コード例 #1
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_selectRace(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if user.currentTokenBadge:
        raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    game = user.game
    if not (game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    checkStage(GAME_SELECT_RACE, user)
    if (user.game.state == misc.GAME_START):
        user.game.state = misc.GAME_PROCESSING
    chosenBadge = game.getTokenBadge(data['position'])
    position = chosenBadge.pos
    tokenBadges = dbi.query(TokenBadge).order_by(TokenBadge.pos).all()
    tokenBadges = tokenBadges[:6]
    price = position
    if user.coins < price:
        raise BadFieldException('badMoneyAmount')
    raceId, specialPowerId = chosenBadge.raceId, chosenBadge.specPowId
    addUnits = callRaceMethod(raceId, 'turnStartReinforcements')
    tokensNum = races.racesList[raceId].initialNum + races.specialPowerList[
    user.coins += chosenBadge.bonusMoney - price
    user.currentTokenBadge = chosenBadge
    user.tokensInHand = tokensNum + addUnits
    chosenBadge.inDecline = False
    chosenBadge.bonusMoney = 0
    chosenBadge.totalTokensNum = tokensNum + addUnits
    chosenBadge.specPowNum = races.specialPowerList[specialPowerId].bonusNum
    chosenBadge.pos = None
    updateRacesOnDesk(game, position)
    dbi.updateHistory(user, GAME_SELECT_RACE, chosenBadge.id)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok', 'tokenBadgeId': chosenBadge.id}
コード例 #2
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_aiJoin(data):
    game = dbi.getXbyY('Game', 'id', data['gameId'])
    if game.state != GAME_WAITING:
        raise BadFieldException('badGameState')
    maxPlayersNum = game.map.playersNum
    if len(game.players) >= maxPlayersNum:
        raise BadFieldException('tooManyPlayers')
    maxPriority = max(game.players, key=lambda x: x.priority).priority if len(
        game.players) else 0
    aiCnt = len(filter(lambda x: x.isAI == True, game.players))
    sid = getSid()
    ai = User('AI%d' % sid, None, True)
    ai.sid = sid
    ai.gameId = game.id
    ai.isReady = True
    ai.priority = maxPriority + 1
    ai.inGame = True
    game.aiRequiredNum -= 1
    readyPlayersNum = dbi.query(User).filter(User.gameId == game.id).filter(
        User.isReady == True).count()
    if maxPlayersNum == readyPlayersNum:
        misc_game.startGame(game, ai, data)
    return {'result': 'ok', 'sid': ai.sid, 'id': ai.id}
コード例 #3
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_uploadMap(data):
    name = data['mapName']
    playersNum = int(data['playersNum'])
    result = list()

    #checkFiles(data['thumbnail'], data['picture'])
    data['thumbnail'] = data[
        'thumbnail'] if 'thumbnail' in data else misc.DEFAULT_THUMB
    data['picture'] = data[
        'picture'] if 'picture' in data else misc.DEFAULT_MAP_PICTURE

    newMap = Map(name, playersNum, data['turnsNum'], data['thumbnail'],
    dbi.addUnique(newMap, 'mapName')
    mapId = newMap.id
    if 'regions' in data:
        regions = data['regions']
        curId = 1
        for regInfo in regions:
                dbi.addRegion(curId, newMap, regInfo)
            except KeyError, e:
                raise BadFieldException('badRegions')
            curId += 1
        i = 0
        for reg in newMap.regions:
            regInfo = data['regions'][i]
            if reg.id in regInfo['adjacent']:
                raise BadFieldException('badRegions')
                map(lambda x: Adjacency(reg.id, x, mapId),
            i += 1
コード例 #4
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_createGame(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if user.gameId: raise BadFieldException('alreadyInGame')
    map_ = dbi.getXbyY('Map', 'id', data['mapId'])
    descr = None
    if 'gameDescription' in data:
        descr = data['gameDescription']
    randseed = math.trunc(time.time())
    if 'randseed' in data:
        randseed = data['randseed']
    ai = data['ai'] if 'ai' in data else 0
    if ai > map_.playersNum:
        raise BadFieldException('tooManyPlayersForMap')
    newGame = Game(data['gameName'], descr, map_, randseed, data['ai'] if 'ai' in\
     data else None)
    dbi.addUnique(newGame, 'gameName')
    initRegions(map_, newGame)

    if ai < map_.playersNum:
        user.game = newGame
        user.priority = 1
        user.inGame = True
        if not misc.TEST_MODE:
            data['randseed'] = randseed
        dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)

