal_obj = _createObjectByType("InstrumentCalibration", instrument, tmpID()) cal_obj.edit(title='test', DownFrom=today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), DownTo=today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), Instrument=instrument) cal_obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(cal_obj) else: # Updating last calibration lastcal.setDownTo(today) lastcal.setDownFrom(today) # Testing calibration state for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[ instrument_name] self.assertTrue(instrument.isCalibrationInProgress()) for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[ instrument_name] anotherday = '2014/11/27' lastcal = instrument.getLatestValidCalibration() lastcal.setDownTo(anotherday) lastcal.setDownFrom(anotherday) for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[ instrument_name] self.assertFalse(instrument.isCalibrationInProgress())
def workflow_action_save_partitions_button(self): form = self.request.form # Sample Partitions or AR Manage Analyses: save Partition Table sample = self.context.portal_type == 'Sample' and self.context or\ self.context.getSample() part_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" nr_existing = len(sample.objectIds()) nr_parts = len(form['PartTitle'][0]) # add missing parts if nr_parts > nr_existing: for i in range(nr_parts - nr_existing): part = _createObjectByType("SamplePartition", sample, tmpID()) part.setDateReceived = DateTime() part.processForm() # remove excess parts if nr_existing > nr_parts: for i in range(nr_existing - nr_parts): part = sample['%s%s' % (part_prefix, nr_existing - i)] for a in part.getBackReferences("AnalysisSamplePartition"): a.setSamplePartition(None) sample.manage_delObjects(['%s%s' % (part_prefix, nr_existing - i), ]) # modify part container/preservation for part_uid, part_id in form['PartTitle'][0].items(): part = sample["%s%s" % (part_prefix, part_id.split(part_prefix)[1])] part.edit( Container=form['getContainer'][0][part_uid], Preservation=form['getPreservation'][0][part_uid], ) part.reindexObject() objects = WorkflowAction._get_selected_items(self) if not objects: message = _("No items have been selected") self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') if self.context.portal_type == 'Sample': # in samples his table is on 'Partitions' tab self.destination_url = self.context.absolute_url() +\ "/partitions" else: # in ar context this table is on 'ManageAnalyses' tab self.destination_url = self.context.absolute_url() +\ "/analyses" self.request.response.redirect(self.destination_url)
def test_instrument_calibration(self): # Getting all instruments instrument_names = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments.keys() # Setting calibration dates for instrument_name in instrument_names: # Getting each instrument instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[instrument_name] today = # Getting last valid calibration lastcal = instrument.getLatestValidCalibration() if not lastcal: # Creating a new calibration cal_obj = _createObjectByType("InstrumentCalibration", instrument, tmpID()) cal_obj.edit( title='test', DownFrom=today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), DownTo=today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), Instrument=instrument ) cal_obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(cal_obj) else: # Updating last calibration lastcal.setDownTo(today) lastcal.setDownFrom(today) # Testing calibration state for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[instrument_name] self.assertTrue(instrument.isCalibrationInProgress()) for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[instrument_name] anotherday = '2014/11/27' lastcal = instrument.getLatestValidCalibration() lastcal.setDownTo(anotherday) lastcal.setDownFrom(anotherday) for instrument_name in instrument_names: instrument = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_instruments[instrument_name] self.assertFalse(instrument.isCalibrationInProgress())
def create_analysis(context, service, keyword, interim_fields): # Determine if the sampling workflow is enabled workflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() # Create the analysis analysis = _createObjectByType("Analysis", context, keyword) analysis.setService(service) analysis.setInterimFields(interim_fields) analysis.setMaxTimeAllowed(service.getMaxTimeAllowed()) analysis.unmarkCreationFlag() analysis.reindexObject() # Trigger the intitialization event of the new object # zope.event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(analysis)) event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(analysis)) # Perform the appropriate workflow action try: workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if workflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' context.portal_workflow.doActionFor(analysis, workflow_action) except WorkflowException: # The analysis may have been transitioned already! # I am leaving this code here though, to prevent regression. pass # Return the newly created analysis return analysis
def create_analysisrequest(context, request, values): """Create an AR. :param context the container in which the AR will be created (Client) :param request the request object :param values a dictionary containing fieldname/value pairs, which will be applied. Some fields will have specific code to handle them, and others will be directly written to the schema. :return the new AR instance Special keys present (or required) in the values dict, which are not present in the schema: - Partitions: data about partitions to be created, and the analyses that are to be assigned to each. - Prices: custom prices set in the HTML form. - ResultsRange: Specification values entered in the HTML form. """ # Gather neccesary tools workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow') bc = getToolByName(context, 'bika_catalog') # Create new sample or locate the existing for secondary AR if values['Sample']: secondary = True if ISample.providedBy(values['Sample']): sample = values['Sample'] else: sample = bc(UID=values['Sample'])[0].getObject() samplingworkflow_enabled = sample.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() else: secondary = False samplingworkflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() sample = create_sample(context, request, values) # Create the Analysis Request ar = _createObjectByType('AnalysisRequest', context, tmpID()) ar.setSample(sample) # processform renames the sample, this requires values to contain the Sample. values['Sample'] = sample ar.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Object has been renamed ar.edit(RequestID=ar.getId()) # Set initial AR state workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if samplingworkflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' workflow.doActionFor(ar, workflow_action) # Set analysis request analyses ar.setAnalyses(values['Analyses'], prices=values.get("Prices", []), specs=values.get('ResultsRange', [])) analyses = ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True) skip_receive = ['to_be_sampled', 'sample_due', 'sampled', 'to_be_preserved'] if secondary: # Only 'sample_due' and 'sample_recieved' samples can be selected # for secondary analyses doActionFor(ar, 'sampled') doActionFor(ar, 'sample_due') sample_state = workflow.getInfoFor(sample, 'review_state') if sample_state not in skip_receive: doActionFor(ar, 'receive') for analysis in analyses: doActionFor(analysis, 'sample_due') analysis_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state') if analysis_state not in skip_receive: doActionFor(analysis, 'receive') if not secondary: # Create sample partitions partitions = [] for n, partition in enumerate(values['Partitions']): # Calculate partition id partition_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" partition_id = '%s%s' % (partition_prefix, n + 1) partition['part_id'] = partition_id # Point to or create sample partition if partition_id in sample.objectIds(): partition['object'] = sample[partition_id] else: partition['object'] = create_samplepartition( sample, partition ) # now assign analyses to this partition. obj = partition['object'] for analysis in analyses: if analysis.getService().UID() in partition['services']: analysis.setSamplePartition(obj) partitions.append(partition) # If Preservation is required for some partitions, # and the SamplingWorkflow is disabled, we need # to transition to to_be_preserved manually. if not samplingworkflow_enabled: to_be_preserved = [] sample_due = [] lowest_state = 'sample_due' for p in sample.objectValues('SamplePartition'): if p.getPreservation(): lowest_state = 'to_be_preserved' to_be_preserved.append(p) else: sample_due.append(p) for p in to_be_preserved: doActionFor(p, 'to_be_preserved') for p in sample_due: doActionFor(p, 'sample_due') doActionFor(sample, lowest_state) doActionFor(ar, lowest_state) # Transition pre-preserved partitions for p in partitions: if 'prepreserved' in p and p['prepreserved']: part = p['object'] state = workflow.getInfoFor(part, 'review_state') if state == 'to_be_preserved': workflow.doActionFor(part, 'preserve') # Return the newly created Analysis Request return ar
def create_analysisrequest(context, request, values): """Create an AR. :param context the container in which the AR will be created (Client) :param request the request object :param values a dictionary containing fieldname/value pairs, which will be applied. Some fields will have specific code to handle them, and others will be directly written to the schema. :return the new AR instance Special keys present (or required) in the values dict, which are not present in the schema: - Partitions: data about partitions to be created, and the analyses that are to be assigned to each. - Prices: custom prices set in the HTML form. - ResultsRange: Specification values entered in the HTML form. """ # Gather neccesary tools workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow') bc = getToolByName(context, 'bika_catalog') # Create new sample or locate the existing for secondary AR if values['Sample']: secondary = True if ISample.providedBy(values['Sample']): sample = values['Sample'] else: sample = bc(UID=values['Sample'])[0].getObject() samplingworkflow_enabled = sample.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() else: secondary = False samplingworkflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled( ) sample = create_sample(context, request, values) # Create the Analysis Request ar = _createObjectByType('AnalysisRequest', context, tmpID()) ar.setSample(sample) # processform renames the sample, this requires values to contain the Sample. values['Sample'] = sample ar.