コード例 #1
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: tonybone-hub/fdroidserver
def extract_pubkey():
    Extracts and returns the repository's public key from the keystore.
    :return: public key in hex, repository fingerprint
    if 'repo_pubkey' in common.config:
        pubkey = unhexlify(common.config['repo_pubkey'])
        env_vars = {
            'LC_ALL': 'C.UTF-8',
            'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS': common.config['keystorepass']
        p = FDroidPopenBytes([
            common.config['keytool'], '-exportcert', '-alias',
            common.config['repo_keyalias'], '-keystore',
            common.config['keystore'], '-storepass:env',
        ] + list(common.config['smartcardoptions']),
        if p.returncode != 0 or len(p.output) < 20:
            msg = "Failed to get repo pubkey!"
            if common.config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
                msg += ' Is your crypto smartcard plugged in?'
            raise FDroidException(msg)
        pubkey = p.output
    repo_pubkey_fingerprint = common.get_cert_fingerprint(pubkey)
    return hexlify(pubkey), repo_pubkey_fingerprint
コード例 #2
def write_metadata(metadatapath, app):
    if metadatapath.endswith('.yml'):
        if importlib.util.find_spec('ruamel.yaml'):
            with open(metadatapath, 'w') as mf:
                return write_yaml(mf, app)
            raise FDroidException(_('ruamel.yaml not installed, can not write metadata.'))

    _warn_or_exception(_('Unknown metadata format: %s') % metadatapath)
コード例 #3
def _copy_to_local_copy_dir(repodir, f):
    local_copy_dir = common.config.get('local_copy_dir', '')
    if os.path.exists(local_copy_dir):
        destdir = os.path.join(local_copy_dir, repodir)
        if not os.path.exists(destdir):
        shutil.copy2(f, destdir, follow_symlinks=False)
    elif local_copy_dir:
        raise FDroidException(
            _('"local_copy_dir" {path} does not exist!').format(
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: Madd0xx/fdroidserver
def make(apps, sortedids, apks, repodir, archive):
    """Generate the repo index files.

    This requires properly initialized options and config objects.

    :param apps: fully populated apps list
    :param sortedids: app package IDs, sorted
    :param apks: full populated apks list
    :param repodir: the repo directory
    :param archive: True if this is the archive repo, False if it's the
                    main one.
    from fdroidserver.update import METADATA_VERSION

    def _resolve_description_link(appid):
        if appid in apps:
            return "fdroid.app:" + appid, apps[appid].Name
        raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + appid)

    if not common.options.nosign:

    repodict = collections.OrderedDict()
    repodict['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow()
    repodict['version'] = METADATA_VERSION

    if common.config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
        repodict['maxage'] = common.config['repo_maxage']

    if archive:
        repodict['name'] = common.config['archive_name']
        repodict['icon'] = os.path.basename(common.config['archive_icon'])
        repodict['address'] = common.config['archive_url']
        repodict['description'] = common.config['archive_description']
        urlbasepath = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(common.config['archive_url']).path)
        repodict['name'] = common.config['repo_name']
        repodict['icon'] = os.path.basename(common.config['repo_icon'])
        repodict['address'] = common.config['repo_url']
        repodict['description'] = common.config['repo_description']
        urlbasepath = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(common.config['repo_url']).path)

    mirrorcheckfailed = False
    mirrors = []
    for mirror in sorted(common.config.get('mirrors', [])):
        base = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(mirror).path.rstrip('/'))
        if common.config.get('nonstandardwebroot') is not True and base != 'fdroid':
            logging.error(_("mirror '%s' does not end with 'fdroid'!") % mirror)
            mirrorcheckfailed = True
        # must end with / or urljoin strips a whole path segment
        if mirror.endswith('/'):
            mirrors.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(mirror, urlbasepath))
            mirrors.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(mirror + '/', urlbasepath))
    for mirror in common.config.get('servergitmirrors', []):
        for url in get_mirror_service_urls(mirror):
            mirrors.append(url + '/' + repodir)
    if mirrorcheckfailed:
        raise FDroidException(_("Malformed repository mirrors."))
    if mirrors:
        repodict['mirrors'] = mirrors

    appsWithPackages = collections.OrderedDict()
    for packageName in sortedids:
        app = apps[packageName]
        if app['Disabled']:

