コード例 #1
class PlacableObjectElement(Element):
    #here field should be placeableobjectfield
    def __init__(self, field):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        # there is then field.maincontent, field.width, field.height, field.correctx, field.correcty , etc.
        self.mainContentElement = TextAreaElement(field.mainContentField)
        self.targetXElement = TextElement(field.targetX)
        self.targetYElement = TextElement(field.targetY)
        self.widthElement = TextElement(field.width)
        self.heightElement = TextElement(field.height)
        self.toleranceElement = TextElement(field.tolerance)

    def process(self, request):
        field_engine_check_delete(self, request, self.field.idevice.objectsToPlace)

    def renderEdit(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.targetXElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.targetYElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.widthElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.heightElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.toleranceElement.renderEdit()
        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)
        return html
    def renderView(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderView()
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderView()
        html += self.targetXElement.renderView()
        html += self.targetYElement.renderView()
        html += self.widthElement.renderView()
        html += self.heightElement.renderView()
        html += self.toleranceElement.renderView()

        return html

    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.renderView()
        return html
コード例 #2
ファイル: extendedfieldengine.py プロジェクト: Rafav/iteexe
class FileElement(Element):
    def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton = True):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
        self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton
    Check and see if a new file has been uploaded
    or if we need to delete a file on user request
    def process(self, request):
        if "upload" + self.id in request.args:
            if "path" + self.id in request.args:
                filePath = request.args["path"+self.id][0]
                self.field.idevice.edit = True    
                self.field.idevice.undo = False
        if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == "delfile"+self.id:
            self.field.idevice.edit = True
            self.field.idevice.undo = False
    def renderEdit(self):
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50, \
                    onclick="addFile('%s')" % self.id, readonly="readonly" )
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Browse")
        buttonName = _(u"Replace")
        if self.field.fileResource is None:
            buttonName = _(u"Upload") 
        html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' % ("upload"+self.id,
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)
        html += self.fileDescriptionElement.renderEdit()
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += "<div class='block'><strong>"
            html += _("File") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            if self.showDelFile:
                html += common.submitImage("delfile" + self.id, self.field.fileResource.storageName,
                                            _("Delete File"))
            html += "</strong></div>"
            html += "<i>"+_("No File Uploaded Currently") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/></div>"
        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)
        return html
    def renderView(self):
        return ""
    Return the filename of this item if there is one now
    def getFileName(self):
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            return self.field.fileResource.storageName
        return ""
    Return the description if there is one now
    def getDescription(self):
        return self.fileDescriptionElement.renderView()
    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += _("Attachment") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            html += _("Attachment") +" :  <i>" + _("None") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
コード例 #3
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "resources/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"
        html += u"<script type='text/javascript'>\n"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        html += "hangman_words['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            html += u"hangman_words['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = new Array('%(word)s', '%(hint)s');\n" % \
                {"index" : wordIndex, "word" : word.renderView(), \
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }
        #make the style for the buttons
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_BEFORE_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_CORRECT_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_WRONG_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}

        #Makes a javscript string of the alphabet that the user can guess from
        html += u"hangman_alphabet['%(gameId)s'] = '%(alphabet)s';\n" % \
        {"alphabet" : self.alphabetElement.renderView(), \
        "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Makes an array of the ids of the divs that hold the chance images
        html += u"hangman_chanceimgids['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for imgIndex, imgElement in enumerate(self.chanceImageElements):
            html += "hangman_chanceimgids['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = '%(imgdivid)s';\n" % \
                {"index" : imgIndex, "imgdivid" : "hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id, \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Make the messages for this game
        html += u"playerMessages['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        messagesStr = """
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['wrongguess'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['lostlevel'] =
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['levelpassed'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['gamewon'] = 
        """ % {"gameid" : hangmanGameId }
        html += messagesStr

        html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "_img'>"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id + "' style='display: none'>"
                if mode == "view":
                    html += imgElement.renderView()
                    html += imgElement.renderPreview()
                html += "</div>"
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        gameAreaHTML = """
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' style='%(hintStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' style='%(wordStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        """ % { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        html += gameAreaHTML
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>setupGame('%s');</script>" % hangmanGameId

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        #render edit of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Life")) + "<br/>"

        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), addChanceButtonLabel)
        html += "<br/>"