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Object has been renamed ar.edit(RequestID=ar.getId()) # Set initial AR state workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if samplingworkflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' workflow.doActionFor(ar, workflow_action) # Set analysis request analyses ar.setAnalyses(values['Analyses'], prices=values.get("Prices", []), specs=values.get('ResultsRange', [])) analyses = ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True) skip_receive = [ 'to_be_sampled', 'sample_due', 'sampled', 'to_be_preserved' ] if secondary: # Only 'sample_due' and 'sample_recieved' samples can be selected # for secondary analyses doActionFor(ar, 'sampled') doActionFor(ar, 'sample_due') sample_state = workflow.getInfoFor(sample, 'review_state') if sample_state not in skip_receive: doActionFor(ar, 'receive') for analysis in analyses: doActionFor(analysis, 'sample_due') analysis_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state') if analysis_state not in skip_receive: doActionFor(analysis, 'receive') if not secondary: # Create sample partitions partitions = [] for n, partition in enumerate(values['Partitions']): # Calculate partition id partition_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" partition_id = '%s%s' % (partition_prefix, n + 1) partition['part_id'] = partition_id # Point to or create sample partition if partition_id in sample.objectIds(): partition['object'] = sample[partition_id] else: partition['object'] = create_samplepartition(sample, partition) # now assign analyses to this partition. obj = partition['object'] for analysis in analyses: if analysis.getService().UID() in partition['services']: analysis.setSamplePartition(obj) partitions.append(partition) # If Preservation is required for some partitions, # and the SamplingWorkflow is disabled, we need # to transition to to_be_preserved manually. if not samplingworkflow_enabled: to_be_preserved = [] sample_due = [] lowest_state = 'sample_due' for p in sample.objectValues('SamplePartition'): if p.getPreservation(): lowest_state = 'to_be_preserved' to_be_preserved.append(p) else: sample_due.append(p) for p in to_be_preserved: doActionFor(p, 'to_be_preserved') for p in sample_due: doActionFor(p, 'sample_due') doActionFor(sample, lowest_state) doActionFor(ar, lowest_state) # Transition pre-preserved partitions for p in partitions: if 'prepreserved' in p and p['prepreserved']: part = p['object'] state = workflow.getInfoFor(part, 'review_state') if state == 'to_be_preserved': workflow.doActionFor(part, 'preserve') # Return the newly created Analysis Request return ar
def addDuplicateAnalyses(self, src_slot, dest_slot): """ add duplicate analyses to worksheet """ rc = getToolByName(self, REFERENCE_CATALOG) workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') layout = self.getLayout() wst = self.getWorksheetTemplate() wstlayout = wst and wst.getLayout() or [] src_ar = [slot['container_uid'] for slot in layout if slot['position'] == src_slot] if src_ar: src_ar = src_ar[0] if not dest_slot or dest_slot == 'new': highest_existing_position = len(wstlayout) for pos in [int(slot['position']) for slot in layout]: if pos > highest_existing_position: highest_existing_position = pos dest_slot = highest_existing_position + 1 src_analyses = [rc.lookupObject(slot['analysis_uid']) for slot in layout if int(slot['position']) == int(src_slot)] dest_analyses = [rc.lookupObject(slot['analysis_uid']).getAnalysis().UID() for slot in layout if int(slot['position']) == int(dest_slot)] refgid = None for analysis in src_analyses: if analysis.UID() in dest_analyses: continue # services with dependents don't belong in duplicates service = analysis.getService() calc = service.getCalculation() if calc and calc.getDependentServices(): continue service = analysis.getService() _id = self._findUniqueId(service.getKeyword()) duplicate = _createObjectByType("DuplicateAnalysis", self, _id) duplicate.setAnalysis(analysis) # Set ReferenceAnalysesGroupID (same id for the analyses from # the same Reference Sample and same Worksheet) # if not refgid and not analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis': part = analysis.getSamplePartition().id dups = [an.getReferenceAnalysesGroupID() for an in self.getAnalyses() if an.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and an.getSamplePartition().id == part] dups = list(set(dups)) postfix = dups and len(dups) + 1 or 1 postfix = str(postfix).zfill(int(2)) refgid = '%s-D%s' % (part, postfix) duplicate.setReferenceAnalysesGroupID(refgid) duplicate.reindexObject(idxs=["getReferenceAnalysesGroupID"]) duplicate.processForm() if calc: duplicate.setInterimFields(calc.getInterimFields()) self.setLayout( self.getLayout() + [{'position': dest_slot, 'type': 'd', 'container_uid': analysis.aq_parent.UID(), 'analysis_uid': duplicate.UID()}, ] ) self.setAnalyses(self.getAnalyses() + [duplicate, ]) workflow.doActionFor(duplicate, 'assign') # In case there are more than one analyses for an 'analysis_uid' # break
def workflow_script_reject(self): """Copy real analyses to RejectAnalysis, with link to real create a new worksheet, with the original analyses, and new duplicates and references to match the rejected worksheet. """ if skip(self, "reject"): return utils = getToolByName(self, 'plone_utils') workflow = self.portal_workflow def copy_src_fields_to_dst(src, dst): # These will be ignored when copying field values between analyses ignore_fields = [ 'UID', 'id', 'title', 'allowDiscussion', 'subject', 'description', 'location', 'contributors', 'creators', 'effectiveDate', 'expirationDate', 'language', 'rights', 'creation_date', 'modification_date', 'Layout', # ws 'Analyses', # ws ] fields = src.Schema().fields() for field in fields: fieldname = field.getName() if fieldname in ignore_fields: continue getter = getattr( src, 'get' + fieldname, src.Schema().getField(fieldname).getAccessor(src)) setter = getattr( dst, 'set' + fieldname, dst.Schema().getField(fieldname).getMutator(dst)) if getter is None or setter is None: # ComputedField continue setter(getter()) analysis_positions = {} for item in self.getLayout(): analysis_positions[item['analysis_uid']] = item['position'] old_layout = [] new_layout = [] # New worksheet worksheets = self.aq_parent new_ws = _createObjectByType('Worksheet', worksheets, tmpID()) new_ws.unmarkCreationFlag() new_ws_id = renameAfterCreation(new_ws) copy_src_fields_to_dst(self, new_ws) new_ws.edit(Number=new_ws_id, Remarks=self.getRemarks()) # Objects are being created inside other contexts, but we want their # workflow handlers to be aware of which worksheet this is occurring in. # We save the worksheet in request['context_uid']. # We reset it again below.... be very sure that this is set to the # UID of the containing worksheet before invoking any transitions on # analyses. self.REQUEST['context_uid'] = new_ws.UID() # loop all analyses analyses = self.getAnalyses() new_ws_analyses = [] old_ws_analyses = [] for analysis in analyses: # Skip published or verified analyses review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state', '') if review_state in ['published', 'verified', 'retracted']: old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': 'a', 'analysis_uid': analysis.UID(), 'container_uid': analysis.aq_parent.UID() }) continue # Normal analyses: # - Create matching RejectAnalysis inside old WS # - Link analysis to new WS in same position # - Copy all field values # - Clear analysis result, and set Retested flag if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis': reject = _createObjectByType('RejectAnalysis', self, tmpID()) reject.unmarkCreationFlag() reject_id = renameAfterCreation(reject) copy_src_fields_to_dst(analysis, reject) reject.setAnalysis(analysis) reject.reindexObject() analysis.edit( Result=None, Retested=True, ) analysis.reindexObject() position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(reject.UID()) old_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': 'r', 'analysis_uid': reject.UID(), 'container_uid': self.UID() }) new_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) new_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': 'a', 'analysis_uid': analysis.UID(), 'container_uid': analysis.aq_parent.UID() }) # Reference analyses # - Create a new reference analysis in the new worksheet # - Transition the original analysis to 'rejected' state if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis': service_uid = analysis.getService().UID() reference = analysis.aq_parent reference_type = analysis.getReferenceType() new_analysis_uid = reference.addReferenceAnalysis( service_uid, reference_type) position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': reference_type, 'analysis_uid': analysis.UID(), 'container_uid': reference.UID() }) new_ws_analyses.append(new_analysis_uid) new_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': reference_type, 'analysis_uid': new_analysis_uid, 'container_uid': reference.UID() }) workflow.doActionFor(analysis, 'reject') new_reference = reference.uid_catalog( UID=new_analysis_uid)[0].getObject() workflow.doActionFor(new_reference, 'assign') analysis.reindexObject() # Duplicate analyses # - Create a new duplicate inside the new worksheet # - Transition the original analysis to 'rejected' state if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis': src_analysis = analysis.getAnalysis() ar = src_analysis.aq_parent service = src_analysis.getService() duplicate_id = new_ws.generateUniqueId('DuplicateAnalysis') new_duplicate = _createObjectByType('DuplicateAnalysis', new_ws, duplicate_id) new_duplicate.unmarkCreationFlag() copy_src_fields_to_dst(analysis, new_duplicate) workflow.doActionFor(new_duplicate, 'assign') new_duplicate.reindexObject() position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': 'd', 'analysis_uid': analysis.UID(), 'container_uid': self.UID() }) new_ws_analyses.append(new_duplicate.UID()) new_layout.append({ 'position': position, 'type': 'd', 'analysis_uid': new_duplicate.UID(), 'container_uid': new_ws.UID() }) workflow.doActionFor(analysis, 'reject') analysis.reindexObject() new_ws.setAnalyses(new_ws_analyses) new_ws.setLayout(new_layout) new_ws.replaces_rejected_worksheet = self.UID() for analysis in new_ws.getAnalyses(): review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state', '') if review_state == 'to_be_verified': changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "sample_received") self.REQUEST['context_uid'] = self.UID() self.setLayout(old_layout) self.setAnalyses(old_ws_analyses) self.replaced_by = new_ws.UID()
def addDuplicateAnalyses(self, src_slot, dest_slot): """ add duplicate analyses to worksheet """ rc = getToolByName(self, REFERENCE_CATALOG) workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') layout = self.getLayout() wst = self.getWorksheetTemplate() wstlayout = wst and wst.getLayout() or [] src_ar = [ slot['container_uid'] for slot in layout if slot['position'] == src_slot ] if src_ar: src_ar = src_ar[0] if not dest_slot or dest_slot == 'new': highest_existing_position = len(wstlayout) for pos in [int(slot['position']) for slot in layout]: if pos > highest_existing_position: highest_existing_position = pos dest_slot = highest_existing_position + 1 src_analyses = [ rc.lookupObject(slot['analysis_uid']) for slot in layout if int(slot['position']) == int(src_slot) ] dest_analyses = [ rc.lookupObject(slot['analysis_uid']).getAnalysis().UID() for slot in layout if int(slot['position']) == int(dest_slot) ] refgid = None for analysis in src_analyses: if analysis.UID() in dest_analyses: continue # services with dependents don't belong in duplicates service = analysis.getService() calc = service.getCalculation() if calc and calc.getDependentServices(): continue service = analysis.getService() _id = self._findUniqueId(service.getKeyword()) duplicate = _createObjectByType("DuplicateAnalysis", self, _id) duplicate.setAnalysis(analysis) # Set ReferenceAnalysesGroupID (same id for the analyses from # the same Reference Sample and same Worksheet) # if not refgid and not analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis': part = analysis.getSamplePartition().id dups = [ an.getReferenceAnalysesGroupID() for an in self.getAnalyses() if an.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and an.getSamplePartition().id == part ] dups = list(set(dups)) postfix = dups and len(dups) + 1 or 1 postfix = str(postfix).zfill(int(2)) refgid = '%s-D%s' % (part, postfix) duplicate.setReferenceAnalysesGroupID(refgid) duplicate.reindexObject(idxs=["getReferenceAnalysesGroupID"]) duplicate.processForm() if calc: duplicate.setInterimFields(calc.getInterimFields()) self.setLayout(self.getLayout() + [ { 'position': dest_slot, 'type': 'd', 'container_uid': analysis.aq_parent.UID(), 'analysis_uid': duplicate.UID() }, ]) self.setAnalyses(self.getAnalyses() + [ duplicate, ]) workflow.doActionFor(duplicate, 'assign') # In case there are more than one analyses for an 'analysis_uid' # break
