コード例 #1
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def spot_count_per_image(self, rlist):
    ''' Analyse the spot count per image. '''
    from os.path import join
    x,y,z = rlist['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()
    max_z = int(math.ceil(flex.max(z)))

    ids = rlist['id']
    spot_count_per_image = []
    for j in range(flex.max(ids)+1):
      zsel = z.select(ids == j)
      for i in range(max_z):
        sel = (zsel >= i) & (zsel < (i+1))

    colours = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'black'] * 10
    assert len(spot_count_per_image) <= colours

    from matplotlib import pyplot
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_title("Spot count per image")
    for j in range(len(spot_count_per_image)):
        list(range(len(spot_count_per_image[j]))), spot_count_per_image[j],
        s=5, color=colours[j], marker='o', alpha=0.4)
    ax.set_xlabel("Image #")
    ax.set_ylabel("# spots")
    pyplot.savefig(join(self.directory, "spots_per_image.png"))
コード例 #2
  def plot_histograms(self, reflections, panel = None, ax = None, bounds = None):
    data = reflections['difference_vector_norms']
    colors = ['b-', 'g-', 'g--', 'r-', 'b-', 'b--']
    n_slots = 20
    if self.params.residuals.histogram_max is None:
      h = flex.histogram(data, n_slots=n_slots)
      h = flex.histogram(data.select(data <= self.params.residuals.histogram_max), n_slots=n_slots)

    n = len(reflections)
    rmsd_obs = math.sqrt((reflections['xyzcal.mm']-reflections['xyzobs.mm.value']).sum_sq()/n)
    sigma = mode = h.slot_centers()[list(h.slots()).index(flex.max(h.slots()))]
    mean_obs = flex.mean(data)
    median = flex.median(data)
    mean_rayleigh = math.sqrt(math.pi/2)*sigma
    rmsd_rayleigh = math.sqrt(2)*sigma

    data = flex.vec2_double([(i,j) for i, j in zip(h.slot_centers(), h.slots())])
    n = len(data)
    for i in [mean_obs, mean_rayleigh, mode, rmsd_obs, rmsd_rayleigh]:
      data.extend(flex.vec2_double([(i, 0), (i, flex.max(h.slots()))]))
    data = self.get_bounded_data(data, bounds)
    tmp = [data[:n]]
    for i in xrange(len(colors)):
    data = tmp

    for d, c in zip(data, colors):
      ax.plot(d.parts()[0], d.parts()[1], c)

    if ax.get_legend() is None:
      ax.legend([r"$\Delta$XY", "MeanObs", "MeanRayl", "Mode", "RMSDObs", "RMSDRayl"])
コード例 #3
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def spot_count_per_panel(self, rlist):
    ''' Analyse the spot count per panel. '''
    from os.path import join
    panel = rlist['panel']
    if flex.max(panel) == 0:
      # only one panel, don't bother generating a plot

    n_panels = int(flex.max(panel))
    spot_count_per_panel = flex.int()
    for i in range(n_panels):
      sel = (panel >= i) & (panel < (i+1))

    from matplotlib import pyplot
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_title("Spot count per panel")
      list(range(len(spot_count_per_panel))), spot_count_per_panel,
      s=10, color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.4)
    ax.set_xlabel("Panel #")
    ax.set_ylabel("# spots")
    pyplot.savefig(join(self.directory, "spots_per_panel.png"))
コード例 #4
 def get_one_spot_length_width_angle(self, id):
     # the radial direction is along the vector from the beam center to
     # the spot centroid for each spot
     shoebox = self.strong['shoebox'][id]
     s0_position = self.panel_s0_intersections[shoebox.panel]
     centroid = shoebox.centroid_strong().px_xy
     dx, dy = [centroid[i] - s0_position[i] for i in (0, 1)]
     radial_abs = matrix.col((dx, dy))
     radial = radial_abs.normalize()
     transverse = self.s0.normalize().cross(radial)
     mask = flex.bool([(m & self.valid_code) != 0 for m in shoebox.mask])
     bbox = self.strong['bbox'][id]
     x_start, y_start = bbox[0], bbox[2]
     x_range, y_range = bbox[1] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[2]
     radial_distances = flex.double()
     transverse_distances = flex.double()
     for i, valid_foreground in enumerate(mask):
         if valid_foreground:
             position = matrix.col(
                 (x_start + i % x_range, y_start + i // y_range))
             projection_radial = position.dot(radial)
             projection_transverse = position.dot(transverse)
     length = flex.max(radial_distances) - flex.min(radial_distances)
     width = flex.max(transverse_distances) - flex.min(transverse_distances)
     # The angle subtended is centered at the spot centroid, spanning the
     # spot width. Half this angle makes a right triangle with legs of lengths
     # [distance to beam center] and [half the spot width]. Use the tangent.
     angle = 2 * math.atan(width / (2 * radial_abs.length()))
     return (length, width, angle)
コード例 #5
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: jasonroyprice/dials
    def spot_count_per_panel(self, rlist):
        """ Analyse the spot count per panel. """
        panel = rlist["panel"]
        if flex.max(panel) == 0:
            # only one panel, don't bother generating a plot

        n_panels = int(flex.max(panel))
        spot_count_per_panel = flex.int()
        for i in range(n_panels):
            sel = (panel >= i) & (panel < (i + 1))

        fig = pyplot.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_title("Spot count per panel")
        ax.set_xlabel("Panel #")
        ax.set_ylabel("# spots")
        pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(self.directory, "spots_per_panel.png"))
コード例 #6
ファイル: check_mosaic.py プロジェクト: lizhen-dlut/xia2
def go(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
        allprof = pickle.load(fh)
    for prof in allprof:
        x, y, z = mosaic_profile_xyz(prof[0])
        for profile in prof[1:]:
            _x, _y, _z = mosaic_profile_xyz(profile)
            x += _x
            y += _y
            z += _z

        x /= flex.max(x)
        data = (100 * x).iround()
        fmt = '%3d ' * x.size()
        print('X:', fmt % tuple(data))

        y /= flex.max(y)
        data = (100 * y).iround()
        fmt = '%3d ' * y.size()
        print('Y:', fmt % tuple(data))

        z /= flex.max(z)
        data = (100 * z).iround()
        fmt = '%3d ' * z.size()
        print('Z:', fmt % tuple(data))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: dials/dials_scratch
def plot_prob_for_zero(c, b, s):
  from math import log, exp, factorial
  from dials.array_family import flex
  L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100))
  c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  b = [bb / sum(b) for bb in b]
  s = [ss / sum(s) for ss in s]
  for BB in range(0, 100):
    for SS in range(0, 100):
      B = 0 + BB / 10000.0
      S = 0 + SS / 40.0
      LL = 0
      for i in range(len(b)):
        if B*b[i] + S*s[i] <= 0:
          MASK[BB, SS] = True
          LL = -999999
          LL += c[i]*log(B*b[i]+S*s[i]) - log(factorial(c[i])) - B*b[i] - S*s[i]

      L[BB, SS] = LL
  index = flex.max_index(L)
  i = index % 100
  j = index // 100
  B = 0 + j / 10000.0
  S = 0 + i / 40.0
  print flex.max(L), B, S
  from matplotlib import pylab
  import numpy
  im = numpy.ma.masked_array(flex.exp(L).as_numpy_array(), mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
コード例 #8
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: jasonroyprice/dials
    def spot_count_per_image(self, rlist):
        """ Analyse the spot count per image. """
        x, y, z = rlist["xyzobs.px.value"].parts()
        max_z = int(math.ceil(flex.max(z)))

        ids = rlist["id"]
        spot_count_per_image = []
        for j in range(flex.max(ids) + 1):
            zsel = z.select(ids == j)
            for i in range(max_z):
                sel = (zsel >= i) & (zsel < (i + 1))

        colours = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "black"] * 10
        assert len(spot_count_per_image) <= colours

        fig = pyplot.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_title("Spot count per image")
        for j, spots in enumerate(spot_count_per_image):
        ax.set_xlabel("Image #")
        ax.set_ylabel("# spots")
        pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(self.directory, "spots_per_image.png"))
コード例 #9
ファイル: check_mosaic.py プロジェクト: isikhar/xia2
def go(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
        allprof = pickle.load(fh)
    for prof in allprof:
        x, y, z = mosaic_profile_xyz(prof[0])
        for profile in prof[1:]:
            _x, _y, _z = mosaic_profile_xyz(profile)
            x += _x
            y += _y
            z += _z

        x /= flex.max(x)
        data = (100 * x).iround()
        fmt = "%3d " * x.size()
        print("X:", fmt % tuple(data))

        y /= flex.max(y)
        data = (100 * y).iround()
        fmt = "%3d " * y.size()
        print("Y:", fmt % tuple(data))

        z /= flex.max(z)
        data = (100 * z).iround()
        fmt = "%3d " * z.size()
        print("Z:", fmt % tuple(data))
コード例 #10
  def get_bounded_data(self, data, bounds):
    assert len(bounds) == 4
    x = [b[0] for b in bounds]
    y = [b[1] for b in bounds]
    left = sorted(x)[1]
    right = sorted(x)[2]
    top = sorted(y)[2]
    bottom = sorted(y)[1]
    origin = col((left, bottom))
    scale_x = right-left
    scale_y = top-bottom
    scale = min(scale_x, scale_y)

    data_max_x = flex.max(data.parts()[0])
    data_min_x = flex.min(data.parts()[0])
    data_max_y = flex.max(data.parts()[1])
    data_min_y = flex.min(data.parts()[1])
    data_scale_x = data_max_x - data_min_x
    data_scale_y = data_max_y - data_min_y

    if data_scale_x == 0 or data_scale_y == 0:
      print "WARNING bad scale"
      return data

    return flex.vec2_double(data.parts()[0] * (scale/abs(data_scale_x)),
                            data.parts()[1] * (scale/abs(data_scale_y))) + origin
コード例 #11
    def display(self, num):
        Display some shoeboxes

        from dials_scratch.jmp.viewer import show_image_stack_multi_view
        from random import sample
        from dials.array_family import flex

        def simulate(experiments, reflections, parameters):
            from dials_scratch.jmp.profile_modelling import MLTarget3D

            func = MLTarget3D(experiments[0], reflections)
            return [
                func.simulate(i, parameters) for i in range(len(reflections))

        # Sample from reflections
        reflections = self.reflections.select(
            flex.size_t(sample(range(len(self.reflections)), num)))

        # Simulate the reflection profiles from the current model
        simulated = simulate(self.experiments, reflections, self.parameters)

