コード例 #1
ファイル: rocket4.py プロジェクト: JamesRoth/RocketScience
#James Roth
#rocket4.py - moon landing

from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer, Label, Slider

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.0001)  # no gravity to simplify things

Stage1Started = False
Stage2Started = False
PayloadLaunched = False
StartTime = None  # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0  # keep track of how much time the burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me1 = 25600  # Empty mass (kg)
mp1 = 395700  # Propellent mass (kg)
Ftotal1 = 6.444E6  # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn1 = 180  # Burn time (seconds)
me2 = 3900  # Empty mass (kg)
mp2 = 92670  # Propellent mass (kg)
Ftotal2 = 8.01E5  # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn2 = 372  # Burn time (seconds)
mep = 8000  # Payload mass (kg)

# Predict the final velocity using Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation,
コード例 #2
ファイル: rocket4.py プロジェクト: NotGithubDad/rocketscience
# rocketscience
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer, Label, Slider

earth = Planet(planetmass=0)  # no gravity to simplify things

Stage1Started = False
Stage2Started = False
PayloadLaunched = False
StartTime = None    # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0        # keep track of how much time the burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me1 = 25600          # Empty mass (kg) 
mp1 =  395700        # Propellent mass (kg)
Ftotal1 = 6.444E6    # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn1 = 180         # Burn time (seconds)
me2 = 3900           # Empty mass (kg)
mp2 =  92670         # Propellent mass (kg)
Ftotal2 = 8.01E5     # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn2 = 372         # Burn time (seconds)
mep = 13150          # Payload mass (kg)

# Predict the final velocity using Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation,
# In two stages!
vmax1 = Ftotal1*tburn1/mp1*log((me1+mp1+me2+mp2+mep)/(me1+me2+mp2+mep))
コード例 #3
ファイル: rocket1.py プロジェクト: samkrimmel/Rocket-Science
#Sam Krimmel
#rocket1.py - first rocket program

from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(color=(0x9aa2af),
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=100000, velocity=1632, timezoom=3, thrust=1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: rocket1.py プロジェクト: glenpassow/rocketscience
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.0005, color=0Xff0000)
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=2000000, velocity=6900, timezoom=3)
コード例 #5
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.000005, color=0x800080)
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=2000000, velocity=6900.39, timezoom=3)
コード例 #6
    # Function for calculating the percent of fuel remaining, as text
    def FuelPct(self):
        return "Fuel Supply: {0:.1f}%".format(100 * self.FuelLeft / mdescfuel)

    # Function for showing the vertical velocity
    def VertVel(self):
        if not self.ElapsedTime:
            return "Vertical Velocity N/A"
            return "Vertical Velocity: {0:.1f} m/s".format(self.DeltaAltitude /

moon = Planet(planetmass=moonmass,

tz = Slider((10, 300),
#Create and "run" the rocket
lander = Lem(moon, altitude=alt, velocity=vel, timescale=tz)

コード例 #7
ファイル: rocket1.py プロジェクト: brianglenney/rocketscience
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

moon = Planet(viewscale=0.00005, planetmass=7.348E22, radius=1737000)
rocket = Rocket(moon, altitude=1837000, velocity=1000, timezoom=3)
コード例 #8
ファイル: rocket1.py プロジェクト: arowley2001/rocketscience
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.00005)
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=400000, velocity=1000, timezoom=1)

コード例 #9
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer
from ggame import Color

earth = Planet(planetmass=0, viewscale=0.000054, color=0xF2FA04)  # no gravity to simplify things

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None    # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0        # keep track of how much time the burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me = 25600          # Empty mass
mp =  395700        # Propellent mass
F1D = 716000        # Single engine thrust (Newtons)
N1D = 9             # Number of rocket engines
Ftotal = F1D * N1D  # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn = 180         # Burn time (seconds)

# Predict the final velocity based on simple Newtons' 2nd Law
vmax = Ftotal*tburn/(me+mp)
print("Predicted final velocity (Newton's 2nd Law), vmax: ", vmax, " m/s")

# Create a function for determining the rocket thrust
def GetThrust():
    global BurnTime
    global RocketStarted
    if RocketStarted:
        # get the burn time: seconds since start
        BurnTime = rocket.shiptime - StartTime
        # is it time to stop the rocket?
コード例 #10
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer

earth = Planet(planetmass=0,viewscale=0.0005)  # no gravity to simplify things

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None    # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0        # keep track of how much time the burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me = 25600          # Empty mass
mp =  395700        # Propellent mass
F1D = 716000        # Single engine thrust (Newtons)
N1D = 9             # Number of rocket engines
Ftotal = F1D * N1D  # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn = 180         # Burn time (seconds)

# Predict the final velocity using Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation
vmaxre = Ftotal*tburn/mp*log((me+mp)/me)
print("Predicted final velocity (Rocket Equation), vmax: ", vmaxre, " m/s")

# Create a function for determining the rocket thrust
def GetThrust():
    global BurnTime
    global RocketStarted
    if RocketStarted:
        # get the burn time: seconds since start
        BurnTime = rocket.shiptime - StartTime
        # is it time to stop the rocket?
        if BurnTime >= tburn:
コード例 #11
#Max Low
#rocket3.py -- getting into orbit with realistice thrust

from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer, Slider

earth = Planet( viewscale = 0.000005) # no gavity for simplification

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0 # how long burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me = 25600  # empty mass
mp = 395700  #propellent mass
F1D = 716000    # single engine thrust (N)
N1D =9    #Number of rocket engines

