コード例 #1
 def pass_messages(self, g):
     g.apply_edges(GF.u_mul_v('norm', 'norm', 'coef'))
     g.apply_edges(GF.u_mul_v('x', 'x', 'm2'))
     g.apply_edges(GF.copy_u('x', 'm1'))
     g.update_all(GF.copy_e('m1', 'm1'), GF.sum('m1', 'f1'))
     g.update_all(GF.copy_e('m2', 'm2'), GF.sum('m2', 'f2'))
コード例 #2
def check_flow_compute2(create_node_flow):
    num_layers = 2
    g = generate_rand_graph(100)
    g.edata['h'] = F.ones((g.number_of_edges(), 10))

    nf = create_node_flow(g, num_layers)
    g.ndata['h'] = g.ndata['h1']
    nf.layers[0].data['h'] = nf.layers[0].data['h1']
    for i in range(num_layers):
        nf.block_compute(i, SrcMulEdgeMessageFunction(
            'h', 'h', 't'), fn.sum('t', 'h1'))
        nf.block_compute(i, fn.src_mul_edge('h', 'h', 'h'), fn.sum('h', 'h'))
        g.update_all(fn.src_mul_edge('h', 'h', 'h'), fn.sum('h', 'h'))
        assert_allclose(F.asnumpy(nf.layers[i + 1].data['h1']),
                        F.asnumpy(nf.layers[i + 1].data['h']),
                        rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
        assert_allclose(F.asnumpy(nf.layers[i + 1].data['h']),
                            g.nodes[nf.layer_parent_nid(i + 1)].data['h']),
                        rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

    nf = create_node_flow(g, num_layers)
    g.ndata['h'] = g.ndata['h1']
    for i in range(nf.num_layers):
        nf.layers[i].data['h'] = nf.layers[i].data['h1']
    for i in range(num_layers):
        nf.block_compute(i, fn.u_mul_v('h', 'h', 't'), fn.sum('t', 's'))
        g.update_all(fn.u_mul_v('h', 'h', 't'), fn.sum('t', 's'))
        assert_allclose(F.asnumpy(nf.layers[i + 1].data['s']),
                            g.nodes[nf.layer_parent_nid(i + 1)].data['s']),
                        rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
コード例 #3
def GRANDConv(graph, feats, order):
    graph: dgl.Graph
        The input graph
    feats: Tensor (n_nodes * feat_dim)
        Node features
    order: int 
        Propagation Steps
    with graph.local_scope():
        ''' Calculate Symmetric normalized adjacency matrix   \hat{A} '''
        degs = graph.in_degrees().float().clamp(min=1)
        norm = th.pow(degs, -0.5).to(feats.device).unsqueeze(1)

        graph.ndata['norm'] = norm
        graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('norm', 'norm', 'weight'))
        ''' Graph Conv '''
        x = feats
        y = 0 + feats

        for i in range(order):
            graph.ndata['h'] = x
            graph.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'weight', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'))
            x = graph.ndata.pop('h')

    return y / (order + 1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: dgl_bert.py プロジェクト: HuXiangkun/dgl-bert
    def forward(self, graph):
        node_num = graph.ndata['h'].size(0)

        Q = self.query(graph.ndata['h'])
        K = self.key(graph.ndata['h'])
        V = self.value(graph.ndata['h'])

        Q = self.transpose_for_scores(Q)
        K = self.transpose_for_scores(K)
        V = self.transpose_for_scores(V)

        graph.ndata['Q'] = Q
        graph.ndata['K'] = K
        graph.ndata['V'] = V

        graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('K', 'Q', 'attn_probs'))
        graph.edata['attn_probs'] = graph.edata['attn_probs'].sum(-1,
        graph.edata['attn_probs'] = edge_softmax(graph,
        graph.edata['attn_probs'] = self.dropout(graph.edata['attn_probs'])
        graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_e('V', 'attn_probs', 'attn_values'))

        graph.register_message_func(fn.copy_e('attn_values', 'm'))
        graph.register_reduce_func(fn.sum('m', 'h'))
        graph.ndata['h'] = graph.ndata['h'].view([node_num, -1])

        return graph
コード例 #5
    def forward(self, g, node_mask):
        # collect features from source nodes and aggregate them in destination nodes
        g.update_all(fn.copy_src('nodes', 'message'), fn.sum('message', 'message_sum'))
        msg = g.ndata.pop('message_sum')
        nodes = self.update_GRU(msg, g.ndata['nodes'])