        # Display stuff
        for model, data_sbox in zip(simulated, reflections["shoebox"]):
            data = data_sbox.data
コード例 #12
def pickle_histogram(params, data):
    from dials.array_family import flex

    import cPickle as pickle
    from dials.array_family import flex

    with open(data) as fin:
        r, g, b = pickle.load(fin)

    if params.min is None:
        _min = min(flex.min(r), flex.min(g), flex.min(b))
        _min = params.min
    if params.max is None:
        _max = max(flex.max(r), flex.max(g), flex.max(b))
        _max = params.max

    tr = flex.histogram(r.as_1d(),
    tg = flex.histogram(g.as_1d(),
    tb = flex.histogram(b.as_1d(),

    with open(params.output, 'w') as f:
        for cn in zip(tr.slot_centers(), tr.slots(), tg.slots(), tb.slots()):
            f.write('%.2f %f %f %f\n' % cn)
コード例 #13
def blank_counts_analysis(reflections, scan, phi_step, fractional_loss):
    if not len(reflections):
        raise ValueError("Input contains no reflections")

    xyz_px = reflections["xyzobs.px.value"]
    x_px, y_px, z_px = xyz_px.parts()
    phi = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z_px)

    osc = scan.get_oscillation()[1]
    n_images_per_step = iceil(phi_step / osc)
    phi_step = n_images_per_step * osc

    array_range = scan.get_array_range()
    phi_min = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(array_range[0])
    phi_max = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(array_range[1])
    assert phi_min <= flex.min(phi)
    assert phi_max >= flex.max(phi)
    n_steps = max(int(round((phi_max - phi_min) / phi_step)), 1)
    hist = flex.histogram(
        z_px, data_min=array_range[0], data_max=array_range[1], n_slots=n_steps

    counts = hist.slots()
    fractional_counts = counts.as_double() / flex.max(counts)

    potential_blank_sel = fractional_counts <= fractional_loss

    xmin, xmax = zip(
            (slot_info.low_cutoff, slot_info.high_cutoff)
            for slot_info in hist.slot_infos()

    d = {
        "data": [
                "x": list(hist.slot_centers()),
                "y": list(hist.slots()),
                "xlow": xmin,
                "xhigh": xmax,
                "blank": list(potential_blank_sel),
                "type": "bar",
                "name": "blank_counts_analysis",
        "layout": {
            "xaxis": {"title": "z observed (images)"},
            "yaxis": {"title": "Number of reflections"},
            "bargap": 0,

    blank_regions = blank_regions_from_sel(d["data"][0])
    d["blank_regions"] = blank_regions

    return d
コード例 #14
ファイル: simple_strategy.py プロジェクト: kek-pf-mx/dials
  def __init__(self, strategies, n_bins=8, degrees_per_bin=5):
    from cctbx import crystal, miller
    import copy

    sg = strategies[0].experiment.crystal.get_space_group() \
    cs = crystal.symmetry(
      unit_cell=strategies[0].experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell(), space_group=sg)

    for i, strategy in enumerate(strategies):
      if i == 0:
        predicted = copy.deepcopy(strategy.predicted)
        predicted_ = copy.deepcopy(strategy.predicted)
        predicted_['dose'] += (flex.max(predicted['dose']) + 1)
    ms = miller.set(cs, indices=predicted['miller_index'], anomalous_flag=True)
    ma = miller.array(ms, data=flex.double(ms.size(),1),
                      sigmas=flex.double(ms.size(), 1))
    if 1:
      merging = ma.merge_equivalents()
      o = merging.array().customized_copy(

    d_star_sq = ma.d_star_sq().data()

    binner = ma.setup_binner_d_star_sq_step(

    dose = predicted['dose']
    range_width = 1
    range_min = flex.min(dose) - range_width
    range_max = flex.max(dose)
    n_steps = 2 + int((range_max - range_min) - range_width)

    binner_non_anom = ma.as_non_anomalous_array().use_binning(
    self.n_complete = flex.size_t(binner_non_anom.counts_complete()[1:-1])

    from xia2.Modules.PyChef2 import ChefStatistics
    chef_stats = ChefStatistics(
      ma.indices(), ma.data(), ma.sigmas(),
      ma.d_star_sq().data(), dose, self.n_complete, binner,
      ma.space_group(), ma.anomalous_flag(), n_steps)

    def fraction_new(completeness):
      # Completeness so far at end of image
      completeness_end = completeness[1:]
      # Completeness so far at start of image
      completeness_start = completeness[:-1]
      # Fraction of unique reflections observed for the first time on each image
      return completeness_end - completeness_start

    self.dose = dose
    self.ieither_completeness = chef_stats.ieither_completeness()
    self.iboth_completeness = chef_stats.iboth_completeness()
    self.frac_new_ref = fraction_new(self.ieither_completeness) / degrees_per_bin
    self.frac_new_pairs = fraction_new(self.iboth_completeness) / degrees_per_bin
コード例 #15
ファイル: simple_strategy.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def __init__(self, strategies, n_bins=8, degrees_per_bin=5):
    from cctbx import crystal, miller
    import copy

    sg = strategies[0].experiment.crystal.get_space_group() \
    cs = crystal.symmetry(
      unit_cell=strategies[0].experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell(), space_group=sg)

    for i, strategy in enumerate(strategies):
      if i == 0:
        predicted = copy.deepcopy(strategy.predicted)
        predicted_ = copy.deepcopy(strategy.predicted)
        predicted_['dose'] += (flex.max(predicted['dose']) + 1)
    ms = miller.set(cs, indices=predicted['miller_index'], anomalous_flag=True)
    ma = miller.array(ms, data=flex.double(ms.size(),1),
                      sigmas=flex.double(ms.size(), 1))
    if 1:
      merging = ma.merge_equivalents()
      o = merging.array().customized_copy(

    d_star_sq = ma.d_star_sq().data()

    binner = ma.setup_binner_d_star_sq_step(

    dose = predicted['dose']
    range_width = 1
    range_min = flex.min(dose) - range_width
    range_max = flex.max(dose)
    n_steps = 2 + int((range_max - range_min) - range_width)

    binner_non_anom = ma.as_non_anomalous_array().use_binning(
    self.n_complete = flex.size_t(binner_non_anom.counts_complete()[1:-1])

    from xia2.Modules.PyChef2 import ChefStatistics
    chef_stats = ChefStatistics(
      ma.indices(), ma.data(), ma.sigmas(),
      ma.d_star_sq().data(), dose, self.n_complete, binner,
      ma.space_group(), ma.anomalous_flag(), n_steps)

    def fraction_new(completeness):
      # Completeness so far at end of image
      completeness_end = completeness[1:]
      # Completeness so far at start of image
      completeness_start = completeness[:-1]
      # Fraction of unique reflections observed for the first time on each image
      return completeness_end - completeness_start

    self.dose = dose
    self.ieither_completeness = chef_stats.ieither_completeness()
    self.iboth_completeness = chef_stats.iboth_completeness()
    self.frac_new_ref = fraction_new(self.ieither_completeness) / degrees_per_bin
    self.frac_new_pairs = fraction_new(self.iboth_completeness) / degrees_per_bin
コード例 #16
    def generate_cif(crystal, refiner, filename):
        logger.info("Saving CIF information to %s", filename)
        from cctbx import miller
        import iotbx.cif.model

        block = iotbx.cif.model.block()
        block["_audit_creation_method"] = dials_version()
        block["_audit_creation_date"] = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
        #   block["_publ_section_references"] = '' # once there is a reference...

        for cell, esd, cifname in zip(
            block["_cell_%s" % cifname] = format_float_with_standard_uncertainty(
                cell, esd
        block["_cell_volume"] = format_float_with_standard_uncertainty(
            crystal.get_unit_cell().volume(), crystal.get_cell_volume_sd()

        used_reflections = refiner.get_matches()
        block["_cell_measurement_reflns_used"] = len(used_reflections)
        block["_cell_measurement_theta_min"] = (
            flex.min(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block["_cell_measurement_theta_max"] = (
            flex.max(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block["_diffrn_reflns_number"] = len(used_reflections)
        miller_span = miller.index_span(used_reflections["miller_index"])
        min_h, min_k, min_l = miller_span.min()
        max_h, max_k, max_l = miller_span.max()
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min"] = min_h
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max"] = max_h
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min"] = min_k
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max"] = max_k
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min"] = min_l
        block["_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max"] = max_l
        block["_diffrn_reflns_theta_min"] = (
            flex.min(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block["_diffrn_reflns_theta_max"] = (
            flex.max(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2

        cif = iotbx.cif.model.cif()
        cif["two_theta_refine"] = block
        with open(filename, "w") as fh:
コード例 #17
    def generate_mmcif(crystal, refiner, filename):
        logger.info("Saving mmCIF information to %s", filename)

        block = iotbx.cif.model.block()
        block["_audit.revision_id"] = 1
        block["_audit.creation_method"] = dials_version()
        block["_audit.creation_date"] = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
        block["_entry.id"] = "two_theta_refine"
        #   block["_publ.section_references"] = '' # once there is a reference...

