コード例 #1
def _init():
    flavor = os.environ.get('SETTINGS_FLAVOR', 'dev')
    config_path = os.environ.get('DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONFIG', 'config.yml')

    if not os.path.isabs(config_path):
        config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../',
                                   'config', config_path)
        f = open(config_path)
    except Exception:
        raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError('Heads-up! File is missing: %s' %

    conf = Config(f.read())
    if flavor:
        conf = conf[flavor]
        conf.flavor = flavor

    if conf.privileged_key:
            f = open(conf.privileged_key)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError(
                'Heads-up! File is missing: %s' % conf.privileged_key)

            conf.privileged_key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(f.read())
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError('Key at %s is not a valid RSA key' %

    if conf.index_endpoint:
        conf.index_endpoint = conf.index_endpoint.strip('/')

    return conf
コード例 #2
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: shahabzd/docker
def _init():
    flavor = os.environ.get('SETTINGS_FLAVOR', 'dev')
    config_path = os.environ.get('DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONFIG', 'config.yml')

    if not os.path.isabs(config_path):
        config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../',
                                   'config', config_path)
        f = open(config_path)
    except Exception:
        raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError(
            'Heads-up! File is missing: %s' % config_path)

    conf = Config(f.read())
    if flavor:
        if flavor not in conf:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                'The specified flavor (%s) is missing in your config file (%s)'
                % (flavor, config_path))
        conf = conf[flavor]
        conf.flavor = flavor

    if conf.privileged_key:
            f = open(conf.privileged_key)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError(
                'Heads-up! File is missing: %s' % conf.privileged_key)

            pk = f.read().split('\n')
            pk = 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A' + ''.join(pk[1:-2])
            pk = [pk[i: i + 64] for i in range(0, len(pk), 64)]
            pk = ('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' + '\n'.join(pk) +
                  '\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----')
            bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(pk)
            conf.privileged_key = RSA.load_pub_key_bio(bio)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                'Key at %s is not a valid RSA key' % conf.privileged_key)

    if conf.index_endpoint:
        conf.index_endpoint = conf.index_endpoint.strip('/')

    return conf
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, config=''):
         # Config is kept as-is...
         self._config = config
         # ... save Strings, that are yaml loaded
         if isinstance(config, compat.basestring):
             self._config = yaml.load(config)
     except Exception as e:
         # Failed yaml loading? Stop here!
         raise exceptions.ConfigError(
             'Config is not valid yaml (%s): \n%s' % (e, config))
コード例 #4
def load():
    global _config
    if _config is not None:
        return _config
    data = None
    config_path = os.environ.get('DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONFIG', 'config.yml')
    if not os.path.isabs(config_path):
        config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../',
                                   'config', config_path)
        f = open(config_path)
    except Exception:
        raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError(
            'Heads-up! File is missing: %s' % config_path)

        data = yaml.load(f)
    except Exception:
        raise exceptions.ConfigError(
            'Config file (%s) is not valid yaml' % config_path)

    config = data.get('common', {})
    flavor = os.environ.get('SETTINGS_FLAVOR', 'dev')
    config.update(data.get(flavor, {}))
    config['flavor'] = flavor
    config = convert_env_vars(config)
    if 'privileged_key' in config:
            f = open(config['privileged_key'])
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.FileNotFoundError(
                'Heads-up! File is missing: %s' % config['privileged_key'])

            config['privileged_key'] = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(f.read())
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                'Key at %s is not a valid RSA key' % config['privileged_key'])

    _config = Config(config)
    return _config
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, config=None):
     if config is None:
         config = {}
     if isinstance(config, compat.basestring):
             self._config = yaml.load(config)
         except Exception as e:
             # Failed yaml loading? Stop here!
             raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                 'Config is not valid yaml (%s): \n%s' % (e, config))
         # Config is kept as-is...
         self._config = config
コード例 #6
 def __getattr__(self, key):
     # Unset keys return None
     if key not in self._config:
         return None
         # raise exceptions.ConfigError("No such attribute: %s" % key)
     result = self._config[key]
     # Strings starting with `_env:' get evaluated
     if isinstance(result,
                   compat.basestring) and result.startswith('_env:'):
         result = result.split(':', 2)
         varname = result[1]
         vardefault = '' if len(result) < 3 else result[2]
             result = yaml.load(os.environ.get(varname, vardefault))
         except Exception as e:
             raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                 'Config `%s` (value: `%s`) is not valid: %s' %
                 (varname, e, result))
     # Dicts are rewrapped inside a Config object
     if isinstance(result, dict):
         result = Config(result)
     return result
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, path=None, config=None):
        # Turn on streaming support
        self.supports_bytes_range = True
        # Increase buffer size up to 640 Kb
        self.buffer_size = 128 * 1024
        # Create default Elliptics config
        cfg = elliptics.Config()
        # The parameter which sets the time to wait for the operation complete
        cfg.config.wait_timeout = (config.elliptics_wait_timeout
                                   or DEFAUL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        # The parameter which sets the timeout for pinging node
        cfg.config.check_timeout = (config.elliptics_check_timeout
                                    or DEFAULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT)
        # Number of IO threads in processing pool
        cfg.config.io_thread_num = (config.elliptics_io_thread_num
                                    or DEFAULT_IO_THREAD_NUM)
        # Number of threads in network processing pool
        cfg.config.net_thread_num = (config.elliptics_net_thread_num
                                     or DEFAULT_NET_THREAD_NUM)
        # Number of IO threads in processing pool dedicated to nonblocking ops
        nblock_iothreads = (config.elliptics_nonblocking_io_thread_num
                            or DEFAULT_NONBLOCKING_IO_THREAD_NUM)

        cfg.config.nonblocking_io_thread_num = nblock_iothreads
        self.groups = config.elliptics_groups or DEFAULT_GROUPS

        if isinstance(self.groups, types.StringTypes):
            self.groups = map(int, self.groups.strip('[]').split(','))

        if len(self.groups) == 0:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError("elliptics_groups must be specified")

        # loglevel of elliptics logger
        elliptics_log_level = (config.elliptics_verbosity
                               or DEFAULT_VERBOSITY).lower()
        if elliptics_log_level not in elliptics.log_level.names.keys():
            raise exceptions.ConfigError(
                'Invalid log level %s. Use one of %s' %
                (elliptics_log_level, ','.join(

        # path to logfile
        elliptics_log_file = config.elliptics_logfile or '/dev/stderr'
        log = elliptics.Logger(
            getattr(elliptics.log_level, elliptics_log_level))
        self._elliptics_node = elliptics.Node(log, cfg)

        self.namespace = config.elliptics_namespace or DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
        logger.info("Using namespace %s", self.namespace)

        remotes_configuration = config.elliptics_nodes
        if remotes_configuration is None:
            raise exceptions.ConfigError("elliptics_nodes must be specified")
        elif isinstance(remotes_configuration,
                        (types.TupleType, types.ListType)):
            remotes = remotes_configuration
        elif isinstance(remotes_configuration, types.StringTypes):
            remotes = remotes_configuration.split()
            raise exceptions.ConfigError("elliptics_nodes must be list,"
                                         "tuple or string")

            logger.info("Remotes %s is being added", remotes)
            logger.info("%s remotes have been added successfully", remotes)
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error("Failed to add remotes %s: %s", remotes, err)

        routes = self._session.routes.addresses()
        if not routes:
            # routing table is empty,
            # as no remotes have been successfully added or conencted.
            logger.error("routes %s, %s", routes, self._session.routes)
            raise exceptions.ConnectionError("Unable to connect to Elliptics")