コード例 #1
    def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
        # Copied to parent, only to change create_many_to_many... to
        # create_one_to_many....

        # To support multiple relations to self, it's useful to have a non-None
        # related name on symmetrical relations for internal reasons. The
        # concept doesn't make a lot of sense externally ("you want me to
        # specify *what* on my non-reversible relation?!"), so we set it up
        # automatically. The funky name reduces the chance of an accidental
        # clash.
        if self.rel.symmetrical and (self.rel.to == "self"
                                     or self.rel.to == cls._meta.object_name):
            self.rel.related_name = "%s_rel_+" % name

        super(models.ManyToManyField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)

        # The intermediate m2m model is not auto created if:
        #  1) There is a manually specified intermediate, or
        #  2) The class owning the m2m field is abstract.
        if not self.rel.through and not cls._meta.abstract:
            self.rel.through = create_one_to_many_intermediary_model(self, cls)

        # Add the descriptor for the m2m relation
        setattr(cls, self.name, ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(self))

        # Set up the accessor for the m2m table name for the relation
        self.m2m_db_table = curry(self._get_m2m_db_table, cls._meta)

        # Populate some necessary rel arguments so that cross-app relations
        # work correctly.
        if isinstance(self.rel.through, basestring):

            def resolve_through_model(field, model, cls):
                field.rel.through = model

            add_lazy_relation(cls, self, self.rel.through,

        if isinstance(self.rel.to, basestring):
            target = self.rel.to
            target = self.rel.to._meta.db_table
        cls._meta.duplicate_targets[self.column] = (target, "m2m")
コード例 #2
    def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
        # Copied to parent, only to change create_many_to_many... to
        # create_one_to_many....

        # To support multiple relations to self, it's useful to have a non-None
        # related name on symmetrical relations for internal reasons. The
        # concept doesn't make a lot of sense externally ("you want me to
        # specify *what* on my non-reversible relation?!"), so we set it up
        # automatically. The funky name reduces the chance of an accidental
        # clash.
        if self.rel.symmetrical and (self.rel.to == "self" or self.rel.to == cls._meta.object_name):
            self.rel.related_name = "%s_rel_+" % name

        super(models.ManyToManyField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)

        # The intermediate m2m model is not auto created if:
        #  1) There is a manually specified intermediate, or
        #  2) The class owning the m2m field is abstract.
        if not self.rel.through and not cls._meta.abstract:
            self.rel.through = create_one_to_many_intermediary_model(self, cls)

        # Add the descriptor for the m2m relation
        setattr(cls, self.name, ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(self))

        # Set up the accessor for the m2m table name for the relation
        self.m2m_db_table = curry(self._get_m2m_db_table, cls._meta)

        # Populate some necessary rel arguments so that cross-app relations
        # work correctly.
        if isinstance(self.rel.through, basestring):
            def resolve_through_model(field, model, cls):
                field.rel.through = model
            add_lazy_relation(cls, self, self.rel.through, resolve_through_model)

        if isinstance(self.rel.to, basestring):
            target = self.rel.to
            target = self.rel.to._meta.db_table
        cls._meta.duplicate_targets[self.column] = (target, "m2m")
コード例 #3
    def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
        #  Copied from parent, only to change the foreign object descriptor
        #  class.

        # Internal M2Ms (i.e., those with a related name ending with '+')
        # don't get a related descriptor.
        if not self.rel.is_hidden():
            setattr(cls, related.get_accessor_name(), RemoteForeignObjectsDescriptor(related))

        # Set up the accessors for the column names on the m2m table
        self.m2m_column_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'column')
        self.m2m_reverse_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'column')

        self.m2m_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'name')
        self.m2m_reverse_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'name')

        get_m2m_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'rel')
        self.m2m_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_rel().field_name
        get_m2m_reverse_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'rel')
        self.m2m_reverse_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_reverse_rel().field_name
コード例 #4
    def contribute_to_related_class(self, cls, related):
        #  Copied from parent, only to change the foreign object descriptor
        #  class.

        # Internal M2Ms (i.e., those with a related name ending with '+')
        # don't get a related descriptor.
        if not self.rel.is_hidden():
            setattr(cls, related.get_accessor_name(),

        # Set up the accessors for the column names on the m2m table
        self.m2m_column_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'column')
        self.m2m_reverse_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related,

        self.m2m_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'name')
        self.m2m_reverse_field_name = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr,
                                            related, 'name')

        get_m2m_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_attr, related, 'rel')
        self.m2m_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_rel().field_name
        get_m2m_reverse_rel = curry(self._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'rel')
        self.m2m_reverse_target_field_name = lambda: get_m2m_reverse_rel(