コード例 #1
def test_radius_ratio_min_radius_ratio_max():
    mesh1d = UnitIntervalMesh(MPI.comm_self, 4)
    x = mesh1d.geometry.points
    x[4] = mesh1d.geometry.points[3]

    # Create 2D mesh with one equilateral triangle
    mesh2d = RectangleMesh(
        [numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
         numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])], [1, 1], CellType.Type.triangle,
        cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none, 'left')
    x = mesh2d.geometry.points
    x[3, :2] += 0.5 * (sqrt(3.0) - 1.0)

    # Create 3D mesh with regular tetrahedron and degenerate cells
    mesh3d = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_self, 1, 1, 1)
    x = mesh3d.geometry.points
    x[6][0] = 1.0
    x[3][1] = 0.0
    rmin, rmax = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh1d)
    assert round(rmin - 0.0, 7) == 0
    assert round(rmax - 1.0, 7) == 0

    rmin, rmax = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh2d)
    assert round(rmin - 2.0 * sqrt(2.0) / (2.0 + sqrt(2.0)), 7) == 0
    assert round(rmax - 1.0, 7) == 0

    rmin, rmax = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh3d)
    assert round(rmin - 0.0, 7) == 0
    assert round(rmax - 1.0, 7) == 0
コード例 #2
def test_radius_ratio_tetrahedron_min_max():

    # Create mesh, collpase and compute min ratio
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 12, 12, 12)

    rmin, rmax = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)
    assert rmax <= rmax

    x = mesh.geometry.points
    x[:, 0] *= 0.0
    rmin, rmax = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)
    assert round(rmax - 0.0, 7) == 0
    assert round(rmax - 0.0, 7) == 0
コード例 #3
def test_radius_ratio_triangle():

    # Create mesh and compute rations
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 12, 12)
    ratios = MeshQuality.radius_ratios(mesh)
    for c in Cells(mesh):
        assert round(ratios[c] - 0.828427124746, 7) == 0
コード例 #4
def test_radius_ratio_tetrahedron():

    # Create mesh and compute ratios
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 14, 14, 14)
    ratios = MeshQuality.radius_ratios(mesh)
    for c in Cells(mesh):
        assert round(ratios[c] - 0.717438935214, 7) == 0
コード例 #5
def test_HarmonicSmoothing():

    # Create some mesh and its boundary
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
    boundary = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

    # Move boundary
    disp = Expression(("0.3*x[0]*x[1]", "0.5*(1.0-x[1])"))
    ALE.move(boundary, disp)

    # Move mesh according to given boundary
    ALE.move(mesh, boundary)

    # Check that new boundary topology corresponds to given one
    boundary_new = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')
    assert boundary.topology().hash() == boundary_new.topology().hash()

    # Check that coordinates are almost equal
    err = sum(sum(abs(boundary.coordinates() \
                    - boundary_new.coordinates()))) / mesh.num_vertices()
    print("Current CG solver produced error in boundary coordinates", err)
    assert round(err - 0.0, 5) == 0

    # Check mesh quality
    magic_number = 0.35
    rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
    assert rmin > magic_number
コード例 #6
def test_HarmonicSmoothing():

    # Create some mesh and its boundary
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
    boundary = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

    # Move boundary
    disp = Expression(("0.3*x[0]*x[1]", "0.5*(1.0-x[1])"))
    ALE.move(boundary, disp)

    # Move mesh according to given boundary
    ALE.move(mesh, boundary)

    # Check that new boundary topology corresponds to given one
    boundary_new = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')
    assert boundary.topology().hash() == boundary_new.topology().hash()

    # Check that coordinates are almost equal
    err = sum(sum(abs(boundary.coordinates() \
                    - boundary_new.coordinates()))) / mesh.num_vertices()
    print("Current CG solver produced error in boundary coordinates", err)
    assert round(err - 0.0, 5) == 0

    # Check mesh quality
    magic_number = 0.35
    rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
    assert rmin > magic_number
コード例 #7
    def test_HarmonicSmoothing(self):

        print ""
        print "Testing HarmonicSmoothing::move(Mesh& mesh, " \
              "const BoundaryMesh& new_boundary)"

        # Create some mesh and its boundary
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
        boundary = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

        # Move boundary
        disp = Expression(("0.3*x[0]*x[1]", "0.5*(1.0-x[1])"))

        # Move mesh according to given boundary

        # Check that new boundary topology corresponds to given one
        boundary_new = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