def workflow_script_reject(self): """Copy real analyses to RejectAnalysis, with link to real create a new worksheet, with the original analyses, and new duplicates and references to match the rejected worksheet. """ if skip(self, "reject"): return utils = getToolByName(self, 'plone_utils') workflow = self.portal_workflow def copy_src_fields_to_dst(src, dst): # These will be ignored when copying field values between analyses ignore_fields = ['UID', 'id', 'title', 'allowDiscussion', 'subject', 'description', 'location', 'contributors', 'creators', 'effectiveDate', 'expirationDate', 'language', 'rights', 'creation_date', 'modification_date', 'Layout', # ws 'Analyses', # ws ] fields = src.Schema().fields() for field in fields: fieldname = field.getName() if fieldname in ignore_fields: continue getter = getattr(src, 'get'+fieldname, src.Schema().getField(fieldname).getAccessor(src)) setter = getattr(dst, 'set'+fieldname, dst.Schema().getField(fieldname).getMutator(dst)) if getter is None or setter is None: # ComputedField continue setter(getter()) analysis_positions = {} for item in self.getLayout(): analysis_positions[item['analysis_uid']] = item['position'] old_layout = [] new_layout = [] # New worksheet worksheets = self.aq_parent new_ws = _createObjectByType('Worksheet', worksheets, tmpID()) new_ws.unmarkCreationFlag() new_ws_id = renameAfterCreation(new_ws) copy_src_fields_to_dst(self, new_ws) new_ws.edit( Number = new_ws_id, Remarks = self.getRemarks() ) # Objects are being created inside other contexts, but we want their # workflow handlers to be aware of which worksheet this is occurring in. # We save the worksheet in request['context_uid']. # We reset it again below.... be very sure that this is set to the # UID of the containing worksheet before invoking any transitions on # analyses. self.REQUEST['context_uid'] = new_ws.UID() # loop all analyses analyses = self.getAnalyses() new_ws_analyses = [] old_ws_analyses = [] for analysis in analyses: # Skip published or verified analyses review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state', '') if review_state in ['published', 'verified', 'retracted']: old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':'a', 'analysis_uid':analysis.UID(), 'container_uid':analysis.aq_parent.UID()}) continue # Normal analyses: # - Create matching RejectAnalysis inside old WS # - Link analysis to new WS in same position # - Copy all field values # - Clear analysis result, and set Retested flag if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis': reject = _createObjectByType('RejectAnalysis', self, tmpID()) reject.unmarkCreationFlag() reject_id = renameAfterCreation(reject) copy_src_fields_to_dst(analysis, reject) reject.setAnalysis(analysis) reject.reindexObject() analysis.edit( Result = None, Retested = True, ) analysis.reindexObject() position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(reject.UID()) old_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':'r', 'analysis_uid':reject.UID(), 'container_uid':self.UID()}) new_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) new_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':'a', 'analysis_uid':analysis.UID(), 'container_uid':analysis.aq_parent.UID()}) # Reference analyses # - Create a new reference analysis in the new worksheet # - Transition the original analysis to 'rejected' state if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis': service_uid = analysis.getService().UID() reference = analysis.aq_parent reference_type = analysis.getReferenceType() new_analysis_uid = reference.addReferenceAnalysis(service_uid, reference_type) position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':reference_type, 'analysis_uid':analysis.UID(), 'container_uid':reference.UID()}) new_ws_analyses.append(new_analysis_uid) new_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':reference_type, 'analysis_uid':new_analysis_uid, 'container_uid':reference.UID()}) workflow.doActionFor(analysis, 'reject') new_reference = reference.uid_catalog(UID=new_analysis_uid)[0].getObject() workflow.doActionFor(new_reference, 'assign') analysis.reindexObject() # Duplicate analyses # - Create a new duplicate inside the new worksheet # - Transition the original analysis to 'rejected' state if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis': src_analysis = analysis.getAnalysis() ar = src_analysis.aq_parent service = src_analysis.getService() duplicate_id = new_ws.generateUniqueId('DuplicateAnalysis') new_duplicate = _createObjectByType('DuplicateAnalysis', new_ws, duplicate_id) new_duplicate.unmarkCreationFlag() copy_src_fields_to_dst(analysis, new_duplicate) workflow.doActionFor(new_duplicate, 'assign') new_duplicate.reindexObject() position = analysis_positions[analysis.UID()] old_ws_analyses.append(analysis.UID()) old_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':'d', 'analysis_uid':analysis.UID(), 'container_uid':self.UID()}) new_ws_analyses.append(new_duplicate.UID()) new_layout.append({'position': position, 'type':'d', 'analysis_uid':new_duplicate.UID(), 'container_uid':new_ws.UID()}) workflow.doActionFor(analysis, 'reject') analysis.reindexObject() new_ws.setAnalyses(new_ws_analyses) new_ws.setLayout(new_layout) new_ws.replaces_rejected_worksheet = self.UID() for analysis in new_ws.getAnalyses(): review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state', '') if review_state == 'to_be_verified': changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "sample_received") self.REQUEST['context_uid'] = self.UID() self.setLayout(old_layout) self.setAnalyses(old_ws_analyses) self.replaced_by = new_ws.UID()
def _create_ar(self, context, request): """Creates AnalysisRequest object, with supporting Sample, Partition and Analysis objects. The client is retrieved from the obj_path key in the request. Required request parameters: - Contact: One client contact Fullname. The contact must exist in the specified client. The first Contact with the specified value in it's Fullname field will be used. - SampleType_<index> - Must be an existing sample type. Optional request parameters: - CCContacts: A list of contact Fullnames, which will be copied on all messages related to this AR and it's sample or results. - CCEmails: A list of email addresses to include as above. - Sample_id: Create a secondary AR with an existing sample. If unspecified, a new sample is created. - Specification: a lookup to set Analysis specs default values for all analyses - Analysis_Specification: specs (or overrides) per analysis, using a special lookup format. &Analysis_Specification:list=<Keyword>:min:max:error&... """ wftool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow') bc = getToolByName(context, 'bika_catalog') bsc = getToolByName(context, 'bika_setup_catalog') pc = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog') ret = { "url": router.url_for("create", force_external=True), "success": True, "error": False, } SamplingWorkflowEnabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() for field in [ 'Client', 'SampleType', 'Contact', 'SamplingDate', 'Services']: self.require(field) self.used(field) try: client = resolve_request_lookup(context, request, 'Client')[0].getObject() except IndexError: raise Exception("Client not found") # Sample_id if 'Sample' in request: try: sample = resolve_request_lookup(context, request, 'Sample')[0].getObject() except IndexError: raise Exception("Sample not found") else: # Primary AR sample = _createObjectByType("Sample", client, tmpID()) sample.unmarkCreationFlag() fields = set_fields_from_request(sample, request) for field in fields: self.used(field) sample._renameAfterCreation() sample.setSampleID(sample.getId()) event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(sample)) sample.at_post_create_script() if SamplingWorkflowEnabled: wftool.doActionFor(sample, 'sampling_workflow') else: wftool.doActionFor(sample, 'no_sampling_workflow') ret['sample_id'] = sample.getId() parts = [{'services': [], 'container': [], 'preservation': '', 'separate': False}] specs = self.get_specs_from_request() ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, tmpID()) ar.unmarkCreationFlag() fields = set_fields_from_request(ar, request) for field in fields: self.used(field) ar.setSample(sample.UID()) ar._renameAfterCreation() ret['ar_id'] = ar.getId() brains = resolve_request_lookup(context, request, 'Services') service_uids = [p.UID for p in brains] new_analyses = ar.setAnalyses(service_uids, specs=specs) ar.setRequestID(ar.getId()) ar.reindexObject() event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(ar)) ar.at_post_create_script() # Create sample partitions parts_and_services = {} for _i in range(len(parts)): p = parts[_i] part_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" if '%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1) in sample.objectIds(): parts[_i]['object'] = sample['%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1)] parts_and_services['%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1)] = p['services'] part = parts[_i]['object'] else: part = _createObjectByType("SamplePartition", sample, tmpID()) parts[_i]['object'] = part container = None preservation = p['preservation'] parts[_i]['prepreserved'] = False part.edit( Container=container, Preservation=preservation, ) part.processForm() if SamplingWorkflowEnabled: wftool.doActionFor(part, 'sampling_workflow') else: wftool.doActionFor(part, 'no_sampling_workflow') parts_and_services[] = p['services'] if SamplingWorkflowEnabled: wftool.doActionFor(ar, 'sampling_workflow') else: wftool.doActionFor(ar, 'no_sampling_workflow') # Add analyses to sample partitions # XXX jsonapi create AR: right now, all new analyses are linked to the first samplepartition if new_analyses: analyses = list(part.getAnalyses()) analyses.extend(new_analyses) part.edit( Analyses=analyses, ) for analysis in new_analyses: analysis.setSamplePartition(part) # If Preservation is required for some partitions, # and the SamplingWorkflow is disabled, we need # to transition to to_be_preserved manually. if not SamplingWorkflowEnabled: to_be_preserved = [] sample_due = [] lowest_state = 'sample_due' for p in sample.objectValues('SamplePartition'): if p.getPreservation(): lowest_state = 'to_be_preserved' to_be_preserved.append(p) else: sample_due.append(p) for p in to_be_preserved: doActionFor(p, 'to_be_preserved') for p in sample_due: doActionFor(p, 'sample_due') doActionFor(sample, lowest_state) for analysis in ar.objectValues('Analysis'): doActionFor(analysis, lowest_state) doActionFor(ar, lowest_state) # receive secondary AR if request.get('Sample_id', ''): doActionFor(ar, 'sampled') doActionFor(ar, 'sample_due') not_receive = ['to_be_sampled', 'sample_due', 'sampled', 'to_be_preserved'] sample_state = wftool.getInfoFor(sample, 'review_state') if sample_state not in not_receive: doActionFor(ar, 'receive') for analysis in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=1): doActionFor(analysis, 'sampled') doActionFor(analysis, 'sample_due') if sample_state not in not_receive: doActionFor(analysis, 'receive') if self.unused: raise BadRequest("The following request fields were not used: %s. Request aborted." % self.unused) return ret