    return {'result': 'ok', 'gameId': newGame.id}
コード例 #5
ファイル: misc_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def getNextRaceAndPowerFromStack(game, vRace, vSpecialPower):
    if vRace != None and vSpecialPower != None:
        race = filter(lambda x: x.name == vRace, races.racesList)
        if not race:
            raise BadFieldException('badRace')
        raceId = races.racesList.index(race[0])
        specialPower = filter(lambda x: x.name == vSpecialPower,
        if not specialPower:
            raise BadFieldException('badStage')
        specialPowerId = races.specialPowerList.index(specialPower[0])
        racesInStack = range(0, misc.RACE_NUM)
        specialPowersInStack = range(0, misc.SPECIAL_POWER_NUM)
        tokenBadges = dbi.query(TokenBadge).filter(
            TokenBadge.gameId == game.id).all()
        for tokenBadge in tokenBadges:
        if misc.TEST_MODE:
            raceId = random.choice(racesInStack)
            specialPowerId = random.choice(specialPowersInStack)
            raceId = racesInStack[generateNextNum(game) % len(racesInStack)]
            specialPowerId = specialPowersInStack[generateNextNum(game) %
    return raceId, specialPowerId
コード例 #6
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_register(data):
    username = data['username']
    passwd = data['password']
    if not re.match(misc.usrnameRegexp, username, re.I):
        raise BadFieldException('badUsername')
    if not re.match(misc.pwdRegexp, passwd, re.I):
        raise BadFieldException('badPassword')
    dbi.addUnique(User(username, passwd), 'username')
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #7
def checkListCorrectness(data, field, type):
	msg = 'bad' + field[0].upper() + field[1:]
	if not field in data:
		raise BadFieldException(msg)
	for t in data[field]:
		if not isinstance(t, type):
			if type is str and not isinstance(t, unicode):
				raise BadFieldException(msg)
コード例 #8
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_decline(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    if not user.currentTokenBadge: raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_DECLINE, user)
    dbi.updateHistory(user, GAME_DECLINE, user.declinedTokenBadge.id)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #9
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_defend(data):  ## Should be renamed to retreat
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    tokenBadge = user.currentTokenBadge
    if not tokenBadge: raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_DEFEND, user)
    attackedRegion = user.game.getDefendingRegion(user)
    raceId, specialPowerId = tokenBadge.raceId, tokenBadge.specPowId
    notAdjacentRegions = []
    for terr in tokenBadge.regions:
        if terr.region.id not in attackedRegion.getNeighbors():  ##~~
    for region in data['regions']:
        if not 'regionId' in region:
            raise BadFieldException('badRegionId')
        if not 'tokensNum' in region:
            raise BadFieldException('badTokensNum')
        if not isinstance(region['regionId'], int):
            raise BadFieldException('badRegionId')
        if not isinstance(region['tokensNum'], int):
            raise BadFieldException('badTokensNum')
        if user.tokensInHand < region['tokensNum']:
            raise BadFieldException('notEnoughTokens')
        destination = user.game.map.getRegion(region['regionId'])
        destState = destination.getState(user.game.id)
        if notAdjacentRegions and destination.id not in notAdjacentRegions or destState.owner.id != user.id:
            raise BadFieldException('badRegion')
        destState.tokensNum += region['tokensNum']
        user.tokensInHand -= region['tokensNum']
    if user.tokensInHand: raise BadFieldException('thereAreTokensInTheHand')
    dbi.updateHistory(user, GAME_DEFEND, tokenBadge.id)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #10
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_selectFriend(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    if not user.currentTokenBadgeId:
        raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_CHOOSE_FRIEND, user)
