コード例 #1
def test_subgame():
    game = rsgame.BaseGame([3, 4], [3, 2])
    subg = np.asarray([1, 0, 1, 0, 1], bool)
    devs = subgame.deviation_profiles(game, subg)
    assert devs.shape[0] == 7, \
        "didn't generate the right number of deviating profiles"
    adds = subgame.additional_strategy_profiles(game, subg, 1).shape[0]
    assert adds == 6, \
        "didn't generate the right number of additional profiles"
    subg2 = subg.copy()
    subg2[1] = True
    assert (subgame.subgame(game, subg2).num_all_profiles ==
            adds + subgame.subgame(game, subg).num_all_profiles), \
        "additional profiles didn't return the proper amount"

    serial = gamegen.game_serializer(game)
    sub_serial = subgame.subserializer(serial, subg)
    assert (subgame.subgame(game, subg).num_role_strats ==
コード例 #2
def test_missing_data_maximal_subgames(game_desc, prob):
    base = rsgame.BaseGame(*game_desc)
    game = gamegen.add_profiles(base, prob)
    subs = subgame.maximal_subgames(game)

    if subs.size:
        maximal = np.all(subs <= subs[:, None], -1)
        np.fill_diagonal(maximal, False)
        assert not maximal.any(), \
            "One maximal subgame dominated another"

    for sub in subs:
        subprofs = subgame.translate(subgame.subgame(base, sub).all_profiles(),
        assert all(p in game for p in subprofs), \
            "Maximal subgame didn't have all profiles"
        for dev in np.nonzero(~sub)[0]:
            devprofs = subgame.additional_strategy_profiles(
                game, sub, dev)
            assert not all(p in game for p in devprofs), \
                "Maximal subgame could be bigger {} {}".format(
                    dev, sub)