def _import_file(self, importoption, csvfile, client_id): fullfilename = csvfile.filename fullfilename = fullfilename.split('/')[-1] filename = fullfilename.split('.')[0] log = [] r = self.portal_catalog(portal_type='Client', id=client_id) if len(r) == 0: #This is not a user input issue - client_id is added to template log.append(' Could not find Client %s' % client_id) return None, '\n'.join(log) client = r[0].getObject() updateable_states = ['sample_received', 'assigned'] reader = csv.reader(csvfile.readlines()) samples = [] sample_headers = None batch_headers = None batch_remarks = [] row_count = 0 for row in reader: row_count = row_count + 1 if not row: continue # a new batch starts if row_count == 1: if row[0] == 'Header': continue else: msg = '%s invalid batch header' % row transaction_note(msg) return None, msg elif row_count == 2: msg = None if row[1] != 'Import': msg = 'Invalid batch header - Import required in cell B2' transaction_note(msg) return None, msg entered_name = fullfilename.split('.')[0] if not row[2] or entered_name.lower() != row[2].lower(): msg = 'Filename, %s, does not match entered filename, %s' \ % (filename, row[2]) transaction_note(msg) return None, msg batch_headers = row[0:] arimport_id = tmpID() title = filename idx = 1 while title in [i.Title() for i in client.objectValues()]: title = '%s-%s' % (filename, idx) idx += 1 arimport = _createObjectByType("ARImport", client, arimport_id, title=title) arimport.unmarkCreationFlag() continue elif row_count == 3: sample_headers = row[10:] continue elif row_count in [4,5,6]: continue #otherwise add to list of sample samples.append(row) if not row_count: msg = 'Invalid batch header' transaction_note(msg) return None, msg pad = 8192*' ' request = self.request title = 'Importing file' bar = ProgressBar( self.context, self.request, title, description='') notify(InitialiseProgressBar(bar)) sample_count = len(samples) row_count = 0 for sample in samples: next_num = tmpID() row_count = row_count + 1 item_remarks = [] progress_index = float(row_count)/float(sample_count)*100.0 progress = ProgressState(self.request, progress_index) notify(UpdateProgressEvent(progress)) #TODO REmove for production - just to look pretty #time.sleep(1) analyses = [] for i in range(10, len(sample)): if sample[i] != '1': continue analyses.append(sample_headers[(i-10)]) if len(analyses) > 0: aritem_id = '%s_%s' %('aritem', (str(next_num))) aritem = _createObjectByType("ARImportItem", arimport, aritem_id) aritem.edit( SampleName=sample[0], ClientRef=batch_headers[10], ClientSid=sample[1], SampleDate=sample[2], SampleType = sample[3], PickingSlip = sample[4], ContainerType = sample[5], ReportDryMatter = sample[6], Priority = sample[7], ) aritem.setRemarks(item_remarks) if importoption == 'c': aritem.setAnalyses(analyses) elif importoption == 'p': aritem.setAnalysisProfile(analyses) cc_names_report = ','.join( [i.strip() for i in batch_headers[6].split(';')]) \ if (batch_headers and len(batch_headers) > 7) else "" cc_emails_report = ','.join( [i.strip() for i in batch_headers[7].split(';')]) \ if batch_headers and len(batch_headers) > 8 else "" cc_emails_invoice = ','.join( [i.strip() for i in batch_headers[8].split(';')]) \ if batch_headers and len(batch_headers) > 9 else "" try: numOfSamples = int(batch_headers[12]) except: numOfSamples = 0 arimport.edit( ImportOption=importoption, FileName=batch_headers[2], OriginalFile=csvfile, ClientTitle = batch_headers[3], ClientID = batch_headers[4], ContactID = batch_headers[5], CCNamesReport = cc_names_report, CCEmailsReport = cc_emails_report, CCEmailsInvoice = cc_emails_invoice, OrderID = batch_headers[9], QuoteID = batch_headers[10], SamplePoint = batch_headers[11], NumberSamples = numOfSamples, Remarks = batch_remarks, Analyses = sample_headers, DateImported=DateTime(), ) arimport._renameAfterCreation() valid = arimport.validateIt() return arimport, msg
def cloneAR(self, ar): newar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", ar.aq_parent, tmpID()) newar.title = ar.title newar.description = ar.description newar.setContact(ar.getContact()) newar.setCCContact(ar.getCCContact()) newar.setCCEmails(ar.getCCEmails()) newar.setBatch(ar.getBatch()) newar.setTemplate(ar.getTemplate()) newar.setProfile(ar.getProfile()) newar.setSamplingDate(ar.getSamplingDate()) newar.setSampleType(ar.getSampleType()) newar.setSamplePoint(ar.getSamplePoint()) newar.setStorageLocation(ar.getStorageLocation()) newar.setSamplingDeviation(ar.getSamplingDeviation()) newar.setPriority(ar.getPriority()) newar.setSampleCondition(ar.getSampleCondition()) newar.setSample(ar.getSample()) newar.setClientOrderNumber(ar.getClientOrderNumber()) newar.setClientReference(ar.getClientReference()) newar.setClientSampleID(ar.getClientSampleID()) newar.setDefaultContainerType(ar.getDefaultContainerType()) newar.setAdHoc(ar.getAdHoc()) newar.setComposite(ar.getComposite()) newar.setReportDryMatter(ar.getReportDryMatter()) newar.setInvoiceExclude(ar.getInvoiceExclude()) newar.setAttachment(ar.getAttachment()) newar.setInvoice(ar.getInvoice()) newar.setDateReceived(ar.getDateReceived()) newar.setMemberDiscount(ar.getMemberDiscount()) # Set the results for each AR analysis ans = ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True) for an in ans: nan = _createObjectByType("Analysis", newar, an.getKeyword()) nan.setService(an.getService()) nan.setCalculation(an.getCalculation()) nan.setInterimFields(an.getInterimFields()) nan.setResult(an.getResult()) nan.setResultDM(an.getResultDM()) nan.setRetested = False, nan.setMaxTimeAllowed(an.getMaxTimeAllowed()) nan.setDueDate(an.getDueDate()) nan.setDuration(an.getDuration()) nan.setReportDryMatter(an.getReportDryMatter()) nan.setAnalyst(an.getAnalyst()) nan.setInstrument(an.getInstrument()) nan.setSamplePartition(an.getSamplePartition()) nan.unmarkCreationFlag() notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(nan)) changeWorkflowState(nan, 'bika_analysis_workflow', 'to_be_verified') nan.reindexObject() newar.reindexObject() newar.aq_parent.reindexObject() renameAfterCreation(newar) newar.setRequestID(newar.getId()) if hasattr(ar, 'setChildAnalysisRequest'): ar.setChildAnalysisRequest(newar) newar.setParentAnalysisRequest(ar) return newar
def _submit_arimport_p(self): """ load the profiles import layout """ ars = [] samples = [] valid_batch = False client = self.aq_parent contact_obj = None cc_contact_obj = None # validate contact for contact in client.objectValues('Contact'): if contact.getUsername() == self.getContactID(): contact_obj = contact if self.getCCContactID() == None: if contact_obj != None: break else: if contact.getUsername() == self.getCCContactID(): cc_contact_obj = contact if contact_obj != None: break if contact_obj == None: valid_batch = False # get Keyword to ServiceId Map services = {} service_uids = {} for service in self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'AnalysisService'): obj = service.getObject() keyword = obj.getKeyword() if keyword: services[keyword] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) service_uids[obj.UID()] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) samplepoints = self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'SamplePoint', Title = self.getSamplePoint()) if not samplepoints: valid_batch = False profiles = {} aritems = self.objectValues('ARImportItem') request = self.REQUEST title = 'Submitting AR Import' bar = ProgressBar( self, request, title, description='') event.notify(InitialiseProgressBar(bar)) row_count = 0 item_count = len(aritems) prefix = 'Sample' for aritem in aritems: # set up analyses ar_profile = None analyses = [] row_count += 1 for profilekey in aritem.getAnalysisProfile(): this_profile = None if not profiles.has_key(profilekey): profiles[profilekey] = [] # there is no profilekey index l_prox = self._findProfileKey(profilekey) if l_prox: profiles[profilekey] = \ [s.UID() for s in l_prox.getService()] this_profile = l_prox else: #TODO This will not find it!! # there is no profilekey index c_prox = self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'AnalysisProfile', getClientUID = client.UID(), getProfileKey = profilekey) if c_prox: obj = c_prox[0].getObject() profiles[profilekey] = \ [s.UID() for s in obj.getService()] this_profile = obj if ar_profile is None: ar_profile = obj else: ar_profile = None profile = profiles[profilekey] for analysis in profile: if not service_uids.has_key(analysis): service = tool.lookupObject(analysis) keyword = service.getKeyword() service_uids[obj.UID()] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) if keyword: services[keyword] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) if service_uids.has_key(analysis): if not service_uids[analysis] in analyses: analyses.append(service_uids[analysis]) else: valid_batch = False for analysis in aritem.getAnalyses(full_objects=True): if not services.has_key(analysis): for service in self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'AnalysisService', getKeyword = analysis): obj = service.getObject() services[analysis] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) service_uids[obj.UID()] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) if services.has_key(analysis): analyses.append(services[analysis]) else: valid_batch = False sampletypes = self.portal_catalog( portal_type = 'SampleType', sortable_title = aritem.getSampleType().lower(), ) if not sampletypes: valid_batch = False return sampletypeuid = sampletypes[0].getObject().UID() if aritem.getSampleDate(): date_items = aritem.getSampleDate().split('/') sample_date = DateTime( int(date_items[2]), int(date_items[0]), int(date_items[1])) else: sample_date = None sample_id = '%s-%s' % (prefix, tmpID()) sample = _createObjectByType("Sample", client, sample_id) sample.unmarkCreationFlag() sample.edit( SampleID = sample_id, ClientReference = aritem.getClientRef(), ClientSampleID = aritem.getClientSid(), SampleType = aritem.getSampleType(), DateSampled = sample_date, SamplingDate = sample_date, DateReceived = DateTime(), Remarks = aritem.getClientRemarks(), ) sample._renameAfterCreation() sample.setSamplePoint(self.getSamplePoint()) sample.setSampleID(sample.getId()) event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(sample)) sample.at_post_create_script() sample_uid = sample.UID() samples.append(sample_id) aritem.setSample(sample_uid) priorities = self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'ARPriority', sortable_title = aritem.Priority.lower(), ) if len(priorities) < 1: logger.warning( 'Invalid Priority: validation should have prevented this') priority = '' else: priority = priorities[0].getObject() ar_id = tmpID() ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, ar_id) report_dry_matter = False ar.unmarkCreationFlag() ar.edit( RequestID = ar_id, Contact = self.getContact(), CCContact = self.getCCContact(), CCEmails = self.getCCEmailsInvoice(), ClientOrderNumber = self.getOrderID(), ReportDryMatter = report_dry_matter, Profile = ar_profile, Analyses = analyses, Remarks = aritem.getClientRemarks(), Priority = priority, ) ar.setSample(sample_uid) sample = ar.getSample() ar.setSampleType(sampletypeuid) ar_uid = ar.UID() aritem.setAnalysisRequest(ar_uid) ars.append(ar_id) ar._renameAfterCreation() progress_index = float(row_count)/float(item_count)*100.0 progress = ProgressState(request, progress_index) event.notify(UpdateProgressEvent(progress)) self._add_services_to_ar(ar, analyses) self.setDateApplied(DateTime()) self.reindexObject()