    callSpecialPowerMethod(user.currentTokenBadge.specPowId, 'selectFriend',
                           user, data)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #11
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_dragonAttack(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    if not user.currentTokenBadge: raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_CONQUER, user, ATTACK_DRAGON)
        user.currentTokenBadge.specPowId, 'dragonAttack',
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #12
def checkObjectsListCorrection(data, fields):
	for obj in data:
		for field in fields:
			msg = 'bad' + field['name'][0].upper() + field['name'][1:]
			if not(field['name'] in obj):
				raise BadFieldException(msg)
			if not isinstance(obj[field['name']], field['type']):
				raise BadFieldException(msg)
			if 'min' in field:
				if obj[field['name']] < field['min']:
					raise BadFieldException(msg)
コード例 #13
 def sendCmd(self, obj):
     self.conn.request("POST", "", json.dumps(
         obj))  #self.conn.request("POST", "/small_worlds", json.dumps(obj))
     res = self.conn.getresponse().read()
     data = json.loads(res)
     if not 'result' in data:
         raise BadFieldException('Unknown result')
     if (data['result']
             in ('badJson', 'badReadinessStatus', 'badUserSid', 'badGameId',
                 'badMapId', 'badPosition', 'badFriendId', 'badRegionId')):
         raise BadFieldException(data['result'])
     return data
コード例 #14
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_throwDice(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    if not user.currentTokenBadge or not user.tokensInHand:
        raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_THROW_DICE, user)
    specialPowerId = user.currentTokenBadge.specPowId
    dice = callSpecialPowerMethod(specialPowerId, 'throwDice', user.game,
                                  data['dice'] if 'dice' in data else 0)
    dbi.updateHistory(user, GAME_THROW_DICE, user.currentTokenBadge.id, dice)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok', 'dice': dice}
コード例 #15
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_joinGame(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if user.game: raise BadFieldException('alreadyInGame')
    game = dbi.getXbyY('Game', 'id', data['gameId'])
    if game.state != GAME_WAITING:
        raise BadFieldException('badGameState')
    maxPlayersNum = game.map.playersNum
    if len(game.players) >= maxPlayersNum:
        raise BadFieldException('tooManyPlayers')
    maxPriority = max(game.players, key=lambda x: x.priority).priority
    user.game = game
    user.inGame = True
    user.priority = maxPriority + 1
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #16
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
	def setEncampments(self, tokenBadge, encampments, data):
			[{'name': 'regionId', 'type': int, 'min': 1}, 
			{'name': 'encampmentsNum', 'type': int, 'min': 0}])
		game = tokenBadge.Owner().game
		freeEncampments = 5
		for encampment in encampments:
			region = game.map.getRegion(encampment['regionId']).getState(game.id)
			encampmentsNum = encampment['encampmentsNum']
			if region.tokenBadge != tokenBadge or not region.tokensNum:
				raise BadFieldException('badRegion')
			if encampmentsNum > freeEncampments:
				raise BadFieldException('notEnoughEncampmentsForRedeployment')
			region.encampment = encampmentsNum
			freeEncampments -= encampmentsNum
コード例 #17
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_leaveGame(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    game = user.game
    if not (game and user.inGame): raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    dbi.updateGameHistory(game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #18
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
	def selectFriend(self, user, data):
		if not('friendId' in data and isinstance(data['friendId'], int)):
			raise BadFieldException('badFriendId')
		friend = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'id', data['friendId'])
		if friend.id == user.id or friend.game.id != user.game.id:
			raise BadFieldException('badFriend')

