コード例 #1
    def calculate_residual_change(self, psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, P_axi, c_axi, n_x):

        assert len(n_x) == 1

        Htphit_mG = self.Htphit_mG
        phit_mG = self.phit_mG

        w_mx = np.zeros((self.nocc, 1), dtype=self.dtype)
        v_mx = np.zeros((self.nocc, 1), dtype=self.dtype)

        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_xG, phit_mG, 0.0, w_mx, 't')
        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_xG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, v_mx, 't')

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            P_xi = P_axi[a]
            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            w_mx += np.dot(P_mi, np.dot(dO_ii, P_xi.T))

            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                v_mx[m] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_xi.T))

        # sum over grid-domains

        V_mm = 0.5 * (self.V_mm + self.V_mm.T)
        q_mx = v_mx - np.dot(V_mm, w_mx)

        if self.stabpot != 0.0:
            q_mx -= self.stabpot * w_mx

        gemm(1.0, Htphit_mG, w_mx.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_xG)
        gemm(1.0, phit_mG, q_mx.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_xG)

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            c_xi = c_axi[a]
            ct_mi = P_mi.copy()

            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_xi += np.dot(q_mx.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))

            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                ct_mi[m] = np.dot(P_mi[m], dH_ii)
            c_xi += np.dot(w_mx.T, ct_mi)

        if self.stabpot != 0.0:
            Htphit_mG += self.stabpot * psit_xG
            for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
                dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
                c_axi[a] += self.stabpot * np.dot(P_xi, dO_ii)
コード例 #2
    def calculate_residual(self, psit_nG, Htpsit_nG, P_ani, c_ani):
        """ Calculate the action of the unified Hamiltonian on an
            arbitrary state:

                H_u|Psi> =

        nocc = self.nocc
        nvirt = psit_nG.shape[0] - nocc

        # constraint for unoccupied states
        R_mk = np.zeros((nocc, nvirt), dtype=self.dtype)
        if nvirt > 0:
            gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_nG[nocc:], self.Htphit_mG, 0.0, R_mk, 't')
            # PAW
            for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
                P_ni = P_ani[a]

                for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                    dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                    R_mk[m] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_ni[nocc:].T))


        # self.R_mk = R_mk
        # R_mk  = self.R_mk
        W_mn = self.W_mn
        Htphit_mG = self.Htphit_mG
        phit_mG = self.phit_mG
        K_mm = 0.5 * (self.V_mm - self.V_mm.T)
        Q_mn = np.dot(K_mm, W_mn)

        # Action of unified Hamiltonian on occupied states:
        if nocc > 0:
            gemm(1.0, Htphit_mG, W_mn.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[:nocc])
            gemm(1.0, phit_mG, Q_mn.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[:nocc])
        if nvirt > 0:
            gemm(1.0, phit_mG, R_mk.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[nocc:])
            if self.stabpot != 0.0:
                Htpsit_nG[nocc:] += self.stabpot * psit_nG[nocc:]

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            c_ni = c_ani[a]
            ct_mi = P_mi.copy()
            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_ni[:nocc] += np.dot(Q_mn.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))
            c_ni[nocc:] += np.dot(R_mk.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                ct_mi[m] = np.dot(P_mi[m], dH_ii)
            c_ni[:nocc] += np.dot(W_mn.T, ct_mi)
            c_ni[nocc:] += self.stabpot * np.dot(P_ani[a][nocc:], dO_ii)
コード例 #3
    def calculate_sic_matrixelements(self):

        # overlap of pseudo wavefunctions
        Htphit_mG = self.vt_mG * self.phit_mG
        V_mm = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nocc), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, self.phit_mG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, V_mm, 't')
        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                V_mm[m, :] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_mi.T))

        # accumulate over grid-domains
        self.V_mm = V_mm

        # Symmetrization of V and kappa-matrix:
        K_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm - V_mm.T.conj())
        V_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm + V_mm.T.conj())

        # evaluate the kinetic correction
        self.ekin = -np.trace(V_mm) * (3 - self.nspins)

        return V_mm, K_mm, np.vdot(K_mm, K_mm).real
コード例 #4
ファイル: sic.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def calculate_sic_matrixelements(self):
        # overlap of pseudo wavefunctions
        Htphit_mG = self.vt_mG * self.phit_mG
        V_mm = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nocc), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, self.phit_mG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, V_mm, 't')
        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                V_mm[m,:] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_mi.T))

        # accumulate over grid-domains
        self.V_mm = V_mm

        # Symmetrization of V and kappa-matrix:
        K_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm - V_mm.T.conj())
        V_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm + V_mm.T.conj())

        # evaluate the kinetic correction
        self.ekin = -np.trace(V_mm) * (3 - self.nspins) 
        return V_mm, K_mm, np.vdot(K_mm, K_mm).real
コード例 #5
ファイル: hamiltonian.py プロジェクト: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def apply(self, a_xG, b_xG, wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True):
        """Apply the Hamiltonian operator to a set of vectors.


        a_nG: ndarray
            Set of vectors to which the overlap operator is applied.
        b_nG: ndarray, output
            Resulting S times a_nG vectors.
        wfs: WaveFunctions
            Wave-function object defined in wavefunctions.py
        kpt: KPoint object
            k-point object defined in kpoint.py.
        calculate_P_ani: bool
            When True, the integrals of projector times vectors
            P_ni = <p_i | a_nG> are calculated.
            When False, existing P_ani are used

        wfs.kin.apply(a_xG, b_xG, kpt.phase_cd)
        self.apply_local_potential(a_xG, b_xG, kpt.s)
        shape = a_xG.shape[:-3]
        P_axi = wfs.pt.dict(shape)

        if calculate_P_ani: #TODO calculate_P_ani=False is experimental
            wfs.pt.integrate(a_xG, P_axi, kpt.q)
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P_axi[a][:] = P_ni

        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_axi[a] = np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii)
        wfs.pt.add(b_xG, P_axi, kpt.q)
コード例 #6
    def apply_to_atomic_matrices(self, dI_asp, P_axi, wfs, kpt, shape=()):

        self.timer.start('Update two-center projections')

        nproj = len(self)
        dI_aa = np.zeros((nproj, nproj), dtype=float)  #always float?

        for a, dI_sp in dI_asp.items():
            dI_p = dI_sp[kpt.s]
            dI_ii = unpack(dI_p)
            self.assign_atomic_pair_matrix(dI_aa, a, a, dI_ii)
        self.gd.comm.sum(dI_aa)  #TODO too heavy?

        dM_aa = self.get_rotated_coefficients(dI_aa)
        Q_axi = wfs.pt.dict(shape, zero=True)
        for a1 in range(self.natoms):
            if a1 in Q_axi.keys():
                Q_xi = Q_axi[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                Q_xi = np.zeros(shape + (self.setups[a1].ni, ),
                                dtype=wfs.pt.dtype)  #TODO
            for a2, P_xi in P_axi.items():
                dM_ii = self.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(dM_aa, a1, a2)
                Q_xi += np.dot(P_xi, dM_ii.T)  #sum over a2 and last i in dM_ii

        self.timer.stop('Update two-center projections')

        return Q_axi
コード例 #7
ファイル: pwf2.py プロジェクト: qsnake/gpaw
def get_lcao_xc(calc, P_aqMi, bfs=None, spin=0):
    nq = len(calc.wfs.ibzk_qc)
    nao = calc.wfs.setups.nao
    dtype = calc.wfs.dtype
    if bfs is None:
        bfs = get_bfs(calc)

    if calc.density.nt_sg is None:
    nt_sg = calc.density.nt_sg
    vxct_sg = calc.density.finegd.zeros(calc.wfs.nspins)
    calc.hamiltonian.xc.calculate(calc.density.finegd, nt_sg, vxct_sg)
    vxct_G = calc.wfs.gd.zeros()
    calc.hamiltonian.restrict(vxct_sg[spin], vxct_G)
    Vxc_qMM = np.zeros((nq, nao, nao), dtype)
    for q, Vxc_MM in enumerate(Vxc_qMM):
        bfs.calculate_potential_matrix(vxct_G, Vxc_MM, q)
        tri2full(Vxc_MM, "L")