        block["_cell.entry_id"] = "two_theta_refine"
        for cell, esd, cifname in zip(
            block["_cell.%s" % cifname] = "%.8f" % cell
            block["_cell.%s_esd" % cifname] = "%.8f" % esd
        block["_cell.volume"] = "%f" % crystal.get_unit_cell().volume()
        block["_cell.volume_esd"] = "%f" % crystal.get_cell_volume_sd()

        used_reflections = refiner.get_matches()
        block["_cell_measurement.entry_id"] = "two_theta_refine"
        block["_cell_measurement.reflns_used"] = len(used_reflections)
        block["_cell_measurement.theta_min"] = (
            flex.min(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2)
        block["_cell_measurement.theta_max"] = (
            flex.max(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2)
        block["_exptl_crystal.id"] = 1
        block["_diffrn.id"] = "two_theta_refine"
        block["_diffrn.crystal_id"] = 1
        block["_diffrn_reflns.diffrn_id"] = "two_theta_refine"
        block["_diffrn_reflns.number"] = len(used_reflections)
        miller_span = miller.index_span(used_reflections["miller_index"])
        min_h, min_k, min_l = miller_span.min()
        max_h, max_k, max_l = miller_span.max()
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_min"] = min_h
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_max"] = max_h
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_min"] = min_k
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_max"] = max_k
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_min"] = min_l
        block["_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_max"] = max_l
        block["_diffrn_reflns.theta_min"] = (
            flex.min(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2)
        block["_diffrn_reflns.theta_max"] = (
            flex.max(used_reflections["2theta_obs.rad"]) * 180 / math.pi / 2)

        cif = iotbx.cif.model.cif()
        cif["two_theta_refine"] = block
        with open(filename, "w") as fh:
コード例 #18
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def get_min_max_xy(self, rlist):
    xc, yc, zc = rlist['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    xo, yo, zo = rlist['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()

    min_x = math.floor(min(flex.min(xc), flex.min(xo)))
    min_y = math.floor(min(flex.min(yc), flex.min(yo)))
    max_x = math.ceil(max(flex.max(xc), flex.max(xo)))
    max_y = math.ceil(max(flex.max(yc), flex.max(yo)))
    return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
コード例 #19
 def Get_Max(self, opt=0):
     if self.data_flex != None:
         if opt != 3:
             self.I_Max = flex.max(self.data_flex)
             self.I_Max = flex.max(self.mask_flex) * 2
         self.I_Max = -1
     return self.I_Max
コード例 #20
 def Get_Max(self, opt=0):
     if self.data_flex != None:
         if opt != 3:
             self.I_Max = flex.max(self.data_flex)
             self.I_Max = flex.max(self.mask_flex) * 2
         self.I_Max = -1
     return self.I_Max
コード例 #21
 def __str__(self):
     return "\n".join(
             "Max. completeness (non-anom): %.2f %%"
             % (100 * flex.max(self.ieither_completeness)),
             "Max. completeness (anom): %.2f %%"
             % (100 * flex.max(self.iboth_completeness)),
コード例 #22
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
      def get_min_max_xy(self, rlist):
        xc, yc, zc = rlist['xyzcal.px'].parts()
        xo, yo, zo = rlist['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()
        dx = xc - xo
        dz = zc - zo

        min_x = math.floor(flex.min(dx))
        min_y = math.floor(flex.min(dz))
        max_x = math.ceil(flex.max(dx))
        max_y = math.ceil(flex.max(dz))
        return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
コード例 #23
 def update_reflection_data(self, selection=None, block_selections=None):
     """control access to setting all of reflection data at once"""
     self._normalised_x_values = []
     self._normalised_y_values = []
     self._normalised_z_values = []
     self._n_refl = []
     normalised_x_values = self.data["x"]
     normalised_y_values = self.data["y"]
     normalised_z_values = self.data["z"]
     if selection:
         normalised_x_values = normalised_x_values.select(selection)
         normalised_y_values = normalised_y_values.select(selection)
         normalised_z_values = normalised_z_values.select(selection)
     """Set the normalised coordinate values and configure the smoother."""
     normalised_x_values = normalised_x_values - flex.min(
     normalised_y_values = normalised_y_values - flex.min(
     normalised_z_values = normalised_z_values - flex.min(
     x_range = [
         floor(round(flex.min(normalised_x_values), 10)),
         max(ceil(round(flex.max(normalised_x_values), 10)), 1),
     y_range = [
         floor(round(flex.min(normalised_y_values), 10)),
         max(ceil(round(flex.max(normalised_y_values), 10)), 1),
     z_range = [
         floor(round(flex.min(normalised_z_values), 10)),
         max(ceil(round(flex.max(normalised_z_values), 10)), 1),
     self._smoother = GaussianSmoother3D(
     if block_selections:
         for i, sel in enumerate(block_selections):
コード例 #24
ファイル: factory.py プロジェクト: jmp1985/dials
    def run(self, flags, sequence=None, observations=None, **kwargs):
        obs_x, obs_y = observations.centroids().px_position_xy().parts()

        import numpy as np

        H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
            obs_x.as_numpy_array(), obs_y.as_numpy_array(), bins=self.nbins

        H_flex = flex.double(H.flatten().astype(np.float64))
        n_slots = min(int(flex.max(H_flex)), 30)
        hist = flex.histogram(H_flex, n_slots=n_slots)

        slots = hist.slots()
        cumulative_hist = flex.long(len(slots))
        for i, slot in enumerate(slots):
            cumulative_hist[i] = slot
            if i > 0:
                cumulative_hist[i] += cumulative_hist[i - 1]

        cumulative_hist = cumulative_hist.as_double() / flex.max(

        cutoff = None
        gradients = flex.double()
        for i in range(len(slots) - 1):
            x1 = cumulative_hist[i]
            x2 = cumulative_hist[i + 1]
            g = (x2 - x1) / hist.slot_width()
            if (
                cutoff is None
                and i > 0
                and g < self.gradient_cutoff
                and gradients[i - 1] < self.gradient_cutoff
                cutoff = hist.slot_centers()[i - 1] - 0.5 * hist.slot_width()

        sel = np.column_stack(np.where(H > cutoff))
        for (ix, iy) in sel:
                    (obs_x > xedges[ix])
                    & (obs_x < xedges[ix + 1])
                    & (obs_y > yedges[iy])
                    & (obs_y < yedges[iy + 1])

        return flags
コード例 #25
ファイル: two_theta_refine.py プロジェクト: hackerlank/dials
    def generate_mmcif(crystal, refiner, file):
        logger.info('Saving mmCIF information to %s' % file)
        from cctbx import miller
        import datetime
        import iotbx.cif.model
        import math

        block = iotbx.cif.model.block()
        block["_audit.creation_method"] = dials_version()
        block["_audit.creation_date"] = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
        #   block["_publ.section_references"] = '' # once there is a reference...

        for cell, esd, cifname in zip(
                crystal.get_cell_parameter_sd(), [
                    'length_a', 'length_b', 'length_c', 'angle_alpha',
                    'angle_beta', 'angle_gamma'
            block['_cell.%s' % cifname] = "%.8f" % cell
            block['_cell.%s_esd' % cifname] = "%.8f" % esd
        block['_cell.volume'] = "%f" % crystal.get_unit_cell().volume()
        block['_cell.volume_esd'] = "%f" % crystal.get_cell_volume_sd()

        used_reflections = refiner.get_matches()
        block['_cell_measurement.reflns_used'] = len(used_reflections)
        block['_cell_measurement.theta_min'] = flex.min(
            used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block['_cell_measurement.theta_max'] = flex.max(
            used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block['_diffrn_reflns.number'] = len(used_reflections)
        miller_span = miller.index_span(used_reflections['miller_index'])
        min_h, min_k, min_l = miller_span.min()
        max_h, max_k, max_l = miller_span.max()
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_min'] = min_h
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_max'] = max_h
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_min'] = min_k
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_max'] = max_k
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_min'] = min_l
        block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_max'] = max_l
        block['_diffrn_reflns.theta_min'] = flex.min(
            used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
        block['_diffrn_reflns.theta_max'] = flex.max(
            used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2

        cif = iotbx.cif.model.cif()
        cif['two_theta_refine'] = block
        with open(file, 'w') as fh:
コード例 #26
ファイル: error_modifier_ev11.py プロジェクト: dials/cctbx
  def calculate_delta_statistics(self):
    '''Calculate min, max, mean, and stddev for the normalized deltas'''
    delta_min = flex.min(self.deltas) if self.deltas.size() > 0 else float('inf')
    delta_max = flex.max(self.deltas) if self.deltas.size() > 0 else float('-inf')
    delta_sum = flex.sum(self.deltas) if self.deltas.size() > 0 else 0.0

    comm = self.mpi_helper.comm
    MPI = self.mpi_helper.MPI

    # global min and max
    self.global_delta_min = comm.allreduce(delta_min, MPI.MIN)
    self.global_delta_max = comm.allreduce(delta_max, MPI.MAX)

    # global mean
    self.global_delta_count = comm.allreduce(self.deltas.size(), MPI.SUM)
    if self.global_delta_count < 20:
      raise ValueError("Too few reflections available for ev11 algorithm")
    global_delta_sum = comm.allreduce(delta_sum, MPI.SUM)
    self.global_delta_mean = global_delta_sum / self.global_delta_count

    # global standard deviation
    array_of_global_delta_means = flex.double(self.deltas.size(), self.global_delta_mean)
    array_of_diffs = self.deltas - array_of_global_delta_means
    array_of_square_diffs = array_of_diffs * array_of_diffs
    sum_of_square_diffs = flex.sum(array_of_square_diffs)
    global_sum_of_square_diffs = comm.allreduce(sum_of_square_diffs, MPI.SUM)
    self.global_delta_stddev = math.sqrt(global_sum_of_square_diffs / (self.global_delta_count - 1))
    if self.mpi_helper.rank == 0:
      self.logger.main_log("Global delta statistics (count,min,max,mean,stddev): (%d,%f,%f,%f,%f)"%(self.global_delta_count, self.global_delta_min, self.global_delta_max, self.global_delta_mean, self.global_delta_stddev))
コード例 #27
ファイル: pprint.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
def profile2d(p, vmin=None, vmax=None):
  from dials.array_family import flex
  import string
  if vmin is None:
    vmin = flex.min(p)
  if vmax is None:
    vmax = flex.max(p)
  assert(vmax >= vmin)
  dv = vmax - vmin
  if dv == 0:
    c = 0
    m = 0
    m = 35.0 / dv
    c = -m * vmin
  lookup = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase
  ny, nx = p.all()
  text = ''
  for j in range(ny):
    for i in range(nx):
      v = int(m * p[j,i] + c)
      if v < 0:
        v = 0
      elif v > 35:
        v = 35
      t = lookup[v]
      text += t + ' '
    text += '\n'
  return text
コード例 #28
def fix_xy(reflections_in, reflections_out):
    reflections = pickle.load(open(reflections_in, "r"))

    # validate that input is from 60 panel detector, assumed to be
    # 5 x 12 configuration

    assert flex.max(reflections["panel"]) == 59

    delta_x = 487 + 7
    delta_y = 195 + 17

    panel_x = reflections["panel"].as_int() % 5
    panel_y = reflections["panel"].as_int() / 5

    x_offset = delta_x * panel_x
    y_offset = delta_y * panel_y

    # apply fixes
    x, y, z = reflections["xyzobs.px.value"].parts()
    x += x_offset.as_double()
    y += y_offset.as_double()
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(x, y, z)

    x, y, z = reflections["xyzcal.px"].parts()
    x += x_offset.as_double()
    y += y_offset.as_double()
    reflections["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double(x, y, z)

    # save - should probably do this "properly"
    pickle.dump(reflections, open(reflections_out, "wb"))

コード例 #29
def filter_ice(reflections, steps):

    from cctbx import miller, sgtbx, uctbx
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    d_spacings = 1 / reflections["rlp"].norms()
    d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(d_spacings)