		curTurnHistory = filter(lambda x: x.turn == user.game.turn and 
			x.userId == user.id and x.state == GAME_CONQUER, user.game.history)
		if curTurnHistory:
			if friend.currentTokenBadge and filter(lambda x: x.warHistory.victimBadgeId == 
				friend.currentTokenBadge.id, curTurnHistory):
				raise BadFieldException('badFriend')

		dbi.updateHistory(user, GAME_CHOOSE_FRIEND, user.currentTokenBadge.id, 
			None, friend.id)
コード例 #19
 def finishTurn(self):
     data = self.sendCmd({'action': 'finishTurn', 'sid': self.sid})
     if data['result'] != 'ok':
         raise BadFieldException('unknown error in finish turn %s' %
     result = ''
     if 'ended' in data:  #game ended
         #result += '***FINISH GAME***\n'
         #result += 'Game id: %d\n' % self.game.id
         statistics = data['statistics']
         statistics = sorted(statistics,
                             key=itemgetter('coins', 'regions'),
         for stat in statistics:
             result += 'Name: %s, coins: %d, regions: %d\n' % (
                 stat['username'], stat['coins'], stat['regions'])
         #result += '**************\n'
         result += '\n'
         result = 'Game id: %d, turn: %d\n' % (self.game.id, self.game.turn)
         result += 'Player id: %d\n' % self.id
         result += 'Statistics: \n'
         totalCoins = 0
         for statistics in data['statistics']:
             result += '%s: %d\n' % (statistics[0], statistics[1])
             totalCoins += statistics[1]
         result += 'Income coins: %d\n\n\n' % totalCoins
     self.conqueredRegions = list()
     self.dragonUsed = False  #regions
     self.enchantUsed = False
     self.friendId = None
コード例 #20
ファイル: misc_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def checkStage(state, user, attackType=None):
    game = user.game
    lastEvent = game.history[-1]
    badStage = not (lastEvent.state in misc.possiblePrevCmd[state])
    if attackType:
        curTurnHistory = filter(
            lambda x: x.turn == user.game.turn and x.userId == user.id and x.
            state == misc.GAME_CONQUER, game.history)
        if curTurnHistory:
            if filter(lambda x: x.warHistory.attackType == attackType,
                badStage = True
    if lastEvent.state == misc.GAME_CONQUER:
        battle = lastEvent.warHistory
        victim = battle.victimBadge
        canDefend = victim != None  and\
         not victim.inDecline and\
         battle.attackType != misc.ATTACK_ENCHANT and\
         battle.victimTokensNum > callRaceMethod(victim.raceId, 'getCasualties') and\
         len(victim.regions) > 0
        badStage |= (canDefend != (state == misc.GAME_DEFEND)) or\
         (state == misc.GAME_DEFEND and user.currentTokenBadge != victim)
    if badStage or (user.id != game.activePlayerId
                    and state != misc.GAME_DEFEND):
        raise BadFieldException('badStage')
コード例 #21
ファイル: parseJson.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def parseJsonObj(obj):
        if not ('action' in obj):
            raise BadFieldException('badJson')
            ans = actions.doAction(obj)
    except BadFieldException, e:
        return {'result': e.value}
コード例 #22
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_setReadinessStatus(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    game = user.game
    if not (game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')

    if game.state != GAME_WAITING:
        raise BadFieldException('badGameState')

    user.isReady = data['isReady']
    maxPlayersNum = game.map.playersNum
    readyPlayersNum = dbi.query(User).filter(User.game == game).filter(
        User.isReady == True).count()
    if maxPlayersNum == readyPlayersNum:
        misc_game.startGame(game, user, data)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #23
ファイル: actions_game.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def act_enchant(data):
    user = dbi.getXbyY('User', 'sid', data['sid'])
    if not (user.game and user.inGame):
        raise BadFieldException('notInGame')
    if not user.currentTokenBadge or user.currentTokenBadge.raceId != 9:
        raise BadFieldException('badStage')
    checkStage(GAME_CONQUER, user, ATTACK_ENCHANT)
    reg = user.game.map.getRegion(data['regionId']).getState(user.game.id)
    #print 'fff', reg.id, reg.tokenBadgeId
    if not reg.tokenBadge:
        raise BadFieldException('nothingToEnchant')
    victimBadgeId = reg.tokenBadge.id
    callRaceMethod(user.currentTokenBadge.raceId, 'enchant',
                   user.currentTokenBadge, reg)
    dbi.updateWarHistory(user, victimBadgeId, user.currentTokenBadge.id, None,
                         reg.region.id, 1, ATTACK_ENCHANT)
    dbi.updateGameHistory(user.game, data)
    return {'result': 'ok'}
コード例 #24
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
	def setFortified(self, tokenBadge, fortified, data):
		if not('regionId' in fortified and isinstance(fortified['regionId'], int)):
			raise BadFieldException('badRegionId')
		user = tokenBadge.Owner()
		regionId = fortified['regionId']
		regState = user.game.map.getRegion(regionId).getState(user.game.id)

		if regState.ownerId != tokenBadge.Owner().id or not regState.tokensNum:
			raise BadFieldException('badRegion')

		if regState.fortified:
			raise BadFieldException('tooManyFortifiedsInRegion')

		fortifiedsOnMap = len(filter(lambda x: x.fortified == True, tokenBadge.regions))
		if fortifiedsOnMap >= self.maxNum:
			raise BadFieldException('tooManyFortifiedsOnMap')
		if fortifiedsOnMap == tokenBadge.specPowNum:
			raise BadFieldException('tooManyFortifieds')
		regState.fortified = True
コード例 #25
def checkFiles(thumbSrc, pictSrc):
	path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
	path1 = os.pardir
	path1 += '\\client'
	if not(os.path.exists(thumbSrc) and os.path.exists(pictSrc)):
		raise BadFieldException("Thumbnail or picture files aren't found")
コード例 #26
def checkFieldsCorrectness(data):
	fields = misc.actionFields[data['action']]
	if not fields:
		raise BadFieldException('actionDoesntExist')
	for field in fields:
		if not field['name'] in data:
			if field['mandatory']:
				raise BadFieldException(constructMsg(field))