        g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('nodes', 'nodes', 'edge_message'))
        edges = g.edata.pop('edge_spans') * g.edata.pop('edge_message').unsqueeze(-1)
        return nodes, edges
コード例 #6
def calc_weight(g):
    with g.local_scope():
        g.ndata['in_degree'] = g.in_degrees().float().pow(-0.5)
        g.ndata['out_degree'] = g.out_degrees().float().pow(-0.5)
        g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('out_degree', 'in_degree', 'weight'))
        g.update_all(fn.copy_e('weight', 'msg'), fn.sum('msg', 'norm'))
        g.apply_edges(fn.e_div_v('weight', 'norm', 'weight'))
        return g.edata['weight']
コード例 #7
    def propagate_attention(self, g):
			copied from gqp

        g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('q', 'k', 'e'))
        e = (g.edata['e'].sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)) / (self.dk**0.5)

        g.edata['e'] = self.attn_drop(edge_softmax(g, e))

        g.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('v', 'e', 'e'), fn.sum('e', 'v'))
コード例 #8
ファイル: sign.py プロジェクト: eshnil2000/dgl-deep-graph
def calc_weight(g):
    Compute row_normalized(D^(-1/2)AD^(-1/2))
    with g.local_scope():
        # compute D^(-0.5)*D(-1/2), assuming A is Identity
        g.ndata["in_deg"] = g.in_degrees().float().pow(-0.5)
        g.ndata["out_deg"] = g.out_degrees().float().pow(-0.5)
        g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v("out_deg", "in_deg", "weight"))
        # row-normalize weight
        g.update_all(fn.copy_e("weight", "msg"), fn.sum("msg", "norm"))
        g.apply_edges(fn.e_div_v("weight", "norm", "weight"))
        return g.edata["weight"]
コード例 #9
 def forward(self, graph, feat):
     graph = graph.local_var()
     if isinstance(feat, tuple):
         feat_src, feat_dst = feat
         feat_src = feat_dst = feat
     h_self = feat_dst
     # DIN attention: 两个向量、两个向量的差、两个向量的积,分别mlp到n_hidden,再相加,再mlp到1
     ## 计算两个向量的差和积
     graph.srcdata.update({'e_src': feat_src})
     graph.dstdata.update({'e_dst': feat_dst})
     graph.apply_edges(fn.u_sub_v('e_src', 'e_dst', 'e_sub'))
     graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('e_src', 'e_dst', 'e_mul'))
     ## 分别mlp
     graph.srcdata["e_src"] = self.atten_src(feat_src)
     graph.dstdata["e_dst"] = self.atten_dst(feat_dst)
     graph.edata["e_sub"] = self.atten_sub(graph.edata["e_sub"])
     graph.edata["e_mul"] = self.atten_mul(graph.edata["e_mul"])
     ## “mlp后相加”代替“concat后mlp”
     graph.edata["e"] = graph.edata.pop("e_sub") + graph.edata.pop("e_mul")
     graph.apply_edges(fn.e_add_u('e', 'e_src', 'e'))
     graph.apply_edges(fn.e_add_v('e', 'e_dst', 'e'))
     ## 第一层激活函数
     graph.edata["e"] = F.gelu(graph.edata["e"])
     ## 第二层mlp变换到1
     graph.edata["e"] = self.leaky_relu(self.atten_out(graph.edata["e"]))
     # max pool
     graph.srcdata['h'] = F.gelu(self.fc_pool(feat_src))
     graph.apply_edges(fn.e_mul_u('e', 'h', 'h'))
     graph.update_all(fn.copy_e('h', 'm'), fn.max('m', 'neigh'))
     h_neigh = graph.dstdata['neigh']
     # mean pool
     graph.srcdata['h'] = F.gelu(self.fc_pool2(feat_src))
     graph.apply_edges(fn.e_mul_u('e', 'h', 'h'))
     graph.update_all(fn.copy_e('h', 'm'), fn.mean('m', 'neigh'))
     h_neigh2 = graph.dstdata['neigh']
     # concat
     rst = self.fc_self(h_self) + self.fc_neigh(h_neigh) + self.fc_neigh2(h_neigh2)
     # mlps
     if len(self.out_mlp) > 0:
         for layer in self.out_mlp:
             o = layer(F.gelu(rst))
             rst = rst + o
     return rst
コード例 #10
ファイル: conv.py プロジェクト: edwardelson/ogb
    def forward(self, g, x, edge_attr):
        with g.local_scope():
            x = self.linear(x)
            edge_embedding = self.bond_encoder(edge_attr)