def create_analysisrequest( context, request, values, analyses=[], partitions=None, specifications=None, prices=None ): # Gather neccesary tools workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow') bc = getToolByName(context, 'bika_catalog') # Create new sample or locate the existing for secondary AR if values.get('Sample'): secondary = True if ISample.providedBy(values['Sample']): sample = values['Sample'] else: sample = bc(UID=values['Sample'])[0].getObject() workflow_enabled = sample.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() else: secondary = False workflow_enabled = context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() sample = create_sample(context, request, values) # Create the Analysis Request ar = _createObjectByType('AnalysisRequest', context, tmpID()) ar.setSample(sample) # processform renames the sample, this requires values to contain the Sample. values['Sample'] = sample ar.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Object has been renamed ar.edit(RequestID=ar.getId()) # Set initial AR state workflow_action = 'sampling_workflow' if workflow_enabled \ else 'no_sampling_workflow' workflow.doActionFor(ar, workflow_action) # Set analysis request analyses analyses = ar.setAnalyses(analyses, prices=prices, specs=specifications) if secondary: # Only 'sample_due' and 'sample_recieved' samples can be selected # for secondary analyses doActionFor(ar, 'sample') doActionFor(ar, 'sample_due') sample_state = workflow.getInfoFor(sample, 'review_state') if sample_state == 'sample_received': doActionFor(ar, 'receive') for analysis in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=1): doActionFor(analysis, 'sample') doActionFor(analysis, 'sample_due') analysis_transition_ids = [t['id'] for t in workflow.getTransitionsFor(analysis)] if 'receive' in analysis_transition_ids and sample_state == 'sample_received': doActionFor(analysis, 'receive') if not secondary: # Create sample partitions if not partitions: partitions = [{'services':analyses}] for n, partition in enumerate(partitions): # Calculate partition id partition_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" partition_id = '%s%s' % (partition_prefix, n + 1) partition['part_id'] = partition_id # Point to or create sample partition if partition_id in sample.objectIds(): partition['object'] = sample[partition_id] else: partition['object'] = create_samplepartition( sample, partition, analyses ) # If Preservation is required for some partitions, # and the SamplingWorkflow is disabled, we need # to transition to to_be_preserved manually. if not workflow_enabled: to_be_preserved = [] sample_due = [] lowest_state = 'sample_due' for p in sample.objectValues('SamplePartition'): if p.getPreservation(): lowest_state = 'to_be_preserved' to_be_preserved.append(p) else: sample_due.append(p) for p in to_be_preserved: doActionFor(p, 'to_be_preserved') for p in sample_due: doActionFor(p, 'sample_due') doActionFor(sample, lowest_state) doActionFor(ar, lowest_state) # Transition pre-preserved partitions for p in partitions: if 'prepreserved' in p and p['prepreserved']: part = p['object'] state = workflow.getInfoFor(part, 'review_state') if state == 'to_be_preserved': workflow.doActionFor(part, 'preserve') # Return the newly created Analysis Request return ar
def publishFromHTML(self, aruid, results_html): # The AR can be published only and only if allowed uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog') ars = uc(UID=aruid) if not ars or len(ars) != 1: return [] ar = ars[0].getObject(); wf = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow') allowed_states = ['verified', 'published'] # Publish/Republish allowed? if wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') not in allowed_states: # Pre-publish allowed? if not ar.getAnalyses(review_state=allowed_states): return [] # HTML written to debug file # debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir" debug_mode = True #" Added by Yasir" if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".html") logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(results_html) # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR) # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone. # This version replaces 'attachment' links; probably not required, # so it's repeated below, without these localise_images. # cleanup, results_html_for_pdf = self.localise_images(results_html) # pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") # pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html_for_pdf, outfile=pdf_fn) # for fn in cleanup: # os.remove(fn) # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR) # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone. pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html, outfile=pdf_fn) # PDF written to debug file if debug_mode: logger.debug("Writing PDF for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), pdf_fn)) else: os.remove(pdf_fn) recipients = [] contact = ar.getContact() lab = ar.bika_setup.laboratory if pdf_report: if contact: recipients = [{ 'UID': contact.UID(), 'Username': to_utf8(contact.getUsername()), 'Fullname': to_utf8(contact.getFullname()), 'EmailAddress': to_utf8(contact.getEmailAddress()), 'PublicationModes': contact.getPublicationPreference() }] reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport') report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid) report.edit( AnalysisRequest=ar.UID(), Pdf=pdf_report, Html=results_html, Recipients=recipients ) report.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(report) # Set status to prepublished/published/republished status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') transitions = {'verified': 'publish', 'published' : 'republish'} transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish') try: wf.doActionFor(ar, transition) except WorkflowException: pass # compose and send email. # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email. # mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) to = [] mngrs = ar.getResponsible() for mngrid in mngrs['ids']: name = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('name', '') email = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('email', '') if (email != ''): to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email))) if len(to) > 0: # Send the email to the managers mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(to) attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) try: host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) # Send report to recipients recips = self.get_recipients(ar) for recip in recips: if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \ or not recip.get('email', ''): continue title = encode_header(recip.get('title', '')) email = recip.get('email') formatted = formataddr((title, email)) # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one # has the pdf already attached mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) mime_msg['To'] = formatted # Attach the pdf to the email if requested if pdf_report and 'pdf' in recip.get('pubpref'): attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) # For now, I will simply ignore mail send under test. if hasattr(self.portal, 'robotframework'): continue msg_string = mime_msg.as_string() # content of outgoing email written to debug file if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".email") logger.debug("Writing MIME message for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(msg_string) try: host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') host.send(msg_string, immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) ar.setDatePublished(DateTime()) return [ar]
def _submit_arimport_c(self): """ load the classic import layout """ ars = [] samples = [] valid_batch = True client = self.aq_parent contact_obj = None cc_contact_obj = None # validate contact for contact in client.objectValues('Contact'): if contact.getUsername() == self.getContactID(): contact_obj = contact if self.getCCContactID() == None: if contact_obj != None: break else: if contact.getUsername() == self.getCCContactID(): cc_contact_obj = contact if contact_obj != None: break if contact_obj == None: valid_batch = False # get Keyword to ServiceId Map services = {} for service in self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'AnalysisService'): obj = service.getObject() keyword = obj.getKeyword() if keyword: services[keyword] = '%s:%s' % (obj.UID(), obj.getPrice()) samplepoints = self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'SamplePoint', Title = self.getSamplePoint()) if not samplepoints: valid_batch = False aritems = self.objectValues('ARImportItem') request = self.REQUEST title = 'Submitting AR Import' bar = ProgressBar( self, request, title, description='') event.notify(InitialiseProgressBar(bar)) SamplingWorkflowEnabled = \ self.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() row_count = 0 item_count =len(aritems) prefix = 'Sample' for aritem in aritems: row_count += 1 # set up analyses analyses = [] for analysis in aritem.getAnalyses(full_objects=True): if services.has_key(analysis): analyses.append(services[analysis]) else: valid_batch = False sampletypes = self.portal_catalog( portal_type = 'SampleType', sortable_title = aritem.getSampleType().lower(), ) if not sampletypes: valid_batch = False return sampletypeuid = sampletypes[0].getObject().UID() if aritem.getSampleDate(): date_items = aritem.getSampleDate().split('/') sample_date = DateTime( int(date_items[2]), int(date_items[1]), int(date_items[0])) else: sample_date = None sample_id = '%s-%s' % (prefix, tmpID()) sample = _createObjectByType("Sample", client, sample_id) sample.unmarkCreationFlag() sample.edit( SampleID = sample_id, ClientReference = aritem.getClientRef(), ClientSampleID = aritem.getClientSid(), SampleType = aritem.getSampleType(), DateSampled = sample_date, SamplingDate = sample_date, DateReceived = DateTime(), ) sample._renameAfterCreation() #sp_id = client.invokeFactory('SamplePoint', id=tmpID()) #sp = client[sp_id] #sp.edit(title=self.getSamplePoint()) sample.setSamplePoint(self.getSamplePoint()) sample.setSampleID(sample.getId()) event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(sample)) sample.at_post_create_script() sample_uid = sample.UID() samples.append(sample_id) aritem.setSample(sample_uid) priorities = self.bika_setup_catalog( portal_type = 'ARPriority', sortable_title = aritem.Priority.lower(), ) if len(priorities) < 1: logger.warning( 'Invalid Priority: validation should have prevented this') #Create AR ar_id = tmpID() ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, ar_id) if aritem.getReportDryMatter().lower() == 'y': report_dry_matter = True else: report_dry_matter = False ar.unmarkCreationFlag() ar.edit( RequestID = ar_id, Contact = self.getContact(), CCContact = self.getCCContact(), CCEmails = self.getCCEmailsInvoice(), ClientOrderNumber = self.getOrderID(), ReportDryMatter = report_dry_matter, Analyses = analyses, Priority = priorities[0].getObject(), ) ar.setSample(sample_uid) sample = ar.getSample() ar.setSampleType(sampletypeuid) ar_uid = ar.UID() aritem.setAnalysisRequest(ar_uid) ars.append(ar_id) ar._renameAfterCreation() self._add_services_to_ar(ar, analyses) progress_index = float(row_count)/float(item_count)*100.0 progress = ProgressState(request, progress_index) event.notify(UpdateProgressEvent(progress)) #TODO REmove for production - just to look pretty #time.sleep(1) self.setDateApplied(DateTime()) self.reindexObject()
