コード例 #1
ファイル: get_supernovae.py プロジェクト: dessn/sn-bhm
def get_supernovae(n, data=True):
    redshifts = RedshiftSampler()

    # Redshift distribution
    zs = redshifts.sample(size=n)

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.hist(zs, 100)
    # plt.show()
    # exit()

    # Population stats
    vals = get_truths_labels_significance()
    mapping = {k[0]: k[1] for k in vals}
    cosmology = FlatwCDM(70.0, mapping["Om"])
    mus = cosmology.distmod(zs).value

    alpha = mapping["alpha"]
    beta = mapping["beta"]
    dscale = mapping["dscale"]
    dratio = mapping["dratio"]
    p_high_masses = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n)
    means = np.array([mapping["mean_MB"], mapping["mean_x1"], mapping["mean_c"]])
    sigmas = np.array([mapping["sigma_MB"], mapping["sigma_x1"], mapping["sigma_c"]])
    sigmas_mat = np.dot(sigmas[:, None], sigmas[None, :])
    correlations = np.dot(mapping["intrinsic_correlation"], mapping["intrinsic_correlation"].T)
    pop_cov = correlations * sigmas_mat

    results = []
    for z, p, mu in zip(zs, p_high_masses, mus):
            MB, x1, c = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, pop_cov)
            mass_correction = dscale * (1.9 * (1 - dratio) / (0.9 + np.power(10, 0.95 * z)) + dratio)
            adjustment = - alpha * x1 + beta * c - mass_correction * p
            MB_adj = MB + adjustment
            mb = MB_adj + mu
            result = get_ia_summary_stats(z, MB_adj, x1, c, cosmo=cosmology, data=data)
            d = {
                "MB": MB,
                "mB": mb,
                "x1": x1,
                "c": c,
                "m": p,
                "z": z,
                "pc": result["passed_cut"],
                "lp": multivariate_normal.logpdf([MB, x1, c], means, pop_cov),
                "dp": result.get("delta_p"),
                "parameters": result.get("params"),
                "covariance": result.get("cov"),
                "lc": None if data else result.get("lc")
        except RuntimeError:
            print("Error on nova: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.3f" % (MB, x1, c, z))
    return results
コード例 #2
ファイル: load.py プロジェクト: dessn/sn-bhm
def load_stan_from_folder(folder, replace=True, merge=True, cut=False, num=None):
    vals = get_truths_labels_significance()
    full_params = [[k[2]] if not isinstance(k[2], list) else k[2] for k in vals if k[2] is not None]
    params = [[k[2]] if not isinstance(k[2], list) else k[2] for k in vals if
              k[3] and k[2] is not None]
    full_params = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(full_params))
    params = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(params))
    name_map = {k[0]: k[2] for k in vals}
    truths = {k[2]: k[1] for k in vals if not isinstance(k[2], list)}
    is_array = [k[0] for k in vals if not isinstance(k[1], float) and not isinstance(k[1], int)]
    cs = {}
    fs = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.startswith("stan") and f.endswith(".pkl")])
    if num is not None:
        filter = "_%d_" % num
        fs = [f for f in fs if filter in f]

    for f in fs:
        splits = f.split("_")
        c = splits[1]
        t = os.path.abspath(folder + os.sep + f)
        if cs.get(c) is None:
            cs[c] = []
        cs[c].append(get_chain(t, name_map, replace=replace))
    assert len(cs.keys()) > 0, "No results found"
    result = []
    good_ks = []
    for k in sorted(list(cs.keys())):
        chains = cs[k]
        chain = chains[0]
        for c in chains[1:]:
            for key in chain.keys():
                chain[key] = np.concatenate((chain[key], c[key]))
        posterior = chain["Posterior"]
        del chain["Posterior"]
        if "weight" in chain.keys():
            weights = chain["weight"]
            del chain["weight"]
            weights = np.ones(posterior.shape)
        if "old\\_weight" in chain.keys():
            ow = chain["old\\_weight"]
            # ow -= ow.min()
            # ow = np.exp(ow)
            del chain["old\\_weight"]
        elif "old_weight" in chain.keys():
            ow = chain["old_weight"]
            del chain["old_weight"]
            ow = np.ones(posterior.shape)
        for param in is_array:
            latex = name_map[param]
            truth_val = truths[latex]
            shape = truth_val.shape
            if not replace:
                del chain[param]
            if len(shape) > 1 or latex not in chain: continue  # Dont do 2D parameters
            for i in range(shape[0]):
                column = chain[latex][:, i]
                chain[latex % i] = column
                truths[latex % i] = truth_val[i]
            del chain[latex]

        c = ChainConsumer()
        c.add_chain(chain, weights=weights)
        summary = c.get_summary()
        num_failed = sum([1 if summary[k][0] is None else 0 for k in summary.keys()])
        num_param = len(list(summary.keys()))
        if not cut or num_failed < 4:
            print("Chain %s good" % k)
            result.append((chain, posterior, truths, params, full_params, len(chains), weights, ow))
            print("Chain %s is bad" % k)
    if merge:
        rr = list(result[0])
        for r in result[1:]:
            for key in rr[0].keys():
                rr[0][key] = np.concatenate((rr[0][key], r[0][key]))
            rr[1] = np.concatenate((rr[1], r[1]))
            rr[6] = np.concatenate((rr[6], r[6]))
            rr[7] = np.concatenate((rr[7], r[7]))
            rr[5] += r[5]
        return tuple(rr)
        return result