コード例 #1
def test_load_msg_from_string():
    # make sure Header -> std_msgs/Header conversion works
    from genmsg.msgs import Constant
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "Header header", "test_pkg/HeaderTest")
    print msgspec
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ["std_msgs/Header"]
    assert msgspec.names == ["header"]
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == "HeaderTest"
    assert msgspec.package == "test_pkg"
    assert msgspec.full_name == "test_pkg/HeaderTest"

    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "int8 c=1\nHeader header\nint64 data", "test_pkg/HeaderValsTest")
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ["std_msgs/Header", "int64"]
    assert msgspec.names == ["header", "data"]
    assert msgspec.constants == [Constant("int8", "c", 1, "1")]
    assert msgspec.short_name == "HeaderValsTest"
    assert msgspec.package == "test_pkg"
    assert msgspec.full_name == "test_pkg/HeaderValsTest"

    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "string data\nint64 data2", "test_pkg/ValsTest")
    assert not msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ["string", "int64"]
    assert msgspec.names == ["data", "data2"]
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == "ValsTest"

    assert msgspec.full_name == "test_pkg/ValsTest"
コード例 #2
def test_load_msg_from_string():
    # make sure Header -> std_msgs/Header conversion works
    from genmsg.msgs import Constant
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext
    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "Header header", 'test_pkg/HeaderTest')
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header']
    assert msgspec.names == ['header']
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderTest'
    assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg'
    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderTest'
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "int8 c=1\nHeader header\nint64 data", 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest')
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header', 'int64']
    assert msgspec.names == ['header', 'data']
    assert msgspec.constants == [Constant('int8', 'c', 1, '1')]
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderValsTest'
    assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg'
    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest'
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "string data\nint64 data2", 'test_pkg/ValsTest')
    assert not msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['string', 'int64']
    assert msgspec.names == ['data', 'data2']
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'ValsTest'

    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/ValsTest'
コード例 #3
def test_load_msg_from_string():
    # make sure Header -> std_msgs/Header conversion works
    from genmsg.msgs import Constant
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext
    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "Header header", 'test_pkg/HeaderTest')
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header']
    assert msgspec.names == ['header']
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderTest'
    assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg'
    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderTest'
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "int8 c=1\nHeader header\nint64 data", 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest')
    assert msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['std_msgs/Header', 'int64']
    assert msgspec.names == ['header', 'data']
    assert msgspec.constants == [Constant('int8', 'c', 1, '1')]
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'HeaderValsTest'
    assert msgspec.package == 'test_pkg'
    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/HeaderValsTest'
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, "string data\nint64 data2", 'test_pkg/ValsTest')
    assert not msgspec.has_header()
    assert msgspec.types == ['string', 'int64']
    assert msgspec.names == ['data', 'data2']
    assert msgspec.constants == []
    assert msgspec.short_name == 'ValsTest'

    assert msgspec.full_name == 'test_pkg/ValsTest'
コード例 #4
def test__group_fields():
    from genfrkl import group_fields
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msg_txt = """
      Header header
      float32 x
      float64 y
      int32[5] arr_a
      uint16 z
      Float32 xx
      byte a
      Byte[3] arr_b
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, msg_txt, 'my_pkg/FieldGroupTest')
    groups = group_fields(msgspec)

    assert len(groups) == 7, "Expected 7 groups"
    assert len(groups[0]) == 1, "First group should have only one element"

    assert True == groups[6][
        0].is_array, "Last group should have single element, which is an array"

    assert len(groups[0]) == 1
    assert len(groups[1]) == 2
    assert len(groups[2]) == 1
    assert len(groups[3]) == 1
    assert len(groups[4]) == 1
    assert len(groups[5]) == 1
    assert len(groups[6]) == 1
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_genmsg_gentools.py プロジェクト: kwc/genmsg
def _compute_md5_text(msg_context, f):
    from genmsg import compute_md5_text, load_depends
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string

    text = open(f, 'r').read()
    short_name = os.path.basename(f)[:-len('.msg')]
    full_name = "%s/%s"%(TEST_CTX, short_name)
    spec = load_msg_from_string(msg_context, text, full_name)
    search_path = get_search_path()
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    return compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec)
コード例 #6
def _compute_md5_text(msg_context, f):
    from genmsg import compute_md5_text, load_depends
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string

    text = open(f, 'r').read()
    short_name = os.path.basename(f)[:-len('.msg')]
    full_name = "%s/%s" % (TEST_CTX, short_name)
    spec = load_msg_from_string(msg_context, text, full_name)
    search_path = get_search_path()
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    return compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec)
コード例 #7
def test__group_fields4():
    from genfrkl import group_fields
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msg_txt = """
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, msg_txt, 'my_pkg/FieldGroupTest')
    groups = group_fields(msgspec)

    assert len(groups) == 0, "Expected 0 groups"
コード例 #8
def test_load_msg_from_string_TestString():
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    test_d = get_test_dir()
    test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg')
    test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg')
    with open(test_string_path) as f:
        text = f.read()

    msg_context = MsgContext.create_default()
    _validate_TestString(load_msg_from_string(msg_context, text, 'test_ros/TestString'))
    # supposed to register
    assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString'), msg_context
コード例 #9
def test_load_msg_from_string_TestString():
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    test_d = get_test_dir()
    test_ros_dir = os.path.join(test_d, 'test_ros', 'msg')
    test_string_path = os.path.join(test_ros_dir, 'TestString.msg')
    with open(test_string_path) as f:
        text = f.read()

