コード例 #1
def getaverageage():
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    ages = []
    for patient in patients:

    return str(sum(ages) / len(ages))
コード例 #2
def surname(text):
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    number_of_patients = 0
    for i in patients:
        number_of_patients = number_of_patients + 1
    for index in range(0, number_of_patients):
        patient = patients[index]
        if text == patient.name.family:
            return index
    return -1
コード例 #3
def unique_identifier(text):
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    number_of_patients = 0
    for i in patients:
        number_of_patients = number_of_patients + 1
    for index in range(0, number_of_patients):
        patient = patients[index]
        if text == patient.uuid:
            return index
    return -1
コード例 #4
def graph_by_states(): 
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

    states = {}
    for patient in patients:
        for addressArr in patient.addresses:     
            states.update({addressArr.state: states.get(addressArr.state, 0) + 1})

    plt.bar(range(len(states)), list(states.values()), align='center')
    plt.xticks(range(len(states)), list(states.keys()), rotation='vertical')
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, page=None, patient_uuid=None):
     fhir = FHIR()
     self.uuid_presented = False
     self.patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
     if patient_uuid is not None:
         self.uuid_presented = True
         self.specific_patient = fhir.get_patient(patient_uuid)
     if page is not None:
             assert patient_uuid is None
             self.patients = fhir.get_patient_page(page)
         except AssertionError:
                 "Error: patients page and patient uuid cannot be initialised at the same time"
コード例 #6
def graph_languages_spoken(): 
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

    languages = {}
    for patient in patients:
        for language in patient.communications.languages:
            languages.update({language: languages.get(language, 0) + 1})

    plt.bar(range(len(languages)), list(languages.values()), align='center')
    plt.xticks(range(len(languages)), list(languages.keys()), rotation='vertical')
    fig1 = plt.gcf()
    number = random.randint(1, 1000)
    fig1.savefig('plot'+str(number)+'.png', dpi=100)
    return number
コード例 #7
def graph_by_cities(): 
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

    cities = {}
    for patient in patients:
        for addressArr in patient.addresses:     
            cities.update({addressArr.city: cities.get(addressArr.city, 0) + 1})

    plt.bar(range(len(cities)), list(cities.values()), align='center')
    plt.xticks(range(len(cities)), list(cities.keys()), rotation='vertical')
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # fig.savefig('plot.png')

# need to think of what can we graph from the observation data
# def graph_by_diseases():  
#     fhir = FHIR()
#     patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
#     problems = {}
#     count = 0
#     for patient in patients: 
#         count = count + 1
#         if count == 4: 
#             break
#         print("YOOOO THIS IS THR FKING ID" + patient.uuid)
#         try:
#              observations = fhir.get_patient_observations(patient.uuid)
#         except:
#             continue
#         for observation in observations: 
#             print("observation 1")
#             components = observation.components
#             for component in components: 
#                 print(component.display)
#                 print(component.value)
    #             problems.update({component.display: problems.get(component.display, 0) + 1})
    # plt.bar(range(len(problems)), list(problems.values()), align = 'center')
    # plt.xticks(range(len(problems)),list(problems.keys()), rotation = 'vertical' )
    # plt.show(); 

# def graph_by_diseases(): 
# def graph_by_certain_age(age): 
コード例 #8
def graph_marital_status(): 
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

    marital_status = {}
    for patient in patients:
        if str(patient.marital_status) in marital_status:
            marital_status[str(patient.marital_status)] += 1
            marital_status[str(patient.marital_status)] = 1

    plt.bar(range(len(marital_status)), list(marital_status.values()), align='center')
    plt.xticks(range(len(marital_status)), list(marital_status.keys()))
    fig1 = plt.gcf()
    number = random.randint(1, 1000)
    fig1.savefig('plot'+str(number)+'.png', dpi=100)
    return number
コード例 #9
class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        self.fhir = FHIR('https://localhost:5001/api/', verify_ssl=False)
        self.patients = self.fhir.get_all_patients()