        # only include apps with packages
        for apk in apks:
            if apk['packageName'] == packageName:
                newapp = copy.copy(app)  # update wiki needs unmodified description
                newapp['Description'] = metadata.description_html(app['Description'],
                appsWithPackages[packageName] = newapp

    requestsdict = collections.OrderedDict()
    for command in ('install', 'uninstall'):
        packageNames = []
        key = command + '_list'
        if key in common.config:
            if isinstance(common.config[key], str):
                packageNames = [common.config[key]]
            elif all(isinstance(item, str) for item in common.config[key]):
                packageNames = common.config[key]
                raise TypeError(_('only accepts strings, lists, and tuples'))
        requestsdict[command] = packageNames

    fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints = load_stats_fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints()

    make_v0(appsWithPackages, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict,
    make_v1(appsWithPackages, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict,
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: Madd0xx/fdroidserver
def make_v0(apps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict, fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints):
    aka index.jar aka index.xml

    doc = Document()

    def addElement(name, value, doc, parent):
        el = doc.createElement(name)

    def addElementNonEmpty(name, value, doc, parent):
        if not value:
        addElement(name, value, doc, parent)

    def addElementIfInApk(name, apk, key, doc, parent):
        if key not in apk:
        value = str(apk[key])
        addElement(name, value, doc, parent)

    def addElementCDATA(name, value, doc, parent):
        el = doc.createElement(name)

    def addElementCheckLocalized(name, app, key, doc, parent, default=''):
        '''Fill in field from metadata or localized block

        For name/summary/description, they can come only from the app source,
        or from a dir in fdroiddata.  They can be entirely missing from the
        metadata file if there is localized versions.  This will fetch those
        from the localized version if its not available in the metadata file.

        el = doc.createElement(name)
        value = app.get(key)
        lkey = key[:1].lower() + key[1:]
        localized = app.get('localized')
        if not value and localized:
            for lang in ['en-US'] + [x for x in localized.keys()]:
                if not lang.startswith('en'):
                if lang in localized:
                    value = localized[lang].get(lkey)
                    if value:
        if not value and localized and len(localized) > 1:
            lang = list(localized.keys())[0]
            value = localized[lang].get(lkey)
        if not value:
            value = default

    root = doc.createElement("fdroid")

    repoel = doc.createElement("repo")

    repoel.setAttribute("name", repodict['name'])
    if 'maxage' in repodict:
        repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(repodict['maxage']))
    repoel.setAttribute("icon", os.path.basename(repodict['icon']))
    repoel.setAttribute("url", repodict['address'])
    addElement('description', repodict['description'], doc, repoel)
    for mirror in repodict.get('mirrors', []):
        addElement('mirror', mirror, doc, repoel)

    repoel.setAttribute("version", str(repodict['version']))
    repoel.setAttribute("timestamp", '%d' % repodict['timestamp'].timestamp())

    pubkey, repo_pubkey_fingerprint = extract_pubkey()
    repoel.setAttribute("pubkey", pubkey.decode('utf-8'))

    for command in ('install', 'uninstall'):
        for packageName in requestsdict[command]:
            element = doc.createElement(command)
            element.setAttribute('packageName', packageName)

    for appid, appdict in apps.items():
        app = metadata.App(appdict)

        if app.Disabled is not None:

        # Get a list of the apks for this app...
        apklist = []
        apksbyversion = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        for apk in apks:
            if apk.get('versionCode') and apk.get('packageName') == appid:
        for versionCode, apksforver in apksbyversion.items():
            fdroidsig = fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints.get(appid, {}).get('signer')
            fdroid_signed_apk = None
            name_match_apk = None
            for x in apksforver:
                if fdroidsig and x.get('signer', None) == fdroidsig:
                    fdroid_signed_apk = x
                if common.apk_release_filename.match(x.get('apkName', '')):
                    name_match_apk = x
            # choose which of the available versions is most
            # suiteable for index v0
            if fdroid_signed_apk:
            elif name_match_apk:

        if len(apklist) == 0:

        apel = doc.createElement("application")
        apel.setAttribute("id", app.id)

        addElement('id', app.id, doc, apel)
        if app.added:
            addElement('added', app.added.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apel)
        if app.lastUpdated:
            addElement('lastupdated', app.lastUpdated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apel)

        addElementCheckLocalized('name', app, 'Name', doc, apel)
        addElementCheckLocalized('summary', app, 'Summary', doc, apel)

        if app.icon:
            addElement('icon', app.icon, doc, apel)

        addElementCheckLocalized('desc', app, 'Description', doc, apel,
                                 '<p>No description available</p>')

        addElement('license', app.License, doc, apel)
        if app.Categories:
            addElement('categories', ','.join(app.Categories), doc, apel)
            # We put the first (primary) category in LAST, which will have
            # the desired effect of making clients that only understand one
            # category see that one.
            addElement('category', app.Categories[0], doc, apel)
        addElement('web', app.WebSite, doc, apel)
        addElement('source', app.SourceCode, doc, apel)
        addElement('tracker', app.IssueTracker, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('changelog', app.Changelog, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('author', app.AuthorName, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('email', app.AuthorEmail, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('donate', app.Donate, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('bitcoin', app.Bitcoin, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('litecoin', app.Litecoin, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('flattr', app.FlattrID, doc, apel)
        addElementNonEmpty('liberapay', app.LiberapayID, doc, apel)

        # These elements actually refer to the current version (i.e. which
        # one is recommended. They are historically mis-named, and need
        # changing, but stay like this for now to support existing clients.
        addElement('marketversion', app.CurrentVersion, doc, apel)
        addElement('marketvercode', app.CurrentVersionCode, doc, apel)

        if app.Provides:
            pv = app.Provides.split(',')
            addElementNonEmpty('provides', ','.join(pv), doc, apel)
        if app.RequiresRoot:
            addElement('requirements', 'root', doc, apel)

        # Sort the apk list into version order, just so the web site
        # doesn't have to do any work by default...
        apklist = sorted(apklist, key=lambda apk: apk['versionCode'], reverse=True)

        if 'antiFeatures' in apklist[0]:
        if app.AntiFeatures:
            addElementNonEmpty('antifeatures', ','.join(app.AntiFeatures), doc, apel)

        # Check for duplicates - they will make the client unhappy...
        for i in range(len(apklist) - 1):
            first = apklist[i]
            second = apklist[i + 1]
            if first['versionCode'] == second['versionCode'] \
               and first['sig'] == second['sig']:
                if first['hash'] == second['hash']:
                    raise FDroidException('"{0}/{1}" and "{0}/{2}" are exact duplicates!'.format(
                        repodir, first['apkName'], second['apkName']))
                    raise FDroidException('duplicates: "{0}/{1}" - "{0}/{2}"'.format(
                        repodir, first['apkName'], second['apkName']))

        current_version_code = 0
        current_version_file = None
        for apk in apklist:
            file_extension = common.get_file_extension(apk['apkName'])
            # find the APK for the "Current Version"
            if current_version_code < apk['versionCode']:
                current_version_code = apk['versionCode']
            if current_version_code < int(app.CurrentVersionCode):
                current_version_file = apk['apkName']

            apkel = doc.createElement("package")
            addElement('version', apk['versionName'], doc, apkel)
            addElement('versioncode', str(apk['versionCode']), doc, apkel)
            addElement('apkname', apk['apkName'], doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('srcname', apk, 'srcname', doc, apkel)

            hashel = doc.createElement("hash")
            hashel.setAttribute('type', 'sha256')

