コード例 #1
    def row(self, row_key, filter_=None, append=False):
        """Factory to create a row associated with this table.

        .. warning::

           At most one of ``filter_`` and ``append`` can be used in a

        :type row_key: bytes
        :param row_key: The key for the row being created.

        :type filter_: :class:`.RowFilter`
        :param filter_: (Optional) Filter to be used for conditional mutations.
                        See :class:`.DirectRow` for more details.

        :type append: bool
        :param append: (Optional) Flag to determine if the row should be used
                       for append mutations.

        :rtype: :class:`.DirectRow`
        :returns: A row owned by this table.
        :raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if both
                 ``filter_`` and ``append`` are used.
        if append and filter_ is not None:
            raise ValueError('At most one of filter_ and append can be set')
        if append:
            return AppendRow(row_key, self)
        elif filter_ is not None:
            return ConditionalRow(row_key, self, filter_=filter_)
            return DirectRow(row_key, self)
コード例 #2
    def row(self, row_key, filter_=None, append=False):
        """Factory to create a row associated with this table.

        For example:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets_table.py
            :start-after: [START bigtable_table_row]
            :end-before: [END bigtable_table_row]

        .. warning::

           At most one of ``filter_`` and ``append`` can be used in a

        :type row_key: bytes
        :param row_key: The key for the row being created.

        :type filter_: :class:`.RowFilter`
        :param filter_: (Optional) Filter to be used for conditional mutations.
                        See :class:`.ConditionalRow` for more details.

        :type append: bool
        :param append: (Optional) Flag to determine if the row should be used
                       for append mutations.

        :rtype: :class:`~google.cloud.bigtable.row.Row`
        :returns: A row owned by this table.
        :raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if both
                 ``filter_`` and ``append`` are used.
            "This method will be deprecated in future versions. Please "
            "use Table.append_row(), Table.conditional_row() "
            "and Table.direct_row() methods instead.",

        if append and filter_ is not None:
            raise ValueError("At most one of filter_ and append can be set")
        if append:
            return AppendRow(row_key, self)
        elif filter_ is not None:
            return ConditionalRow(row_key, self, filter_=filter_)
            return DirectRow(row_key, self)
コード例 #3
    def conditional_row(self, row_key, filter_):
        """Create a :class:`~google.cloud.bigtable.row.ConditionalRow` associated with this table.

        For example:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets_table.py
            :start-after: [START bigtable_table_conditional_row]
            :end-before: [END bigtable_table_conditional_row]

            row_key (bytes): The key for the row being created.

            filter_ (:class:`.RowFilter`): (Optional) Filter to be used for
                conditional mutations. See :class:`.ConditionalRow` for more details.

            A row owned by this table.
        return ConditionalRow(row_key, self, filter_=filter_)
コード例 #4
    def test_test_wrong_row_type(self):
        from google.cloud.bigtable.row import ConditionalRow

        row = ConditionalRow(row_key=b'row_key', table='table', filter_=None)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
コード例 #5
def _make_conditional_row(*args, **kwargs):
    from google.cloud.bigtable.row import ConditionalRow

    return ConditionalRow(*args, **kwargs)