    def print_patients_in_range(self, limit, lower, upper, sender_name, sender_ref, app_url):
        i = 0
        patients_list = []
        for patient in self.patients:
            dict = {}
            if not i < limit:
                # print(patients_list)
                return patients_list
            id = patient.uuid
            name = patient.full_name()
            age = patient.age()
            if age >= lower and age < upper:
                telecoms = patient.telecoms
                phone = telecoms[len(telecoms) - 1].number
                # print(phone)
                msg = "Hi " + name + ",\n" + "Are you a carer? If so, we've built an app just for you! You can download our app for carers here: " + app_url + "\nUse this reference code to set up your app: " + sender_ref + "\nTake Care,\n" + sender_name
                # print(msg)
                # print(id)
                # print(name)
                # print(age)
                # print()
                dict["phone"] = phone
                dict["msg"] = msg
                i += 1

# main = Main()
# list = main.print_patients_in_range(3, 55, 65, "Paul", "UCL-FHIR-Hack", "appdownload.com")

# patient = fhir.get_patient('8f789d0b-3145-4cf2-8504-13159edaa747')
# name = patient.full_name()
# print(patient)
# list = fhir.get_all_patients()
コード例 #10
def graph_by_age_groups(): 
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

    ageGroups = {'<10': 0, '10-20': 0, '20-30':0, '30-40':0, '40-50':0, '50-60':0, '60-70': 0, '70-80':0, '80-90':0, '90+':0}
    for patient in patients:
        birth = patient.birth_date
        patientAge  = calculate_age(birth)
        if(patientAge < 10): 
            ageGroups['<10'] += 1
        elif( 10 <= patientAge < 20): 
             ageGroups['10-20'] += 1
        elif( 20 <=patientAge < 30): 
             ageGroups['20-30'] += 1
        elif( 30 <=patientAge < 40): 
             ageGroups['30-40'] += 1
        elif( 40 <=patientAge< 50): 
             ageGroups['40-50'] += 1
        elif( 50 <=patientAge < 60): 
             ageGroups['50-60'] += 1
        elif( 60 <patientAge < 70 ): 
             ageGroups['60-70'] += 1
        elif( 70 <patientAge < 80 ): 
             ageGroups['70-80'] += 1
        elif( 80 <patientAge < 90 ): 
            ageGroups['80-90'] += 1
        elif( 90 <=patientAge ): 
            ageGroups['90+'] += 1

    plt.bar(range(len(ageGroups)), list(ageGroups.values()), align='center')
    plt.xticks(range(len(ageGroups)), list(ageGroups.keys()),  rotation='vertical')
    fig1 = plt.gcf()
    number = random.randint(1, 1000)
    fig1.savefig('plot'+str(number)+'.png', dpi=100)
    return number
コード例 #11
def observationstats():
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    observations = []

    for patient in patients:

    total_obsv = len(observations)

    observation_types = [observation.type for observation in observations]
    most_frequent_observation_type = max(set(observation_types),

    observation_components = []
    for observation in observations:

    total_obsv_components = len(observation_components)

    observation_component_types = [
        for observation_component in observation_components
    most_frequent_observation_component_type = max(set(observation_types),

    obsvstats_dictionary = {
        "totalObsv": total_obsv,
        "mfObservationType": most_frequent_observation_type,
        "totalObsvComp": total_obsv_components,
        "mfObsvCompType": most_frequent_observation_component_type

    response = jsonify(obsvstats_dictionary)
    return response
コード例 #12
 def __init__(self):
     fhir = FHIR(endpoint='https://fhir.compositegrid.com:5001/api/')
     self.patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
コード例 #13
ファイル: graph_manager.py プロジェクト: AndreiL26/EasyView
class GraphManager:
    """Create a FHIR object to retrieve patient data """
    def __init__(self):
        self.FHIR = FHIR()