            addElement('size', str(apk['size']), doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('sdkver', apk,
                              'minSdkVersion', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('targetSdkVersion', apk,
                              'targetSdkVersion', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('maxsdkver', apk,
                              'maxSdkVersion', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('obbMainFile', apk,
                              'obbMainFile', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('obbMainFileSha256', apk,
                              'obbMainFileSha256', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('obbPatchFile', apk,
                              'obbPatchFile', doc, apkel)
            addElementIfInApk('obbPatchFileSha256', apk,
                              'obbPatchFileSha256', doc, apkel)
            if 'added' in apk:
                addElement('added', apk['added'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), doc, apkel)

            if file_extension == 'apk':  # sig is required for APKs, but only APKs
                addElement('sig', apk['sig'], doc, apkel)

                old_permissions = set()
                sorted_permissions = sorted(apk['uses-permission'])
                for perm in sorted_permissions:
                    perm_name = perm.name
                    if perm_name.startswith("android.permission."):
                        perm_name = perm_name[19:]
                addElementNonEmpty('permissions', ','.join(sorted(old_permissions)), doc, apkel)

                for permission in sorted_permissions:
                    permel = doc.createElement('uses-permission')
                    permel.setAttribute('name', permission.name)
                    if permission.maxSdkVersion is not None:
                        permel.setAttribute('maxSdkVersion', '%d' % permission.maxSdkVersion)
                for permission_sdk_23 in sorted(apk['uses-permission-sdk-23']):
                    permel = doc.createElement('uses-permission-sdk-23')
                    permel.setAttribute('name', permission_sdk_23.name)
                    if permission_sdk_23.maxSdkVersion is not None:
                        permel.setAttribute('maxSdkVersion', '%d' % permission_sdk_23.maxSdkVersion)
                if 'nativecode' in apk:
                    addElement('nativecode', ','.join(sorted(apk['nativecode'])), doc, apkel)
                addElementNonEmpty('features', ','.join(sorted(apk['features'])), doc, apkel)

        if current_version_file is not None \
                and common.config['make_current_version_link'] \
                and repodir == 'repo':  # only create these
            namefield = common.config['current_version_name_source']
            sanitized_name = re.sub(b'''[ '"&%?+=/]''', b'', app.get(namefield).encode('utf-8'))
            apklinkname = sanitized_name + os.path.splitext(current_version_file)[1].encode('utf-8')
            current_version_path = os.path.join(repodir, current_version_file).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')
            if os.path.islink(apklinkname):
            os.symlink(current_version_path, apklinkname)
            # also symlink gpg signature, if it exists
            for extension in (b'.asc', b'.sig'):
                sigfile_path = current_version_path + extension
                if os.path.exists(sigfile_path):
                    siglinkname = apklinkname + extension
                    if os.path.islink(siglinkname):
                    os.symlink(sigfile_path, siglinkname)

    if common.options.pretty:
        output = doc.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8')
        output = doc.toxml(encoding='utf-8')

    with open(os.path.join(repodir, 'index.xml'), 'wb') as f:

    if 'repo_keyalias' in common.config:

        if common.options.nosign:
            logging.info(_("Creating unsigned index in preparation for signing"))
            logging.info(_("Creating signed index with this key (SHA256):"))
            logging.info("%s" % repo_pubkey_fingerprint)

        # Create a jar of the index...
        jar_output = 'index_unsigned.jar' if common.options.nosign else 'index.jar'
        p = FDroidPopen(['jar', 'cf', jar_output, 'index.xml'], cwd=repodir)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise FDroidException("Failed to create {0}".format(jar_output))

        # Sign the index...
        signed = os.path.join(repodir, 'index.jar')
        if common.options.nosign:
            # Remove old signed index if not signing
            if os.path.exists(signed):
            signindex.config = common.config

    # Copy the repo icon into the repo directory...
    icon_dir = os.path.join(repodir, 'icons')
    iconfilename = os.path.join(icon_dir, os.path.basename(common.config['repo_icon']))
    shutil.copyfile(common.config['repo_icon'], iconfilename)
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: tonybone-hub/fdroidserver
def make(apps, apks, repodir, archive):
    """Generate the repo index files.