Ftotal = F1D*N1D  # total thrust (N)
tburn = 180  # burn time

# Predict the final vleocity based on N's 2nd law
vmax = Ftotal*tburn/(me+mp)
print("predicted final velocity (N's 2nd law), vmax: ", vmax, "m/s")

# Vfianl based on Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation
vmaxre = Ftotal*tburn/mp*log((me+mp)/me)
print("Predicted final velocity (rocket Eqation), vmax: ",vmaxre, "m/s")
コード例 #12
ファイル: rocket3.py プロジェクト: aelxn/rocketscience3
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer

earth = Planet(color=0xFF61C8)  # no gravity to simplify things

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None    # to keep track of when burn started
BurnTime = 0        # keep track of how much time the burn has lasted

# Falcon F9R specifications
me = 25600          # Empty mass
mp =  395700        # Propellent mass
F1D = 716000        # Single engine thrust (Newtons)
N1D = 9             # Number of rocket engines
Ftotal = F1D * N1D  # Total thrust (Newtons)
tburn = 180         # Burn time (seconds)

# Predict the final velocity using Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation
vmaxre = Ftotal*tburn/mp*log((me+mp)/me)
print("Predicted final velocity (Rocket Equation), vmax: ", vmaxre, " m/s")

# Create a function for determining the rocket thrust
def GetThrust():
    global BurnTime
    global RocketStarted
    if RocketStarted:
        # get the burn time: seconds since start
        BurnTime = rocket.shiptime - StartTime
        # is it time to stop the rocket?
        if BurnTime >= tburn:
コード例 #13
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(viewscale=.001082)
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=161000, velocity=7810, timezoom=3.6)
コード例 #14
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer

earth = Planet(planetmass=0, viewscale=0.0005)

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None
BurnTime = 0

#Falcon heavy specs
Me = 25600
Mf = 119100
Mo = 276600
Mp = Mf + Mo
F1d = 716000
N1d = 9
Ftotal = N1d * F1d
Tburn = 180

Vmaxre = Ftotal * Tburn / Mp * log((Me + Mp) / Me)

def GetThrust():
    global BurnTime
    global RocketStarted
    if RocketStarted:
        BurnTime = rocket.shiptime - StartTime
        if BurnTime >= Tburn:
            RocketStarted = False
コード例 #15
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt
from ggmath import Slider

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.00014, planetmass=7.342E22)

Re = 1.737E6
Me = 7.342E22
G = 6.674E-11

Ve = sqrt(2 * Me * G / Re)
print("Predicted escape velocity is ", Ve, " m/s")
tz = Slider((10, 400), 0, 3, 0, positioning="physical")

rocket = Rocket(earth,
コード例 #16
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt
from ggmath import Slider

earth = Planet()

# Constants relating to Earth and physics
Re = 6.371E6  # Earth radius: 6371000 meters in scientific notation
Me = 5.972E24 # Earth mass in kg (5.972 x 10^24)
G = 6.674E-11 # Gravitational constant
# Add a slider for controlling the timezoom
tz = Slider((10,400), 0, 5, 0, positioning="physical")
# Calculate the escape velocity from Earth's surface radius
print("Predicted escape velocity is ", Ve, " m/s")
rocket = Rocket(earth, heading=radians(90), directiond=90, velocity=Ve, timezoom=tz)

コード例 #17
ファイル: rocket3.py プロジェクト: samkrimmel/Rocket-Science
#Sam Krimmel

from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from math import radians, sqrt, log
from ggmath import InputButton, Timer, Slider

earth = Planet(planetmass=0)

RocketStarted = False
StartTime = None
BurnTime = 0

me = 25600
mp = 395700
F1D = 716000
N1D = 9

Ftotal = F1D*N1D
tburn = 180

vmaxre = Ftotal*tburn/mp*log((me+mp)/me)
print("Predicted final velocity (Rocket Equation), vmax: ", vmaxre, "m/s")

def GetThrust():
    global BurnTime
    global RocketStarted
    if RocketStarted:
        BurnTime = rocket.shiptime - StartTime
        if BurnTime >= tburn:
コード例 #18
from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet

earth = Planet(viewscale=0.00014, planetmass=73420000000000000000000)
rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=100, velocity=1000, timezoom=3)
コード例 #19
ファイル: rocket1.py プロジェクト: maxmyth01/rocketscience
#Max Low
#rocket1.py -- first rocket orbital program safe altitude

from ggrocket import Rocket, Planet
from ggame import *

data = {}
data['thrust'] =0

def thrust():
    return data['thrust']

earth = Planet(radius=1737400 , planetmass=73500000000000000000000 , viewscale=0.000009, color=0x00FFFF)

rocket = Rocket(earth, altitude=10000, velocity=1632, timezoom=2, thrust = thrust )

def upThrust(event):
    data['thrust']  += 0.1
def downThrust(event):
    data['thrust']  -= 0.1

App.listenKeyEvent('keydown','t', upThrust)
App.listenKeyEvent('keydown','g', downThrust)