    # Add atomic PAW corrections
    for a, P_qMi in P_aqMi.items():
        D_sp = calc.density.D_asp[a][:]
        H_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
        calc.wfs.setups[a].xc_correction.calculate(calc.hamiltonian.xc, D_sp, H_sp)
        H_ii = unpack(H_sp[spin])
        for Vxc_MM, P_Mi in zip(Vxc_qMM, P_qMi):
            Vxc_MM += dots(P_Mi, H_ii, P_Mi.T.conj())
    return Vxc_qMM * Hartree
コード例 #8
    def init_potential(self):
        #initialization of nonlocal part of pseudopotential
        # V_NL=|chi_i> V_i <chi_i|
        spline_aj = []
        for setup in self.wfs.setups:
        self.lfc = PWLFC(spline_aj, self.pd)
        self.lfc.set_positions(self.calc.spos_ac)  #set position of atoms
        proj_G = []
        proj_r = []  #collect chi_i in real space using FFT

        for kpt in self.wfs.kpt_u:
            proj = []
            n_i = proj_G[-1].shape[1]
            for i in range(n_i):
                proj.append(self.pd.ifft(proj_G[-1][:, i].copy(), kpt.q))
        self.chi = np.array(proj_r) / self.gd.dv

        s = 0  # s=0 because we perform spin-paired calculation
        V = []  #collect V
        for a in range(len(self.wfs.setups)):
            dH_ii = unpack(self.ham.dH_asp[a][s])

        V = np.array(V)
        self.V = V.ravel()

        self.norb = self.V.size  # number of orbitals in nonlocal potential

        #initialization of local part of pseudopotential
        V = self.ham.vbar.pd.zeros()
        self.Vloc = self.ham.vbar.pd.ifft(V)
コード例 #9
def get_lcao_xc(calc, P_aqMi, bfs=None, spin=0):
    nq = len(calc.wfs.kd.ibzk_qc)
    nao = calc.wfs.setups.nao
    dtype = calc.wfs.dtype
    if bfs is None:
        bfs = get_bfs(calc)

    if calc.density.nt_sg is None:
    nt_sg = calc.density.nt_sg
    vxct_sg = calc.density.finegd.zeros(calc.wfs.nspins)
    calc.hamiltonian.xc.calculate(calc.density.finegd, nt_sg, vxct_sg)
    vxct_G = calc.wfs.gd.zeros()
    calc.hamiltonian.restrict_and_collect(vxct_sg[spin], vxct_G)
    Vxc_qMM = np.zeros((nq, nao, nao), dtype)
    for q, Vxc_MM in enumerate(Vxc_qMM):
        bfs.calculate_potential_matrix(vxct_G, Vxc_MM, q)
        tri2full(Vxc_MM, 'L')

    # Add atomic PAW corrections
    for a, P_qMi in P_aqMi.items():
        D_sp = calc.density.D_asp[a][:]
        H_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
        calc.hamiltonian.xc.calculate_paw_correction(calc.wfs.setups[a], D_sp,
        H_ii = unpack(H_sp[spin])
        for Vxc_MM, P_Mi in zip(Vxc_qMM, P_qMi):
            Vxc_MM += dots(P_Mi, H_ii, P_Mi.T.conj())
    return Vxc_qMM * Hartree
コード例 #10
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, root=-1):
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized
        vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
        H_MM = np.empty((wfs.ksl.mynao, wfs.ksl.nao), wfs.dtype)

        wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, H_MM, kpt.q)
        wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(H_MM, root)
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
コード例 #11
    def apply_to_atomic_matrices(self, dI_asp, P_axi, wfs, kpt, shape=()):

        self.timer.start('Update two-center projections')

        nproj = len(self)
        dI_aa = np.zeros((nproj, nproj), dtype=float) #always float?

        for a, dI_sp in dI_asp.items():
            dI_p = dI_sp[kpt.s]
            dI_ii = unpack(dI_p)
            self.assign_atomic_pair_matrix(dI_aa, a, a, dI_ii)
        self.gd.comm.sum(dI_aa) #TODO too heavy?

        dM_aa = self.get_rotated_coefficients(dI_aa)
        Q_axi = wfs.pt.dict(shape, zero=True)
        for a1 in range(self.natoms):
            if a1 in Q_axi.keys():
                Q_xi = Q_axi[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                Q_xi = np.zeros(shape+(self.setups[a1].ni,), dtype=wfs.pt.dtype) #TODO
            for a2, P_xi in P_axi.items():
                dM_ii = self.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(dM_aa, a1, a2)
                Q_xi += np.dot(P_xi, dM_ii.T) #sum over a2 and last i in dM_ii

        self.timer.stop('Update two-center projections')

        return Q_axi
コード例 #12
def get_vxc(paw, spin=0, U=None):
    """Calculate matrix elements of the xc-potential."""
    assert not paw.hamiltonian.xc.xcfunc.orbital_dependent, "LDA/GGA's only"
    assert paw.wfs.dtype == float, 'Complex waves not implemented'

    if U is not None:  # Rotate xc matrix
        return np.dot(U.T.conj(), np.dot(get_vxc(paw, spin), U))

    gd = paw.hamiltonian.gd
    psit_nG = paw.wfs.kpt_u[spin].psit_nG[:]
    if paw.density.nt_sg is None:
    nt_g = paw.density.nt_sg[spin]
    vxct_g = paw.density.finegd.zeros()
    paw.hamiltonian.xc.get_energy_and_potential(nt_g, vxct_g)
    vxct_G = gd.empty()
    paw.hamiltonian.restrict(vxct_g, vxct_G)
    Vxc_nn = np.zeros((paw.wfs.bd.nbands, paw.wfs.bd.nbands))

    # Apply pseudo part
    r2k(.5 * gd.dv, psit_nG, vxct_G * psit_nG, .0, Vxc_nn)  # lower triangle
    tri2full(Vxc_nn, 'L')  # Fill in upper triangle from lower

    # Add atomic PAW corrections
    for a, P_ni in paw.wfs.kpt_u[spin].P_ani.items():
        D_sp = paw.density.D_asp[a][:]
        H_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
            D_sp, H_sp)
        H_ii = unpack(H_sp[spin])
        Vxc_nn += np.dot(P_ni, np.dot(H_ii, P_ni.T))
    return Vxc_nn * Hartree
コード例 #13
    def calculate_residuals(self,
        """Calculate residual.

        From R=Ht*psit calculate R=H*psit-eps*S*psit."""

        for R_G, eps, psit_G in zip(R_xG, eps_x, psit_xG):
            axpy(-eps, psit_G, R_G)

        c_axi = {}
        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_xi = (np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii) -
                    np.dot(P_xi * eps_x[:, np.newaxis], dO_ii))
            c_axi[a] = c_xi
        hamiltonian.xc.add_correction(kpt, psit_xG, R_xG, P_axi, c_axi, n_x,
        wfs.pt.add(R_xG, c_axi, kpt.q)
コード例 #14
    def apply(self, a_xG, b_xG, wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True):
        """Apply the Hamiltonian operator to a set of vectors.


        a_nG: ndarray
            Set of vectors to which the overlap operator is applied.
        b_nG: ndarray, output
            Resulting S times a_nG vectors.
        wfs: WaveFunctions
            Wave-function object defined in wavefunctions.py
        kpt: KPoint object
            k-point object defined in kpoint.py.
        calculate_P_ani: bool
            When True, the integrals of projector times vectors
            P_ni = <p_i | a_nG> are calculated.
            When False, existing P_ani are used

        wfs.kin.apply(a_xG, b_xG, kpt.phase_cd)
        self.apply_local_potential(a_xG, b_xG, kpt.s)
        shape = a_xG.shape[:-3]
        P_axi = wfs.pt.dict(shape)

        if calculate_P_ani:  # TODO calculate_P_ani=False is experimental
            wfs.pt.integrate(a_xG, P_axi, kpt.q)
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P_axi[a][:] = P_ni