    def get_patients(self, page_number: int = 0) -> List[Patient]:
        if page_number == 0:
            return self.FHIR.get_all_patients()
            return self.FHIR.get_patient_page(page_number)

    def characteristic_is_observation_type(self, characteristic: str) -> bool:
        non_observation_types = ['language', 'marital status', 'city', 'country', 'state', 'family name', 'age']
        if non_observation_types.__contains__(characteristic):
            return False    
        return True

    def get_latest_obeservation_with_characteristic(self, patient: Patient, characteristic: str):
        observations = self.FHIR.get_patient_observations_page(patient.uuid, 3)
        latest_observation_value = 0
        latest_time = datetime(1,1,1)
        found_first_observation = False
        for observation in observations:
            for observation_component in observation.components:
                if observation_component.display == characteristic:
                    if found_first_observation == False:
                        found_first_observation = True
                        latest_time = observation.effective_datetime
                        latest_observation_value = observation_component.value
                    elif observation.effective_datetime > latest_time:
                        latest_time = observation.effective_datetime
                        latest_observation_value = observation_component.value
        return latest_observation_value

    def get_data(self, characteristic: str, page_number: int = 0):
        characteristic_values = {}
        patients = self.get_patients(page_number)
        if self.characteristic_is_observation_type(characteristic) == True:
            for patient in patients:
                data_point = self.get_latest_obeservation_with_characteristic(patient, characteristic)
                if str(data_point) in characteristic_values:
                    characteristic_values[str(data_point)] += 1
                    characteristic_values[str(data_point)] = 1
            for patient in patients:
                if characteristic == 'language':
                    for language in patient.communications.languages:
                        characteristic_values.update({language: characteristic_values.get(language, 0) + 1})
                if characteristic == 'marital status':
                    if str(patient.marital_status) in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.marital_status)] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.marital_status)] = 1
                if characteristic == 'city':
                    if patient.addresses[0].city in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].city)] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].city)] = 1
                if characteristic == 'country':
                    if patient.addresses[0].country in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].country)] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].country)] = 1
                if characteristic == 'state':
                    if patient.addresses[0].state in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].state)] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.addresses[0].state)] = 1
                if characteristic == 'family name':
                    if patient.name.family in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.name.family)] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(patient.name.family)] = 1
                if characteristic == 'age':
                    if floor(patient.age()) in characteristic_values:
                        characteristic_values[str(floor(patient.age()))] += 1
                        characteristic_values[str(floor(patient.age()))] = 1
        return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(characteristic_values.items()))

    def graph_single_characteristic(self, characteristic: str, page_number: int = 0, graph_type: str = 'x_y_plot'):
        data = self.get_data(characteristic, page_number)
        plt.title('Values of the ' + str(characteristic) + ' in the first ' + str(page_number) + ' pages in the patients record')
        if graph_type == 'bar chart':
            plt.bar(range(len(data)), list(data.values()), align='center')
            plt.xticks(range(len(data)), list(data.keys()), rotation='vertical')
        elif graph_type == 'pie chart':
            plt.pie(data.values(), labels=data.keys(), autopct='%1.1f%%',
            shadow=True, startangle=90)
        elif graph_type == 'x_y_plot':
            plt.plot(list(data.keys()), list(data.values()))

    def graph_multiple_characteristics(self, characteristics: List[str], page_number: int = 0, graph_type: str = 'x_y_plot'):
        for characteristic in characteristics:
            self.graph_single_characteristic(characteristic, page_number, graph_type)

    def show_figures(self):
コード例 #14
class SyntheticDataGenerator():
    def __init__(self):
        self.fhir = FHIR()
        self.patients = self.fhir.get_all_patients()
        self.num_examples = len(self.patients)
        self.num_features = 11
        self.patient_record_columns = [
            "UUID", "Name", "Gender", "Birthdate", "MaritalStatus",
            "MultipleBirth", "CoreRace", "CoreEthnicity", "Birthsex",
            "disabilityAdjLifeYears", "QualAdjLifeYears"

