コード例 #1
ファイル: keystore.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def get_private_key(self, pubkey, password):
     sec = pw_decode(self.keypairs[pubkey], password)
     txin_type, privkey, compressed = deserialize_privkey(sec)
     # this checks the password
     if pubkey != ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_hex(
         raise InvalidPassword()
     return privkey, compressed
コード例 #2
def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s):
    I = hmac_oneshot(c, cK + s, hashlib.sha512)
    pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(cK)
    if pubkey.is_at_infinity():
        raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
    cK_n = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return cK_n, c_n
コード例 #3
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def bip32_root(seed, xtype):
    I = hmac.new(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512).digest()
    master_k = I[0:32]
    master_c = I[32:]
    # create xprv first, as that will check if master_k is within curve order
    xprv = serialize_xprv(xtype, master_c, master_k)
    cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(master_k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, master_c, cK)
    return xprv, xpub
コード例 #4
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
    keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
    cK = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    data = bytes([0]) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s
    I = hmac.new(c, data, hashlib.sha512).digest()
    k_n = ecc.number_to_string(
        (ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32]) + ecc.string_to_number(k)) %
        ecc.CURVE_ORDER, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return k_n, c_n
コード例 #5
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def bip32_private_derivation(xprv, branch, sequence):
    if not sequence.startswith(branch):
        raise ValueError('incompatible branch ({}) and sequence ({})'.format(
            branch, sequence))
    if branch == sequence:
        return xprv, xpub_from_xprv(xprv)
    xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
    sequence = sequence[len(branch):]
    for n in sequence.split('/'):
        if n == '': continue
        i = int(n[:-1]) + BIP32_PRIME if n[-1] == "'" else int(n)
        parent_k = k
        k, c = CKD_priv(k, c, i)
        depth += 1
    parent_cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    fingerprint = hash_160(parent_cK)[0:4]
    child_number = bfh("%08X" % i)
    cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
    xprv = serialize_xprv(xtype, c, k, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
    return xprv, xpub
コード例 #6
ファイル: keystore.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def import_privkey(self, sec, password):
     txin_type, privkey, compressed = deserialize_privkey(sec)
     pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_hex(
     # re-serialize the key so the internal storage format is consistent
     serialized_privkey = serialize_privkey(privkey,
     # NOTE: if the same pubkey is reused for multiple addresses (script types),
     # there will only be one pubkey-privkey pair for it in self.keypairs,
     # and the privkey will encode a txin_type but that txin_type cannot be trusted.
     # Removing keys complicates this further.
     self.keypairs[pubkey] = pw_encode(serialized_privkey, password)
     return txin_type, pubkey
コード例 #7
def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
        keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
    except ecc.InvalidECPointException as e:
        raise BitcoinException(
            'Impossible xprv (not within curve order)') from e
    cK = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    data = bytes([0]) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s
    I = hmac_oneshot(c, data, hashlib.sha512)
    I_left = ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32])
    k_n = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(k)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
    if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or k_n == 0:
        raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
    k_n = ecc.number_to_string(k_n, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return k_n, c_n
コード例 #8
ファイル: transaction.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def sign(self, keypairs):
     for i, txin in enumerate(self.inputs()):
         num = txin['num_sig']
         pubkeys, x_pubkeys = self.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin)
         for j, x_pubkey in enumerate(x_pubkeys):
             signatures = list(filter(None, txin['signatures']))
             if len(signatures) == num:
                 # txin is complete
             if x_pubkey in keypairs.keys():
                 print_error("adding signature for", x_pubkey)
                 sec, compressed = keypairs.get(x_pubkey)
                 pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(sec).get_public_key_hex(compressed=compressed)
                 # add signature
                 sig = self.sign_txin(i, sec)
                 self.add_signature_to_txin(txin, j, sig)
                 #txin['x_pubkeys'][j] = pubkey
                 txin['pubkeys'][j] = pubkey # needed for fd keys
                 self._inputs[i] = txin
     print_error("is_complete", self.is_complete())
     self.raw = self.serialize()
コード例 #9
ファイル: keystore.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def decrypt_message(self, sequence, message, password):
     privkey, compressed = self.get_private_key(sequence, password)
     ec = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey)
     decrypted = ec.decrypt_message(message)
     return decrypted
コード例 #10
ファイル: keystore.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def sign_message(self, sequence, message, password):
     privkey, compressed = self.get_private_key(sequence, password)
     key = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey)
     return key.sign_message(message, compressed)
コード例 #11
ファイル: transaction.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
 def sign_txin(self, txin_index, privkey_bytes):
     pre_hash = Hash(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(txin_index)))
     privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey_bytes)
     sig = privkey.sign_transaction(pre_hash)
     sig = bh2u(sig) + '01'
     return sig
コード例 #12
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def xpub_from_xprv(xprv):
    xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
    cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    return serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
コード例 #13
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s):
    I = hmac.new(c, cK + s, hashlib.sha512).digest()
    pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(cK)
    cK_n = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return cK_n, c_n
コード例 #14
ファイル: bitcoin.py プロジェクト: martyp11/PyB
def address_from_private_key(sec):
    txin_type, privkey, compressed = deserialize_privkey(sec)
    public_key = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_hex(
    return pubkey_to_address(txin_type, public_key)