        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_axi[a] = np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii)
        wfs.pt.add(b_xG, P_axi, kpt.q)
コード例 #15
ファイル: eigensolver.py プロジェクト: qsnake/gpaw
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, root=-1):
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized
        vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
        H_MM = np.empty((wfs.ksl.mynao, wfs.ksl.nao), wfs.dtype)

        wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, H_MM, kpt.q)
        wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(H_MM, root)
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
コード例 #16
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: robwarm/gpaw-symm
def vxc(paw, xc=None, coredensity=True):
    """Calculate XC-contribution to eigenvalues."""
    ham = paw.hamiltonian
    dens = paw.density
    wfs = paw.wfs

    if xc is None:
        xc = ham.xc
    elif isinstance(xc, str):
        xc = XC(xc)

    if dens.nt_sg is None:

    thisisatest = not True
    if xc.orbital_dependent:

    # Calculate XC-potential:
    vxct_sg = ham.finegd.zeros(wfs.nspins)
    xc.calculate(dens.finegd, dens.nt_sg, vxct_sg)
    vxct_sG = ham.gd.empty(wfs.nspins)
    ham.restrict(vxct_sg, vxct_sG)
    if thisisatest:
        vxct_sG[:] = 1
    # ... and PAW corrections:
    dvxc_asii = {}
    for a, D_sp in dens.D_asp.items():
        dvxc_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
        xc.calculate_paw_correction(wfs.setups[a], D_sp, dvxc_sp, a=a, 
        dvxc_asii[a] = [unpack(dvxc_p) for dvxc_p in dvxc_sp]
        if thisisatest:
            dvxc_asii[a] = [wfs.setups[a].dO_ii]

    vxc_un = np.empty((wfs.kd.mynks, wfs.bd.mynbands))
    for u, vxc_n in enumerate(vxc_un):
        kpt = wfs.kpt_u[u]
        vxct_G = vxct_sG[kpt.s]
        for n in range(wfs.bd.mynbands):
            psit_G = wfs._get_wave_function_array(u, n, realspace=True)
            vxc_n[n] = wfs.gd.integrate((psit_G * psit_G.conj()).real,
                                        vxct_G, global_integral=False)

        for a, dvxc_sii in dvxc_asii.items():
            P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
            vxc_n += (np.dot(P_ni, dvxc_sii[kpt.s]) *

    vxc_skn = wfs.kd.collect(vxc_un)

    if xc.orbital_dependent:
        vxc_skn += xc.exx_skn

    return vxc_skn * Hartree
コード例 #17
ファイル: sternheimeroperator.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
    def apply(self, x_nG, y_nG):
        """Apply the linear operator in the Sternheimer equation to a vector.

        For the eigenvalue term the k-point is the one of the state.
        For the other terms the k-point to be used is the one given by the k+q
        phase of the first-order of the state. Only for q=0 do the two coincide.
        x_nG: ndarray
            Vector(s) to which the Sternheimer operator is applied.
        y_nG: ndarray
            Resulting vector(s).

        assert x_nG.ndim in (3, 4)
        assert x_nG.shape == y_nG.shape
        assert tuple(self.gd.n_c) == x_nG.shape[-3:]
        assert self.k is not None

        # k
        kpt = self.kpt_u[self.k]
        # k+q
        kplusqpt = self.kpt_u[self.kplusq]

        # Kintetic energy
        # k+q
        self.kin.apply(x_nG, y_nG, phase_cd=kplusqpt.phase_cd)

        # Local part of effective potential - no phase !!
        self.hamiltonian.apply_local_potential(x_nG, y_nG, kpt.s)

        # Non-local part from projectors (coefficients can not be reused)
        shape = x_nG.shape[:-3]
        P_ani = self.pt.dict(shape=shape)

        # k+q
        self.pt.integrate(x_nG, P_ani, q=kplusqpt.k)

        for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_ani[a] = np.dot(P_ni, dH_ii)
        # k+q
        self.pt.add(y_nG, P_ani, q=kplusqpt.k)

        # XXX Eigenvalue term
        if self.n is not None:
            # k
            y_nG -= kpt.eps_n[self.n] * x_nG
            for n, x_G in enumerate(x_nG):
                # k
                y_nG[n] -= kpt.eps_n[n] * x_G

        # Project out undesired (numerical) components
        # k+q
コード例 #18
    def calculate(self, wfs, kpt, dH_asp, H_MM, y):
        dtype = wfs.dtype
        M_a = wfs.setups.M_a
        nM_a = np.array([setup.nao for setup in wfs.setups])
        Mstart = wfs.ksl.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.ksl.Mstop

        # Now calculate basis-projector-basis overlap: a1 -> a3 -> a2
        # specifically:
        #   < phi[a1] | p[a3] > * dH[a3] * < p[a3] | phi[a2] >
        # This matrix multiplication is semi-sparse.  It works by blocks
        # of atoms, looping only over pairs that do have nonzero
        # overlaps.  But it might be even nicer with scipy sparse.
        # This we will have to check at some point.
        # The projection arrays P_aaim are distributed over the grid,
        # whereas the Hamiltonian is distributed over the band comm.
        # One could choose a set of a3 to optimize the load balance.
        # Right now the load balance will be "random" and probably
        # not very good.
        #innerloops = 0

        for (a3, a1), P1_im in kpt.P_aaim.items():
            a1M1 = M_a[a1]
            nM1 = nM_a[a1]
            a1M2 = a1M1 + nM1

            if a1M1 > Mstop or a1M2 < Mstart:

            stickout1 = max(0, Mstart - a1M1)
            stickout2 = max(0, a1M2 - Mstop)
            P1_mi = np.conj(P1_im.T[stickout1:nM1 - stickout2])
            dH_ii = y * np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a3][kpt.s]), dtype)
            H_mM = H_MM[a1M1 + stickout1 - Mstart:a1M2 - stickout2 - Mstart]

            P1dH_mi = np.dot(P1_mi, dH_ii)

            assert len(wfs.P_neighbors_a[a3]) > 0
            for a2 in wfs.P_neighbors_a[a3]:
                # We can use symmetry somehow.  Since the entire matrix
                # is symmetrized after the Hamiltonian is constructed,
                # at least in the non-Gamma-point case, we should do
                # so conditionally somehow.  Right now let's stay out
                # of trouble.

                # Humm.  The following works with gamma point
                # but not with kpts.  XXX take a look at this.
                # also, it doesn't work with a2 < a1 for some reason.
                #if a2 > a1:
                #    continue
                a2M1 = wfs.setups.M_a[a2]
                a2M2 = a2M1 + wfs.setups[a2].nao
                P2_im = kpt.P_aaim[(a3, a2)]
                P1dHP2_mm = np.dot(P1dH_mi, P2_im)
                H_mM[:, a2M1:a2M2] += P1dHP2_mm
コード例 #19
    def apply(self, x_nG, y_nG):
        """Apply the linear operator in the Sternheimer equation to a vector.