    def getPatientsDF(self):

        patients = self.patients
        patient_data = np.zeros((self.num_examples, self.num_features),

        for i in range(self.num_examples):
            patient = patients[i]
            patient_data[i][0] = patient.uuid
            patient_data[i][1] = patient.full_name()
            patient_data[i][2] = patient.gender
            patient_data[i][3] = patient.birth_date
            patient_data[i][4] = patient.marital_status.marital_status
            patient_data[i][5] = patient.multiple_birth
            patient_data[i][6] = patient.get_extension("us-core-race")
            patient_data[i][7] = patient.get_extension("us-core-ethnicity")
            patient_data[i][8] = patient.get_extension("us-core-birthsex")
            patient_data[i][9] = patient.get_extension(
            patient_data[i][10] = patient.get_extension(

        return pd.DataFrame(patient_data, columns=self.patient_record_columns)

    def createObservations(self):

        # patient_observations = []
        # for uuid in patients_df["UUID"]:
        #     patient_observations.append(fhir.get_patient_observations(uuid))
        with open("patient_obs.pkl", "rb") as f:
            patient_observations = pickle.load(f)

        components = []
        for obs in patient_observations:
            for ob in obs:
                for component in ob.components:

        components_arr = np.unique(components)

        for i in range(len(components_arr)):
            components_arr[i] = components_arr[i].replace("\u200b", "")

        components_arr = np.unique(components_arr)

        components_dict = {}
        for i in range(components_arr.size):
            components_dict[components_arr[i]] = i

        patient_observations_arr = np.empty(
            (self.num_examples, components_arr.size))
        patient_observations_arr[:] = np.nan

        number_obs_arr = np.zeros(patient_observations_arr.shape, dtype=int)

        for obs in patient_observations:
            for ob in obs:
                for component in ob.components:

        for i in range(len(patient_observations)):
            for j in range(len(patient_observations[i])):
                for k in range(len(patient_observations[i][j].components)):
                    ob = patient_observations[i][j].components[k]
                    index = (i,
                             components_dict[ob.display.replace("\u200b", "")])
                    if np.isnan(patient_observations_arr[index]):
                        patient_observations_arr[index] = ob.value
                        patient_observations_arr[index] += ob.value
                    number_obs_arr[index] += 1

        patient_mean_obs = patient_observations_arr / number_obs_arr
        patient_observations_df = pd.DataFrame(patient_mean_obs,

        return patient_observations_df

    def generateDataset(self, patient_observations_df):

        patients_df = self.getPatientsDF()
        collengths = []
        for column in patient_observations_df.columns:
            if len(patient_observations_df[column].dropna()) < 100:

        patient_observations_df.drop(collengths, axis=1, inplace=True)
        full_patient_df = pd.concat([patients_df, patient_observations_df],
        full_patient_df["Age"] = (date.today() -
        full_patient_df["Gender"] = (full_patient_df["Gender"] == "male")
        full_patient_df["MaritalStatus"] = (
            full_patient_df["MaritalStatus"] == "M")
        full_patient_df["Birthsex"] = (full_patient_df["Birthsex"] == "M")
                "Gender": "is_male",
                "MaritalStatus": "is_married",
                "Birthsex": "birthsex_is_male"
        full_patient_df["is_male"] = full_patient_df["is_male"].astype(int)
        full_patient_df["is_married"] = full_patient_df["is_married"].astype(
        full_patient_df["MultipleBirth"] = full_patient_df[
        full_patient_df["birthsex_is_male"] = full_patient_df[