            # Molecular graphs are undirected
            # g.out_degrees() is the same as g.in_degrees()
            degs = (g.out_degrees().float() + 1).to(x.device)
            norm = torch.pow(degs, -0.5).unsqueeze(-1)                # (N, 1)
            g.ndata['norm'] = norm
            g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('norm', 'norm', 'norm'))

            g.ndata['x'] = x
            g.apply_edges(fn.copy_u('x', 'm'))
            g.edata['m'] = g.edata['norm'] * F.relu(g.edata['m'] + edge_embedding)
            g.update_all(fn.copy_e('m', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'new_x'))
            out = g.ndata['new_x'] + F.relu(x + self.root_emb.weight) * 1. / degs.view(-1, 1)

            return out
コード例 #11
    def forward(self, g, feature):
        g = g.local_var()
        g.ndata['v'] = self.V(feature).view(-1, self._num_heads,
        g.ndata['q'] = self.Q(feature).view(-1, self._num_heads,
        g.ndata['k'] = self.K(feature).view(-1, self._num_heads,

        g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('q', 'k', 'u'))
        u = g.edata['u'].sum(-1, keepdim=True) * (self._out_feats)**(-0.5)
        a = edge_softmax(g, u)
        g.edata['a'] = a
        g.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('v', 'a', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'ft'))
        rst = self.scale(g.ndata['ft'].view(-1,
                                            self._out_feats * self._num_heads))
        if self.res_fc is not None:
            rst = rst.view(-1, self._num_heads,
                           self._in_feats).sum(dim=1) + feature
        return rst
コード例 #12
    def forward(self, g, feat_dict):
        funcs = {}
        for srctype, etype, dsttype in g.canonical_etypes:
            g.nodes[dsttype].data['h'] = feat_dict[
                dsttype]  #nodes' original feature
            g.nodes[srctype].data['h'] = feat_dict[srctype]
            g.nodes[srctype].data['t_h'] = self.W_T[etype](
                feat_dict[srctype])  #src nodes' transformed feature

            #compute the attention numerator (exp)
            g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('t_h', 'h', 'x'), etype=etype)
            g.edges[etype].data['x'] = torch.exp(self.W_A[etype](

            #first update to compute the attention denominator (\sum exp)
            funcs[etype] = (fn.copy_e('x', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'att'))
        g.multi_update_all(funcs, 'sum')

        funcs = {}
        for srctype, etype, dsttype in g.canonical_etypes:
            g.apply_edges(fn.e_div_v('x', 'att', 'att'), etype=etype
                          )  #compute attention weights (numerator/denominator)
            funcs[etype] = (fn.u_mul_e('h', 'att',
                                       'm'), fn.sum('m',
                                                    'h'))  #\sum(h0*att) -> h1
        #second update to obtain h1
        g.multi_update_all(funcs, 'sum')

        #apply activation, layernorm, and dropout
        feat_dict = {}
        for ntype in g.ntypes:
            feat_dict[ntype] = self.dropout(
            )  #apply activation, layernorm, and dropout

        return feat_dict
コード例 #13
ファイル: gnn_ogb.py プロジェクト: zwvews/dgl-lifesci
    def forward(self, g, node_feats, edge_feats):
        """Update node representations.

        g : DGLGraph
            DGLGraph for a batch of graphs
        node_feats : LongTensor of shape (N, 1)
            Input categorical node features. N for the number of nodes.
        edge_feats : FloatTensor of shape (E, in_edge_feats)
            Input edge features. E for the number of edges.

        FloatTensor of shape (N, hidden_feats)
            Output node representations
        if self.gnn_type == 'gcn':
            degs = (g.in_degrees().float() + 1).to(node_feats.device)
            norm = torch.pow(degs, -0.5).unsqueeze(-1)  # (N, 1)
            g.ndata['norm'] = norm
            g.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v('norm', 'norm', 'norm'))
            norm = g.edata.pop('norm')

        if self.virtual_node:
            virtual_node_feats = self.virtual_node_emb(
        h_list = [self.node_encoder(node_feats)]

        for l in range(len(self.layers)):
            if self.virtual_node:
                virtual_feats_broadcast = dgl.broadcast_nodes(
                    g, virtual_node_feats)
                h_list[l] = h_list[l] + virtual_feats_broadcast