        For the eigenvalue term the k-point is the one of the state.
        For the other terms the k-point to be used is the one given by the k+q
        phase of the first-order of the state. Only for q=0 do the two coincide.
        x_nG: ndarray
            Vector(s) to which the Sternheimer operator is applied.
        y_nG: ndarray
            Resulting vector(s).

        assert x_nG.ndim in (3, 4)
        assert x_nG.shape == y_nG.shape
        assert tuple(self.gd.n_c) == x_nG.shape[-3:]
        assert self.k is not None

        # k
        kpt = self.kpt_u[self.k]
        # k+q
        kplusqpt = self.kpt_u[self.kplusq]
        # Kintetic energy
        # k+q
        self.kin.apply(x_nG, y_nG, phase_cd=kplusqpt.phase_cd)

        # Local part of effective potential - no phase !!
        self.hamiltonian.apply_local_potential(x_nG, y_nG, kpt.s)
        # Non-local part from projectors (coefficients can not be reused)
        shape = x_nG.shape[:-3]
        P_ani = self.pt.dict(shape=shape)

        # k+q 
        self.pt.integrate(x_nG, P_ani, q=kplusqpt.k)

        for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_ani[a] = np.dot(P_ni, dH_ii)
        # k+q
        self.pt.add(y_nG, P_ani, q=kplusqpt.k)

        # XXX Eigenvalue term
        if self.n is not None:
            # k
            y_nG -= kpt.eps_n[self.n] * x_nG
            for n, x_G in enumerate(x_nG):
                # k
                y_nG[n] -= kpt.eps_n[n] * x_G

        # Project out undesired (numerical) components
        # k+q
コード例 #20
 def get_Fcore(self, q=0, indices=None):
     if indices is None:
         Fcore_ww = np.zeros_like(self.H_qww[q])
         Fcore_ww = np.zeros((len(indices), len(indices)))
     for a, P_wi in self.get_projections(q, indices).items():
         X_ii = unpack(self.calc.wfs.setups[a].X_p)
         Fcore_ww -= dots(P_wi, X_ii, P_wi.T.conj())
     return Fcore_ww * Hartree
コード例 #21
ファイル: pwf2.py プロジェクト: qsnake/gpaw
 def get_Fcore(self, q=0, indices=None):
     if indices is None:
         Fcore_ww = np.zeros_like(self.H_qww[q])
         Fcore_ww = np.zeros((len(indices), len(indices)))
     for a, P_wi in self.get_projections(q, indices).items():
         X_ii = unpack(self.calc.wfs.setups[a].X_p)
         Fcore_ww -= dots(P_wi, X_ii, P_wi.T.conj())
     return Fcore_ww * Hartree
コード例 #22
    def calculate_hamiltonian(self, wfs, kpt, dH_asp, H_MM, yy):
        avalues = self.get_a_values()

        dH_aii = dH_asp.partition.arraydict(
            [setup.dO_ii.shape for setup in wfs.setups], dtype=wfs.dtype)

        for a in avalues:
            dH_aii[a][:] = yy * unpack(dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
        self.calculate(wfs, kpt.q, dH_aii, H_MM)
コード例 #23
 def calculate(self, wfs, kpt, dH_asp, H_MM, y):
     Mstart = wfs.ksl.Mstart
     Mstop = wfs.ksl.Mstop
     dtype = wfs.dtype
     for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
         dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), dtype)
         dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), dtype)
         # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
         gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
         gemm(y, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
コード例 #24
ファイル: exx.py プロジェクト: Xu-Kai/lotsofcoresbook2code
 def initialize_paw_exx_corrections(self):
     for a, atomdata in enumerate(self.calc.wfs.setups):
         V_sii = []
         for D_p in self.calc.density.D_asp[a]:
             D_ii = unpack2(D_p)
             V_ii = pawexxvv(atomdata, D_ii)
         C_ii = unpack(atomdata.X_p)
         self.exxcc += atomdata.ExxC
コード例 #25
 def initialize_paw_exx_corrections(self):
     for a, atomdata in enumerate(self.calc.wfs.setups):
         V_sii = []
         for D_p in self.calc.density.D_asp[a]:
             D_ii = unpack2(D_p)
             V_ii = pawexxvv(atomdata, D_ii)
         C_ii = unpack(atomdata.X_p)
         self.exxcc += atomdata.ExxC
コード例 #26
    def apply_nonlocal_potential(self, psi_nG, y_nG, wfs, k, kplusq):
        """Derivate of the non-local PAW potential wrt an atomic displacement.

        k: int
            Index of the k-point being operated on.
        kplusq: int
            Index of the k+q vector.

        assert self.a is not None
        assert self.v is not None
        assert psi_nG.ndim in (3, 4)
        assert tuple(self.gd.n_c) == psi_nG.shape[-3:]
        if psi_nG.ndim == 3:
            n = 1
            n = psi_nG.shape[0] 
        a = self.a
        v = self.v
        P_ani = wfs.kpt_u[k].P_ani
        dP_aniv = wfs.kpt_u[k].dP_aniv
        pt = wfs.pt
        # < p_a^i | Psi_nk >
        P_ni = P_ani[a]
        # < dp_av^i | Psi_nk > - remember the sign convention of the derivative
        dP_ni = -1 * dP_aniv[a][...,v]
        # Expansion coefficients for the projectors on atom a
        dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_asp[a][0])
        # The derivative of the non-local PAW potential has two contributions
        # 1) Sum over projectors
        c_ni = np.dot(dP_ni, dH_ii)
        c_ani = pt.dict(shape=n, zero=True)
        c_ani[a] = c_ni
        # k+q !!
        pt.add(y_nG, c_ani, q=kplusq)

        # 2) Sum over derivatives of the projectors
        dc_ni = np.dot(P_ni, dH_ii)
        dc_ani = pt.dict(shape=n, zero=True)
        # Take care of sign of derivative in the coefficients
        dc_ani[a] = -1 * dc_ni
        # k+q !!
        pt.add_derivative(a, v, y_nG, dc_ani, q=kplusq)
コード例 #27
ファイル: fd.py プロジェクト: qsnake/gpaw
    def calculate_forces(self, hamiltonian, F_av):
        # Calculate force-contribution from k-points:
        F_aniv = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands, derivative=True)
        for kpt in self.kpt_u:
            self.pt.derivative(kpt.psit_nG, F_aniv, kpt.q)
            for a, F_niv in F_aniv.items():
                F_niv = F_niv.conj()
                F_niv *= kpt.f_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
                F_vii = np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), P_ni), dH_ii)
                F_niv *= kpt.eps_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
                F_vii -= np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), P_ni), dO_ii)
                F_av[a] += 2 * F_vii.real.trace(0, 1, 2)

            # Hack used in delta-scf calculations:
            if hasattr(kpt, 'c_on'):
                assert self.bd.comm.size == 1
                self.pt.derivative(kpt.psit_nG, F_aniv, kpt.q) #XXX again
                d_nn = np.zeros((self.bd.mynbands, self.bd.mynbands),
                for ne, c_n in zip(kpt.ne_o, kpt.c_on):
                    d_nn += ne * np.outer(c_n.conj(), c_n)
                for a, F_niv in F_aniv.items():
                    F_niv = F_niv.conj()
                    dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                    Q_ni = np.dot(d_nn, kpt.P_ani[a])
                    F_vii = np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), Q_ni), dH_ii)
                    F_niv *= kpt.eps_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                    dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
                    F_vii -= np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), Q_ni), dO_ii)
                    F_av[a] += 2 * F_vii.real.trace(0, 1, 2)

        self.bd.comm.sum(F_av, 0)

        if self.bd.comm.rank == 0:
            self.kpt_comm.sum(F_av, 0)
コード例 #28
ファイル: fd.py プロジェクト: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def calculate_forces(self, hamiltonian, F_av):
        # Calculate force-contribution from k-points:
        F_aniv = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands, derivative=True)
        for kpt in self.kpt_u:
            self.pt.derivative(kpt.psit_nG, F_aniv, kpt.q)
            for a, F_niv in F_aniv.items():
                F_niv = F_niv.conj()
                F_niv *= kpt.f_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
                F_vii = np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), P_ni), dH_ii)
                F_niv *= kpt.eps_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
                F_vii -= np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), P_ni), dO_ii)
                F_av[a] += 2 * F_vii.real.trace(0, 1, 2)