        patient_dataset = full_patient_df.copy()
        cols_to_drop = [
            "Name", "is_male", "Birthdate", "is_married", "CoreRace", "UUID",
            "CoreEthnicity", "MultipleBirth",
            "Body mass index (BMI) [Percentile] Per age and gender",
            "Weight-for-length Per age and sex", "RBC Auto (Bld) [#/Vol]"
        patient_dataset["disabilityAdjLifeYears"] = patient_dataset[
        patient_dataset["QualAdjLifeYears"] = patient_dataset[
        patient_dataset.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
        return patient_dataset

    def generateSyntheticData(self, number_of_datapoints):

        patient_dataset = self.generateDataset(self.createObservations())

        covariance_data = patient_dataset.cov() + 45 * np.identity(48)

        covariance_data.fillna(0, inplace=True)

        patient_cholesky = np.linalg.cholesky(covariance_data)

        samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(patient_dataset.mean().values,
                                                size=number_of_datapoints * 2)
        synthetic_df = pd.DataFrame(samples)
        synthetic_df[0] = (synthetic_df[0] >= 1)
        synthetic_df = synthetic_df.astype(int)
        synthetic_df = synthetic_df[(synthetic_df[1] >= 0)
                                    & (synthetic_df[2] >= 0)]
        synthetic_df[synthetic_df < 0] = np.nan
        synthetic_df.columns = patient_dataset.columns
        synthetic_df["Age"] = synthetic_df["Age"] // 365

        return synthetic_df.head(number_of_datapoints)
コード例 #15
def setVariables(searchField, searchCriteria):
    searchF = searchField
    searchC = searchCriteria
    fhir = FHIR()
    global patients
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
コード例 #16
def index():
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    return render_template('patients.html', patients=patients)
コード例 #17
def demographicGroups():
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    statistics = {
        'age': {
            '0 to 9': 0,
            '10 to 19': 0,
            '20 to 29': 0,
            '30 to 39': 0,
            '40 to 49': 0,
            '50 to 59': 0,
            '60 to 69': 0,
            '70 to 79': 0,
            '80 to 100': 0,
            '> 100': 0
        'marital': {
            'Never Married': 0,
            "Single": 0,
            'Married': 0
        'gender': {
            'male': 0,
            'female': 0
        'location': {},
        'race': {},
        'language': {}
    for patient in patients:
        age = abs(datetime.today().year - patient.birth_date.year)
        marital = str(patient.marital_status)
        gender = str(patient.gender)
        locations = [str(i.state) for i in patient.addresses]
        race = str(patient.get_extension('us-core-race'))
        languages = [str(i) for i in patient.communications.languages]

        if age <= 9: statistics['age']['0 to 9'] += 1
        elif age >= 10 and age <= 19: statistics['age']['10 to 19'] += 1
        elif age >= 20 and age <= 29: statistics['age']['20 to 29'] += 1
        elif age >= 30 and age <= 39: statistics['age']['30 to 39'] += 1
        elif age >= 40 and age <= 49: statistics['age']['40 to 49'] += 1
        elif age >= 50 and age <= 59: statistics['age']['50 to 59'] += 1
        elif age >= 60 and age <= 69: statistics['age']['60 to 69'] += 1
        elif age >= 70 and age <= 79: statistics['age']['70 to 79'] += 1
        elif age >= 80 and age <= 100: statistics['age']['80 to 100'] += 1
        else: statistics['age']['> 100'] += 1

        statistics['marital'][marital] += 1
        statistics['gender'][gender] += 1
        for i in locations:
            if statistics['location'].get(i) == None:
                statistics['location'][i] = 1
                statistics['location'][i] += 1

        if statistics['race'].get(race) == None: statistics['race'][race] = 1
        else: statistics['race'][race] += 1

        for i in languages:
            if statistics['language'].get(i) == None:
                statistics['language'][i] = 1
                statistics['language'][i] += 1
    statistics['age'] = statistics['age'].values()
    statistics['marital'] = statistics['marital'].values()
    statistics['gender'] = statistics['gender'].values()
    return render_template("demographic.html", stats=statistics)
コード例 #18
 def __init__(self):
     self.pdf = canvas.Canvas("Record.pdf")
     self.pdf.setTitle("Patient Record")
     fhir = FHIR()
     self.patients_lists = fhir.get_all_patients()
コード例 #19
def save_doc(text, dropdown):
    # Full list of patients
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    document = Document()
    new_line = " "

