コード例 #1
def test_SrvSpec():
    from genmsg import MsgSpec, SrvSpec

    types = ['int32']
    names = ['a']
    constants = []
    text = 'int32 a'
    msg_a = MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, 'a/Int')
    assert msg_a.full_name == 'a/Int'
    assert msg_a.package == 'a'
    assert msg_a.short_name == 'Int'

    types = ['int64']
    names = ['b']
    constants = []
    text = 'int64 b'
    msg_b = MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, 'b/Int')
    assert msg_b.full_name == 'b/Int'
    assert msg_b.package == 'b'
    assert msg_b.short_name == 'Int'

    text = msg_a.text + '\n---\n' + msg_b.text
    spec = SrvSpec(msg_a, msg_b, text)
    assert msg_a == spec.request
    assert msg_b == spec.response
    assert text == spec.text
    assert '' == spec.full_name
    assert '' == spec.short_name
    assert '' == spec.package

    # tripwire
    assert repr(spec)
    assert str(spec)

    # exercise eq
    assert spec != 'spec'
    assert not spec == 'spec'

    spec2 = SrvSpec(msg_a, msg_b, text)
    assert spec == spec2
    assert not spec != spec2

    # - full_name
    spec2.full_name = 'something'
    assert spec != spec2
    spec2.full_name = ''
    assert spec == spec2

    # - short_name
    spec2.short_name = 'something'
    assert spec != spec2
    spec2.short_name = ''
    assert spec == spec2
    # - package
    spec2.package = 'something'
    assert spec != spec2
    spec2.package = ''
    assert spec == spec2
コード例 #2
 def sub_test_MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name, has_header):
     m = MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name)
     assert m.types == types
     assert m.names == names
     assert m.text == text
     assert has_header == m.has_header()
     assert m.constants == constants
     assert list(zip(types, names)) == m.fields()
     assert m == MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name)
     return m
コード例 #3
def flatten(msg_context, msg):
    Flattens the msg spec so that embedded message fields become
    direct references. The resulting MsgSpec isn't a true/legal
    :class:`MsgSpec` and should only be used for serializer generation.
    :param msg: MsgSpec to flatten
    :returns: flattened MsgSpec message
    new_types = []
    new_names = []
    for t, n in zip(msg.types, msg.names):
        # Parse type to make sure we don't flatten an array
        msg_type, is_array, _ = genmsg.msgs.parse_type(t)
        #flatten embedded types - note: bug #59
        if not is_array and msg_context.is_registered(t):
            msg_spec = flatten(msg_context, msg_context.get_registered(t))
            for n2 in msg_spec.names:
            #I'm not sure if it's a performance win to flatten fixed-length arrays
            #as you get n __getitems__ method calls vs. a single *array call
    return MsgSpec(new_types, new_names, msg.constants, msg.text, msg.full_name)
コード例 #4
def make_python_safe(spec):
    Remap field/constant names in spec to avoid collision with Python reserved words.

    :param spec: msg spec to map to new, python-safe field names, ``MsgSpec``
    :returns: python-safe message specification, ``MsgSpec``
    new_c = [genmsg.Constant(c.type, _remap_reserved(c.name), c.val, c.val_text) for c in spec.constants]
    return MsgSpec(spec.types, [_remap_reserved(n) for n in spec.names], new_c, spec.text, spec.full_name)
コード例 #5
def test_MsgSpec():
    def sub_test_MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name, has_header):
        m = MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name)
        assert m.types == types
        assert m.names == names
        assert m.text == text
        assert has_header == m.has_header()
        assert m.constants == constants
        assert list(zip(types, names)) == m.fields()
        assert m == MsgSpec(types, names, constants, text, full_name)
        return m

    from genmsg import MsgSpec, InvalidMsgSpec
    from genmsg.msgs import Field

    # don't allow duplicate fields
        MsgSpec(['int32', 'int64'], ['x', 'x'], [], 'int32 x\nint64 x',
        assert False, "should have raised"
    except InvalidMsgSpec:
    # don't allow invalid fields
        MsgSpec(['string['], ['x'], [], 'int32 x\nint64 x', 'x/InvalidFields')
        assert False, "should have raised"
    except InvalidMsgSpec:

    # allow empty msg
    empty = sub_test_MsgSpec([], [], [], '', 'x/Nothing', False)
    assert [] == empty.fields()
    assert [] == empty.parsed_fields()
    assert 'x/Nothing' == empty.full_name
    assert 'x' == empty.package
    assert 'Nothing' == empty.short_name

    # one-field
    one_field = sub_test_MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [], 'int32 x', 'x/OneInt',
    # make sure that equals tests every declared field
    assert one_field == MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [], 'int32 x', 'x/OneInt')
    assert one_field != MsgSpec(['uint32'], ['x'], [], 'int32 x', 'x/OneInt')
    assert one_field != MsgSpec(['int32'], ['y'], [], 'int32 x', 'x/OneInt')
    assert one_field != MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [], 'uint32 x', 'x/OneInt')
    assert one_field != MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [], 'int32 x', 'x/OneIntBad')
    # test against __ne__ as well
    assert one_field != MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [], 'uint32 x', 'x/OneInt')
    assert [
        Field('x', 'int32')
    ] == one_field.parsed_fields(), "%s vs %s" % ([Field(
        'x', 'int32')], one_field.parsed_fields())
    #test str
    assert "int32 x" == str(one_field).strip()

    # test variations of multiple fields and headers
    two_fields = sub_test_MsgSpec(['int32', 'string'], ['x', 'str'], [],
                                  'int32 x\nstring str', 'x/TwoFields', False)
    assert [Field('x', 'int32'),
            Field('str', 'string')] == two_fields.parsed_fields()

    one_header = sub_test_MsgSpec(['std_msgs/Header'], ['header'], [],
                                  'Header header', 'x/OneHeader', True)
    header_and_fields = sub_test_MsgSpec(
        ['std_msgs/Header', 'int32', 'string'], ['header', 'x', 'str'], [],
        'Header header\nint32 x\nstring str', 'x/HeaderAndFields', True)
    embed_types = sub_test_MsgSpec(
        ['std_msgs/Header', 'std_msgs/Int32', 'string'],
        ['header', 'x', 'str'], [],
        'Header header\nstd_msgs/Int32 x\nstring str', 'x/EmbedTypes', True)
    #test strify
    assert "int32 x\nstring str" == str(two_fields).strip()

    # types and names mismatch
        MsgSpec(['int32', 'int32'], ['intval'], [], 'int32 intval\nint32 y',
        assert False, "types and names must align"

    # test (not) equals against non msgspec
    assert not (one_field == 1)
    assert one_field != 1

    # test constants
    from genmsg.msgs import Constant
    msgspec = MsgSpec(['int32'], ['x'], [Constant('int8', 'c', 1, '1')],
                      'int8 c=1\nuint32 x', 'x/Constants')
    assert msgspec.constants == [Constant('int8', 'c', 1, '1')]
    # tripwire

    # test that repr doesn't throw an error
    [repr(x) for x in [empty, one_field, one_header, two_fields, embed_types]]