コード例 #1
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: zhaoshiling1017/flaskbb
def get_available_languages():
    """Returns a list that contains all available languages. The items in the
    list are tuples where the first item of the tuple is the locale
    identifier (i.e. de_AT) and the second one the display name of the locale.
    For example::

        [('de_AT', 'Deutsch (Österreich)')]
    return [(get_locale_identifier((l.language, l.territory)), l.display_name)
            for l in babel.list_translations()]
コード例 #2
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: eirnym/flaskbb
def get_available_languages():
    """Returns a list that contains all available languages. The items in the
    list are tuples where the first item of the tuple is the locale
    identifier (i.e. de_AT) and the second one the display name of the locale.
    For example::

        [('de_AT', 'Deutsch (Österreich)')]
    return [
        (get_locale_identifier((l.language, l.territory)), l.display_name)
        for l in babel.list_translations()
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: marvinwu/flaskbb
def settings():
    form = GeneralSettingsForm()

    form.theme.choices = [(theme.identifier, theme.name)
                          for theme in get_themes_list()]

    form.language.choices = [(locale.language, locale.display_name)
                             for locale in babel.list_translations()]

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        current_user.theme = form.theme.data
        current_user.language = form.language.data

        flash(_("Settings updated."), "success")
        form.theme.data = current_user.theme
        form.theme.data = current_user.language

    return render_template("user/general_settings.html", form=form)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: PPPython/flaskbb
def settings():
    form = GeneralSettingsForm()

    form.theme.choices = [(theme.identifier, theme.name)
                          for theme in get_themes_list()]

    form.language.choices = [(locale.language, locale.display_name)
                             for locale in babel.list_translations()]

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        current_user.theme = form.theme.data
        current_user.language = form.language.data

        flash(_("Settings updated."), "success")
        form.theme.data = current_user.theme
        form.language.data = current_user.language

    return render_template("user/general_settings.html", form=form)
コード例 #5
ファイル: settings.py プロジェクト: AnantharamanG2/flaskbb
def available_languages():
    return [(locale.language, locale.display_name)
            for locale in babel.list_translations()]
コード例 #6
def available_languages():
    return [(locale.language, locale.display_name)
            for locale in babel.list_translations()]