    This requires properly initialized options and config objects.

    :param apps: OrderedDict of apps to go into the index, each app should have
                 at least one associated apk
    :param apks: list of apks to go into the index
    :param repodir: the repo directory
    :param archive: True if this is the archive repo, False if it's the
                    main one.
    from fdroidserver.update import METADATA_VERSION

    if not common.options.nosign:

    # Historically the index has been sorted by App Name, so we enforce this ordering here
    sortedids = sorted(apps, key=lambda appid: apps[appid]['Name'].upper())
    sortedapps = collections.OrderedDict()
    for appid in sortedids:
        sortedapps[appid] = apps[appid]

    repodict = collections.OrderedDict()
    repodict['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
    repodict['version'] = METADATA_VERSION

    if common.config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
        repodict['maxage'] = common.config['repo_maxage']

    if archive:
        repodict['name'] = common.config['archive_name']
        repodict['icon'] = os.path.basename(common.config['archive_icon'])
        repodict['address'] = common.config['archive_url']
        repodict['description'] = common.config['archive_description']
        urlbasepath = os.path.basename(
        repodict['name'] = common.config['repo_name']
        repodict['icon'] = os.path.basename(common.config['repo_icon'])
        repodict['address'] = common.config['repo_url']
        repodict['description'] = common.config['repo_description']
        urlbasepath = os.path.basename(

    mirrorcheckfailed = False
    mirrors = []
    for mirror in common.config.get('mirrors', []):
        base = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(mirror).path.rstrip('/'))
        if common.config.get(
                'nonstandardwebroot') is not True and base != 'fdroid':
                _("mirror '%s' does not end with 'fdroid'!") % mirror)
            mirrorcheckfailed = True
        # must end with / or urljoin strips a whole path segment
        if mirror.endswith('/'):
            mirrors.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(mirror, urlbasepath))
            mirrors.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(mirror + '/', urlbasepath))
    for mirror in common.config.get('servergitmirrors', []):
        for url in get_mirror_service_urls(mirror):
            mirrors.append(url + '/' + repodir)
    if mirrorcheckfailed:
        raise FDroidException(_("Malformed repository mirrors."))
    if mirrors:
        repodict['mirrors'] = mirrors

    requestsdict = collections.OrderedDict()
    for command in ('install', 'uninstall'):
        packageNames = []
        key = command + '_list'
        if key in common.config:
            if isinstance(common.config[key], str):
                packageNames = [common.config[key]]
            elif all(isinstance(item, str) for item in common.config[key]):
                packageNames = common.config[key]
                raise TypeError(_('only accepts strings, lists, and tuples'))
        requestsdict[command] = packageNames

    fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints = load_stats_fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints(

    make_v0(sortedapps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict,
    make_v1(sortedapps, apks, repodir, repodict, requestsdict,
コード例 #7
ファイル: metadata.py プロジェクト: alec7/fdroidserver
def write_yaml(mf, app):

    # import rumael.yaml and check version
        import ruamel.yaml
    except ImportError as e:
        raise FDroidException(
            'ruamel.yaml not instlled, can not write metadata.') from e
    if not ruamel.yaml.__version__:
        raise FDroidException(
            'ruamel.yaml.__version__ not accessible. Please make sure a ruamel.yaml >= 0.13 is installed..'
    m = re.match(
    if not m:
        raise FDroidException(
            'ruamel.yaml version malfored, please install an upstream version of ruamel.yaml'
    if int(m.group('major')) < 0 or int(m.group('minor')) < 13:
        raise FDroidException(
            'currently installed version of ruamel.yaml ({}) is too old, >= 1.13 required.'
    # suiteable version ruamel.yaml imported successfully