        # Check that coordinates are almost equal
        err = sum(sum(abs(boundary.coordinates() \
                        - boundary_new.coordinates()))) / mesh.num_vertices()
        print "Current CG solver produced error in boundary coordinates", err
        self.assertAlmostEqual(err, 0.0, places=5)

        # Check mesh quality
        magic_number = 0.35
        rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
        self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #8
    def test_HarmonicSmoothing(self):

        print ""
        print "Testing HarmonicSmoothing::move(Mesh& mesh, " \
              "const BoundaryMesh& new_boundary)"

        # Create some mesh and its boundary
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
        boundary = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

        # Move boundary
        disp = Expression(("0.3*x[0]*x[1]", "0.5*(1.0-x[1])"))

        # Move mesh according to given boundary

        # Check that new boundary topology corresponds to given one
        boundary_new = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')

        # Check that coordinates are almost equal
        err = sum(sum(abs(boundary.coordinates() \
                        - boundary_new.coordinates()))) / mesh.num_vertices()
        print "Current CG solver produced error in boundary coordinates", err
        self.assertAlmostEqual(err, 0.0, places=5)

        # Check mesh quality
        magic_number = 0.35
        rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
        self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #9
def find_low(mesh, V, Ause):

    V2dm = V.dofmap()
    cq2 = MeshQuality.radius_ratios(mesh)
    cq = cq2.array()

    indices = np.where(cq < 0.1)[0]

    dof_set = []
    cell_set = []
    for i in indices:
        cell = Cell(mesh, i)
        for v in vertices(cell):
            for c in cells(v):
                cell_set += [c.index()]

    bad_set = list(set(dof_set))
    bad_cells = list(set(cell_set))

    # print('BAD CELLS=', bad_cells)
    # print(len(bad_cells))
    # print('BAD DOFS=', bad_dofs)
    # print(len(bad_dofs))

    # check redundancy
    re_dofs = []
    for d1 in bad_set:
        for d2 in bad_set:
            if Ause[d1, d2] != 0:

    bad_dofs = list(set(re_dofs))

    return bad_dofs
コード例 #10
        def test_ale(self):

            print ""
            print "Testing ALE::move(Mesh& mesh0, const Mesh& mesh1)"

            # Create some mesh
            mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 5)

            # Make some cell function
            # FIXME: Initialization by array indexing is probably
            #        not a good way for parallel test
            cellfunc = CellFunction('size_t', mesh)
            cellfunc.array()[0:4] = 0
            cellfunc.array()[4:] = 1

            # Create submeshes - this does not work in parallel
            submesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 0)
            submesh1 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 1)

            # Move submesh0
            disp = Constant(("0.1", "-0.1"))

            # Move and smooth submesh1 accordignly

            # Move mesh accordingly
            parent_vertex_indices_0 = \
                     submesh0.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            parent_vertex_indices_1 = \
                     submesh1.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_0[:]] = \
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_1[:]] = \

            # If test passes here then it is probably working
            # Check for cell quality for sure
            magic_number = 0.28
            rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
            self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #11
        def test_ale(self):

            print ""
            print "Testing ALE::move(Mesh& mesh0, const Mesh& mesh1)"

            # Create some mesh
            mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 5)

            # Make some cell function
            # FIXME: Initialization by array indexing is probably
            #        not a good way for parallel test
            cellfunc = CellFunction('size_t', mesh)
            cellfunc.array()[0:4] = 0
            cellfunc.array()[4:]  = 1

            # Create submeshes - this does not work in parallel
            submesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 0)
            submesh1 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 1)

            # Move submesh0
            disp = Constant(("0.1", "-0.1"))

            # Move and smooth submesh1 accordignly

            # Move mesh accordingly
            parent_vertex_indices_0 = \
                     submesh0.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            parent_vertex_indices_1 = \
                     submesh1.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_0[:]] = \
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_1[:]] = \

            # If test passes here then it is probably working
            # Check for cell quality for sure
            magic_number = 0.28
            rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
            self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #12
def test_dihedral_angles_min_max():
    # Create 3D mesh with regular tetrahedron
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 2, 2, 2)
    dang_min, dang_max = MeshQuality.dihedral_angles_min_max(mesh)
    assert round(dang_min * (180 / pi) - 45.0) == 0
    assert round(dang_max * (180 / pi) - 90.0) == 0