コード例 #1
def test_remove_sub__removes_subscription_case_insensitive(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18747))
    new_sub = Subscription("test", 18749)
    new_sub.latest_update = datetime.datetime.now()
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._remove_sub(18749, "TEST")

    assert "Removed subscription: \"TEST\"." in resp
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    subscriptions = list(watcher.subscriptions)
    if subscriptions[0].query_str == "test":
        assert subscriptions[0].destination == 18747
        assert subscriptions[1].query_str == "example"
        assert subscriptions[1].destination == 18749
        assert subscriptions[0].query_str == "example"
        assert subscriptions[0].destination == 18749
        assert subscriptions[1].query_str == "test"
        assert subscriptions[1].destination == 18747
コード例 #2
def test_pause_destination__not_in_other_destination(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 12345))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert "Paused all subscriptions." in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    sub1, sub2 = list(watcher.subscriptions)[:2]
    if sub1.destination != 18749:
        sub2, sub1 = sub1, sub2
    assert sub1.destination == 18749
    assert sub1.query_str == "test"
    assert sub1.paused is True
    assert sub2.destination == 12345
    assert sub2.query_str == "example"
    assert sub2.paused is False
コード例 #3
def test_pause_subscription__case_insensitive(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("EXAMPLE", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("TEST", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._pause_subscription(18749, "test")

    assert f"Paused subscription: \"test\"." in resp
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    sub1, sub2 = watcher.subscriptions
    if sub1.query_str != "TEST":
        sub1, sub2 = sub2, sub1
    assert sub1.query_str == "TEST"
    assert sub1.destination == 18749
    assert sub1.paused is True
    assert sub2.query_str == "EXAMPLE"
    assert sub2.destination == 18749
    assert sub2.paused is False
コード例 #4
def test_resume_subscription__one_matching(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    sub1 = Subscription("example", 18749)
    sub1.paused = True
    sub2 = Subscription("test", 18749)
    sub2.paused = True
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._resume_subscription(18749, "test")

    assert "Resumed subscription: \"test\"." in resp
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    sub1, sub2 = watcher.subscriptions
    if sub1.query_str != "test":
        sub1, sub2 = sub2, sub1
    assert sub1.query_str == "test"
    assert sub1.destination == 18749
    assert sub1.paused is False
    assert sub2.query_str == "example"
    assert sub2.destination == 18749
    assert sub2.paused is True
コード例 #5
def test_pause_destination__no_subs(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert resp == "There are no subscriptions posting here to pause."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 0
コード例 #6
def test_add_sub__invalid_query(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._add_sub(18749, "(hello")

    assert resp.startswith("Failed to parse subscription query")
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 0
コード例 #7
def test_add_sub__no_add_blank(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._add_sub(18749, "")

    assert resp == "Please specify the subscription query you wish to add."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 0
コード例 #8
def test_add_sub__no_add_duplicate_case_insensitive(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._add_sub(18749, "TEST")

    assert resp == "A subscription already exists for \"TEST\"."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 1
コード例 #9
def test_remove_sub__non_existent_subscription(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18747))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._remove_sub(18749, "test")

    assert resp == "There is not a subscription for \"test\" in this chat."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
コード例 #10
def test_list_subs__alphabetical_case_insensitive(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("Example", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("deer", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._list_subs(18749)

    assert "Current subscriptions in this chat:" in resp
    assert "- deer\n- Example\n- test" in resp
コード例 #11
def test_pause_subscription__one_matching_in_wrong_destination(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 12345))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._pause_subscription(18749, "test")

    assert resp == "There is not a subscription for \"test\" in this chat."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    for subscription in watcher.subscriptions:
        assert subscription.paused is False
コード例 #12
def test_list_subs__some_paused(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    sub_paused = Subscription("test", 18749)
    sub_paused.paused = True
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("deer", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._list_subs(18749)

    assert "Current subscriptions in this chat:" in resp
    assert "- deer\n- example\n- ⏸<s>test</s>" in resp
コード例 #13
def test_list_subs(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18747))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("deer", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._list_subs(18749)

    assert "Current subscriptions in this chat:" in resp
    assert "- deer" in resp
    assert "- example" in resp
    assert "- test" not in resp
コード例 #14
async def test_call__route_resume_destination(mock_client):
    event = MockTelegramEvent.with_message(chat_id=14358, text="/resume")
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    resume_dest = MockMethod("Resumed all subscriptions")
    func._resume_destination = resume_dest.call

    with pytest.raises(StopPropagation):
        await func.call(event)

    assert resume_dest.called
    assert resume_dest.args is not None
    assert resume_dest.args[0] == event.chat_id
    assert event.reply.call_args[0][0] == "Resumed all subscriptions"
コード例 #15
async def test_call__route_pause_destination_with_handle(mock_client):
    event = MockTelegramEvent.with_message(chat_id=14358, text="/pause@FASearchBot")
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    pause_dest = MockMethod("Paused all subscriptions")
    func._pause_destination = pause_dest.call

    with pytest.raises(StopPropagation):
        await func.call(event)

    assert pause_dest.called
    assert pause_dest.args is not None
    assert pause_dest.args[0] == event.chat_id
    assert event.reply.call_args[0][0] == "Paused all subscriptions"
コード例 #16
async def test_call__route_list_subscriptions(mock_client):
    event = MockTelegramEvent.with_message(chat_id=14358,
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    with pytest.raises(StopPropagation):
        await func.call(event)

