コード例 #1
  def processXSL(self, onebox, name, results):

    """ does the following steps with the XSL in the resultsTemplate element:
    <li> write each resultsTemplate to its own file, with the name of the
    onebox module.  If there was a file of that name there, it's overwritten.
    <li> rewrite the customer-onebox.xsl file to call each module's
    stylesheet with the appropriate match statement
    Returns: err string if an error occurs, True if this onebox has
    a resultsTemplate and it was written to a file, and None if both
    those were not true.

    print "processXSL called for %s" % name

    # parse this XML
    stylesheet = results[0].childNodes
    if not stylesheet:
      print "no results 2"
      return None

    newdoc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    stylesheetNode = newdoc.createElement("xsl:stylesheet")
    stylesheetNode.setAttribute("xmlns:xsl", 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform')
    stylesheetNode.setAttribute("version", "1.0")
    for node in stylesheet:
      if node.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
    if not stylesheetNode.firstChild: # if no nodes in there
      return None
    xsl = newdoc.toxml(encoding="utf-8")

      xslDom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xsl)
    # this comes from a C extension to Python, and can't be named any better:
    except Exception:
      e = sys.exc_info()[1]
      logging.exception("error in %s at line %d" % (name,e.getLineNumber()))
      logging.info("xml with error is: " + xsl)
      return "error in " + name
    temps = xslDom.getElementsByTagName('xsl:template') # NOTE namespace
    if not temps:
      return('no xsl:template element found in ' + name)
    temps[0].setAttribute('name', name)
    f = open("%s/%s.xsl" % (self.xslDir, name), "w")
    print "writing this xsl to " + name
    return "0"
コード例 #2
  def parseXML(self, configBody):
      dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(configBody)
    # this comes from a C extension to Python, and can't be named any better:
    except Exception:
      logging.exception("parse error in XML")
      return "parse error in XML"
    oneboxes = dom.getElementsByTagName('onebox')
    if not oneboxes:
      logging.info('No onebox modules found')
      return None

    # find the stylesheet dir:
    self.xslDir = self.cfg.getGlobalParam('ENTFRONT_STYLESHEETS_DIR')
    if not self.xslDir:
      logging.error("failed to find stylesheet dir")
      return "failed to find stylesheet dir"
    xslNames = []  # list of the oneboxes with their own XSL

    # create
    for onebox in oneboxes:
      nameNodes = onebox.getElementsByTagName('name')
      if not nameNodes:
        return "failed to find name element"
      elif len(nameNodes) > 1:
        return "more than one name element"
      name = getText(nameNodes[0].childNodes)

      results = onebox.getElementsByTagName('resultsTemplate')
      if len(results) > 1:
        return "more than one 'resultsTemplate' node found in " + name
      elif results:
        err = self.processXSL(onebox, name, results)
        if err:
          if err[0] != '0':
            return err

        # Remove resultsTemplate element from config because backend
        # doesn't understand it.

    # write out a config file without resultsTemplate for the
    # backend
    backendFileName = self.cfg.getGlobalParam("ONEBOX_BACKEND_CONFIG")
    if backendFileName == None:
      logging.info("failed to find config file")
      return "1\n%s" % "failed to find config file"
    logging.info("backend config file is %s"  % backendFileName)
    backendFile = open(backendFileName, "w")
    if not backendFile:
      logging.info("can't open " + backendFileName)
      return "1\n"

    # rewrite the master XSL that calls each individual one:

    custFile = open(self.xslDir + os.sep + custFileName, "w")
    for name in xslNames:
      custFile.write(customerImport % name)

    # in XSL, the imports need to precede the includes:

    for name in xslNames:
      custFile.write(customerInvocation %(name, name, name))

    # touch each frontend stylesheet that includes any oneboxes,
    # so the file watcher will notice:
    for frontend in dom.getElementsByTagName("Frontend"):
      if frontend.attributes:
        name = frontend.attributes["name"]
        if name:
          ssName = self.xslDir + os.sep + name.nodeValue
          if os.path.exists(ssName):
            os.system("touch " + ssName)