            # Hack used in delta-scf calculations:
            if hasattr(kpt, 'c_on'):
                assert self.bd.comm.size == 1
                self.pt.derivative(kpt.psit_nG, F_aniv, kpt.q)  #XXX again
                d_nn = np.zeros((self.bd.mynbands, self.bd.mynbands),
                for ne, c_n in zip(kpt.ne_o, kpt.c_on):
                    d_nn += ne * np.outer(c_n.conj(), c_n)
                for a, F_niv in F_aniv.items():
                    F_niv = F_niv.conj()
                    dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                    Q_ni = np.dot(d_nn, kpt.P_ani[a])
                    F_vii = np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), Q_ni), dH_ii)
                    F_niv *= kpt.eps_n[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
                    dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
                    F_vii -= np.dot(np.dot(F_niv.transpose(), Q_ni), dO_ii)
                    F_av[a] += 2 * F_vii.real.trace(0, 1, 2)

        self.bd.comm.sum(F_av, 0)

        if self.bd.comm.rank == 0:
            self.kpt_comm.sum(F_av, 0)
コード例 #29
ファイル: eigensolver.py プロジェクト: robwarm/gpaw-symm
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, Vt_xMM=None,
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized

        bf = wfs.basis_functions
        if Vt_xMM is None:
            wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
            vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
            Vt_xMM = bf.calculate_potential_matrices(vt_G)
            wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        if bf.gamma:
            y = 1.0
            H_MM = Vt_xMM[0]
            if wfs.dtype == complex:
                H_MM = H_MM.astype(complex)
            wfs.timer.start('Sum over cells')
            y = 0.5
            k_c = wfs.kd.ibzk_qc[kpt.q]
            H_MM = (0.5 + 0.0j) * Vt_xMM[0]
            for sdisp_c, Vt_MM in zip(bf.sdisp_xc, Vt_xMM)[1:]:
                H_MM += np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.dot(sdisp_c, k_c)) * Vt_MM
            wfs.timer.stop('Sum over cells')
        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(y, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(
            H_MM, root, add_hermitian_conjugate=(y == 0.5))
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
コード例 #30
ファイル: hamiltonian.py プロジェクト: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def get_vxc(self, density, wfs):
        """Calculate matrix elements of the xc-potential."""
        dtype = wfs.dtype
        nbands = wfs.nbands
        nu = len(wfs.kpt_u)
        if density.nt_sg is None:

        # Allocate space for result matrix
        Vxc_unn = np.empty((nu, nbands, nbands), dtype=dtype)

        # Get pseudo xc potential on the coarse grid
        Vxct_sG = self.gd.empty(self.nspins)
        Vxct_sg = self.finegd.zeros(self.nspins)
        if nspins == 1:
            self.xc.get_energy_and_potential(density.nt_sg[0], Vxct_sg[0])
            self.xc.get_energy_and_potential(density.nt_sg[0], Vxct_sg[0],
                                             density.nt_sg[1], Vxct_sg[1])
        for Vxct_G, Vxct_g in zip(Vxct_sG, Vxct_sg):
            self.restrict(Vxct_g, Vxct_G)
        del Vxct_sg

        # Get atomic corrections to the xc potential
        Vxc_asp = {}
        for a, D_sp in density.D_asp.items():
            Vxc_asp[a] = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
                D_sp, Vxc_asp[a])

        # Project potential onto the eigenstates
        for kpt, Vxc_nn in xip(wfs.kpt_u, Vxc_unn):
            s, q = kpt.s, kpt.q
            psit_nG = kpt.psit_nG

            # Project pseudo part
            r2k(.5 * self.gd.dv, psit_nG, Vxct_sG[s] * psit_nG, 0.0, Vxc_nn)
            tri2full(Vxc_nn, 'L')

            # Add atomic corrections
            # H_ij = \int dr phi_i(r) Ĥ phi_j^*(r)
            # P_ni = \int dr psi_n(r) pt_i^*(r)
            # Vxc_nm = \int dr phi_n(r) vxc(r) phi_m^*(r)
            #      + sum_ij P_ni H_ij P_mj^*
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                Vxc_ii = unpack(Vxc_asp[a][s])
                Vxc_nn += np.dot(P_ni, np.inner(H_ii, P_ni).conj())
        return Vxc_unn
コード例 #31
ファイル: coulomb.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
    def soft_pseudo(self, paw, H_nn, h_nn=None, u=0):
        if h_nn is None:
            h_nn = H_nn
        kpt = paw.wfs.kpt_u[u]
        pd = self.pair_density
        deg = 2 / self.nspins
        fmin = 1e-9
        Htpsit_nG = np.zeros(kpt.psit_nG.shape, self.dtype)

        for n1 in range(self.nbands):
            psit1_G = kpt.psit_nG[n1]
            f1 = kpt.f_n[n1] / deg
            for n2 in range(n1, self.nbands):
                psit2_G = kpt.psit_nG[n2]
                f2 = kpt.f_n[n2] / deg
                if f1 < fmin and f2 < fmin:

                pd.initialize(kpt, n1, n2)
                pd.add_compensation_charges(self.nt_G, self.rhot_g)
                                   charge=-float(n1 == n2),
                self.restrict(self.vt_g, self.vt_G)
                Htpsit_nG[n1] += f2 * self.vt_G * psit2_G
                if n1 != n2:
                    Htpsit_nG[n2] += f1 * self.vt_G * psit1_G

                v_aL = paw.density.ghat.dict()
                paw.density.ghat.integrate(self.vt_g, v_aL)
                for a, v_L in v_aL.items():
                    v_ii = unpack(np.dot(paw.wfs.setups[a].Delta_pL, v_L))
                    P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
                    h_nn[:, n1] += f2 * np.dot(P_ni, np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n2]))
                    if n1 != n2:
                             n2] += f1 * np.dot(P_ni, np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n1]))

        symmetrize(h_nn)  # Grrrr why!!! XXX

        # Fill in lower triangle
        r2k(0.5 * self.dv, kpt.psit_nG[:], Htpsit_nG, 1.0, H_nn)

        # Fill in upper triangle from lower
        tri2full(H_nn, 'L')
コード例 #32
    def soft_pseudo(self, paw, H_nn, h_nn=None, u=0):
        if h_nn is None:
            h_nn = H_nn
        kpt = paw.wfs.kpt_u[u]
        pd = self.pair_density
        deg = 2 / self.nspins
        fmin = 1e-9
        Htpsit_nG = np.zeros(kpt.psit_nG.shape, self.dtype)

        for n1 in range(self.nbands):
            psit1_G = kpt.psit_nG[n1]
            f1 = kpt.f_n[n1] / deg
            for n2 in range(n1, self.nbands):
                psit2_G = kpt.psit_nG[n2]
                f2 = kpt.f_n[n2] / deg
                if f1 < fmin and f2 < fmin:

                pd.initialize(kpt, n1, n2)
                pd.add_compensation_charges(self.nt_G, self.rhot_g)
                self.poisson_solve(self.vt_g, -self.rhot_g,
                                   charge=-float(n1 == n2), eps=1e-12,
                self.restrict(self.vt_g, self.vt_G)
                Htpsit_nG[n1] += f2 * self.vt_G * psit2_G
                if n1 != n2:
                    Htpsit_nG[n2] += f1 * self.vt_G * psit1_G

                v_aL = paw.density.ghat.dict()
                paw.density.ghat.integrate(self.vt_g, v_aL)
                for a, v_L in v_aL.items():
                    v_ii = unpack(np.dot(paw.wfs.setups[a].Delta_pL, v_L))
                    P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
                    h_nn[:, n1] += f2 * np.dot(P_ni, np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n2]))
                    if n1 != n2:
                        h_nn[:, n2] += f1 * np.dot(P_ni,
                                                   np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n1]))

        symmetrize(h_nn)  # Grrrr why!!! XXX

        # Fill in lower triangle
        r2k(0.5 * self.dv, kpt.psit_nG[:], Htpsit_nG, 1.0, H_nn)

        # Fill in upper triangle from lower
        tri2full(H_nn, 'L')
コード例 #33
    def half_apply(self, kpt, psit, hpsit, calculate_P_ani=True):
        """Applies the half-difference of the time-dependent Hamiltonian
        to the wavefunction psit of the k-point kpt.
        kpt: Kpoint
            the current k-point (kpt_u[index_of_k-point])
        psit: List of coarse grid
            the wavefuntions (on coarse grid) 
        hpsit: List of coarse grid
            the resulting "operated wavefunctions" (H psit)
        calculate_P_ani: bool
            When True, the integrals of projector times vectors
            P_ni = <p_i | psit> are calculated.
            When False, existing P_uni are used


        self.half_apply_local_potential(psit, hpsit, kpt.s)