    _yaml_bools_true = ('y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE',
                        'on', 'On', 'ON')
    _yaml_bools_false = ('n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE',
                         'off', 'Off', 'OFF')
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists = []
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists.extend([[x] for x in _yaml_bools_true])
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists.extend([[x] for x in _yaml_bools_false])

    def _class_as_dict_representer(dumper, data):
        '''Creates a YAML representation of a App/Build instance'''
        return dumper.represent_dict(data)

    def _field_to_yaml(typ, value):
        if typ is TYPE_STRING:
            if value in _yaml_bools_plus_lists:
                return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString(
            return str(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_INT:
            return int(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_MULTILINE:
            if '\n' in value:
                return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.preserve_literal(str(value))
                return str(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_SCRIPT:
            if len(value) > 50:
                return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.preserve_literal(value)
                return value
            return value

    def _app_to_yaml(app):
        cm = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
        insert_newline = False
        for field in yaml_app_field_order:
            if field is '\n':
                # next iteration will need to insert a newline
                insert_newline = True
                if app.get(field) or field is 'Builds':
                    # .txt calls it 'builds' internally, everywhere else its 'Builds'
                    if field is 'Builds':
                        if app.get('builds'):
                            cm.update({field: _builds_to_yaml(app)})
                    elif field is 'CurrentVersionCode':
                            _field_to_yaml(TYPE_INT, getattr(app, field))
                                           getattr(app, field))

                    if insert_newline:
                        # we need to prepend a newline in front of this field
                        insert_newline = False
                        # inserting empty lines is not supported so we add a
                        # bogus comment and over-write its value
                        cm.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(field, 'bogus')
                        cm.ca.items[field][1][-1].value = '\n'
        return cm

    def _builds_to_yaml(app):
        fields = ['versionName', 'versionCode']
        builds = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq()
        for build in app.builds:
            b = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
            for field in fields:
                if hasattr(build, field) and getattr(build, field):
                    value = getattr(build, field)
                    if field == 'gradle' and value == ['off']:
                        value = [
                    if field in ('disable', 'maven', 'buildozer'):
                        if value == 'no':
                        elif value == 'yes':
                            value = 'yes'
                    b.update({field: _field_to_yaml(flagtype(field), value)})

        # insert extra empty lines between build entries
        for i in range(1, len(builds)):
            builds.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(i, 'bogus')
            builds.ca.items[i][1][-1].value = '\n'

        return builds

    yaml_app_field_order = [

    yaml_app = _app_to_yaml(app)
    ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(yaml_app, mf, indent=4, block_seq_indent=2)
コード例 #8
def write_yaml(mf, app):
    """Write metadata in yaml format.

    :param mf: active file discriptor for writing
    :param app: app metadata to written to the yaml file

    # import rumael.yaml and check version
        import ruamel.yaml
    except ImportError as e:
        raise FDroidException('ruamel.yaml not installed, can not write metadata.') from e
    if not ruamel.yaml.__version__:
        raise FDroidException('ruamel.yaml.__version__ not accessible. Please make sure a ruamel.yaml >= 0.13 is installed..')
    m = re.match(r'(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)\.(?P<patch>[0-9]+)(-.+)?',
    if not m:
        raise FDroidException('ruamel.yaml version malfored, please install an upstream version of ruamel.yaml')
    if int(m.group('major')) < 0 or int(m.group('minor')) < 13:
        raise FDroidException('currently installed version of ruamel.yaml ({}) is too old, >= 1.13 required.'.format(ruamel.yaml.__version__))
    # suiteable version ruamel.yaml imported successfully

    _yaml_bools_true = ('y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES',
                        'true', 'True', 'TRUE',
                        'on', 'On', 'ON')
    _yaml_bools_false = ('n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO',
                         'false', 'False', 'FALSE',
                         'off', 'Off', 'OFF')
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists = []
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists.extend([[x] for x in _yaml_bools_true])
    _yaml_bools_plus_lists.extend([[x] for x in _yaml_bools_false])

    def _class_as_dict_representer(dumper, data):
        '''Creates a YAML representation of a App/Build instance'''
        return dumper.represent_dict(data)

