コード例 #1
ファイル: config_generate_output.py プロジェクト: grom72/daos
    def test_num_engines(self):
        """Test --num-engines.

        1. Using the NVMe PCI dictionary, find the number of keys. i.e., number
        of Socket IDs. This would determine the maximum number of engines.
        2. Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<1 to max_engine>. Should
        3. Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<max_engine + 1> Should fail.

        :avocado: tags=all,full_regression
        :avocado: tags=hw,small
        :avocado: tags=control,config_generate_entries,num_engines
        # Get necessary storage and network info.

        # Find the maximum number of engines we can use. It's the number of
        # sockets in NVMe. However, I'm not sure if we need to have the same
        # number of interfaces. Go over this step if we have issue with the
        # max_engine assumption.
        max_engine = len(list(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs.keys()))
        self.log.info("max_engine threshold = %s", max_engine)

        dmg = DmgCommand(self.bin)
        dmg.exit_status_exception = False
        errors = []

        # Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<1 to max_engine>
        for num_engines in range(1, max_engine + 1):
            result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
            generated_yaml = yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)
            actual_num_engines = len(generated_yaml["engines"])

            # Verify the number of engine field.
            if actual_num_engines != num_engines:
                msg = "Unexpected number of engine field! Expected = {}; "\
                    "Actual = {}".format(num_engines, actual_num_engines)

        # Verify that max_engine + 1 fails.
        result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
                                     num_engines=max_engine + 1)
        if result.exit_status == 0:
                "Host + invalid num engines succeeded with {}!".format(
                    max_engine + 1))

コード例 #2
ファイル: config_generate_output.py プロジェクト: grom72/daos
    def verify_access_point(self, host_port_input, failure_expected=None):
        """Run with given AP and verify the AP in the output.

            host_port_input (str): Host:Port or just Host. Supports multiple APs
                that are separated by comma.
            failure_expected (str): Expected error message. Set it to None if
                not expecting any error. Defaults to None.

            list: List or errors.
        errors = []
        check = {}

        check["expected"] = host_port_input.split(",")
        if ":" not in host_port_input:
            # dmg automatically sets 10001 if it's not given in the input.
            check["expected"] = [
                "{}:10001".format(host) for host in check["expected"]

        # Create a new DmgCommand and set its exit_status_exception to False to
        # make it not raise a TestFailure when the command failed. Then we'll be
        # able to check result.exit_status for our testing purpose.
        dmg = DmgCommand(self.bin)
        dmg.exit_status_exception = False

            result = dmg.config_generate(access_points=host_port_input)
        except CommandFailure as err:
            errors.append("Unexpected failure! {}".format(err))

        if result.exit_status == 0 and failure_expected is None:
                yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)
                check["actual"] = yaml_data["access_points"]
                if sorted(check["expected"]) != sorted(check["actual"]):
                    errors.append("Unexpected access point: {} != {}".format(
                        check["expected"], check["actual"]))
            except yaml.YAMLError as error:
                    "Error loading dmg generated config!: {}".format(error))
        elif result.exit_status == 0 and failure_expected is not None:
                "dmg command passed when expected to fail!: {}".format(result))
        elif result.exit_status != 0 and failure_expected is not None:
            if failure_expected not in result.stderr_text:
                    "Missing expected error message in failed dmg command!: " +
                "dmg command failed when expected to pass!: {}".format(result))

        return errors
コード例 #3
ファイル: config_generate_output.py プロジェクト: grom72/daos
    def test_net_class(self):
        """Test --net-class.

        1. Iterate the interface set and count the number of elements that
        starts with "ib". This would be our ib_count threshold that we can set
        --num-engines with --net-class=infiniband.
        2. Call dmg config generate --net-class=infiniband
        --num-engines=<1 to ib_count> and verify that it works.
        3. In addition, verify provider using the dictionary. i.e., iterate
        "engines" fields and verify "provider" is in the list where key is
        4. Similarly find eth_count and call dmg config generate
        --net-class=ethernet --num-engines=<1 to eth_count> and verify that it
        5. As in ib, also verify provider using the dictionary. i.e., iterate
        "engines" fields and verify "provider" is in the list where key is

        :avocado: tags=all,full_regression
        :avocado: tags=hw,small
        :avocado: tags=control,config_generate_entries,net_class
        # Get necessary storage and network info.