    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.per_image_analysis import ice_rings_selection

    from dials.algorithms.integration import filtering

    ice_uc = uctbx.unit_cell((4.498, 4.498, 7.338, 90, 90, 120))
    ice_sg = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=194).group()
    ice_generator = miller.index_generator(ice_uc, ice_sg.type(), False,
    ice_indices = ice_generator.to_array()
    ice_d_spacings = flex.sorted(ice_uc.d(ice_indices))
    ice_d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(ice_d_spacings)

    cubic_ice_uc = uctbx.unit_cell((6.358, 6.358, 6.358, 90, 90, 90))
    cubic_ice_sg = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=227).group()
    cubic_ice_generator = miller.index_generator(cubic_ice_uc,
                                                 cubic_ice_sg.type(), False,
    cubic_ice_indices = cubic_ice_generator.to_array()
    cubic_ice_d_spacings = flex.sorted(cubic_ice_uc.d(cubic_ice_indices))
    cubic_ice_d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(cubic_ice_d_spacings)

    import numpy

    widths = flex.double(numpy.geomspace(start=0.0001, stop=0.01, num=steps))
    n_spots = flex.double()
    total_intensity = flex.double()
    for width in widths:
        d_min = flex.min(d_spacings)

        ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(ice_uc, ice_sg, d_min, width)
        ice_sel = ice_filter(d_spacings)

        if "intensity.sum.value" in reflections:

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 8), sharex=True)
    axes[0].plot(widths, n_spots, label="#spots", marker="+")
    if total_intensity.size():
                     label="total intensity",
    axes[0].set_ylabel("# spots remaining")
    axes[1].set_xlabel("Ice ring width (1/d^2)")
    axes[1].set_ylabel("Total intensity")
    for ax in axes:
        ax.set_xlim(0, flex.max(widths))
コード例 #30
def run(experiment):

    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import sqrt, exp, pi
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Do some prediction
    refl = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions(experiment)

    # Get the geometry
    s0 = matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_s0())
    m2 = matrix.col(experiment.goniometer.get_rotation_axis())
    dx = matrix.col(experiment.detector[0].get_fast_axis())
    dy = matrix.col(experiment.detector[0].get_slow_axis())
    dz = matrix.col(experiment.detector[0].get_origin())
    ub = matrix.col(experiment.crystal.get_A())
    ra = matrix.col((ub[0], ub[3], ub[6]))
    rb = matrix.col((ub[1], ub[4], ub[7]))
    rc = matrix.col((ub[2], ub[5], ub[8]))


    # Orthogonal vectors to create the profile on
    ea = ra.normalize()
    eb = ea.cross(rc.normalize())
    ec = ea.cross(eb)

    # The sigma along each axis
    sigma_a = 0.005
    sigma_b = 0.005
    sigma_c = 0.001

    # The covariance matrix for the normal distribution
    sigma = matrix.sqr((sigma_a**2, 0, 0, 0, sigma_b**2, 0, 0, 0, sigma_c**2))
    sigmam1 = sigma.inverse()

    s1 = matrix.col(refl["s1"][0])
    rlp = s1 - s0
    xc, yc, zc = refl["xyzcal.mm"][0]
    print(xc, yc, zc)
    data = flex.double(flex.grid(200, 200))
    for j in range(200):
        for i in range(200):
            x = xc - 10 + 20 * i / 200.0
            y = yc - 10 + 20 * j / 200.0
            v = x * dx + y * dy + dz
            s = v * s0.length() / v.length()
            c = 1.0 / (sqrt((2 * pi)**3 * sigma.determinant()))
            sc = s0 + rlp
            d = -0.5 * (((s - sc).transpose() * sigmam1 * (s - sc))[0])
            f = c * exp(d)
            data[j, i] = f

    from matplotlib import pylab, cm

    pylab.imshow(data.as_numpy_array(), cmap=cm.Greys)
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_export.py プロジェクト: TiankunZhou/dials
def test_mtz_primitive_cell(dials_data, tmpdir):
    scaled_expt = dials_data("insulin_processed") / "scaled.expt"
    scaled_refl = dials_data("insulin_processed") / "scaled.refl"

    # First reindex to the primitive setting
    expts = ExperimentList.from_file(scaled_expt.strpath, check_format=False)
    cs = expts[0].crystal.get_crystal_symmetry()
    cb_op = cs.change_of_basis_op_to_primitive_setting()
            'change_of_basis_op="%s"' % cb_op,

    # Now export the reindexed experiments/reflections
        ["dials.export", "reindexed.expt", "reindexed.refl"],

    mtz_obj = mtz.object(os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "scaled.mtz"))
    cs_primitive = cs.change_basis(cb_op)
    assert mtz_obj.space_group() == cs_primitive.space_group()
    refl = flex.reflection_table.from_file(scaled_refl.strpath)
    refl = refl.select(~refl.get_flags(refl.flags.bad_for_scaling, all=False))
    for ma in mtz_obj.as_miller_arrays():
        assert ma.crystal_symmetry().is_similar_symmetry(cs_primitive)
        assert ma.d_max_min() == pytest.approx(
            (flex.max(refl["d"]), flex.min(refl["d"]))
コード例 #32
ファイル: processor.py プロジェクト: jasonroyprice/dials
    def compute_processors(self):
        Compute the number of processors
        from dials.array_family import flex

        # Set the memory usage per processor
        if self.params.mp.method == "multiprocessing" and self.params.mp.nproc > 1:

            # Get the maximum shoebox memory
            max_memory = flex.max(

            # Compute expected memory usage and warn if not enough
            total_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total
            assert (total_memory is not None and total_memory > 0
                    ), "psutil call appears to have given unexpected output"
            limit_memory = total_memory * self.params.block.max_memory_usage
            njobs = int(math.floor(limit_memory / max_memory))
            if njobs < 1:
                raise RuntimeError("""
        No enough memory to run integration jobs. Possible solutions
        include increasing the percentage of memory allowed for shoeboxes or
        decreasing the block size.
            Total system memory: %g GB
            Limit shoebox memory: %g GB
            Max shoebox memory: %g GB
        """ % (total_memory / 1e9, limit_memory / 1e9, max_memory / 1e9))
                self.params.mp.nproc = min(self.params.mp.nproc, njobs)
                self.params.block.max_memory_usage /= self.params.mp.nproc
コード例 #33
ファイル: reflection_manager.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def per_image(self):
    """Set one block per image for all experiments"""


    # get observed phi in radians
    phi_obs = self._reflections['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2]

    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      sel = self._reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()
      exp_phi = phi_obs.select(isel)

      # convert phi to integer frames
      frames = exp.scan.get_array_index_from_angle(exp_phi, deg=False)
      frames = flex.floor(frames).iround()

      start, stop = flex.min(frames), flex.max(frames)
      frame_range = range(start, stop + 1)

      for f_num, f in enumerate(frame_range):
        sub_isel = isel.select(frames == f)
        self._reflections['block'].set_selected(sub_isel, f_num)
        self._reflections['block_centre'].set_selected(sub_isel, f_num)

    return self._reflections
コード例 #34
    def calculate_intensity_bin_limits(self):
        '''Calculate the minimum and maximum values of the mean intensities for each HKL'''
        count = self.work_table.size()
        mean_intensity_min = flex.min(
            self.work_table['biased_mean']) if count > 0 else float('inf')
        mean_intensity_max = flex.max(
            self.work_table['biased_mean']) if count > 0 else float('-inf')
        if count > 0:
                "Using %d multiply-measured HKLs; mean intensity (min,max): (%f,%f)"
                % (count, mean_intensity_min, mean_intensity_max))
            self.logger.log("No multiply-measured HKLs available")

        comm = self.mpi_helper.comm
        MPI = self.mpi_helper.MPI
        global_mean_intensity_min = comm.allreduce(mean_intensity_min, MPI.MIN)
        global_mean_intensity_max = comm.allreduce(mean_intensity_max, MPI.MAX)
        self.logger.log("Global mean intensity (min,max): (%f,%f)" %
                        (global_mean_intensity_min, global_mean_intensity_max))

        self.intensity_bin_limits = np.linspace(global_mean_intensity_min,
                                                number_of_intensity_bins + 1)
        self.intensity_bin_limits[0] = float('-inf')
        self.intensity_bin_limits[len(self.intensity_bin_limits) -
                                  1] = float('inf')
コード例 #35
  def plot_cdf_manually(self, reflections, panel = None, ax = None, bounds = None):
    colors = ['blue', 'green']
    r = (reflections['xyzcal.mm']-reflections['xyzobs.mm.value']).norms()
    h = flex.histogram(r)
    sigma = h.slot_centers()[list(h.slots()).index(flex.max(h.slots()))] # mode

    x_extent = max(r)
    y_extent = len(r)
    xobs = [i/x_extent for i in sorted(r)]
    yobs = [i/y_extent for i in xrange(y_extent)]
    obs = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xobs, yobs)]

    ncalc = 100
    xcalc = [i/ncalc for i in xrange(ncalc)]
    ycalc = [1-math.exp((-i**2)/(2*(sigma**2))) for i in xcalc]
    calc = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xcalc, ycalc)]

    data = [flex.vec2_double(obs),
    if bounds is None:
      ax.set_title("%s Outlier SP Manually"%self.params.tag)
    if bounds is not None:
      data = [self.get_bounded_data(d, bounds) for d in data]

    if ax is None:
      fig = plt.figure()
      ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    for subset,c in zip(data, colors):
        ax.plot(subset.parts()[0], subset.parts()[1], '-', c=c)
コード例 #36
    def setup_binner(
        unit_cell: uctbx.unit_cell,
        space_group: sgtbx.space_group,
        n_resolution_bins: int,
    ) -> None:
        """Create a binner for the reflections contained in the table."""
        ma = _reflection_table_to_iobs(self.as_reflection_table(), unit_cell,
        # need d star sq step
        d_star_sq = ma.d_star_sq().data()
        d_star_sq_min = flex.min(d_star_sq)
        d_star_sq_max = flex.max(d_star_sq)
        span = d_star_sq_max - d_star_sq_min
        relative_tolerance = 1e-6
        d_star_sq_max += span * relative_tolerance
        d_star_sq_min -= span * relative_tolerance
        # Avoid a zero-size step that would otherwise anger the d_star_sq_step binner.
        step = max((d_star_sq_max - d_star_sq_min) / n_resolution_bins, 0.004)

        self.binner = ma.setup_binner_d_star_sq_step(
コード例 #37
ファイル: tst_shoebox.py プロジェクト: cctbx-xfel/dials
 def tst_flatten(self):
     from dials.array_family import flex
     from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
     for shoebox, (XC, I) in self.random_shoeboxes(10, mask=True):
         assert (not shoebox.flat)
         zs = shoebox.zsize()
         ys = shoebox.ysize()
         xs = shoebox.xsize()
         expected_data = flex.real(flex.grid(1, ys, xs), 0)
         expected_mask = flex.int(flex.grid(1, ys, xs), 0)
         for k in range(zs):
             for j in range(ys):
                 for i in range(xs):
                     expected_data[0, j, i] += shoebox.data[k, j, i]
                     expected_mask[0, j, i] |= shoebox.mask[k, j, i]
                     if (not (expected_mask[0, j, i] & MaskCode.Valid) or
                             not (shoebox.mask[k, j, i] & MaskCode.Valid)):
                         expected_mask[0, j, i] &= ~MaskCode.Valid
         diff = expected_data.as_double() - shoebox.data.as_double()
         max_diff = flex.max(flex.abs(diff))
         assert (max_diff < 1e-7)
         assert (expected_mask.all_eq(shoebox.mask))
         assert (shoebox.flat)
         assert (shoebox.is_consistent())
     print 'OK'
コード例 #38
    def per_image(self):
        """Set one block per image for all experiments"""