        # Does exactly the same as last part of Hamiltonian.apply but
        # uses the difference between dH_asp at time t and t+dt.
        shape = psit.shape[:-3]
        P_axi = self.wfs.pt.dict(shape)

        if calculate_P_ani:
            self.wfs.pt.integrate(psit, P_axi, kpt.q)
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P_axi[a][:] = P_ni

        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_axi[a][:] = np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii)
        self.wfs.pt.add(hpsit, P_axi, kpt.q)

        if self.td_potential is not None:
            # FIXME: add half difference here... but maybe it's not important
            # as this will be used only for getting initial guess. So, should
            # not affect to the results, only to the speed of convergence.
            #raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #34
ファイル: tdopers.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def half_apply(self, kpt, psit, hpsit, calculate_P_ani=True):
        """Applies the half-difference of the time-dependent Hamiltonian
        to the wavefunction psit of the k-point kpt.
        kpt: Kpoint
            the current k-point (kpt_u[index_of_k-point])
        psit: List of coarse grid
            the wavefuntions (on coarse grid) 
        hpsit: List of coarse grid
            the resulting "operated wavefunctions" (H psit)
        calculate_P_ani: bool
            When True, the integrals of projector times vectors
            P_ni = <p_i | psit> are calculated.
            When False, existing P_uni are used


        self.half_apply_local_potential(psit, hpsit, kpt.s)

        # Does exactly the same as last part of Hamiltonian.apply but
        # uses the difference between dH_asp at time t and t+dt.
        shape = psit.shape[:-3]
        P_axi = self.wfs.pt.dict(shape)

        if calculate_P_ani:
            self.wfs.pt.integrate(psit, P_axi, kpt.q)
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P_axi[a][:] = P_ni

        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            P_axi[a][:] = np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii)
        self.wfs.pt.add(hpsit, P_axi, kpt.q)

        if self.td_potential is not None:
            # FIXME: add half difference here... but maybe it's not important
            # as this will be used only for getting initial guess. So, should
            # not affect to the results, only to the speed of convergence.
            #raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #35
ファイル: pw.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def hs(self, ham, q=-1, s=0, md=None):
        assert self.dtype == complex

        npw = len(self.pd.Q_qG[q])
        N = self.pd.tmp_R.size

        if md is None:
            H_GG = np.zeros((npw, npw), complex)
            S_GG = np.zeros((npw, npw), complex)
            G1 = 0
            G2 = npw
            H_GG = md.zeros(dtype=complex)
            S_GG = md.zeros(dtype=complex)
            G1, G2 = md.my_blocks(S_GG).next()[:2]

        H_GG.ravel()[G1::npw + 1] = (0.5 * self.pd.gd.dv / N *

        for G in range(G1, G2):
            x_G = self.pd.zeros(q=q)
            x_G[G] = 1.0
            H_GG[G - G1] += (self.pd.gd.dv / N *
                             self.pd.fft(ham.vt_sG[s] *
                                         self.pd.ifft(x_G, q), q))

        S_GG.ravel()[G1::npw + 1] = self.pd.gd.dv / N

        f_IG = self.pt.expand(q)
        nI = len(f_IG)
        dH_II = np.zeros((nI, nI))
        dS_II = np.zeros((nI, nI))
        I1 = 0
        for a in self.pt.my_atom_indices:
            dH_ii = unpack(ham.dH_asp[a][s])
            dS_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            I2 = I1 + len(dS_ii)
            dH_II[I1:I2, I1:I2] = dH_ii / N**2
            dS_II[I1:I2, I1:I2] = dS_ii / N**2
            I1 = I2

        H_GG += np.dot(f_IG.T[G1:G2].conj(), np.dot(dH_II, f_IG))
        S_GG += np.dot(f_IG.T[G1:G2].conj(), np.dot(dS_II, f_IG))
        return H_GG, S_GG
コード例 #36
ファイル: pw.py プロジェクト: Huaguiyuan/gpawDFT
    def hs(self, ham, q=-1, s=0, md=None):
        npw = len(self.pd.Q_qG[q])
        N = self.pd.tmp_R.size

        if md is None:
            H_GG = np.zeros((npw, npw), complex)
            S_GG = np.zeros((npw, npw), complex)
            G1 = 0
            G2 = npw
            H_GG = md.zeros(dtype=complex)
            S_GG = md.zeros(dtype=complex)
            if S_GG.size == 0:
                return H_GG, S_GG
            G1, G2 = next(md.my_blocks(S_GG))[:2]

        H_GG.ravel()[G1::npw + 1] = (0.5 * self.pd.gd.dv / N *

        for G in range(G1, G2):
            x_G = self.pd.zeros(q=q)
            x_G[G] = 1.0
            H_GG[G - G1] += (self.pd.gd.dv / N *
                             self.pd.fft(ham.vt_sG[s] *
                                         self.pd.ifft(x_G, q), q))

        S_GG.ravel()[G1::npw + 1] = self.pd.gd.dv / N

        f_IG = self.pt.expand(q)
        nI = len(f_IG)
        dH_II = np.zeros((nI, nI))
        dS_II = np.zeros((nI, nI))
        I1 = 0
        for a in self.pt.my_atom_indices:
            dH_ii = unpack(ham.dH_asp[a][s])
            dS_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            I2 = I1 + len(dS_ii)
            dH_II[I1:I2, I1:I2] = dH_ii / N**2
            dS_II[I1:I2, I1:I2] = dS_ii / N**2
            I1 = I2

        H_GG += np.dot(f_IG.T[G1:G2].conj(), np.dot(dH_II, f_IG))
        S_GG += np.dot(f_IG.T[G1:G2].conj(), np.dot(dS_II, f_IG))

        return H_GG, S_GG
コード例 #37
ファイル: hybrid.py プロジェクト: robwarm/gpaw-symm
def H_coulomb_val_core(paw, u=0):
    """Short description here.


                     core   *    *
             //       --   i(r) k(r') k(r) j (r')
       H   = || drdr' >   ----------------------
        ij   //       --          |r - r'|
    H_nn = np.zeros((paw.wfs.bd.nbands, paw.wfs.bd.nbands), dtype=paw.wfs.dtype)
    for a, P_ni in paw.wfs.kpt_u[u].P_ani.items():
        X_ii = unpack(paw.wfs.setups[a].X_p)
        H_nn += np.dot(P_ni.conj(), np.dot(X_ii, P_ni.T))
    from ase.units import Hartree
    return H_nn * Hartree
コード例 #38
ファイル: hybrid.py プロジェクト: yihsuanliu/gpaw
def H_coulomb_val_core(paw, u=0):
    """Short description here.


                     core   *    *
             //       --   i(r) k(r') k(r) j (r')
       H   = || drdr' >   ----------------------
        ij   //       --          |r - r'|
    H_nn = np.zeros((paw.wfs.nbands, paw.wfs.nbands), dtype=paw.wfs.dtype)
    for a, P_ni in paw.wfs.kpt_u[u].P_ani.items():
        X_ii = unpack(paw.wfs.setups[a].X_p)
        H_nn += np.dot(P_ni.conj(), np.dot(X_ii, P_ni.T))
    from ase.units import Hartree
    return H_nn * Hartree
コード例 #39
ファイル: dscftools.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
def dscf_hamiltonian_elements(paw, kpt):
    # Copy/paste from gpaw/eigensolvers/eigensolver.py lines 155-170 rev. 4808
    operator = paw.wfs.overlap.operator
    assert operator.nblocks == 1
    Htpsit_xG = operator.suggest_temporary_buffer(kpt.psit_nG.dtype)

    def H(psit_xG):
        paw.wfs.kin.apply(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt.phase_cd)
        paw.hamiltonian.apply_local_potential(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt.s)
        paw.hamiltonian.xc.add_non_local_terms(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt)
        return Htpsit_xG

    dH_aii = dict([(a, unpack(dH_sp[kpt.s])) for a, dH_sp \
        in paw.hamiltonian.dH_asp.items()])