        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += "<br/>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Word"))        
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
コード例 #4
class FileElement(Element):
    def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton=True):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
        self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton

    Check and see if a new file has been uploaded
    or if we need to delete a file on user request

    def process(self, request):

        if "upload" + self.id in request.args:
            if "path" + self.id in request.args:
                filePath = request.args["path" + self.id][0]
                self.field.idevice.edit = True
                self.field.idevice.undo = False

        if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][
                0] == "delfile" + self.id:
            self.field.idevice.edit = True
            self.field.idevice.undo = False

    def renderEdit(self):
        html = u"<div>\n"

        html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50, \
                    onclick="addFile('%s')" % self.id, readonly="readonly" )
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Browse")

        buttonName = _(u"Replace")
        if self.field.fileResource is None:
            buttonName = _(u"Upload")

        html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' % (
            "upload" + self.id, buttonName)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)

        html += self.fileDescriptionElement.renderEdit()

        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += "<div class='block'><strong>"
            html += _("File") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName

            if self.showDelFile:
                html += common.submitImage("delfile" + self.id,
                                           _("Delete File"))
            html += "</strong></div>"
            html += "<i>" + _("No File Uploaded Currently") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/></div>"

        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)

        return html

    def renderView(self):
        return ""

    Return the filename of this item if there is one now

    def getFileName(self):
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            return self.field.fileResource.storageName

        return ""

    Return the description if there is one now

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.fileDescriptionElement.renderView()

    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += _(
                "Attachment") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            html += _("Attachment") + " :  <i>" + _("None") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
コード例 #5
class PlaceTheObjectsBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        self.mainAreaElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.mainArea)
        self.mainAreaElement.height = 200
        self.placableObjectElements = []
        for placableObjectField in idevice.objectsToPlace:
            newPlacableElement = PlacableObjectElement(placableObjectField)

        self.positiveResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.positiveResponseArea)
        self.negativeResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.negativeResponseArea)
        self.clickToStartElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.clickToStartGameArea)
        self.gameTimeLimit = TextElement(idevice.gameTimeLimit)
        self.gameTimerShown = TextElement(idevice.gameTimerShown)
        self.partbinNumCols = TextElement(idevice.partbinNumCols)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        Block.process(self, request)


        if "addPlacableObject" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if "checktimer" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            if "enabletimer" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
                self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content = True
                self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content = False

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()

        for placableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:

    def _makeObjectDivId(self, elementTypeName, placeableObjectElement):
        Makes an id for a div that is the drag or drop element 
        as specified by elementTypeName = draggable | droppable
        for placeableObjectElement

        objectdivid = "placetheobjects" + self.id + "_" + elementTypeName + placeableObjectElement.id
        return objectdivid

    def _renderForGame(self, style, previewMode = False):
        Renders the block as the script and XHTML elements that will be needed in order
        to make this run as a game
        viewModeStr = "view"
        scriptPrefix = ""
        if previewMode == True:
            scriptPrefix = "resources/"
            viewModeStr = "preview"

        html = "<script src='%sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n" % scriptPrefix
        html += "<script src='%splacetheobjects.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n" % scriptPrefix
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, viewModeStr)
        #this shows the instructions
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()

        Here we make the droppable target divs
        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            borderStr = ""
            if previewMode == True:
                borderStr = "border: 1px solid red;"
            tolerance = int(placeableObjectElement.toleranceElement.renderView())

            html += """<div id='%(droppableid)s' class='placeTheObjectTargetClass%(gameId)s' style='position: absolute; 
                        margin-left: %(marginleft)dpx; margin-top: %(margintop)dpx;
                        width: %(width)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; %(borderstr)s '>
                """ % { "droppableid" : self._makeObjectDivId("droppable", placeableObjectElement), \
                        "marginleft" : int(placeableObjectElement.targetXElement.renderView()) - tolerance, \
                        "margintop" : int(placeableObjectElement.targetYElement.renderView()) - tolerance, \
                        "width": int(placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView()) + (tolerance * 2), \
                        "height": int(placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView()) + (tolerance * 2), \
                        "borderstr": borderStr, "gameId" : str(self.id) }