        # Get ib_count threshold.
        ib_count = 0
        for interface in self.interface_set:
            if interface[:2] == "ib":
                ib_count += 1
        self.log.info("ib_count = %d", ib_count)

        dmg = DmgCommand(self.bin)
        dmg.exit_status_exception = False
        errors = []

        # Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<1 to ib_count>
        # --net-class=infiniband. Should pass.
        for num_engines in range(1, ib_count + 1):
            # dmg config generate should pass.
            result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",

            if result.exit_status != 0:
                msg = "config generate failed with --net-class=infiniband "\
                    "--num-engines = {}!".format(num_engines)
                generated_config = yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)
                for engine in generated_config["engines"]:
                    fabric_iface = engine["fabric_iface"]
                    provider = engine["provider"]
                    # Verify fabric_iface field, e.g., ib0 by checking the
                    # dictionary keys.
                    if not self.interface_to_providers[fabric_iface]:
                            "Unexpected fabric_iface! {}".format(fabric_iface))
                    elif provider not in \
                        # Now check the provider field, e.g., ofi+sockets by
                        # checking the corresponding list in the dictionary.
                        msg = "Unexpected provider in fabric_iface! provider ="\
                            " {}; fabric_iface = {}".format(
                                provider, fabric_iface)

        # Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<ib_count + 1>
        # --net-class=infiniband. Too many engines. Should fail.
        result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
                                     num_engines=ib_count + 1,
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            msg = "config generate succeeded with --net-class=infiniband "\
                "num_engines = {}!".format(ib_count + 1)

        # Get eth_count threshold.
        eth_count = 0
        for interface in self.interface_set:
            if interface[:3] == "eth":
                eth_count += 1
        self.log.info("eth_count = %d", eth_count)

        # Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<1 to eth_count>
        # --net-class=ethernet. Should pass.
        for num_engines in range(1, eth_count + 1):
            # dmg config generate should pass.
            result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",

            if result.exit_status != 0:
                msg = "config generate failed with --net-class=ethernet "\
                    "--num-engines = {}!".format(num_engines)
                generated_config = yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)
                for engine in generated_config["engines"]:
                    fabric_iface = engine["fabric_iface"]
                    provider = engine["provider"]
                    # Verify fabric_iface field, e.g., eth0 by checking the
                    # dictionary keys.
                    if not self.interface_to_providers[fabric_iface]:
                            "Unexpected fabric_iface! {}".format(fabric_iface))
                    elif provider not in \
                        # Now check the provider field, e.g., ofi+sockets by
                        # checking the corresponding list in the dictionary.
                        msg = "Unexpected provider in fabric_iface! provider ="\
                            " {}; fabric_iface = {}".format(
                                provider, fabric_iface)

        # Call dmg config generate --num-engines=<eth_count + 1>
        # --net-class=ethernet. Too many engines. Should fail.
        result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
                                     num_engines=eth_count + 1,
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            msg = "config generate succeeded with --net-class=ethernet, "\
                "num_engines = {}!".format(eth_count + 1)

コード例 #4
ファイル: config_generate_output.py プロジェクト: grom72/daos
    def test_min_ssds(self):
        """Test --min-ssds.

        1. Iterate the NVMe PCI dictionary and find the key that has the
        shortest list. This would be our min_ssd engine count threshold.
        2. Call dmg config generate --min-ssds=<1 to min_ssd>. Should pass.
        3. Call dmg config generate --min-ssds=<min_ssd + 1>. Should fail.
        4. Call dmg config generate --min-ssds=0. Iterate the engines field and
        verify that there's no bdev_list field.

        :avocado: tags=all,full_regression
        :avocado: tags=hw,small
        :avocado: tags=control,config_generate_entries,min_ssds
        # Get necessary storage and network info.

        # Iterate the NVMe PCI dictionary and find the key that has the shortest
        # list. This would be our min_ssd engine count threshold.
        socket_ids = list(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs.keys())
        shortest_id = socket_ids[0]
        shortest = len(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs[shortest_id])
        for socket_id in socket_ids:
            if len(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs[socket_id]) < shortest:
                shortest = len(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs[socket_id])
                shortest_id = socket_id

        min_ssd = len(self.nvme_socket_to_addrs[shortest_id])
        self.log.info("Maximum --min-ssds threshold = %d", min_ssd)

        dmg = DmgCommand(self.bin)
        dmg.exit_status_exception = False

        errors = []

        # Call dmg config generate --min-ssds=<1 to min_ssd>. Should pass.
        for num_ssd in range(1, min_ssd + 1):
            result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
            if result.exit_status != 0:
                    "config generate failed with min_ssd = {}!".format(

        # Call dmg config generate --min_ssds=<min_ssd + 1>. Should fail.
        result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a",
                                     min_ssds=min_ssd + 1)
        if result.exit_status == 0:
                "config generate succeeded with min_ssd + 1 = {}!".format(
                    min_ssd + 1))

        # Call dmg config generate --min-ssds=0
        result = dmg.config_generate(access_points="wolf-a", min_ssds=0)
        generated_yaml = yaml.safe_load(result.stdout)
        # Iterate the engines and verify that there's no bdev_list field.
        engines = generated_yaml["engines"]
        for engine in engines:
            if "bdev_list" in engine:
                errors.append("bdev_list field exists with --min-ssds=0!")