def _add_services_to_ar(self, ar, analyses): #Add Services service_uids = [i.split(':')[0] for i in analyses] new_analyses = ar.setAnalyses(service_uids) ar.setRequestID(ar.getId()) ar.reindexObject() event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(ar)) ar.at_post_create_script() SamplingWorkflowEnabled = \ self.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() wftool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') # Create sample partitions parts = [{'services': [], 'container':[], 'preservation':'', 'separate':False}] sample = ar.getSample() parts_and_services = {} for _i in range(len(parts)): p = parts[_i] part_prefix = sample.getId() + "-P" if '%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1) in sample.objectIds(): parts[_i]['object'] = sample['%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1)] parts_and_services['%s%s' % (part_prefix, _i + 1)] = \ p['services'] else: part = _createObjectByType("SamplePartition", sample, tmpID()) parts[_i]['object'] = part container = None preservation = p['preservation'] parts[_i]['prepreserved'] = False part.unmarkCreationFlag() part.edit( Container=container, Preservation=preservation, ) part._renameAfterCreation() if SamplingWorkflowEnabled: wftool.doActionFor(part, 'sampling_workflow') else: wftool.doActionFor(part, 'no_sampling_workflow') parts_and_services[] = p['services'] if SamplingWorkflowEnabled: wftool.doActionFor(ar, 'sampling_workflow') else: wftool.doActionFor(ar, 'no_sampling_workflow') # Add analyses to sample partitions # XXX jsonapi create AR: right now, all new analyses are linked to the first samplepartition if new_analyses: analyses = list(part.getAnalyses()) analyses.extend(new_analyses) part.edit( Analyses=analyses, ) for analysis in new_analyses: analysis.setSamplePartition(part) # If Preservation is required for some partitions, # and the SamplingWorkflow is disabled, we need # to transition to to_be_preserved manually. if not SamplingWorkflowEnabled: to_be_preserved = [] sample_due = [] lowest_state = 'sample_due' for p in sample.objectValues('SamplePartition'): if p.getPreservation(): lowest_state = 'to_be_preserved' to_be_preserved.append(p) else: sample_due.append(p) for p in to_be_preserved: doActionFor(p, 'to_be_preserved') for p in sample_due: doActionFor(p, 'sample_due') doActionFor(sample, lowest_state) for analysis in ar.objectValues('Analysis'): doActionFor(analysis, lowest_state) doActionFor(ar, lowest_state)
def create(self, context, request): """/@@API/create: Create new object. Required parameters: - obj_type = portal_type of new object. - obj_path = path of new object, from plone site root. - Not required for obj_type=AnalysisRequest Optionally: - obj_id = ID of new object. All other parameters in the request are matched against the object's Schema. If a matching field is found in the schema, then the value is taken from the request and sent to the field's mutator. Reference fields may have their target value(s) specified with a delimited string query syntax, containing the portal_catalog search: <FieldName>=index1:value1|index2:value2 eg to set the Client of a batch: ...@@API/update?obj_path=<path>... ...&Client=title:<client_title>&... And, to set a multi-valued reference, these both work: ...@@API/update?obj_path=<path>... ...&InheritedObjects:list=title:AR1... ...&InheritedObjects:list=title:AR2... ...@@API/update?obj_path=<path>... ...&InheritedObjects[]=title:AR1... ...&InheritedObjects[]=title:AR2... The Analysis_Specification parameter is special, it mimics the format of the python dictionaries, and only service Keyword can be used to reference services. Even if the keyword is not actively required, it must be supplied: <service_keyword>:min:max:error tolerance The function returns a dictionary as a json string: { runtime: Function running time. error: true or string(message) if error. false if no error. success: true or string(message) if success. false if no success. } >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> portal_url = portal.absolute_url() >>> from import SITE_OWNER_NAME >>> from import SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD Simple AR creation, no obj_path parameter is required: >>> browser = layer['getBrowser'](portal, loggedIn=True, username=SITE_OWNER_NAME, password=SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD) >>>"/@@API/create", "&".join([ ... "obj_type=AnalysisRequest", ... "Client=portal_type:Client|id:client-1", ... "SampleType=portal_type:SampleType|title:Apple Pulp", ... "Contact=portal_type:Contact|getFullname:Rita Mohale", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Calcium", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Copper", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Magnesium", ... "SamplingDate=2013-09-29", ... "Specification=portal_type:AnalysisSpec|title:Apple Pulp", ... ])) >>> browser.contents '{..."success": true...}' If some parameters are specified and are not located as existing fields or properties of the created instance, the create should fail: >>> browser = layer['getBrowser'](portal, loggedIn=True, username=SITE_OWNER_NAME, password=SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD) >>>"/@@API/create?", "&".join([ ... "obj_type=Batch", ... "obj_path=/batches", ... "title=Test", ... "Thing=Fish" ... ])) >>> browser.contents '{...The following request fields were not used: ...Thing...}' Now we test that the AR create also fails if some fields are spelled wrong >>> browser = layer['getBrowser'](portal, loggedIn=True, username=SITE_OWNER_NAME, password=SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD) >>>"/@@API/create", "&".join([ ... "obj_type=AnalysisRequest", ... "thing=Fish", ... "Client=portal_type:Client|id:client-1", ... "SampleType=portal_type:SampleType|title:Apple Pulp", ... "Contact=portal_type:Contact|getFullname:Rita Mohale", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Calcium", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Copper", ... "Services:list=portal_type:AnalysisService|title:Magnesium", ... "SamplingDate=2013-09-29" ... ])) >>> browser.contents '{...The following request fields were not used: ...thing...}' """ savepoint = transaction.savepoint() self.context = context self.request = request self.unused = [x for x in self.request.form.keys()] self.used("form.submitted") self.used("__ac_name") self.used("__ac_password") # always require obj_type self.require("obj_type") obj_type = self.request['obj_type'] self.used("obj_type") # AnalysisRequest shortcut: creates Sample, Partition, AR, Analyses. if obj_type == "AnalysisRequest": try: return self._create_ar(context, request) except: savepoint.rollback() raise # Other object types require explicit path as their parent self.require("obj_path") obj_path = self.request['obj_path'] if not obj_path.startswith("/"): obj_path = "/" + obj_path self.used("obj_path") site_path = request['PATH_INFO'].replace("/@@API/create", "") parent = context.restrictedTraverse(str(site_path + obj_path)) # normal permissions still apply for this user if not getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AccessJSONAPI, parent): msg = "You don't have the '{0}' permission on {1}".format( AccessJSONAPI, parent.absolute_url()) raise Unauthorized(msg) obj_id = request.get("obj_id", "") _renameAfterCreation = False if not obj_id: _renameAfterCreation = True obj_id = tmpID() self.used(obj_id) ret = { "url": router.url_for("create", force_external=True), "success": True, "error": False, } try: obj = _createObjectByType(obj_type, parent, obj_id) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() if _renameAfterCreation: renameAfterCreation(obj) ret['obj_id'] = obj.getId() used_fields = set_fields_from_request(obj, request) for field in used_fields: self.used(field) obj.reindexObject() obj.aq_parent.reindexObject() event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(obj)) obj.at_post_create_script() except: savepoint.rollback() raise if self.unused: raise BadRequest("The following request fields were not used: %s. Request aborted." % self.unused) return ret
def __call__(self): """Create and render selected report """ # if there's an error, we return which requires these. self.selection_macros = SelectionMacrosView(self.context, self.request) self.additional_reports = [] adapters = getAdapters((self.context, ), IProductivityReport) for name, adapter in adapters: report_dict = adapter(self.context, self.request) report_dict['id'] = name self.additional_reports.append(report_dict) report_id = self.request.get('report_id', '') if not report_id: message = _("No report specified in request") self.logger.error(message) self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'error') return self.template() = DateTime() username = self.context.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName() self.reporter = self.user_fullname(username) self.reporter_email = self.user_email(username) # signature image self.reporter_signature = "" c = [x for x in self.bika_setup_catalog(portal_type='LabContact') if x.getObject().getUsername() == username] if c: sf = c[0].getObject().getSignature() if sf: self.reporter_signature = sf.absolute_url() + "/Signature" lab = self.context.bika_setup.laboratory self.laboratory = lab self.lab_title = lab.getName() self.lab_address = lab.getPrintAddress() self.lab_email = lab.getEmailAddress() self.lab_url = lab.getLabURL() client = logged_in_client(self.context) if client: clientuid = client.UID() self.client_title = client.Title() self.client_address = client.getPrintAddress() else: clientuid = None self.client_title = None self.client_address = None # Render form output # the report can add file names to this list; they will be deleted # once the PDF has been generated. temporary plot image files, etc. self.request['to_remove'] = [] if "report_module" in self.request: module = self.request["report_module"] else: module = "bika.lims.browser.reports.%s" % report_id try: exec ("from %s import Report" % module) # required during error redirect: the report must have a copy of # additional_reports, because it is used as a surrogate view. Report.additional_reports = self.additional_reports except ImportError: message = "Report %s.Report not found (shouldn't happen)" % module self.logger.error(message) self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'error') return self.template() # Report must return dict with: # - report_title - title string for pdf/history listing # - report_data - rendered report output = Report(self.context, self.request)() # if CSV output is chosen, report returns None if not output: return if type(output) in (str, unicode, bytes): # remove temporary files for f in self.request['to_remove']: os.remove(f) return output # The report output gets pulled through self.reportout = output['report_data'] framed_output = self.frame_template() # this is the good part result = createPdf(framed_output) # remove temporary files for f in self.request['to_remove']: os.remove(f) if result: # Create new report object reportid = self.aq_parent.generateUniqueId('Report') report = _createObjectByType("Report", self.aq_parent, reportid) report.edit(Client=clientuid) report.processForm() # write pdf to report object report.edit(title=output['report_title'], ReportFile=result) report.reindexObject() fn = "%s - %s" % (, _u(output['report_title'])) setheader = self.request.RESPONSE.setHeader setheader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf') setheader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"%s\"" % _c(fn)) self.request.RESPONSE.write(result) return