    # Find number of patients
    number_of_patients = 0
    for i in patients:
        number_of_patients = number_of_patients + 1

    # Index of Patient
    if dropdown == "Forename":
        result = forename(text)
    elif dropdown == "Surname":
        result = surname(text)
        result = unique_identifier(text)
    patient = patients[result]

    # Address of Patient
    address = patient.addresses[0]
    communications = patient.communications

    # Date Today
    today = date.today()

    # Marital Status
    marital_status_patient = patient.marital_status.marital_status

    # Age
    age = today.year - patient.birth_date.year - (
        (today.month, today.day) <
        (patient.birth_date.month, patient.birth_date.day))

    # Records of patients
    patient_data = {"Unique Identifier": patient.uuid.upper(), "Surname": patient.name.family,
                    "Forename": patient.name.given, "Gender": patient.gender.capitalize(),
                    "Birthday": str(patient.birth_date.day) + "." + str(patient.birth_date.month) + "." \
                                + str(patient.birth_date.year), "Age": str(age),
                    "Marital Status": str(marital_status_patient), "Address": address.full_address,
                    "Languages Spoken": communications.languages}

    # Records of a patient
    observations = fhir.get_patient_observations(
        patient_data["Unique Identifier"].lower())

    # Number of observations for 1 Patient
    count = 0
    for i in observations:
        count = count + 1

    # NHS Image
    LOGO = "1280px-NHS-Logo.svg.png"
    logo = document.add_picture(LOGO, width=Inches(1.50))
    document.add_heading(patient.name.full_name, 1)
    document.add_heading(new_line, 1)

    # Adding general information about a patient in a word document
    for data in patient_data:
        p = document.add_paragraph()
        p.add_run(data + ": ").bold = True
    document.add_heading(new_line, 1)

    # Creating a table
    table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=8)
    hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
    hdr_cells[0].text = 'Observation(s)       '
    hdr_cells[1].text = 'Number'
    hdr_cells[2].text = 'Type'
    hdr_cells[3].text = 'Status      '
    hdr_cells[5].text = 'Issued Date'
    hdr_cells[6].text = 'Code'
    hdr_cells[7].text = 'Result'

    # Adding data into the table
    for i in range(0, count):
        row_cells = table.add_row().cells
        row_cells[0].text = str(i + 1)
        row_cells[1].text = observations[i].uuid.upper()
        row_cells[2].text = observations[i].type.capitalize()
        row_cells[3].text = observations[i].status.capitalize()
        row_cells[5].text = str(observations[i].issued_datetime)
        for component in observations[i].components:
            row_cells[6].text = component.code
            row_cells[7].text = component.display + ": " + component.quantity()

    # Save the document
        str(patient.name.given[0]) + "." + str(patient.name.family) + "." +
        str(age) + '.docx')
コード例 #20
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fhir_parser import FHIR
import math

fhir = FHIR()
patients = fhir.get_all_patients()

def getLanguageData():
    languages = {}
    for patient in patients:
        for language in patient.communications.languages:
            languages.update({language: languages.get(language, 0) + 1})
    return languages

def getMaritalStatus():
    maritalStatus = {}
    for patient in patients:
            maritalStatus.get(str(patient.marital_status), 0) + 1
    return maritalStatus

def getAge():
    ages = {}
    for patient in patients:
        # print(math.floor(patient.age()))
コード例 #21
def getSpecificPatient(uuid):
    fhir = FHIR()
    patients = fhir.get_all_patients()
    specific_patient = fhir.get_patient(uuid)
    return specific_patient