	for field in fields:
		if not field['name'] in data:
		msg = constructMsg(field)
		if not isinstance(data[field['name']], field['type']):
			raise BadFieldException(msg)
		minValue = field['min'] if 'min' in field else 0
		maxValue = field['max'] if 'max' in field else sys.maxint
		value = data[field['name']] if field['type'] is int else len(data[field['name']])
		if not minValue <= value <= maxValue:
			raise BadFieldException(msg)
コード例 #27
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
 	def setHero(self, tokenBadge, heroes, data):
			[{'name': 'regionId', 'type': int, 'min': 1}])

		if len(heroes) > 2:
			raise BadFieldException('badSetHeroCommand')
		if len(heroes) < 2 and len(data['regions']) > 1:
			raise BadFieldException('badSetHeroCommand')
		for region in tokenBadge.regions:
			region.hero = False
		user = tokenBadge.Owner()
		for hero in heroes:
			regState = user.game.map.getRegion(hero['regionId']).getState(
			if not regState.owner or regState.owner.currentTokenBadge != tokenBadge or\
				not region.tokensNum:
				raise BadFieldException('badRegion')

			regState.hero = True
コード例 #28
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
	def enchant(self, tokenBadge, regState):
		game =  tokenBadge.Owner().game
		victimBadge = regState.tokenBadge
		if not (self.canConquer(regState.region, tokenBadge) and 
			raise BadFieldException('badRegion')
		if not regState.inDecline:

		print 'v', victimBadge.id, tokenBadge.id
		if victimBadge.id == tokenBadge.id: 
			raise BadFieldException('badAttackedRace')			
		if not regState.tokensNum:
			raise BadFieldException('nothingToEnchant')
		if regState.tokensNum > 1:
			raise BadFieldException('cannotEnchantMoreThanOneToken')
		if regState.inDecline:
			raise BadFieldException('cannotEnchantDeclinedRace')
		if tokenBadge.totalTokensNum == self.maxNum: 
			raise BadFieldException('noMoreTokensInStorageTray')
		victimBadge.totalTokensNum -= 1
		tokenBadge.totalTokensNum += 1
		raceId, specialPowerId  = victimBadge.raceId, victimBadge.specPowId
		regState.tokenBadge = tokenBadge
		regState.owner = tokenBadge.Owner()
		regState.tokensNum = 1
コード例 #29
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
def doAction(data, check=True):
        dbi.session = dbi.Session()
        func = 'act_%s' % data['action']
        if not (func in globals()):
            raise BadFieldException('badAction')
        if check: checkFieldsCorrectness(data)
        res = globals()[func](data)
        return res
    except BadFieldException, e:
        print e
        return {'result': e.value}
コード例 #30
ファイル: races.py プロジェクト: NZem/webgame
	def dragonAttack(self, tokenBadge, regState):
		if not(racesList[tokenBadge.raceId].canConquer(regState.region, tokenBadge) 
			and self.canConquer(regState.region, tokenBadge)):
			raise BadFieldException('badRegion')
		attackedTokenBadge = regState.tokenBadge
		attackedTokensNum = regState.tokensNum
		if attackedTokenBadge and attackedTokenBadge.id == tokenBadge.id:
			raise BadFieldException('badRegion')
                if regState.tokenBadge:
                        race = racesList[regState.tokenBadge.raceId]
                        race.clearRegion(regState.tokenBadge, regState)
                        specialPower = specialPowerList[regState.tokenBadge.specialPowerId]
                        specialPower.clearRegion(regState.tokenBadge, regState)
		if attackedTokenBadge:
			attackedTokensNum = 0
		##check anything else?
		for region in tokenBadge.regions: 
			region.dragon = False
		regState.tokenBadge = tokenBadge
		regState.dragon = True
		regState.tokensNum = 1
		regState.owner = tokenBadge.Owner()
		regState.inDecline = False
		tokenBadge.Owner().tokensInHand -= 1
		if attackedTokenBadge:
			attackedTokenBadge.Owner().tokensInHand += attackedTokensNum - racesList[attackedTokenBadge.raceId].getCasualties()
		dbi.updateWarHistory(tokenBadge.Owner(), attackedTokenBadge.id if 
			attackedTokenBadge else None, tokenBadge.id, None, regState.regionId,
			attackedTokensNum, ATTACK_DRAGON)