    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args is not None
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 14358
    assert event.reply.call_args[0][0] == "Listing subscriptions"
コード例 #17
def test_resume_subscription__no_matching(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    sub1 = Subscription("example", 18749)
    sub1.paused = True
    sub2 = Subscription("deer", 18749)
    sub2.paused = True
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._resume_subscription(18749, "test")

    assert resp == "There is not a subscription for \"test\" in this chat."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    for subscription in watcher.subscriptions:
        assert subscription.paused is True
コード例 #18
async def test_call__route_remove_subscription_with_username(mock_client):
    event = MockTelegramEvent.with_message(
        chat_id=14358, text="/remove_subscription@FASearchBot example")
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    delete_sub = MockMethod("Removed subscription test")
    func._remove_sub = delete_sub.call

    with pytest.raises(StopPropagation):
        await func.call(event)

    assert delete_sub.called
    assert delete_sub.args is not None
    assert delete_sub.args[0] == 14358
    assert delete_sub.args[1] == "example"
    assert event.reply.call_args[0][0] == "Removed subscription test"
コード例 #19
async def test_call__route_add_subscription(mock_client):
    event = MockTelegramEvent.with_message(chat_id=14358,
                                           text="/add_subscription test")
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    add_sub = MockMethod("Added subscription test")
    func._add_sub = add_sub.call

    with pytest.raises(StopPropagation):
        await func.call(event)

    assert add_sub.called
    assert add_sub.args is not None
    assert add_sub.args[0] == 14358
    assert add_sub.args[1] == "test"
    assert event.reply.call_args[0][0] == "Added subscription test"
コード例 #20
def test_add_sub__adds_subscription(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._add_sub(18749, "test")

    assert "Added subscription" in resp
    assert "\"test\"" in resp
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 1
    subscription = list(watcher.subscriptions)[0]
    assert subscription.query_str == "test"
    assert subscription.destination == 18749
    assert subscription.latest_update is None
コード例 #21
def test_pause_destination__all_paused(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    sub1 = Subscription("test", 18749)
    sub1.paused = True
    sub2 = Subscription("example", 18749)
    sub2.paused = True
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert resp == "All subscriptions are already paused."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    for subscription in watcher.subscriptions:
        assert subscription.query_str in ["test", "example"]
        assert subscription.destination == 18749
        assert subscription.paused is True
コード例 #22
def test_pause_destination__one_sub(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert "Paused all subscriptions." in resp
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 1
    subscription = list(watcher.subscriptions)[0]
    assert subscription.query_str == "test"
    assert subscription.destination == 18749
    assert subscription.paused is True
コード例 #23
def test_pause_destination__multiple_subs(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("test", 18749))
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)
    list_subs = MockMethod("Listing subscriptions")
    func._list_subs = list_subs.call

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert "Paused all subscriptions." in resp
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    assert list_subs.called
    assert list_subs.args[0] == 18749
    assert "Listing subscriptions" in resp
    for subscription in watcher.subscriptions:
        assert subscription.query_str in ["test", "example"]
        assert subscription.destination == 18749
        assert subscription.paused is True
コード例 #24
def test_pause_subscription__already_paused(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    watcher.subscriptions.add(Subscription("example", 18749))
    sub = Subscription("test", 18749)
    sub.paused = True
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._pause_subscription(18749, "test")

    assert resp == f"Subscription for \"test\" is already paused."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    sub1, sub2 = watcher.subscriptions
    if sub1.query_str != "test":
        sub1, sub2 = sub2, sub1
    assert sub1.query_str == "test"
    assert sub1.destination == 18749
    assert sub1.paused is True
    assert sub2.query_str == "example"
    assert sub2.destination == 18749
    assert sub2.paused is False
コード例 #25
ファイル: bot.py プロジェクト: Deer-Spangle/FA-search-bot
 def initialise_functionalities(self):
     return [
         InlineEditFunctionality(self.api, self.client),
コード例 #26
def test_pause_destination__all_paused_except_elsewhere(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    sub1 = Subscription("test", 18749)
    sub1.paused = True
    sub2 = Subscription("example", 12345)
    sub2.paused = False
    func = SubscriptionFunctionality(watcher)

    resp = func._pause_destination(18749)

    assert resp == "All subscriptions are already paused."
    assert len(watcher.subscriptions) == 2
    sub1, sub2 = list(watcher.subscriptions)[:2]
    if sub1.destination != 18749:
        sub2, sub1 = sub1, sub2
    assert sub1.destination == 18749
    assert sub1.query_str == "test"
    assert sub1.paused is True
    assert sub2.destination == 12345
    assert sub2.query_str == "example"
    assert sub2.paused is False