        """+ve/-ve feedback areas"""
        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id +"_positivefeedback'" \
                +" style='position: absolute; z-index: 1; '>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_negativefeedback' " \
                + "style='position: absolute; z-index: 1;'>" 
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        """What to click to start the game"""
        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_clicktostart' style='position: " \
                + "absolute; cursor: pointer; z-index: 3' onclick='startPlaceGame(\"" + self.id + "\")'>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.clickToStartElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.clickToStartElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        This is the main area background where the elements are going to be dropped...
        html += "<div style='z-index: -4;' id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_main'>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainAreaElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.mainAreaElement.renderView()

        html += "</div>"
        Here we make the part bin that will contain the elements that will be dragged 
        and dropped in place

        html += "<div id='placetheobjects" + self.id + "_partbin'>\n"
        html += "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'>"
        numCols = int(self.partbinNumCols.renderView())
        html += "<!-- num cols = " + str(numCols) + "-->"
        colCount = 0
        elementCount = 0

        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            if elementCount % numCols == 0:
                #we need to make a new row...
                if elementCount > 0:
                    html += "</tr>"
                html += "<tr>"
            idname = self._makeObjectDivId("draggable", placeableObjectElement)
            elementDimensions = {"width" : int(placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView()), \
                "height" : int(placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView()) }
            html += "<td style='width: %(width)dpx; height: $(height)spx;'>"
            html += "<div id='" + idname + "' onclick=\"objectPlacePickupElement('%(gameid)s', '%(draggableid)s')\" style='cursor: pointer;  " \
                % {"gameid" : str(self.id), "draggableid" : idname}
            html += "width: %(width)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1;'>\n" \
                % elementDimensions
            html += placeableObjectElement.mainContentElement.renderView()
            html += "</div>\n"
            html += "</td>"
            elementCount += 1

        html += "</tr></table>"        
        html += "</div>\n"

        html += "<!-- Javascript Code Generated by placetheobjectsblock.py - DO NOT MODIFY -->\n"
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"
        html +="initPlaceTheObjectsGameData('" + self.id + "');\n"
        html += "placeTheObjectsGameData['" + self.id + "']['showtimer'] = '" + str(self.gameTimerShown.field.content) + "';\n"
        html += "placeTheObjectsGameData['" + self.id + "']['timelimit'] = '" + str(self.gameTimeLimit.field.content) + "';\n"

        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            draggable_id = self._makeObjectDivId("draggable", placeableObjectElement)
            droppable_id = self._makeObjectDivId("droppable", placeableObjectElement)

            perItemCode = """
                if(exe_isTouchScreenDev == false) {
                    $(function() {
                            revert : 'invalid',
                            start: function(event, ui) {
                            stop: function (event, ui) {
                                    setTimeout('checkObjectPlaceOK("%(gameId)s", "%(draggableid)s")', 300);
                    accept: "#%(draggableid)s",
                    activeClass: "ui-state-hover",
                    hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
                            drop: function(event, ui) {
                                    $("#%(draggableid)s").effect("pulsate", {}, "fast");
                                    objectPlaceOK("%(gameId)s", "%(draggableid)s");
                    document.getElementById("%(draggableid)s").onclick = null;   
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s'] = new Array();
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s']['status'] = 'notplaced';
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s']['bounds'] = new Array(%(targetx)s, %(targety)s, %(width)s, %(height)s ); 
                """ % { "draggableid" : draggable_id, "droppableid" : droppable_id, "gameId" : str(self.id), \
                "targetx": placeableObjectElement.targetXElement.renderView() , "targety" : placeableObjectElement.targetYElement.renderView(),\
                "width" : placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView(),  "height" : placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView() }
            html += perItemCode

        html += "</script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, viewModeStr)
        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.mainAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html +=u"<strong>"+_("Game Options") +"</strong>"
        html += self.clickToStartElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.partbinNumCols.renderEdit()
        Timer Options
        html += "<input type='hidden' name='checktimer%s' value='true'/>" % self.id
        html += common.checkbox("enabletimer%s" % self.id, self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content, \
                title=_("Enable Timer"), instruction=_("Enable showing the timer in the game"))
        html += self.gameTimeLimit.renderEdit()

        for placableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            html += placableObjectElement.renderEdit()
        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addPlacableObject"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Placable Object"))
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = self._renderForGame(style, True)