            if self.gnn_type == 'gcn':
                h = self.layers[l](g, h_list[l], edge_feats, degs, norm)
                h = self.layers[l](g, h_list[l], edge_feats)

            if self.batchnorms is not None:
                h = self.batchnorms[l](h)

            if self.activation is not None and l != self.n_layers - 1:
                h = self.activation(h)
            h = self.dropout(h)

            if l < self.n_layers - 1 and self.virtual_node:
                ### Update virtual node representation from real node representations
                virtual_node_feats_tmp = self.virtual_readout(
                    g, h_list[l]) + virtual_node_feats
                if self.residual:
                    virtual_node_feats = virtual_node_feats + self.dropout(
                    virtual_node_feats = self.dropout(

        if self.jk:
            return torch.stack(h_list, dim=0).sum(0)
            return h_list[-1]
コード例 #14
def run(args, graph, labels, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, evaluator, n_running):
    # define model and optimizer
    model = gen_model(in_feats, n_classes, args)
    model = model.to(device)

    if not args.standard_loss:
        loss_fcn = loge_cross_entropy
        loss_fcn = cross_entropy
    optimizer = optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=args.lr, weight_decay=args.wd)

    # training loop
    total_time = 0
    best_val_acc, best_test_acc, best_val_loss = 0, 0, float("inf")

    accs, train_accs, val_accs, test_accs = [], [], [], []
    losses, train_losses, val_losses, test_losses = [], [], [], []

    ### do nomalization for only one time
    deg_sqrt, deg_isqrt = compute_norm(graph)
    graph.srcdata.update({"src_norm": deg_isqrt})
    graph.dstdata.update({"dst_norm": deg_isqrt})
    graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v("src_norm", "dst_norm", "gcn_norm"))

    graph.srcdata.update({"src_norm": deg_isqrt})
    graph.dstdata.update({"dst_norm": deg_sqrt})
    graph.apply_edges(fn.u_mul_v("src_norm", "dst_norm", "gcn_norm_adjust"))

    checkpoint_path = args.checkpoint_path
    if args.mode == "student":
        teacher_output = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint_path, f'best_pred_run{n_running}.pt')).cpu().cuda()
        teacher_output = None

    for epoch in range(1, args.n_epochs + 1):
        tic = time.time()

        if args.adjust_lr:
            adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, args.lr, epoch)

        acc, loss = train(args, model, graph, labels, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, optimizer, teacher_output, loss_fcn, evaluator, epoch=epoch)

        train_acc, val_acc, test_acc, train_loss, val_loss, test_loss, pred = evaluate(
            args, model, graph, labels, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, args.use_labels, loss_fcn, evaluator

        toc = time.time()
        total_time += toc - tic

        if val_loss < best_val_loss:
            best_val_loss = val_loss
            best_val_acc = val_acc
            best_test_acc = test_acc
            final_pred = pred
            if args.mode == "teacher":
                os.makedirs(checkpoint_path, exist_ok=True)
                save_checkpoint(final_pred, n_running, checkpoint_path)

        if epoch % args.log_every == 0:
            print(f"Run: {n_running}/{args.n_runs}, Epoch: {epoch}/{args.n_epochs}", )
            print(f"Time: {(total_time / epoch):.4f}, Loss: {loss.item():.4f}, Acc: {acc:.4f}")
            print(f"Train/Val/Test loss: {train_loss:.4f}/{val_loss:.4f}/{test_loss:.4f}")
            print(f"Train/Val/Test/Best val/Best test acc: {train_acc:.4f}/{val_acc:.4f}/{test_acc:.4f}/{best_val_acc:.4f}/{best_test_acc:.4f}")

        for l, e in zip(
            [accs, train_accs, val_accs, test_accs, losses, train_losses, val_losses, test_losses],
            [acc, train_acc, val_acc, test_acc, loss.item(), train_loss, val_loss, test_loss],

    print("*" * 50)
    print(f"Average epoch time: {total_time / args.n_epochs}, Test acc: {best_test_acc}")

    if args.plot_curves:
        plot(accs, train_accs, val_accs, test_accs, 
             losses, train_losses, val_losses, test_losses, 
             n_running, args.n_epochs)

    if args.save_pred:
        os.makedirs(args.output_path, exist_ok=True)
        torch.save(F.softmax(final_pred, dim=1), os.path.join(args.output_path, f"{n_running - 1}.pt"))

    return best_val_acc, best_test_acc