コード例 #1
    def __detect_intersections_between_clusters(self, cluster_index_i: int,
                                                cluster_index_j: int) -> None:
        """Detects the intersections between cluster `cluster_index_i` and cluster `cluster_index_j`.

        :param cluster_index_i: Index of first segment cluster to be intersected.
        :param cluster_index_j: Index of second segment cluster to be intersected.

        cluster_i = self.segments[cluster_index_i]
        cluster_j = self.segments[cluster_index_j]
        print((cluster_index_i, cluster_index_j),
              (len(cluster_i), len(cluster_j)))

                                           cluster_index_j] = {}
        cluster_cluster_intersections_raw = []
        for i, segment_i in enumerate(cluster_i):
            intersections_with_i = {}
            angle_i = utils.angle_x(segment_i[0:2], segment_i[2:4])
            for j, segment_j in enumerate(cluster_j):
                print((segment_i, segment_j))

                angle_j = utils.angle_x(segment_j[0:2], segment_j[2:4])
                d_angle = utils.angle_diff(angle_i, angle_j)
                if np.pi / 2 - d_angle > self.params.angle_threshold:
                intersection = utils.segment_segment_intersection(
                    seg1=segment_i, seg2=segment_j)
                if intersection is not False:
                    intersections_with_i[j] = intersection
                cluster_index_i, cluster_index_j][i] = intersections_with_i
        if cluster_index_j >= cluster_index_i:
コード例 #2
ファイル: graphbuilder.py プロジェクト: freider/keiro
    def connect(self, p1, p2):
        """Connects two positions in the graph, adding nodes and edges as needed"""
        p1 = tuple(p1)
        p2 = tuple(p2)
        v1 = Vec2d(*p1)
        v2 = Vec2d(*p2)
        if p1 not in self.graph:
            self.graph[p1] = {}
        if p2 not in self.graph:
            self.graph[p2] = {}

        diff = v2 - v1
        cost = diff.length() / self.speed
        angle = diff.angle()
        rev_angle = angle_diff(angle, math.pi)

        self.node(p1, angle).connect(cost, self.node(p2, angle))
        self.node(p2, rev_angle).connect(cost, self.node(p1, rev_angle))
コード例 #3
    def __clean_clusters_angle(self, mean_angles: np.ndarray,
                               max_angle_variation_mean: float) -> None:
        """Removes all segments whose angle deviates more than the passed parameter from the mean cluster angle.

        :param mean_angles: List of cluster means.
        :param max_angle_variation_mean: Maximal angle variation to allow between the cluster segments and the associated mean angle.
        for cluster_index, (cluster, mean_angle) in enumerate(
                zip(self.cluster_list, mean_angles)):
            invalid_indices = []
            for segment_index, segment in enumerate(cluster):
                # Retrieve angle in [0, pi] of current segment.
                angle = utils.angle_x(segment[0:2], segment[2:4])
                # Compute angle difference between current segment and mean angle of cluster.
                d_angle = utils.angle_diff(angle, mean_angle)
                if d_angle > max_angle_variation_mean:
            self.cluster_list[cluster_index] = np.delete(cluster,
コード例 #4
ファイル: graphbuilder.py プロジェクト: freider/keiro
    def node(self, position, angle):
        position = tuple(position)
        if position not in self.graph:
            edges = self.graph[position] = {}
            edges = self.graph[position]

        if angle in edges:
            node = edges[angle]
            node = Node()
            node.position = position
            node.angle = angle
            node.est_cost_there = 0  # TODO
            for a, n in edges.items():
                if angle is None or a is None:
                    cost = 0
                    cost = abs(angle_diff(a, angle)) / self.turning_speed
                n.connect(cost, node)
                node.connect(cost, n)
            edges[angle] = node
        return node