        # get observed phi in radians
        phi_obs = self._reflections["xyzobs.mm.value"].parts()[2]

        for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

            sel = self._reflections["id"] == iexp
            isel = sel.iselection()
            exp_phi = phi_obs.select(isel)

            # convert phi to integer frames
            frames = exp.scan.get_array_index_from_angle(exp_phi, deg=False)
            frames = flex.floor(frames).iround()

            start, stop = flex.min(frames), flex.max(frames)
            frame_range = range(start, stop + 1)

            for f_num, f in enumerate(frame_range):
                sub_isel = isel.select(frames == f)
                f_cent = f + 0.5
                self._reflections["block"].set_selected(sub_isel, f_num)
                self._reflections["block_centre"].set_selected(sub_isel, f_cent)

        return self._reflections
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_index.py プロジェクト: jmp1985/dials
def test_all_expt_ids_have_expts(dials_data, tmpdir):
    result = procrunner.run(
    assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr
    assert tmpdir.join("indexed.expt").check(file=1)
    assert tmpdir.join("indexed.refl").check(file=1)

    refl = flex.reflection_table.from_file(tmpdir / "indexed.refl")
    expt = ExperimentList.from_file(tmpdir / "indexed.expt",

    assert flex.max(refl["id"]) + 1 == len(expt)
コード例 #40
  def compose(self, reflections):
    """Compose scan-varying crystal parameterisations at the specified image
    number, for the specified experiment, for each image. Put the U, B and
    UB matrices in the reflection table, and cache the derivatives."""


    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      # select the reflections of interest
      sel = reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()

      blocks = reflections['block'].select(isel)

      # identify which crystal parameterisations to use for this experiment
      xl_op = self._get_xl_orientation_parameterisation(iexp)
      xl_ucp = self._get_xl_unit_cell_parameterisation(iexp)

      # get state and derivatives for each block
      for block in xrange(flex.min(blocks),
                          flex.max(blocks) + 1):

        # determine the subset of reflections this affects
        subsel = isel.select(blocks == block)
        if len(subsel) == 0: continue

        # get the integer frame number nearest the centre of that block
        frames = reflections['block_centre'].select(subsel)

        # can only be false if original block assignment has gone wrong
        assert frames.all_eq(frames[0]), \
            "Failing: a block contains reflections that shouldn't be there"
        frame = int(floor(frames[0]))

        # model states at current frame
        U = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(xl_op, frame)
        if U is None: U = exp.crystal.get_U()

        B = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(xl_ucp, frame)
        if B is None: B = exp.crystal.get_B()

        # set states
        reflections['u_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, U.elems)
        reflections['b_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, B.elems)

        # set derivatives of the states
        if xl_op is not None:
          for j, dU in enumerate(xl_op.get_ds_dp()):
            colname = "dU_dp{0}".format(j)
            reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dU)
        if xl_ucp is not None:
          for j, dB in enumerate(xl_ucp.get_ds_dp()):
            colname = "dB_dp{0}".format(j)
            reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dB)

    # set the UB matrices for prediction
    reflections['ub_matrix'] = reflections['u_matrix'] * reflections['b_matrix']

コード例 #41
def profile2d(p, vmin=None, vmax=None):
    import string

    from dials.array_family import flex

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = flex.min(p)
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = flex.max(p)
    assert vmax >= vmin
    dv = vmax - vmin
    if dv == 0:
        c = 0
        m = 0
        m = 35.0 / dv
        c = -m * vmin
    lookup = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase
    ny, nx = p.all()
    text = ""
    for j in range(ny):
        for i in range(nx):
            v = int(m * p[j, i] + c)
            if v < 0:
                v = 0
            elif v > 35:
                v = 35
            t = lookup[v]
            text += t + " "
        text += "\n"
    return text
コード例 #42
    def add_imagesets_buttons(self):
        if 'imageset_id' not in self.parent.reflections_input:
            self.imgset_btn = None
        n = flex.max(self.parent.reflections_input['imageset_id'])
        if n <= 0:
            self.imgset_btn = None

        box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Imageset ids:")
        box.Add(label, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5)

        from wxtbx.segmentedctrl import SegmentedToggleControl, SEGBTN_HORIZONTAL
        self.imgset_btn = SegmentedToggleControl(self, style=SEGBTN_HORIZONTAL)
        for i in range(n + 1):
            if (self.settings.imageset_ids is not None
                    and i in self.settings.imageset_ids):
                self.imgset_btn.SetValue(i + 1, True)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.OnChangeSettings, self.imgset_btn)
        box.Add(self.imgset_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
コード例 #43
ファイル: indexer.py プロジェクト: RobertRosca/dials
    def show_experiments(self, experiments, reflections, d_min=None):
        if d_min is not None:
            reciprocal_lattice_points = reflections["rlp"]
            d_spacings = 1 / reciprocal_lattice_points.norms()
            reflections = reflections.select(d_spacings > d_min)
        for i_expt, expt in enumerate(experiments):
            logger.info("model %i (%i reflections):" %
                        (i_expt + 1,
                         (reflections["id"] == i_expt).count(True)))

        indexed_flags = reflections.get_flags(reflections.flags.indexed)
        imageset_id = reflections["imageset_id"]
        rows = [["Imageset", "# indexed", "# unindexed", "% indexed"]]
        for i in range(flex.max(imageset_id) + 1):
            imageset_indexed_flags = indexed_flags.select(imageset_id == i)
            indexed_count = imageset_indexed_flags.count(True)
            unindexed_count = imageset_indexed_flags.count(False)
                "{:.1%}".format(indexed_count /
                                (indexed_count + unindexed_count)),
        logger.info(dials.util.tabulate(rows, headers="firstrow"))
コード例 #44
ファイル: analyse_output.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
def determine_grid_size(rlist, grid_size=None):
  from libtbx import Auto
  panel_ids = rlist['panel']
  n_panels = flex.max(panel_ids) + 1
  if grid_size is not None and grid_size is not Auto:
    assert (grid_size[0] * grid_size[1]) >= n_panels, (n_panels)
    return grid_size
  n_cols = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n_panels)))
  n_rows = int(math.ceil(n_panels / n_cols))
  return n_cols, n_rows
コード例 #45
ファイル: two_theta_refine.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def generate_mmcif(crystal, refiner, file):
    logger.info('Saving mmCIF information to %s' % file)
    from cctbx import miller
    import datetime
    import iotbx.cif.model
    import math

    block = iotbx.cif.model.block()
    block["_audit.creation_method"] = dials_version()
    block["_audit.creation_date"] = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
#   block["_publ.section_references"] = '' # once there is a reference...

    for cell, esd, cifname in zip(crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters(),
                                  ['length_a', 'length_b', 'length_c', 'angle_alpha', 'angle_beta', 'angle_gamma']):
      block['_cell.%s' % cifname] = "%.8f" % cell
      block['_cell.%s_esd' % cifname] = "%.8f" % esd
    block['_cell.volume'] = "%f" % crystal.get_unit_cell().volume()
    block['_cell.volume_esd'] = "%f" % crystal.get_cell_volume_sd()

    used_reflections = refiner.get_matches()
    block['_cell_measurement.reflns_used'] = len(used_reflections)
    block['_cell_measurement.theta_min'] = flex.min(used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
    block['_cell_measurement.theta_max'] = flex.max(used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
    block['_diffrn_reflns.number'] = len(used_reflections)
    miller_span = miller.index_span(used_reflections['miller_index'])
    min_h, min_k, min_l = miller_span.min()
    max_h, max_k, max_l = miller_span.max()
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_min'] = min_h
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_max'] = max_h
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_min'] = min_k
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_max'] = max_k
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_min'] = min_l
    block['_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_max'] = max_l
    block['_diffrn_reflns.theta_min'] = flex.min(used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2
    block['_diffrn_reflns.theta_max'] = flex.max(used_reflections['2theta_obs.rad']) * 180 / math.pi / 2

    cif = iotbx.cif.model.cif()
    cif['two_theta_refine'] = block
    with open(file, 'w') as fh:
コード例 #46
ファイル: spot_matcher.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def _find_nearest_neighbours(self, observed, predicted):
    Find the nearest predicted spot to the observed spot.