def publishFromHTML(self, aruid, results_html): # The AR can be published only and only if allowed uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog') ars = uc(UID=aruid) if not ars or len(ars) != 1: return [] ar = ars[0].getObject() wf = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow') allowed_states = ['verified', 'published'] # Publish/Republish allowed? if wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') not in allowed_states: # Pre-publish allowed? if not ar.getAnalyses(review_state=allowed_states): return [] # HTML written to debug file # debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir" debug_mode = True #" Added by Yasir" if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".html") logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(results_html) # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR) # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone. # This version replaces 'attachment' links; probably not required, # so it's repeated below, without these localise_images. # cleanup, results_html_for_pdf = self.localise_images(results_html) # pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") # pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html_for_pdf, outfile=pdf_fn) # for fn in cleanup: # os.remove(fn) # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR) # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone. pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html, outfile=pdf_fn) # PDF written to debug file if debug_mode: logger.debug("Writing PDF for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), pdf_fn)) else: os.remove(pdf_fn) recipients = [] contact = ar.getContact() lab = ar.bika_setup.laboratory if pdf_report: if contact: recipients = [{ 'UID': contact.UID(), 'Username': to_utf8(contact.getUsername()), 'Fullname': to_utf8(contact.getFullname()), 'EmailAddress': to_utf8(contact.getEmailAddress()), 'PublicationModes': contact.getPublicationPreference() }] reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport') report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid) report.edit(AnalysisRequest=ar.UID(), Pdf=pdf_report, Html=results_html, Recipients=recipients) report.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(report) # Set status to prepublished/published/republished status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') transitions = {'verified': 'publish', 'published': 'republish'} transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish') try: wf.doActionFor(ar, transition) except WorkflowException: pass # compose and send email. # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email. # mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) to = [] mngrs = ar.getResponsible() for mngrid in mngrs['ids']: name = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('name', '') email = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('email', '') if (email != ''): to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email))) if len(to) > 0: # Send the email to the managers mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(to) attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) try: host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) # Send report to recipients recips = self.get_recipients(ar) for recip in recips: if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \ or not recip.get('email', ''): continue title = encode_header(recip.get('title', '')) email = recip.get('email') formatted = formataddr((title, email)) # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one # has the pdf already attached mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) mime_msg['To'] = formatted # Attach the pdf to the email if requested if pdf_report and 'pdf' in recip.get('pubpref'): attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) # For now, I will simply ignore mail send under test. if hasattr(self.portal, 'robotframework'): continue msg_string = mime_msg.as_string() # content of outgoing email written to debug file if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".email") logger.debug("Writing MIME message for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(msg_string) try: host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') host.send(msg_string, immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) ar.setDatePublished(DateTime()) return [ar]
def process(self): self._parser.parse() parsed = self._parser.resume() self._errors = self._parser.errors self._warns = self._parser.warns self._logs = self._parser.logs self._priorizedsearchcriteria = '' if parsed == False: return False # Allowed analysis states allowed_ar_states_msg = [t(_(s)) for s in self.getAllowedARStates()] allowed_an_states_msg = [ t(_(s)) for s in self.getAllowedAnalysisStates() ] self.log("Allowed Analysis Request states: ${allowed_states}", mapping={'allowed_states': ', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg)}) self.log("Allowed analysis states: ${allowed_states}", mapping={'allowed_states': ', '.join(allowed_an_states_msg)}) # Exclude non existing ACODEs acodes = [] ancount = 0 arprocessed = [] instprocessed = [] importedars = {} importedinsts = {} rawacodes = self._parser.getAnalysisKeywords() exclude = self.getKeywordsToBeExcluded() for acode in rawacodes: if acode in exclude: continue service = self.bsc(getKeyword=acode) if not service: self.warn('Service keyword ${analysis_keyword} not found', mapping={"analysis_keyword": acode}) else: acodes.append(acode) if len(acodes) == 0: self.err("Service keywords: no matches found") searchcriteria = self.getIdSearchCriteria() #self.log(_("Search criterias: %s") % (', '.join(searchcriteria))) for objid, results in self._parser.getRawResults().iteritems(): # Allowed more than one result for the same sample and analysis. # Needed for calibration tests for result in results: analyses = self._getZODBAnalyses(objid) inst = None if len(analyses) == 0 and self.instrument_uid: # No registered analyses found, but maybe we need to # create them first if an instruemnt id has been set in insts = self.bsc(portal_type='Instrument', UID=self.instrument_uid) if len(insts) == 0: # No instrument found self.err( "No Analysis Request with '${allowed_ar_states}' " "states found, And no QC analyses found for ${object_id}", mapping={ "allowed_ar_states": ', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg), "object_id": objid }) self.err("Instrument not found") continue inst = insts[0].getObject() # Create a new ReferenceAnalysis and link it to the Instrument # Here we have an objid (i.e. R01200012) and # a dict with results (the key is the AS keyword). # How can we create a ReferenceAnalysis if we don't know # which ReferenceSample we might use? # Ok. The objid HAS to be the ReferenceSample code. refsample = self.bc(portal_type='ReferenceSample', id=objid) if refsample and len(refsample) == 1: refsample = refsample[0].getObject() elif refsample and len(refsample) > 1: # More than one reference sample found! self.err( "More than one reference sample found for '${object_id}'", mapping={"object_id": objid}) continue else: # No reference sample found! self.err("No Reference Sample found for ${object_id}", mapping={"object_id": objid}) continue # For each acode, create a ReferenceAnalysis and attach it # to the Reference Sample service_uids = [] reference_type = 'b' if refsample.getBlank( ) == True else 'c' services = self.bsc(portal_type='AnalysisService') service_uids = [service.UID for service in services \ if service.getObject().getKeyword() in result.keys()] analyses = inst.addReferences(refsample, service_uids) elif len(analyses) == 0: # No analyses found self.err( "No Analysis Request with '${allowed_ar_states}' " "states neither QC analyses found for ${object_id}", mapping={ "allowed_ar_states": ', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg), "object_id": objid }) continue # Look for timestamp capturedate = result.get('DateTime', {}).get('DateTime', None) if capturedate: del result['DateTime'] for acode, values in result.iteritems(): if acode not in acodes: # Analysis keyword doesn't exist continue ans = [analysis for analysis in analyses \ if analysis.getKeyword() == acode] if len(ans) > 1: self.err( "More than one analyses found for ${object_id} and ${analysis_keyword)", mapping={ "object_id": objid, "analysis_keyword": acode }) continue elif len(ans) == 0: self.err( "No analyses found for ${object_id} and ${analysis_keyword)", mapping={ "object_id": objid, "analysis_keyword": acode }) continue analysis = ans[0] if capturedate: values['DateTime'] = capturedate processed = self._process_analysis(objid, analysis, values) if processed: ancount += 1 if inst: # Calibration Test (import to Instrument) instprocessed.append(inst.UID()) importedinst = inst.title in importedinsts.keys() \ and importedinsts[inst.title] or [] if acode not in importedinst: importedinst.append(acode) importedinsts[inst.title] = importedinst else: ar = analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' and analysis.aq_parent or None if ar and ar.UID: # Set AR imported info arprocessed.append(ar.UID()) importedar = ar.getRequestID() in importedars.keys() \ and importedars[ar.getRequestID()] or [] if acode not in importedar: importedar.append(acode) importedars[ar.getRequestID()] = importedar # Create the AttachmentType for mime type if not exists attuid = None attachmentType = self.bsc( portal_type="AttachmentType", title=self._parser.getAttachmentFileType()) if len(attachmentType) == 0: try: folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_attachmenttypes obj = _createObjectByType( "AttachmentType", folder, tmpID()) obj.edit( title=self._parser.getAttachmentFileType(), description="Autogenerated file type") obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) attuid = obj.UID() except: attuid = None self.err( "Unable to