    msg_context = MsgContext.create_default()
    _validate_TestString(load_msg_from_string(msg_context, text, 'test_ros/TestString'))
    # supposed to register
    assert msg_context.is_registered('test_ros/TestString'), msg_context
コード例 #10
def test__group_fields2():
    from genfrkl import group_fields
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msg_txt = """
      float32 x
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, msg_txt, 'my_pkg/FieldGroupTest')
    groups = group_fields(msgspec)

    assert len(groups) == 1, "Expected 1 groups"
    assert len(groups[0]) == 1, "First group should have only one element"
コード例 #11
def test__group_fields5():
    from genfrkl import group_fields
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msg_txt = """
      uint8 a
      uint16 b
      uint32 c
      uint32[3] d
      Int64 e
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, msg_txt, 'my_pkg/FieldGroupTest')
    groups = group_fields(msgspec)

    assert len(groups) == 3, "Expected 3 groups"
コード例 #12
def test__group_fields3():
    from genfrkl import group_fields
    from genmsg.msg_loader import load_msg_from_string, MsgContext

    context = MsgContext.create_default()
    msg_txt = """
      Float32 x
      Float32[4] xx
      float32 z
      float32 zz
    msgspec = load_msg_from_string(context, msg_txt, 'my_pkg/FieldGroupTest')
    groups = group_fields(msgspec)

    assert len(groups) == 3, "Expected 2 groups"
    assert len(groups[0]) == 1, "First group should have only one element"
    assert len(groups[1]) == 1, "Second group should have only one element"
    assert len(groups[2]) == 2, "Third group should have two elements"
コード例 #13
def _generate_dynamic_specs(msg_context, specs, dep_msg):
    Dynamically generate message specificition.

    :param dep_msg: text of dependent .msg definition, ``str``
    :returns: type name, message spec, ``str, MsgSpec``
    :raises: MsgGenerationException If dep_msg is improperly formatted
    line1 = dep_msg.find('\n')
    msg_line = dep_msg[:line1]
    if not msg_line.startswith('MSG: '):
        raise MsgGenerationException(
            "invalid input to generate_dynamic: dependent type is missing 'MSG:' type declaration header"
    dep_type = msg_line[5:].strip()
    dep_pkg, dep_base_type = genmsg.package_resource_name(dep_type)
    dep_spec = msg_loader.load_msg_from_string(msg_context,
                                               dep_msg[line1 + 1:], dep_type)
    return dep_type, dep_spec
コード例 #14
def generate_dynamic(core_type, msg_cat):
    Dymamically generate message classes from msg_cat .msg text gendeps dump.

    This method modifies sys.path to include a temp file directory.
    :param core_type str: top-level ROS message type of concatenated .msg text
    :param msg_cat str: concatenation of full message text (output of gendeps --cat)
    :raises: MsgGenerationException If dep_msg is improperly formatted
    msg_context = MsgContext.create_default()
    core_pkg, core_base_type = genmsg.package_resource_name(core_type)

    # REP 100: pretty gross hack to deal with the fact that we moved
    # Header. Header is 'special' because it can be used w/o a package
    # name, so the lookup rules end up failing. We are committed to
    # never changing std_msgs/Header, so this is generally fine.
    msg_cat = msg_cat.replace('roslib/Header', 'std_msgs/Header')

    # separate msg_cat into the core message and dependencies
    splits = msg_cat.split('\n' + '=' * 80 + '\n')
    core_msg = splits[0]
    deps_msgs = splits[1:]

    # create MsgSpec representations of .msg text
    specs = {
        msg_loader.load_msg_from_string(msg_context, core_msg, core_type)
    # - dependencies
    for dep_msg in deps_msgs:
        # dependencies require more handling to determine type name
        dep_type, dep_spec = _generate_dynamic_specs(msg_context, specs,
        specs[dep_type] = dep_spec

    # clear the message registration table and register loaded
    # types. The types have to be registered globally in order for
    # message generation of dependents to work correctly.
    msg_context = msg_loader.MsgContext.create_default()
    search_path = {}  # no ability to dynamically load
    for t, spec in specs.items():
        msg_context.register(t, spec)

    # process actual MsgSpecs: we accumulate them into a single file,
    # rewriting the generated text as needed
    buff = StringIO()
    for t, spec in specs.items():
        pkg, s_type = genmsg.package_resource_name(t)
        # dynamically generate python message code
        for line in msg_generator(msg_context, spec, search_path):
            line = _gen_dyn_modify_references(line, t, list(specs.keys()))
            buff.write(line + '\n')
    full_text = buff.getvalue()

    # Create a temporary directory
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='genpy_')

    # Afterwards, we are going to remove the directory so that the .pyc file gets cleaned up if it's still around
    atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tmp_dir)

    # write the entire text to a file and import it (it will get deleted when tmp_dir goes - above)
    tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',

    # import our temporary file as a python module, which requires modifying sys.path

    # - strip the prefix to turn it into the python module name
        mod = __import__(os.path.basename(tmp_file.name)[:-3])
    except Exception:
        with open(tmp_file.name) as f:
            text = f.read()
            with open('/tmp/foo', 'w') as f2:

    # finally, retrieve the message classes from the dynamic module
    messages = {}
    for t in specs.keys():
        pkg, s_type = genmsg.package_resource_name(t)
            messages[t] = getattr(mod, _gen_dyn_name(pkg, s_type))
        except AttributeError:
            raise MsgGenerationException(
                'cannot retrieve message class for %s/%s: %s' %
                (pkg, s_type, _gen_dyn_name(pkg, s_type)))
        messages[t]._spec = specs[t]

    return messages