    :param observed: The observed reflections
    :param predicted: The predicted reflections

    :returns: (nearest neighbours, distance)

    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from logging import warn

    # Get the predicted coordinates
    predicted_panel = predicted['panel']
    predicted_xyz = predicted['xyzcal.px']
    observed_panel = observed['panel']
    observed_xyz = observed['xyzobs.px.value']

    # Get the number of panels
    max_panel1 = flex.max(predicted_panel)
    max_panel2 = flex.max(observed_panel)
    max_panel = max([max_panel1, max_panel2])

    nn_all = flex.size_t()
    dd_all = flex.double()
    for panel in range(max_panel+1):
      pind = predicted_panel == panel
      oind = observed_panel == panel
      pxyz = predicted_xyz.select(pind)
      oxyz = observed_xyz.select(oind)
        nn, d = self._find_nearest_neighbours_single(oxyz, pxyz)
        indices = flex.size_t(range(len(pind))).select(pind)
        indices = indices.select(flex.size_t(list(nn)))
      except Exception:
        warn("Unable to match spots on panel %d" % panel)
    return nn_all, dd_all
コード例 #47
ファイル: pprint.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
def profile3d(p, vmin=None, vmax=None):
  ''' Print a 3D profile. '''
  from dials.array_family import flex
  if vmin is None:
    vmin = flex.min(p)
  if vmax is None:
    vmax = flex.max(p)
  nz, ny, nx = p.all()
  text = []
  for k in range(nz):
    p2 = p[k:k+1,:,:]
    p2.reshape(flex.grid(ny, nx))
    text.append(profile2d(p2, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
  return '\n'.join(text)
コード例 #48
  def get_normalized_colors(self, data, vmin=None, vmax=None):
    if vmax is None:
      vmax = self.params.residuals.plot_max
    if vmax is None:
      vmax = flex.max(data)
    if vmin is None:
      vmin = flex.min(data)

    # initialize the color map
    norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap(self.params.colormap)
    sm = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
    color_vals = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 11)
    sm.set_array(color_vals) # needed for colorbar

    return norm, cmap, color_vals, sm
コード例 #49
    def normalize_profile(self, profile):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        max_profile = flex.max(profile)
        threshold = self.threshold * max_profile
        sum_profile = 0.0
        for i in range(len(profile)):
            if profile[i] > threshold:
                sum_profile += profile[i]
                profile[i] = 0.0

        result = flex.double(flex.grid(profile.all()))
        for i in range(len(profile)):
            result[i] = profile[i] / sum_profile

        return result
コード例 #50
ファイル: simple_strategy.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
def plot_statistics(statistics, prefix='', degrees_per_bin=5,
                    cutoff_anom=None, cutoff_non_anom=None):

  range_width = 1
  range_min = flex.min(statistics.dose) - range_width
  range_max = flex.max(statistics.dose)
  n_steps = 2 + int((range_max - range_min) - range_width)
  x = flex.double_range(n_steps) * range_width + range_min
  x *= degrees_per_bin

  dpi = 300
  import matplotlib
  from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  try: plt.style.use('ggplot')
  except AttributeError: pass
  line1,  = plt.plot(x, statistics.ieither_completeness, label='Unique reflections')
  line2,  = plt.plot(x, statistics.iboth_completeness, label='Bijvoet pairs')
  if cutoff_non_anom is not None:
    plt.plot([cutoff_non_anom, cutoff_non_anom], plt.ylim(), c=line1.get_color(), linestyle='dashed')
  if cutoff_anom is not None:
    plt.plot([cutoff_anom, cutoff_anom], plt.ylim(), c=line2.get_color(), linestyle='dotted')
  plt.xlim(0, plt.xlim()[1])
  plt.xlabel('Scan angle (degrees)')
  plt.ylabel('Completeness (%)')
  plt.ylim(0, 1)
  plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize='small')
  plt.savefig('%scompleteness_vs_scan_angle.png' %prefix, dpi=dpi)

  line1, = plt.plot(x[1:], 100 * statistics.frac_new_ref, label='Unique reflections')
  line2, = plt.plot(x[1:], 100 * statistics.frac_new_pairs, label='Bijvoet pairs')
  ylim = plt.ylim()
  if cutoff_non_anom is not None:
    plt.plot([cutoff_non_anom, cutoff_non_anom], ylim, c=line1.get_color(), linestyle='dashed')
  if cutoff_anom is not None:
    plt.plot([cutoff_anom, cutoff_anom], ylim, c=line2.get_color(), linestyle='dotted')
  plt.xlim(0, plt.xlim()[1])
  plt.xlabel('Scan angle (degrees)')
  plt.ylabel('% new reflections per degree')
  plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small')
  plt.savefig('%spercent_new_reflections_vs_scan_angle.png' %prefix, dpi=dpi)
コード例 #51
  def histogram(self, reflections, title):
    data = reflections['difference_vector_norms']
    n_slots = 100
    if self.params.residuals.histogram_max is None:
      h = flex.histogram(data, n_slots=n_slots)
      h = flex.histogram(data.select(data <= self.params.residuals.histogram_max), n_slots=n_slots)

    n = len(reflections)
    rmsd = math.sqrt((reflections['xyzcal.mm']-reflections['xyzobs.mm.value']).sum_sq()/n)
    sigma = mode = h.slot_centers()[list(h.slots()).index(flex.max(h.slots()))]
    mean = flex.mean(data)
    median = flex.median(data)
    print "RMSD (microns)", rmsd * 1000
    print "Histogram mode (microns):", mode * 1000
    print "Overall mean (microns):", mean * 1000
    print "Overall median (microns):", median * 1000
    mean2 = math.sqrt(math.pi/2)*sigma
    rmsd2 = math.sqrt(2)*sigma
    print "Rayleigh Mean (microns)", mean2 * 1000
    print "Rayleigh RMSD (microns)", rmsd2 * 1000

    r = reflections['radial_displacements']
    t = reflections['transverse_displacements']
    print "Overall radial RMSD (microns)", math.sqrt(flex.sum_sq(r)/len(r)) * 1000
    print "Overall transverse RMSD (microns)", math.sqrt(flex.sum_sq(t)/len(t)) * 1000

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(h.slot_centers().as_numpy_array(), h.slots().as_numpy_array(), '-')

    vmax = self.params.residuals.plot_max
    if self.params.residuals.histogram_xmax is not None:
    if self.params.residuals.histogram_ymax is not None:

    ax.plot((mean, mean), (0, flex.max(h.slots())), 'g-')
    ax.plot((mean2, mean2), (0, flex.max(h.slots())), 'g--')
    ax.plot((mode, mode), (0, flex.max(h.slots())), 'r-')
    ax.plot((rmsd, rmsd), (0, flex.max(h.slots())), 'b-')
    ax.plot((rmsd2, rmsd2), (0, flex.max(h.slots())), 'b--')

    ax.legend([r"$\Delta$XY", "MeanObs", "MeanRayl", "Mode", "RMSDObs", "RMSDRayl"])
コード例 #52
ファイル: processor.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def compute_processors(self):
    Compute the number of processors

    from libtbx.introspection import machine_memory_info
    from math import floor
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Set the memory usage per processor
    if self.params.mp.method == 'multiprocessing' and self.params.mp.nproc > 1:

      # Get the maximum shoebox memory
      max_memory = flex.max(self.jobs.shoebox_memory(
        self.reflections, self.params.shoebox.flatten))

      # Compute percentage of max available. The function is not portable to
      # windows so need to add a check if the function fails. On windows no
      # warning will be printed
      memory_info = machine_memory_info()
      total_memory = memory_info.memory_total()
      if total_memory is not None:
        assert total_memory > 0, "Your system appears to have no memory!"
        limit_memory = total_memory * self.params.block.max_memory_usage
        njobs = int(floor(limit_memory / max_memory))
        if njobs < 1:
          raise RuntimeError('''
            No enough memory to run integration jobs. Possible solutions
            include increasing the percentage of memory allowed for shoeboxes or
            decreasing the block size.
              Total system memory: %g GB
              Limit shoebox memory: %g GB
              Max shoebox memory: %g GB
          ''' % (total_memory/1e9, limit_memory/1e9, max_memory/1e9))
          self.params.mp.nproc = min(self.params.mp.nproc, njobs)
          self.params.block.max_memory_usage /= self.params.mp.nproc
コード例 #53
ファイル: modeller.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def finalize(self, data, mask):
    Finalize the model

    :param data: The data array
    :param mask: The mask array

    from dials.algorithms.image.filter import median_filter, mean_filter
    from dials.algorithms.image.fill_holes import diffusion_fill
    from dials.algorithms.image.fill_holes import simple_fill
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Print some image properties
    sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
    logger.info('Raw image statistics:')
    logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))

    # Transform to polar
    logger.info('Transforming image data to polar grid')
    result = self.transform.to_polar(data, mask)
    data = result.data()
    mask = result.mask()
    sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
    logger.info('Polar image statistics:')
    logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))

    # Filter the image to remove noise
    if self.kernel_size > 0:
      if self.filter_type == 'median':
        logger.info('Applying median filter')
        data = median_filter(data, mask, (self.kernel_size, 0))
        sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
        logger.info('Median polar image statistics:')
        logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
        logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
        logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))
      elif self.filter_type == 'mean':
        logger.info('Applying mean filter')
        mask_as_int = mask.as_1d().as_int()
        data = mean_filter(data, mask_as_int, (self.kernel_size, 0), 1)
        sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
        logger.info('Mean polar image statistics:')
        logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
        logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
        logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown filter_type: %s' % self.filter_type)

    # Fill any remaining holes
    logger.info("Filling holes")
    data = simple_fill(data, mask)
    data = diffusion_fill(data, mask, self.niter)
    mask = flex.bool(data.accessor(), True)
    sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
    logger.info('Filled polar image statistics:')
    logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))

    # Transform back
    logger.info('Transforming image data from polar grid')
    result = self.transform.from_polar(data, mask)
    data = result.data()
    mask = result.mask()
    sub_data = data.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())
    logger.info('Final image statistics:')
    logger.info('  min:  %d' % int(flex.min(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  max:  %d' % int(flex.max(sub_data)))
    logger.info('  mean: %d' % int(flex.mean(sub_data)))

    # Fill in any discontinuities
    # mask = ~self.transform.discontinuity()[:-1,:-1]
    # data = diffusion_fill(data, mask, self.niter)

    # Get and apply the mask
    mask = self.experiment.imageset.get_mask(0)[0]
    mask = mask.as_1d().as_int().as_double()
    data *= mask

    # Return the result
    return data
コード例 #54
ファイル: export_sadabs.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
def export_sadabs(integrated_data, experiment_list, hklout, run=0,
                  summation=False, include_partials=False, keep_partials=False,
                  debug=False, predict=True):
  '''Export data from integrated_data corresponding to experiment_list to a
  file for input to SADABS. FIXME probably need to make a .p4p file as

  from dials.array_family import flex
  from scitbx import matrix
  import math

  # for the moment assume (and assert) that we will convert data from exactly
  # one lattice...

  assert(len(experiment_list) == 1)
  # select reflections that are assigned to an experiment (i.e. non-negative id)

  integrated_data = integrated_data.select(integrated_data['id'] >= 0)
  assert max(integrated_data['id']) == 0

  if not summation:
    assert('intensity.prf.value' in integrated_data)