        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = self._renderForGame(style, previewMode=False)

        return html
コード例 #6
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "/scripts/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        #This assigned as data-hangman-words
        num_words = len(self.wordElements)
        word_attr = "["
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            word_attr += "[&#34;%(word)s&#34;, &#34;%(hint)s&#34;]" % {
                "word" : word.renderView(),
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), 
            if wordIndex < num_words -1:
                word_attr += ","
        word_attr += "]"
        """Make main element to hold values for the exercise """
        html += """<div class='exehangmanblock' id=\"exe%(id)s\"
            """ % {
                "id" : hangmanGameId, "words" : word_attr,
                "button_style_before" : 
                "button_style_correct" :
                 "button_style_wrong" :
        html += "<div class=\"hangmanimage_series\">"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                img_str = None
                if mode == "view":
                    img_str = imgElement.renderView() 
                    img_str = imgElement.renderPreview()
                #make it stay within what it should do on a phone
                img_str = img_str[:4] + " style='max-width: 100%' " + img_str[4:]
                html += img_str
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        game_area_dict = { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        game_area_str ="""
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%; overflow-x: hidden; margin-bottom: 130px;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" 
        style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='%(hintStyle)s width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%;' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='%(wordStyle)s width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        gameAreaHTML = game_area_str % game_area_dict
        html += gameAreaHTML

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += """<div class='edit_inline_hint'>The Hangman activity 
        creates a game where the learner has to guess the letters in a
        word from a hint.  Everytime a letter is guessed incorrectly they
        lose a life, represented by an image (e.g. a series of pictures
        with less and less apples on a tree)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            html += "<div class='idevice_item_container' style='width: 500px;'>"
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += "<table width='99%'><tr><td valign='top'>"
            html += "<strong>"
            html += _("Word %s" % str(wordIndex+1))
            html += "</strong>"
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += "</td><td valign='top' style='text-align: right'>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
            html += "</td></tr></table>"
            html += "</div>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id),\
                         _("Add Word"), extra_classes="add_item_button")
        #render edit of these images
        for img_count in range(0, len(self.chanceImageElements)):
            imgElement = self.chanceImageElements[img_count]
            html += "<div class='idevice_item_container' style='width: 700px;'>"
            html += "<table><tr><td valign='top'>"
            html += "<strong>"
            html += "Chance %s" % str(img_count+1)
            html += "</strong>"
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += "</td><td valign='top' style='text-align: right'>"
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Chance"))
            html += "</td></tr></table>"
            html += "</div>"
        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), \
                            addChanceButtonLabel, extra_classes="add_item_button")     
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "<br/>"

        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
コード例 #7
ファイル: hangmanblock.py プロジェクト: UstadMobile/eXePUB
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "/templates/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"
        html += u"<script type='text/javascript'>\n"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        html += "hangman_words['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            html += u"hangman_words['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = new Array('%(word)s', '%(hint)s');\n" % \
                {"index" : wordIndex, "word" : word.renderView(), \
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }
        #make the style for the buttons
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_BEFORE_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_CORRECT_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_WRONG_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}

        #Makes a javscript string of the alphabet that the user can guess from
        html += u"hangman_alphabet['%(gameId)s'] = '%(alphabet)s';\n" % \
        {"alphabet" : self.alphabetElement.renderView(), \
        "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Makes an array of the ids of the divs that hold the chance images
        html += u"hangman_chanceimgids['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for imgIndex, imgElement in enumerate(self.chanceImageElements):
            html += "hangman_chanceimgids['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = '%(imgdivid)s';\n" % \
                {"index" : imgIndex, "imgdivid" : "hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id, \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Make the messages for this game
        html += u"playerMessages['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        messagesStr = """
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['wrongguess'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['lostlevel'] =
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['levelpassed'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['gamewon'] = 
        """ % {"gameid" : hangmanGameId }
        html += messagesStr

        html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "_img'>"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id + "' style='display: none'>"
                if mode == "view":
                    html += imgElement.renderView()
                    html += imgElement.renderPreview()
                html += "</div>"
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        gameAreaHTML = """
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' style='%(hintStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' style='%(wordStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        """ % { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        html += gameAreaHTML
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>setupGame('%s');</script>" % hangmanGameId

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        #render edit of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Life")) + "<br/>"

        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), addChanceButtonLabel)
        html += "<br/>"

        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += "<br/>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Word"))        
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html