コード例 #1
def create_annotation(request):
    asset = get_object_or_404(Asset, pk=request.POST['annotation-context_pk'])

    form = dict((key[len('annotation-'):], val)
                for key, val in request.POST.items()
                if key.startswith('annotation-'))

    del form['context_pk']

    data = {'author': request.user, 'asset': asset}

    for field in formfields:
        if form.get(field) != '':
            data[field] = form[field]

    clipping = False
    for field in NULL_FIELDS:
        if field in data:
            clipping = True

    assert clipping
    assert annotationfields.intersection(data)
    # ^^ the model will take care of the edge case

    annotation = SherdNote(**data)

    #need to create global annotation if it doesn't exist already
    #so it appears in the user's list
    asset.global_annotation(annotation.author, auto_create=True)

    if request.is_ajax():
        response = {
            'asset': {
                'id': asset.id
            'annotation': {
                'id': annotation.id
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response),
        #new annotations should redirect 'back' to the asset
        # at the endpoint of the last annotation
        # so someone can create a new annotation ~lizday
        url_fragment = ''
        if annotation.range2:
            url_fragment = '#start=%s' % str(annotation.range2)

        redirect_to = request.GET.get(
            annotation.asset.get_absolute_url() + url_fragment)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
コード例 #2
def create_annotation(request):
    asset = get_object_or_404(Asset,

    form = dict((key[len('annotation-'):], val)
                for key, val in request.POST.items()
                if key.startswith('annotation-'))

    del form['context_pk']

    data = {'author': request.user, 'asset': asset}

    for field in formfields:
        if form.get(field) != '':
            data[field] = form[field]

    clipping = False
    for field in NULL_FIELDS:
        if field in data:
            clipping = True

    assert clipping
    assert annotationfields.intersection(data)
    # ^^ the model will take care of the edge case

    annotation = SherdNote(**data)

    #need to create global annotation if it doesn't exist already
    #so it appears in the user's list
    asset.global_annotation(annotation.author, auto_create=True)

    if request.is_ajax():
        response = {'asset': {'id': asset.id},
                    'annotation': {'id': annotation.id}}
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response),
        #new annotations should redirect 'back' to the asset
        # at the endpoint of the last annotation
        # so someone can create a new annotation ~lizday
        url_fragment = ''
        if annotation.range2:
            url_fragment = '#start=%s' % str(annotation.range2)

        next_url = annotation.asset.get_absolute_url() + url_fragment
        redirect_to = request.GET.get('next', next_url)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
コード例 #3
 def test_seconds_to_code(self):
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, SherdNote.secondsToCode, None)
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(0), "0:00")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(5), "0:05")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(60), "01:00")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(120), "02:00")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(3600, True), "01:00:00")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(6400), "01:46:40")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(86400, True), "24:00:00")
     self.assertEquals(SherdNote.secondsToCode(363600, True), "101:00:00")
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: riadh001/mediathread
def create_annotation(request):
    asset = get_object_or_404(Asset,

    form = dict((key[len('annotation-'):], val) for key, val in request.POST.items()
                if key.startswith('annotation-'))
    del form['context_pk']

    data = {'author': request.user,
            'asset': asset}

    for field in formfields:
        if form.get(field) != '':
            data[field] = form[field]

    clipping = False
    for field in NULL_FIELDS:
        if field in data:
            clipping = True
    assert clipping
    assert annotationfields.intersection(data)
    # ^^ the model will take care of the edge case

    annotation = SherdNote(**data)
    #new annotations should redirect 'back' to the asset
    # at the endpoint of the last annotation
    # so someone can create a new annotation ~lizday
    url_fragment = ''
    if annotation.range2:
        url_fragment = '#start=%s' % str(annotation.range2)

    redirect_to = request.GET.get('next',
                                  annotation.asset.get_absolute_url() + url_fragment  )
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
コード例 #5
from django import template
from djangosherd.models import SherdNote
import re
from djangohelpers.templatetags import TemplateTagNode

from django.db.models import get_model
Comment = get_model('comments', 'comment')

filter_by = {
    'tag': lambda note, tag: re.search(r'\b%s\b' % tag, note.tags),
    'added': SherdNote.date_filter_for('added'),
    'modified': SherdNote.date_filter_for('modified'),

class GetAnnotations(TemplateTagNode):

    noun_for = {
        "filter": "filters",
        "by": "author",
        "on": "asset",

    def __init__(self, varname, author, asset, filters):

    def execute_query(self, author, asset, filters):
コード例 #6
from django import template
from djangosherd.models import SherdNote
import re
from djangohelpers.templatetags import TemplateTagNode

from django.db.models import get_model
Comment = get_model('comments','comment')

filter_by = {
    'tag': lambda note, tag: re.search(r'\b%s\b'%tag, note.tags),
    'added': SherdNote.date_filter_for('added'),
    'modified': SherdNote.date_filter_for('modified'),

class GetAnnotations(TemplateTagNode):

    noun_for = {"filter":"filters", "by":"author", "on":"asset", }

    def __init__(self, varname, author, asset, filters):
        TemplateTagNode.__init__(self, varname, author=author, asset=asset, filters=filters)

    def execute_query(self, author, asset, filters):
        notes = None
        if author is False:
            notes = SherdNote.objects.filter(asset=asset)
        elif author:
            notes = SherdNote.objects.filter(author=author, asset=asset)
        if notes and filters:
            for f,v in filters.items():
                #don't filter global annotations out
                notes = [n for n in notes