  # strip out negative variance reflections: these should not really be there
  # FIXME Doing select on summation results. Should do on profile result if
  # present? Yes

  if 'intensity.prf.variance' in integrated_data:
    selection = integrated_data.get_flags(
    selection = integrated_data.get_flags(
  integrated_data = integrated_data.select(selection)

  selection = integrated_data['intensity.sum.variance'] <= 0
  if selection.count(True) > 0:
    logger.info('Removing %d reflections with negative variance' % \

  if 'intensity.prf.variance' in integrated_data:
    selection = integrated_data['intensity.prf.variance'] <= 0
    if selection.count(True) > 0:
      logger.info('Removing %d profile reflections with negative variance' % \

  if include_partials:
    integrated_data = sum_partial_reflections(integrated_data)
    integrated_data = scale_partial_reflections(integrated_data)

  if 'partiality' in integrated_data:
    selection = integrated_data['partiality'] < 0.99
    if selection.count(True) > 0 and not keep_partials:
      logger.info('Removing %d incomplete reflections' % \

  experiment = experiment_list[0]
  assert(not experiment.scan is None)

  # sort data before output
  nref = len(integrated_data['miller_index'])
  indices = flex.size_t_range(nref)
  perm = sorted(indices, key=lambda k: integrated_data['miller_index'][k])
  integrated_data = integrated_data.select(flex.size_t(perm))

  assert (not experiment.goniometer is None)

  axis = matrix.col(experiment.goniometer.get_rotation_axis_datum())

  beam = matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_direction())
  s0 = matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_s0())

  F = matrix.sqr(experiment.goniometer.get_fixed_rotation())
  S = matrix.sqr(experiment.goniometer.get_setting_rotation())
  unit_cell = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell()

  if debug:
    m_format = '%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f\n%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f\n%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f'
    c_format = '%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f'

    logger.info('Unit cell parameters from experiment: %s' % (c_format %
    logger.info('Symmetry: %s' % experiment.crystal.get_space_group().type(

    logger.info('Goniometer fixed matrix:\n%s' % (m_format % F.elems))
    logger.info('Goniometer setting matrix:\n%s' % (m_format % S.elems))
    logger.info('Goniometer scan axis:\n%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f' % (axis.elems))

  # detector scaling info
  assert(len(experiment.detector) == 1)
  panel = experiment.detector[0]
  dims = panel.get_image_size()
  pixel = panel.get_pixel_size()
  fast_axis = matrix.col(panel.get_fast_axis())
  slow_axis = matrix.col(panel.get_slow_axis())
  normal = fast_axis.cross(slow_axis)
  detector2t = s0.angle(normal, deg=True)
  origin = matrix.col(panel.get_origin())

  if debug:
    logger.info('Detector fast, slow axes:')
    logger.info('%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f' % (fast_axis.elems))
    logger.info('%6.3f%6.3f%6.3f' % (slow_axis.elems))
    logger.info('Detector two theta (degrees): %.2f' % detector2t)

  scl_x = 512.0 / (dims[0] * pixel[0])
  scl_y = 512.0 / (dims[1] * pixel[1])

  image_range = experiment.scan.get_image_range()

  from cctbx.array_family import flex as cflex # implicit import
  from cctbx.miller import map_to_asu_isym # implicit import

  # gather the required information for the reflection file

  nref = len(integrated_data['miller_index'])
  zdet = flex.double(integrated_data['xyzcal.px'].parts()[2])

  miller_index = integrated_data['miller_index']

  I = None
  sigI = None

  # export including scale factors

  if 'lp' in integrated_data:
    lp = integrated_data['lp']
    lp = flex.double(nref, 1.0)
  if 'dqe' in integrated_data:
    dqe = integrated_data['dqe']
    dqe = flex.double(nref, 1.0)
  scl = lp / dqe

  if summation:
    I = integrated_data['intensity.sum.value'] * scl
    V = integrated_data['intensity.sum.variance'] * scl * scl
    assert V.all_gt(0)
    sigI = flex.sqrt(V)
    I = integrated_data['intensity.prf.value'] * scl
    V = integrated_data['intensity.prf.variance'] * scl * scl
    assert V.all_gt(0)
    sigI = flex.sqrt(V)

  # figure out scaling to make sure data fit into format 2F8.2 i.e. Imax < 1e5

  Imax = flex.max(I)

  if debug:
    logger.info('Maximum intensity in file: %8.2f' % Imax)

  if Imax > 99999.0:
    scale = 99999.0 / Imax
    I = I * scale
    sigI = sigI * scale

  phi_start, phi_range = experiment.scan.get_image_oscillation(image_range[0])

  if predict:
    logger.info('Using scan static predicted spot locations')
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ScanStaticReflectionPredictor
    predictor = ScanStaticReflectionPredictor(experiment)
    UB = experiment.crystal.get_A()
    predictor.for_reflection_table(integrated_data, UB)

  if not experiment.crystal.num_scan_points:
    logger.info('No scan varying model: use static')
    static = True
    static = False

  fout = open(hklout, 'w')

  for j in range(nref):

    h, k, l = miller_index[j]

    if predict:
      x_mm, y_mm, z_rad = integrated_data['xyzcal.mm'][j]
      x_mm, y_mm, z_rad = integrated_data['xyzobs.mm.value'][j]

    z0 = integrated_data['xyzcal.px'][j][2]
    istol = int(round(10000 * unit_cell.stol((h, k, l))))

    if predict or static:
      # work from a scan static model & assume perfect goniometer
      # FIXME maybe should work back in the option to predict spot positions
      UB = experiment.crystal.get_A()
      phi = phi_start + z0 * phi_range
      R = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi, deg=True)
      RUB = S * R * F * UB
      # properly compute RUB for every reflection
      UB = experiment.crystal.get_A_at_scan_point(int(round(z0)))
      phi = phi_start + z0 * phi_range
      R = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi, deg=True)
      RUB = S * R * F * UB

    x = RUB * (h, k, l)
    s = (s0 + x).normalize()

    # can also compute s based on centre of mass of spot
    # s = (origin + x_mm * fast_axis + y_mm * slow_axis).normalize()

    astar = (RUB * (1, 0, 0)).normalize()
    bstar = (RUB * (0, 1, 0)).normalize()
    cstar = (RUB * (0, 0, 1)).normalize()

    ix = beam.dot(astar)
    iy = beam.dot(bstar)
    iz = beam.dot(cstar)

    dx = s.dot(astar)
    dy = s.dot(bstar)
    dz = s.dot(cstar)

    x = x_mm * scl_x
    y = y_mm * scl_y
    z = (z_rad * 180 / math.pi - phi_start) / phi_range

    fout.write('%4d%4d%4d%8.2f%8.2f%4d%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f' % \
               (h, k, l, I[j], sigI[j], run, ix, dx, iy, dy, iz, dz))
    fout.write('%7.2f%7.2f%8.2f%7.2f%5d\n' % (x, y, z, detector2t, istol))

  logger.info('Output %d reflections to %s' % (nref, hklout))
コード例 #55
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: dials/dials_scratch
def paper_test(B, S):

  from numpy.random import poisson
  from math import exp

  background_shape = [1 for i in range(20)]
  signal_shape = [1 if i >= 6 and i < 15 else 0 for i in range(20)]

  background = [poisson(bb * B,1)[0] for bb in background_shape]
  signal = [poisson(ss * S, 1)[0] for ss in signal_shape]
  # background = [bb * B for bb in background_shape]
  # signal = [ss * S for ss in signal_shape]
  total = [b + s for b, s in zip(background, signal)]

  # from matplotlib import pylab
  # pylab.plot(total)
  # pylab.plot(signal)
  # pylab.plot(background)
  # pylab.show()

  total = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1]
  total = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

  # plot_prob_for_zero(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
  # signal_shape = [exp(-(x - 10.0)**2 / (2*3.0**2)) for x in range(20)]
  # signal_shape = [ss / sum(signal_shape) for ss in signal_shape]
  # print signal_shape
  #plot_valid(background_shape, signal_shape)

  B = 155.0 / 296.0
  from dials.array_family import flex
  from math import log, factorial
  V = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  DB = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  DS = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  P = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  Fb = sum(background_shape)
  Fs = sum(signal_shape)
  SV = []
  MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100), False)
  for BB in range(100):
    for SS in range(100):
      B = -5.0 + (BB) / 10.0
      S = -5.0 + (SS) / 10.0
      # SV.append(S)
      VV = 0
      LL = 0
      DDB = 0
      DDS = 0
      for i in range(20):
        s = signal_shape[i]
        b = background_shape[i]
        c = total[i]
        if B*b + S*s <= 0:
          # MASK[BB, SS] = True
          LL = 0
          if b == 0:
            DDB += 0
            DDB += 1e7
          if s == 0:
            DDS += 0
            DDS += 1e7
          # break
        # VV += (b + s)*c / (B*b + S*s)
        # LL += c*log(B*b+S*s) - log(factorial(c)) - B*b - S*s
          DDB += c*b/(B*b+S*s) - b
          DDS += c*s/(B*b+S*s) - s
      VV -= (Fb + Fs)
      # print B, S, VV
      # V[BB, SS] = abs(VV)
      L[BB, SS] = LL
      DB[BB,SS] = DDB
      DS[BB,SS] = DDS

  max_ind = flex.max_index(L)
  j = max_ind // 100
  i = max_ind % 100
  print "Approx: ", (j+1) / 20.0, (i+1) / 20.0
  print "Min/Max DB: ", flex.min(DB), flex.max(DB)
  print "Min/Max DS: ", flex.min(DS), flex.max(DS)
  from matplotlib import pylab
  # pylab.imshow(flex.log(V).as_numpy_array(), extent=[0.05, 5.05, 5.05, 0.05])
  # pylab.plot(SV, V)
  # pylab.plot(SV, [0] * 100)
  # pylab.show()
  im = flex.exp(L).as_numpy_array()
  import numpy
  # im = numpy.ma.masked_array(im, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im)#, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
  pylab.imshow(DB.as_numpy_array(), vmin=-100, vmax=100)#, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
  pylab.contour(DB.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=['red'])
  pylab.contour(DS.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=['black'])
  # im = numpy.ma.masked_array(DB.as_numpy_array(), mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
  # pylab.show()
  # im = numpy.ma.masked_array(DS.as_numpy_array(), mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
  # pylab.show()
  # exit(0)