    H_oo, H_nn = dscf_matrix_elements(paw, kpt, H, dH_aii)
    eps_o = H_oo.real.diagonal()
    return eps_o, H_oo, H_nn
コード例 #40
ファイル: dscftools.py プロジェクト: Huaguiyuan/gpawDFT
def dscf_hamiltonian_elements(paw, kpt):
    # Copy/paste from gpaw/eigensolvers/eigensolver.py lines 155-170 rev. 4808
    operator = paw.wfs.overlap.operator
    assert operator.nblocks == 1
    Htpsit_xG = operator.suggest_temporary_buffer(kpt.psit_nG.dtype)

    def H(psit_xG):
        paw.wfs.kin.apply(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt.phase_cd)
        paw.hamiltonian.apply_local_potential(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt.s)
        paw.hamiltonian.xc.add_non_local_terms(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, kpt)
        return Htpsit_xG

    dH_aii = dict([(a, unpack(dH_sp[kpt.s])) for a, dH_sp \
        in paw.hamiltonian.dH_asp.items()])

    H_oo, H_nn = dscf_matrix_elements(paw, kpt, H, dH_aii)
    eps_o = H_oo.real.diagonal()
    return eps_o, H_oo, H_nn
コード例 #41
ファイル: sic.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def add_forces(self, F_av):
        # Calculate changes in projections
        deg = 3-self.nspins
        F_amiv = self.pt.dict(self.nocc, derivative=True)
        self.pt.derivative(self.phit_mG, F_amiv)
        for m in range(self.nocc):
            # Force from compensation charges:
            dF_aLv = self.ghat.dict(derivative=True)
            self.ghat.derivative(self.vHt_mg[m], dF_aLv)
            for a, dF_Lv in dF_aLv.items():
                F_av[a] -= deg*self.coulomb_factor * np.dot(self.Q_maL[m][a], dF_Lv)        

            # Force from projectors
            for a, F_miv in F_amiv.items():
                F_vi = F_miv[m].T.conj()
                dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_amp[a][m])
                P_i = self.P_ami[a][m]
                F_v = np.dot(np.dot(F_vi, dH_ii), P_i)
                F_av[a] += deg* 2 * F_v.real
コード例 #42
    def calculate_residuals(self, kpt, wfs, hamiltonian, psit_xG, P_axi, eps_x,
                            R_xG, n_x=None, calculate_change=False):
        """Calculate residual.

        From R=Ht*psit calculate R=H*psit-eps*S*psit."""
        for R_G, eps, psit_G in zip(R_xG, eps_x, psit_xG):
            axpy(-eps, psit_G, R_G)

        c_axi = {}
        for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
            dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
            dO_ii = hamiltonian.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_xi = (np.dot(P_xi, dH_ii) -
                    np.dot(P_xi * eps_x[:, np.newaxis], dO_ii))
            c_axi[a] = c_xi
        hamiltonian.xc.add_correction(kpt, psit_xG, R_xG, P_axi, c_axi, n_x,
        wfs.pt.add(R_xG, c_axi, kpt.q)
コード例 #43
    def add_forces(self, F_av):
        # Calculate changes in projections
        deg = 3 - self.nspins
        F_amiv = self.pt.dict(self.nocc, derivative=True)
        self.pt.derivative(self.phit_mG, F_amiv)
        for m in range(self.nocc):
            # Force from compensation charges:
            dF_aLv = self.ghat.dict(derivative=True)
            self.ghat.derivative(self.vHt_mg[m], dF_aLv)
            for a, dF_Lv in dF_aLv.items():
                F_av[a] -= deg * self.coulomb_factor * np.dot(
                    self.Q_maL[m][a], dF_Lv)

            # Force from projectors
            for a, F_miv in F_amiv.items():
                F_vi = F_miv[m].T.conj()
                dH_ii = unpack(self.dH_amp[a][m])
                P_i = self.P_ami[a][m]
                F_v = np.dot(np.dot(F_vi, dH_ii), P_i)
                F_av[a] += deg * 2 * F_v.real
コード例 #44
    def iterate(self, hamiltonian, wfs):
        if not self.initialized:
        r = self.gd.r_g
        h = r[0]
        N = len(r)
        lmax = len(self.f_sln[0]) - 1
        setup = wfs.setups[0]

        e_n = np.zeros(N)

        for s in range(wfs.nspins):
            dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[0][s])
            kpt = wfs.kpt_u[s]
            N1 = 0
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                H = self.T_l[l] + np.diag(hamiltonian.vt_sg[s])
                i1 = 0
                for pt1, l1 in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                    i2 = 0
                    for pt2, l2 in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                        if l1 == l2 == l:
                            H += (h * dH_ii[i1, i2] *
                                  np.outer(pt1 * r,  pt2 * r))
                        i2 += 2 * l2 + 1
                    i1 += 2 * l1 + 1
                general_diagonalize(H, e_n, self.S_l[l].copy())

                for n in range(len(self.f_sln[s][l])):
                    N2 = N1 + 2 * l + 1
                    kpt.eps_n[N1:N2] = e_n[n]
                    kpt.psit_nG[N1:N2] = H[n] / r / sqrt(h)
                    i1 = 0
                    for pt, ll in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                        i2 = i1 + 2 * ll + 1
                        if ll == l:
                            P = np.dot(kpt.psit_nG[N1], pt * r**2) * h
                            kpt.P_ani[0][N1:N2, i1:i2] = P * np.eye(2 * l + 1)
                        i1 = i2
                    N1 = N2
コード例 #45
    def iterate(self, hamiltonian, wfs):
        if not self.initialized:

        r = self.gd.r_g
        h = r[0]
        N = len(r)
        lmax = len(self.f_sln[0]) - 1
        setup = wfs.setups[0]

        e_n = np.zeros(N)

        for s in range(wfs.nspins):
            dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[0][s])
            kpt = wfs.kpt_u[s]
            N1 = 0
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                H = self.T_l[l] + np.diag(hamiltonian.vt_sg[s])
                i1 = 0
                for pt1, l1 in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                    i2 = 0
                    for pt2, l2 in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                        if l1 == l2 == l:
                            H += (h * dH_ii[i1, i2] *
                                  np.outer(pt1 * r, pt2 * r))
                        i2 += 2 * l2 + 1
                    i1 += 2 * l1 + 1
                general_diagonalize(H, e_n, self.S_l[l].copy())

                for n in range(len(self.f_sln[s][l])):
                    N2 = N1 + 2 * l + 1
                    kpt.eps_n[N1:N2] = e_n[n]
                    kpt.psit_nG[N1:N2] = H[n] / r / sqrt(h)
                    i1 = 0
                    for pt, ll in zip(self.pt_j, setup.l_j):
                        i2 = i1 + 2 * ll + 1
                        if ll == l:
                            P = np.dot(kpt.psit_nG[N1], pt * r**2) * h
                            kpt.P_ani[0][N1:N2, i1:i2] = P * np.eye(2 * l + 1)
                        i1 = i2
                    N1 = N2
コード例 #46
    def get_component(self, wfs, s, vt_sG, dH_asp, kpt, H_MM):
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_sG[s], H_MM, kpt.q)

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a][s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
コード例 #47
    def get_component(self, wfs, s, vt_sG, dH_asp, kpt, H_MM):
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_sG[s], H_MM, kpt.q)