create the Attachment Type ${mime_type}", mapping={ "mime_type": self._parser.getFileMimeType() }) else: attuid = attachmentType[0].UID if attuid is not None: try: # Attach the file to the Analysis wss = analysis.getBackReferences( 'WorksheetAnalysis') if wss and len(wss) > 0: #TODO: Mirar si es pot evitar utilitzar el WS i utilitzar directament l'Anàlisi (útil en cas de CalibrationTest) ws = wss[0] attachment = _createObjectByType( "Attachment", ws, tmpID()) attachment.edit( AttachmentFile=self._parser. getInputFile(), AttachmentType=attuid, AttachmentKeys= 'Results, Automatic import') attachment.reindexObject() others = analysis.getAttachment() attachments = [] for other in others: if other.getAttachmentFile( ).filename != attachment.getAttachmentFile( ).filename: attachments.append(other.UID()) attachments.append(attachment.UID()) analysis.setAttachment(attachments) except: # self.err(_("Unable to attach results file '${file_name}' to AR ${request_id}", # mapping={"file_name": self._parser.getInputFile().filename, # "request_id": ar.getRequestID()})) pass # Calculate analysis dependencies for aruid in arprocessed: ar = self.bc(portal_type='AnalysisRequest', UID=aruid) ar = ar[0].getObject() analyses = ar.getAnalyses() for analysis in analyses: analysis = analysis.getObject() if analysis.calculateResult(True, True): self.log( "${request_id} calculated result for '${analysis_keyword}': '${analysis_result}'", mapping={ "request_id": ar.getRequestID(), "analysis_keyword": analysis.getKeyword(), "analysis_result": str(analysis.getResult()) }) # Not sure if there's any reason why ReferenceAnalyses have not # defined the method calculateResult... # Needs investigation. #for instuid in instprocessed: # inst = self.bsc(portal_type='Instrument',UID=instuid)[0].getObject() # analyses = inst.getAnalyses() # for analysis in analyses: # if (analysis.calculateResult(True, True)): # self.log(_("%s calculated result for '%s': '%s'") % # (inst.title, analysis.getKeyword(), str(analysis.getResult()))) for arid, acodes in importedars.iteritems(): acodesmsg = ["Analysis %s" % acod for acod in acodes] self.log( "${request_id}: ${analysis_keywords} imported sucessfully", mapping={ "request_id": arid, "analysis_keywords": acodesmsg }) for instid, acodes in importedinsts.iteritems(): acodesmsg = ["Analysis %s" % acod for acod in acodes] msg = "%s: %s %s" % (instid, ", ".join(acodesmsg), "imported sucessfully") self.log(msg) if self.instrument_uid: self.log( "Import finished successfully: ${nr_updated_ars} ARs, " "${nr_updated_instruments} Instruments and ${nr_updated_results} " "results updated", mapping={ "nr_updated_ars": str(len(importedars)), "nr_updated_instruments": str(len(importedinsts)), "nr_updated_results": str(ancount) }) else: self.log( "Import finished successfully: ${nr_updated_ars} ARs and " "${nr_updated_results} results updated", mapping={ "nr_updated_ars": str(len(importedars)), "nr_updated_results": str(ancount) })
def process(self): self._parser.parse() parsed = self._parser.resume() self._errors = self._parser.errors self._warns = self._parser.warns self._logs = self._parser.logs self._priorizedsearchcriteria = '' if parsed == False: return False # Allowed analysis states allowed_ar_states_msg = [t(_(s)) for s in self.getAllowedARStates()] allowed_an_states_msg = [t(_(s)) for s in self.getAllowedAnalysisStates()] self.log("Allowed Analysis Request states: ${allowed_states}", mapping={'allowed_states': ', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg)}) self.log("Allowed analysis states: ${allowed_states}", mapping={'allowed_states': ', '.join(allowed_an_states_msg)}) # Exclude non existing ACODEs acodes = [] ancount = 0 arprocessed = [] instprocessed = [] importedars = {} importedinsts = {} rawacodes = self._parser.getAnalysisKeywords() exclude = self.getKeywordsToBeExcluded() for acode in rawacodes: if acode in exclude: continue service = self.bsc(getKeyword=acode) if not service: self.warn('Service keyword ${analysis_keyword} not found', mapping={"analysis_keyword": acode}) else: acodes.append(acode) if len(acodes) == 0: self.err("Service keywords: no matches found") searchcriteria = self.getIdSearchCriteria(); #self.log(_("Search criterias: %s") % (', '.join(searchcriteria))) for objid, results in self._parser.getRawResults().iteritems(): # Allowed more than one result for the same sample and analysis. # Needed for calibration tests for result in results: analyses = self._getZODBAnalyses(objid) inst = None if len(analyses) == 0 and self.instrument_uid: # No registered analyses found, but maybe we need to # create them first if an instruemnt id has been set in insts = self.bsc(portal_type='Instrument', UID=self.instrument_uid) if len(insts) == 0: # No instrument found self.err("No Analysis Request with '${allowed_ar_states}' " "states found, And no QC analyses found for ${object_id}", mapping={"allowed_ar_states": ', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg), "object_id": objid}) self.err("Instrument not found") continue inst = insts[0].getObject() # Create a new ReferenceAnalysis and link it to the Instrument # Here we have an objid (i.e. R01200012) and # a dict with results (the key is the AS keyword). # How can we create a ReferenceAnalysis if we don't know # which ReferenceSample we might use? # Ok. The objid HAS to be the ReferenceSample code. refsample = self.bc(portal_type='ReferenceSample', id=objid) if refsample and len(refsample) == 1: refsample = refsample[0].getObject() elif refsample and len(refsample) > 1: # More than one reference sample found! self.err( "More than one reference sample found for '${object_id}'", mapping={"object_id": objid}) continue else: # No reference sample found! self.err("No Reference Sample found for ${object_id}", mapping={"object_id": objid}) continue # For each acode, create a ReferenceAnalysis and attach it # to the Reference Sample service_uids = [] reference_type = 'b' if refsample.getBlank() == True else 'c' services = self.bsc(portal_type='AnalysisService') service_uids = [service.UID for service in services \ if service.getObject().getKeyword() in result.keys()] analyses = inst.addReferences(refsample, service_uids) elif len(analyses) == 0: # No analyses found self.err("No Analysis Request with '${allowed_ar_states}' " "states neither QC analyses found for ${object_id}", mapping={ "allowed_ar_states":', '.join(allowed_ar_states_msg), "object_id": objid}) continue # Look for timestamp capturedate = result.get('DateTime',{}).get('DateTime',None) if capturedate: del result['DateTime'] for acode, values in result.iteritems(): if acode not in acodes: # Analysis keyword doesn't exist continue ans = [analysis for analysis in analyses \ if analysis.getKeyword() == acode] if len(ans) > 1: self.err("More than one analyses found for ${object_id} and ${analysis_keyword)", mapping={"object_id": objid, "analysis_keyword": acode}) continue elif len(ans) == 0: self.err("No analyses found for ${object_id} and ${analysis_keyword)", mapping={"object_id": objid, "analysis_keyword": acode}) continue analysis = ans[0] if capturedate: values['DateTime'] = capturedate processed = self._process_analysis(objid, analysis, values) if processed: ancount += 1 if inst: # Calibration Test (import to Instrument) instprocessed.append(inst.UID()) importedinst = inst.title in importedinsts.keys() \ and importedinsts[inst.title] or [] if acode not in importedinst: importedinst.append(acode) importedinsts[inst.title] = importedinst else: ar = analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' and analysis.aq_parent or None if ar and ar.UID: # Set AR imported info arprocessed.append(ar.UID()) importedar = ar.getRequestID() in importedars.keys() \ and importedars[ar.getRequestID()] or [] if acode not in importedar: importedar.append(acode) importedars[ar.getRequestID()] = importedar # Create the AttachmentType for mime type if not exists attuid = None attachmentType = self.bsc(portal_type="AttachmentType", title=self._parser.getAttachmentFileType()) if len(attachmentType) == 0: try: folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_attachmenttypes obj = _createObjectByType("AttachmentType", folder, tmpID()) obj.edit(title=self._parser.getAttachmentFileType(), description="Autogenerated file type") obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) attuid = obj.UID() except: attuid = None self.err( "Unable to create the Attachment Type ${mime_type}", mapping={ "mime_type": self._parser.getFileMimeType()}) else: attuid = attachmentType[0].UID if attuid is not None: try: # Attach the file to the Analysis wss = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis') if wss and len(wss) > 0: #TODO: Mirar si es pot evitar utilitzar el WS i utilitzar directament l'Anàlisi (útil en cas de CalibrationTest) ws = wss[0] attachment = _createObjectByType("Attachment", ws, tmpID()) attachment.edit( AttachmentFile=self._parser.getInputFile(), AttachmentType=attuid, AttachmentKeys='Results, Automatic import') attachment.reindexObject() others = analysis.getAttachment() attachments = [] for other in others: if other.getAttachmentFile().filename != attachment.getAttachmentFile().filename: attachments.append(other.UID()) attachments.append(attachment.UID()) analysis.setAttachment(attachments) except: # self.err(_("Unable to attach results file '${file_name}' to AR ${request_id}", # mapping={"file_name": self._parser.getInputFile().filename, # "request_id": ar.getRequestID()})) pass # Calculate analysis dependencies for aruid in arprocessed: ar = self.bc(portal_type='AnalysisRequest', UID=aruid) ar = ar[0].getObject() analyses = ar.getAnalyses() for analysis in analyses: analysis = analysis.getObject() if analysis.calculateResult(True, True): self.log( "${request_id} calculated result for '${analysis_keyword}': '${analysis_result}'", mapping={"request_id": ar.getRequestID(), "analysis_keyword": analysis.getKeyword(), "analysis_result": str(analysis.getResult())} ) # Not sure if there's any reason why ReferenceAnalyses have not # defined the method calculateResult... # Needs investigation. #for instuid in instprocessed: # inst = self.bsc(portal_type='Instrument',UID=instuid)[0].getObject() # analyses = inst.getAnalyses() # for analysis in analyses: # if (analysis.calculateResult(True, True)): # self.log(_("%s calculated result for '%s': '%s'") % # (inst.title, analysis.getKeyword(), str(analysis.getResult()))) for arid, acodes in importedars.iteritems(): acodesmsg = ["Analysis %s" % acod for acod in acodes] self.log("${request_id}: ${analysis_keywords} imported sucessfully", mapping={"request_id": arid, "analysis_keywords": acodesmsg}) for instid, acodes in importedinsts.iteritems(): acodesmsg = ["Analysis %s" % acod for acod in acodes] msg = "%s: %s %s" % (instid, ", ".join(acodesmsg), "imported sucessfully") self.log(msg) if self.instrument_uid: self.log( "Import finished successfully: ${nr_updated_ars} ARs, " "${nr_updated_instruments} Instruments and ${nr_updated_results} " "results updated", mapping={"nr_updated_ars": str(len(importedars)), "nr_updated_instruments": str(len(importedinsts)), "nr_updated_results": str(ancount)}) else: self.log( "Import finished successfully: ${nr_updated_ars} ARs and " "${nr_updated_results} results updated", mapping={"nr_updated_ars": str(len(importedars)), "nr_updated_results": str(ancount)})