  S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
    S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
    print "Result:"
    print S1, B1
  except Exception, e:
    raise e
    import sys
    import traceback
    from dials.array_family import flex
    Fs = sum(signal_shape)
    Fb = sum(background_shape)
    Rs = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    print "-----"
    print B, S
    # from matplotlib import pylab
    # pylab.plot(total)
    # pylab.show()
    print background_shape
    print signal_shape
    print total
    from math import exp, factorial, log
    minx = -1
    miny = -1
    minr = 9999
    for BB in range(0, 100):
      for SS in range(0, 100):
        B = -10 + (BB) / 5.0
        S = -10 + (SS) / 5.0
        L = 0
        Fb2 = 0
        Fs2 = 0
        for i in range(len(total)):
          c = total[i]
          b = background_shape[i]
          s = signal_shape[i]
          # P = exp(-(B*b + S*s)) * (B*b+S*s)**c / factorial(c)
          # print P
          # if P > 0:
          #   L += log(P)
          den = B*b + S*s
          num1 = b*c
          num2 = s*c
          if den != 0:
            Fb2 += num1 / den
            Fs2 += num2 / den
        R = (Fb2 - Fb)**2 + (Fs2 - Fs)**2
        if R > 1000:
          R = 0
        # Rs[BB,SS] = L#R#Fs2 - Fs
        Rs[BB,SS] = R#Fs2 - Fs
    from matplotlib import pylab
    pylab.imshow(flex.log(Rs).as_numpy_array(), extent=[-5,5,5,-5])
コード例 #56
  def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose = False):

    if verbose:
      print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
      print '========================================================'

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(self.stills_experiments,
                   detector_parameterisations = [self.det_param],
                   beam_parameterisations = [self.s0_param],
                   xl_orientation_parameterisations = [self.xlo_param],
                   xl_unit_cell_parameterisations = [self.xluc_param])

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
    ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

    fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

      # compare FD with analytical calculations
      if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}". format(i,  fd_grad['name'])

      for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
        if verbose: print name
        a = fd_grad[name]
        b = an_grad[name]

        abs_error = a - b
        denom = a + b

        fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
        # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

        # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
        # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
        if iqr < 1.e-10:

        sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
        sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(abs_error.select(sel)))
        tst_val = abs_error.select(sel)[tst]
        n_outliers = sel.count(False)
        if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
        # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
        assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

        # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
        # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
        sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
        if sel1.all_eq(True):

        # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
        # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
        norm_error = abs_error / iqr
        fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3.
          assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
        except AssertionError as e:
          e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
          raise e

        # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
        if iqr > 0.:
          sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
          sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
          sel = sel1 & sel2
          tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(norm_error.select(sel)))
          tst_val = norm_error.select(sel)[tst]
          n_outliers = sel.count(False)

          # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
          # largest errors, so no surprise there).
            assert n_outliers < 250
          except AssertionError as e:
            e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(n_outliers),)
            raise e

          if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
            "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
          # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
          assert abs(tst_val) < 4.5
    if verbose: print

コード例 #57
  def compose(self, reflections, skip_derivatives=False):
    """Compose scan-varying crystal parameterisations at the specified image
    number, for the specified experiment, for each image. Put the U, B and
    UB matrices in the reflection table, and cache the derivatives."""

    self._prepare_for_compose(reflections, skip_derivatives)

    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      # select the reflections of interest
      sel = reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()

      blocks = reflections['block'].select(isel)

      # identify which parameterisations to use for this experiment
      xl_op = self._get_xl_orientation_parameterisation(iexp)
      xl_ucp = self._get_xl_unit_cell_parameterisation(iexp)
      bp = self._get_beam_parameterisation(iexp)
      dp = self._get_detector_parameterisation(iexp)

      # reset current frame cache for scan-varying parameterisations
      self._current_frame = {}

      # get state and derivatives for each block
      for block in xrange(flex.min(blocks),
                          flex.max(blocks) + 1):

        # determine the subset of reflections this affects
        subsel = isel.select(blocks == block)
        if len(subsel) == 0: continue

        # get the panels hit by these reflections
        panels = reflections['panel'].select(subsel)

        # get the integer frame number nearest the centre of that block
        frames = reflections['block_centre'].select(subsel)

        # can only be false if original block assignment has gone wrong
        assert frames.all_eq(frames[0]), \
            "Failing: a block contains reflections that shouldn't be there"
        frame = int(floor(frames[0]))

        # model states at current frame
        U = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(xl_op, frame)
        if U is None: U = exp.crystal.get_U()

        B = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(xl_ucp, frame)
        if B is None: B = exp.crystal.get_B()

        s0 = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(bp, frame)
        if s0 is None: s0 = exp.beam.get_s0()

        # set states for crystal and beam
        reflections['u_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, U.elems)
        reflections['b_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, B.elems)
        reflections['s0_vector'].set_selected(subsel, s0.elems)

        # set states and derivatives for multi-panel detector
        if dp is not None and dp.is_multi_state():

          # loop through the panels in this detector
          for panel_id, _ in enumerate(exp.detector):

            # get the right subset of array indices to set for this panel
            subsel2 = subsel.select(panels == panel_id)
            if len(subsel2) == 0:
              # if no reflections intersect this panel, skip calculation

            dmat  = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(dp,
              frame, multi_state_elt=panel_id)
            if dmat is None: dmat = exp.detector[panel_id].get_d_matrix()
            Dmat = exp.detector[panel_id].get_D_matrix()
            reflections['d_matrix'].set_selected(subsel2, dmat)
            reflections['D_matrix'].set_selected(subsel2, Dmat)

            if dp is not None and self._varying_detectors and not skip_derivatives:
              for j, dd in enumerate(dp.get_ds_dp(multi_state_elt=panel_id,
                if dd is None: continue
                colname = "dd_dp{0}".format(j)
                reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dd)

        else: # set states and derivatives for single panel detector

          dmat  = self._get_state_from_parameterisation(dp, frame)
          if dmat is None: dmat = exp.detector[0].get_d_matrix()
          Dmat = exp.detector[0].get_D_matrix()
          reflections['d_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, dmat)
          reflections['D_matrix'].set_selected(subsel, Dmat)

          if dp is not None and self._varying_detectors and not skip_derivatives:
            for j, dd in enumerate(dp.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)):
              if dd is None: continue
              colname = "dd_dp{0}".format(j)
              reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dd)

        # set derivatives of the states for crystal and beam
        if not skip_derivatives:
          if xl_op is not None and self._varying_xl_orientations:
            for j, dU in enumerate(xl_op.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)):
              if dU is None: continue
              colname = "dU_dp{0}".format(j)
              reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dU)
          if xl_ucp is not None and self._varying_xl_unit_cells:
            for j, dB in enumerate(xl_ucp.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)):
              if dB is None: continue
              colname = "dB_dp{0}".format(j)
              reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, dB)
          if bp is not None and self._varying_beams:
            for j, ds0 in enumerate(bp.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)):
              if ds0 is None: continue
              colname = "ds0_dp{0}".format(j)
              reflections[colname].set_selected(subsel, ds0)

    # set the UB matrices for prediction
    reflections['ub_matrix'] = reflections['u_matrix'] * reflections['b_matrix']

コード例 #58
ファイル: ascii_art.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
def spot_counts_per_image_plot(reflections, char='*', width=60, height=10):
  from dials.array_family import flex

  if len(reflections) == 0:
    return '\n'

  assert isinstance(char, basestring)
  assert len(char) == 1

  x,y,z = reflections['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()

  min_z = flex.min(z)
  max_z = flex.max(z)

  # image numbers to display on x-axis label
  xlab = (int(round(min_z + 0.5)), int(round(max_z + 0.5)))
  # estimate the total number of images
  image_count = xlab[1] - xlab[0] + 1

  z_range = max_z - min_z + 1
  if z_range <= 1:
    return '%i spots found on 1 image' %len(reflections)

  width = int(min(z_range, width))
  z_step = z_range / width
  z_bound = min_z + z_step - 0.5
# print [round(i * 10) / 10 for i in sorted(z)]

  counts = flex.double()

  sel = (z < z_bound)
# print 0, ('-', z_bound), sel.count(True)
  for i in range(1, width-1):
    sel = ((z >= z_bound) & (z < (z_bound + z_step)))
#   print i, (z_bound, z_bound + z_step), sel.count(True)
    z_bound += z_step
  sel = (z >= z_bound)
# print i + 1, (z_bound, '-'), sel.count(True)

  max_count = flex.max(counts)
  total_counts = flex.sum(counts)
  assert total_counts == len(z)
  counts *= (height/max_count)
  counts = counts.iround()

  rows = []
  rows.append('%i spots found on %i images (max %i / bin)' %(
    total_counts, image_count, max_count))

  for i in range(height, 0, -1):
    row = []
    for j, c in enumerate(counts):
      if c > (i - 1):
        row.append(' ')

  padding = width - len(str(xlab[0])) - len(str(xlab[1]))
  rows.append('%i%s%i' % (xlab[0],
    (' ' if padding < 7 else 'image').center(padding),
  return '\n'.join(rows)
コード例 #59
ファイル: fit.py プロジェクト: dials/dials_scratch
    #fig = pylab.figure(dpi=300)
    #pylab.imshow(scale_data.as_numpy_array(), vmin=0, vmax=2, interpolation='none')
    #pylab.savefig("scale_%d.png" % frame)

    #           bins=100)

    sd1 = scale_data.as_1d()
    sm1 = scale_mask.as_1d()
    scale_min = flex.min(sd1.select(sm1))
    scale_max = flex.max(sd1.select(sm1))
    scale_avr = flex.sum(sd1.select(sm1)) / sm1.count(True)

    background = model_data * scale_data


    subset = reflections.select(indices3)
    if len(subset) > 0:
コード例 #60
      # counts along pixels (and allow for DQE i.e. photon passing right through
      # the detector)
      patch[(y, x)] += 1.0 * iw / scale

  cc = profile_correlation(data, patch)
  if params.show:
    print 'Simulated reflection (flattened in Z):'
    for j in range(dy):
      for i in range(dx):
        print '%5d' % int(patch[(j, i)]),
    print 'Correlation coefficient: %.3f isum: %.1f ' % (cc, i0)

  import numpy as np
  maxx = flex.max(all_pix.parts()[0])
  maxy = flex.max(all_pix.parts()[1])
  minx = flex.min(all_pix.parts()[0])
  miny = flex.min(all_pix.parts()[1])
  dx = (maxx-minx)/2
  dy = (maxy-miny)/2
  medx = minx + (dx)
  medy = miny + (dy)
  if maxx-minx > maxy-miny:
    miny = medy-dx
    maxy = medy+dx
    minx = medx-dy
    maxx = medx+dy
  limits = [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy]]