    def _field_to_yaml(typ, value):
        if typ is TYPE_STRING:
            if value in _yaml_bools_plus_lists:
                return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString(str(value))
            return str(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_INT:
            return int(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_MULTILINE:
            if '\n' in value:
                return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.preserve_literal(str(value))
                return str(value)
        elif typ is TYPE_SCRIPT:
            if type(value) == list:
                if len(value) == 1:
                    return value[0]
                    return value
                script_lines = value.split(' && ')
                if len(script_lines) > 1:
                    return script_lines
                    return value
            return value

    def _app_to_yaml(app):
        cm = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
        insert_newline = False
        for field in yaml_app_field_order:
            if field == '\n':
                # next iteration will need to insert a newline
                insert_newline = True
                if app.get(field) or field == 'Builds':
                    if field == 'Builds':
                        if app.get('Builds'):
                            cm.update({field: _builds_to_yaml(app)})
                    elif field == 'CurrentVersionCode':
                        cm.update({field: _field_to_yaml(TYPE_INT, getattr(app, field))})
                        cm.update({field: _field_to_yaml(fieldtype(field), getattr(app, field))})

                    if insert_newline:
                        # we need to prepend a newline in front of this field
                        insert_newline = False
                        # inserting empty lines is not supported so we add a
                        # bogus comment and over-write its value
                        cm.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(field, 'bogus')
                        cm.ca.items[field][1][-1].value = '\n'
        return cm

    def _builds_to_yaml(app):
        builds = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq()
        for build in app.get('Builds', []):
            if not isinstance(build, Build):
                build = Build(build)
            b = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
            for field in build_flags:
                value = getattr(build, field)
                if hasattr(build, field) and value:
                    if field == 'gradle' and value == ['off']:
                        value = [ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString('off')]
                    if field in ('maven', 'buildozer'):
                        if value == 'no':
                        elif value == 'yes':
                            value = 'yes'
                    b.update({field: _field_to_yaml(flagtype(field), value)})

        # insert extra empty lines between build entries
        for i in range(1, len(builds)):
            builds.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(i, 'bogus')
            builds.ca.items[i][1][-1].value = '\n'

        return builds

    yaml_app = _app_to_yaml(app)
    ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(yaml_app, mf, indent=4, block_seq_indent=2)
コード例 #9
def read_metadata(appids={}, refresh=True, sort_by_time=False):
    """Return a list of App instances sorted newest first

    This reads all of the metadata files in a 'data' repository, then
    builds a list of App instances from those files.  The list is
    sorted based on creation time, newest first.  Most of the time,
    the newer files are the most interesting.

    appids is a dict with appids a keys and versionCodes as values.


    # Always read the srclibs before the apps, since they can use a srlib as
    # their source repository.

    apps = OrderedDict()

    for basedir in ('metadata', 'tmp'):
        if not os.path.exists(basedir):

    if appids:
        vercodes = fdroidserver.common.read_pkg_args(appids)
        found_invalid = False
        metadatafiles = []
        for appid in vercodes.keys():
            f = os.path.join('metadata', '%s.yml' % appid)
            if os.path.exists(f):
                found_invalid = True
                logging.critical(_("No such package: %s") % appid)
        if found_invalid:
            raise FDroidException(_("Found invalid appids in arguments"))
        metadatafiles = (glob.glob(os.path.join('metadata', '*.yml'))
                         + glob.glob('.fdroid.yml'))

    if sort_by_time:
        entries = ((os.stat(path).st_mtime, path) for path in metadatafiles)
        metadatafiles = []
        for _ignored, path in sorted(entries, reverse=True):
        # most things want the index alpha sorted for stability
        metadatafiles = sorted(metadatafiles)

    for metadatapath in metadatafiles:
        appid, _ignored = fdroidserver.common.get_extension(os.path.basename(metadatapath))
        if appid != '.fdroid' and not fdroidserver.common.is_valid_package_name(appid):
            _warn_or_exception(_("{appid} from {path} is not a valid Java Package Name!")
                               .format(appid=appid, path=metadatapath))
        if appid in apps:
            _warn_or_exception(_("Found multiple metadata files for {appid}")
        app = parse_metadata(metadatapath, appid in appids, refresh)
        apps[app.id] = app

    return apps