コード例 #1
def _fail_if_columns_overriding_functions_are_not_in_functions(
        columns_overriding_functions, functions):
    """Fail if ``columns_overriding_functions`` are not found in functions.

    columns_overriding_functions : str list of str
        Names of columns which are preferred over function defined in the tax and
        transfer system.
    functions : dict of callable
        A dictionary of functions.

        Fail if some ``columns_overriding_functions`` are not found in internal or user

    unnecessary_columns_overriding_functions = set(
        columns_overriding_functions) - set(functions)
    if unnecessary_columns_overriding_functions:
        n_cols = len(unnecessary_columns_overriding_functions)
        intro = _format_text_for_cmdline(f"""
            You passed the following user column{'' if n_cols == 1 else 's'} which {'is'
            if n_cols == 1 else 'are'} unnecessary because no functions require them as
        list_ = format_list_linewise(unnecessary_columns_overriding_functions)
        raise ValueError("\n".join([intro, list_]))
コード例 #2
def _fail_if_more_than_necessary_data_is_passed(dag, data,
    root_nodes = set(_root_nodes(dag))
    unnecessary_data = set(data) - root_nodes
    formatted = format_list_linewise(unnecessary_data)
    message = f"The following columns in 'data' are unused.\n\n{formatted}"
    if unnecessary_data and check_minimal_specification == "warn":
    elif unnecessary_data and check_minimal_specification == "raise":
        raise ValueError(message)
コード例 #3
def _fail_if_root_nodes_are_missing(dag, data):
    missing_nodes = []
    for node in _root_nodes(dag):
        if node not in data and "function" not in dag.nodes[node]:

    if missing_nodes:
        formatted = format_list_linewise(missing_nodes)
        raise ValueError(
            f"The following data columns are missing.\n{formatted}")
コード例 #4
def _fail_if_functions_and_columns_overlap(columns, functions, type_):
    """Fail if functions which compute columns overlap with existing columns.

    columns : list of str
        List of strings containing column names.
    functions : dict
        Dictionary of functions.
    type_ : {"internal", "user"}
        Source of the functions. "user" means functions passed by the user.
    columns_overriding_functions : list of str
        Columns provided by the user.

        Fail if functions which compute columns overlap with existing columns.

    type_str = "internal " if type_ == "internal" else ""
    overlap = sorted(name for name in functions if name in columns)
    if overlap:
        n_cols = len(overlap)
        first_part = _format_text_for_cmdline(
            f"Your data provides the column{'' if n_cols == 1 else 's'}:")
        formatted = format_list_linewise(overlap)
        second_part = _format_text_for_cmdline(f"""
            {'This is' if n_cols == 1 else 'These are'} already present among the
            {type_str}functions of the taxes and transfers system.

            If you want {'this' if n_cols == 1 else 'a'} data column to be used
            instead of calculating it within GETTSIM, please specify it among the
            *columns_overriding_functions*{'.' if type_ == 'internal' else ''' or remove
            the function from *functions*.'''}

            If you want {'this' if n_cols == 1 else 'a'} data column to be calculated
            by {type_str}functions, remove it from the *data* you pass to GETTSIM.

            {'' if n_cols == 1 else '''You need to pick one option for each column that
            appears in the list above.'''}
        raise ValueError("\n".join([first_part, formatted, second_part]))
コード例 #5
def _fail_if_columns_overriding_functions_are_not_in_data(data, columns):
    """Fail if functions which compute columns overlap with existing columns.

    data : dict of pandas.Series
        Dictionary containing data columns as Series.
    columns : list of str
        List of column names.

        Fail if functions which compute columns overlap with existing columns.

    unused_columns_overriding_functions = sorted(set(columns) - set(data))
    n_cols = len(unused_columns_overriding_functions)

    column_sg_pl = "column" if n_cols == 1 else "columns"

    if unused_columns_overriding_functions:
        first_part = _format_text_for_cmdline(
            f"You passed the following user {column_sg_pl}:")
        list_ = format_list_linewise(unused_columns_overriding_functions)

        second_part = _format_text_for_cmdline(f"""
            {'This' if n_cols == 1 else 'These'} {column_sg_pl} cannot be found in the

            If you want {'this' if n_cols == 1 else 'a'} data column to be used
            instead of calculating it within GETTSIM, please add it to *data*.

            If you want {'this' if n_cols == 1 else 'a'} data column to be calculated
            internally by GETTSIM, remove it from the *columns_overriding_functions* you
            pass to GETTSIM.

            {'' if n_cols == 1 else '''You need to pick one option for each column that
            appears in the list above.'''}
        raise ValueError("\n".join([first_part, list_, second_part]))
コード例 #6
def _fail_if_columns_overriding_functions_are_not_in_dag(
    dag, columns_overriding_functions, check_minimal_specification
    """Fail if ``columns_overriding_functions`` are not in the DAG.

    dag : networkx.DiGraph
        The DAG which is limited to targets and their ancestors.
    columns_overriding_functions : list of str
        The nodes which are provided by columns in the data and do not need to be
        computed. These columns limit the depth of the DAG.
    check_minimal_specification : {"ignore", "warn", "raise"}, default "ignore"
        Indicator for whether checks which ensure the most minimalistic configuration
        should be silenced, emitted as warnings or errors.

        Warns if there are columns in 'columns_overriding_functions' which are not
        necessary and ``check_minimal_specification`` is set to "warn".
        Raised if there are columns in 'columns_overriding_functions' which are not
        necessary and ``check_minimal_specification`` is set to "raise".

    unused_columns = set(columns_overriding_functions) - set(dag.nodes)
    formatted = format_list_linewise(unused_columns)
    if unused_columns and check_minimal_specification == "warn":
            f"The following 'columns_overriding_functions' are unused:\n{formatted}"
    elif unused_columns and check_minimal_specification == "raise":
        raise ValueError(
            f"The following 'columns_overriding_functions' are unused:\n{formatted}"
コード例 #7
def _fail_if_targets_not_in_functions(functions, targets):
    """Fail if targets are not in functions.

    functions : dict of callable
        Dictionary containing functions to build the DAG.
    targets : list of str
        The targets which should be computed. They limit the DAG in the way that only
        ancestors of these nodes need to be considered.

        Raised if ``targets`` are not in functions.

    targets_not_in_functions = set(targets) - set(functions)
    if targets_not_in_functions:
        formatted = format_list_linewise(targets_not_in_functions)
        raise ValueError(
            f"The following targets have no corresponding function:\n{formatted}"