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a][s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
コード例 #48
ファイル: pwf2.py プロジェクト: qsnake/gpaw
def get_xc2(calc, w_wG, P_awi, spin=0):
    if calc.density.nt_sg is None:
    nt_g = calc.density.nt_sg[spin]
    vxct_g = calc.density.finegd.zeros()
    calc.hamiltonian.xc.get_energy_and_potential(nt_g, vxct_g)
    vxct_G = calc.wfs.gd.empty()
    calc.hamiltonian.restrict(vxct_g, vxct_G)

    # Integrate pseudo part
    Nw = len(w_wG)
    xc_ww = np.empty((Nw, Nw))
    r2k(0.5 * calc.wfs.gd.dv, w_wG, vxct_G * w_wG, 0.0, xc_ww)
    tri2full(xc_ww, "L")

    # Add atomic PAW corrections
    for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
        D_sp = calc.density.D_asp[a][:]
        H_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
        calc.wfs.setups[a].xc_correction.calculate_energy_and_derivatives(D_sp, H_sp)
        H_ii = unpack(H_sp[spin])
        xc_ww += dots(P_wi, H_ii, P_wi.T.conj())
    return xc_ww * Hartree
コード例 #49
 def atomic_val_val(self, paw, H_nn, u=0):
     deg = 2 / self.nspins
     kpt = paw.wfs.kpt_u[u]
     for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
         # Add atomic corrections to the valence-valence exchange energy
         # --
         # >  D   C     D
         # --  ii  iiii  ii
         setup = paw.wfs.setups[a]
         D_p = paw.density.D_asp[a][kpt.s]
         H_p = np.zeros_like(D_p)
         D_ii = unpack2(D_p)
         ni = len(D_ii)
         for i1 in range(ni):
             for i2 in range(ni):
                 A = 0.0
                 for i3 in range(ni):
                     p13 = packed_index(i1, i3, ni)
                     for i4 in range(ni):
                         p24 = packed_index(i2, i4, ni)
                         A += setup.M_pp[p13, p24] * D_ii[i3, i4]
                 p12 = packed_index(i1, i2, ni)
                 H_p[p12] -= 2 / deg * A / ((i1 != i2) + 1)
         H_nn += np.dot(P_ni, np.inner(unpack(H_p), P_ni.conj()))
コード例 #50
def get_xc2(calc, w_wG, P_awi, spin=0):
    if calc.density.nt_sg is None:
    nt_g = calc.density.nt_sg[spin]
    vxct_g = calc.density.finegd.zeros()
    calc.hamiltonian.xc.get_energy_and_potential(nt_g, vxct_g)
    vxct_G = calc.wfs.gd.empty()
    calc.hamiltonian.restrict_and_collect(vxct_g, vxct_G)

    # Integrate pseudo part
    Nw = len(w_wG)
    xc_ww = np.empty((Nw, Nw))
    r2k(.5 * calc.wfs.gd.dv, w_wG, vxct_G * w_wG, .0, xc_ww)
    tri2full(xc_ww, 'L')

    # Add atomic PAW corrections
    for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
        D_sp = calc.density.D_asp[a][:]
        H_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
            D_sp, H_sp)
        H_ii = unpack(H_sp[spin])
        xc_ww += dots(P_wi, H_ii, P_wi.T.conj())
    return xc_ww * Hartree
コード例 #51
ファイル: projected_wannier.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
def get_lcao_projections_HSP(calc, bfs=None, spin=0, projectionsonly=True):
    """Some title.

    if projectionsonly is True, return the projections::

      V_qnM = <psi_qn | Phi_qM>

    else, also return the Hamiltonian, overlap, and projector overlaps::

      H_qMM  = <Phi_qM| H |Phi_qM'>
      S_qMM  = <Phi_qM|Phi_qM'>
      P_aqMi = <pt^a_qi|Phi_qM>
    if calc.wfs.kpt_comm.size != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Parallelization over spin/kpt not '
                                  'implemented yet.')
    spos_ac = calc.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.
    comm = calc.wfs.gd.comm
    nq = len(calc.wfs.ibzk_qc)
    Nk = calc.wfs.nibzkpts
    nao = calc.wfs.setups.nao
    dtype = calc.wfs.dtype
    if bfs is None:
        bfs = get_bfs(calc)
    tci = TwoCenterIntegrals(calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv,

    # Calculate projector overlaps, and (lower triangle of-) S and T matrices
    S_qMM = np.zeros((nq, nao, nao), dtype)
    T_qMM = np.zeros((nq, nao, nao), dtype)
    P_aqMi = {}

    for a in bfs.my_atom_indices:
        ni = calc.wfs.setups[a].ni
        P_aqMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, nao, ni), dtype)
    tci.calculate(spos_ac, S_qMM, T_qMM, P_aqMi)
    add_paw_correction_to_overlap(calc.wfs.setups, P_aqMi, S_qMM)
    # Calculate projections
    V_qnM = np.zeros((nq, calc.wfs.bd.nbands, nao), dtype)
    for kpt in calc.wfs.kpt_u:
        if kpt.s != spin:
        V_nM = V_qnM[kpt.q]
        #bfs.integrate2(kpt.psit_nG[:], V_nM, kpt.q) # all bands to save time
        for n, V_M in enumerate(V_nM): # band-by-band to save memory
            bfs.integrate2(kpt.psit_nG[n][:], V_M, kpt.q)
        for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
            dS_ii = calc.wfs.setups[a].dO_ii
            P_Mi = P_aqMi[a][kpt.q]
            V_nM += np.dot(P_ni, np.inner(dS_ii, P_Mi).conj())
    if projectionsonly:
        return V_qnM

    # Determine potential matrix
    vt_G = calc.hamiltonian.vt_sG[spin]
    H_qMM = np.zeros((nq, nao, nao), dtype)
    for q, H_MM in enumerate(H_qMM):
        bfs.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, H_MM, q)

    # Make Hamiltonian as sum of kinetic (T) and potential (V) matrices
    # and add atomic corrections
    for a, P_qMi in P_aqMi.items():
        dH_ii = unpack(calc.hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][spin])
        for P_Mi, H_MM in zip(P_qMi, H_qMM):
            H_MM += np.dot(P_Mi, np.inner(dH_ii, P_Mi).conj())
    H_qMM += T_qMM
    # Fill in the upper triangles of H and S
    for H_MM, S_MM in zip(H_qMM, S_qMM):
    H_qMM *= Hartree

    return V_qnM, H_qMM, S_qMM, P_aqMi
コード例 #52
    def iterate_one_k_point(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt):
        """Do Davidson iterations for the kpoint"""
        niter = self.niter
        nbands = self.nbands

        gd = wfs.matrixoperator.gd

        psit_nG, Htpsit_nG = self.subspace_diagonalize(hamiltonian, wfs, kpt)
        # Note that psit_nG is now in self.operator.work1_nG and
        # Htpsit_nG is in kpt.psit_nG!

        H_2n2n = self.H_2n2n
        S_2n2n = self.S_2n2n
        eps_2n = self.eps_2n
        psit2_nG = reshape(self.Htpsit_nG, psit_nG.shape)

        R_nG = Htpsit_nG
        self.calculate_residuals(kpt, wfs, hamiltonian, psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.eps_n, R_nG)

        def integrate(a_G, b_G):
            return np.real(wfs.integrate(a_G, b_G, global_integral=False))

        for nit in range(niter):
            H_2n2n[:] = 0.0
            S_2n2n[:] = 0.0

            norm_n = np.zeros(nbands)
            error = 0.0
            for n in range(nbands):
                if kpt.f_n is None:
                    weight = kpt.weight
                    weight = kpt.f_n[n]
                if self.nbands_converge != "occupied":
                    if n < self.nbands_converge:
                        weight = kpt.weight
                        weight = 0.0
                error += weight * integrate(R_nG[n], R_nG[n])

                ekin = self.preconditioner.calculate_kinetic_energy(psit_nG[n : n + 1], kpt)
                psit2_nG[n] = self.preconditioner(R_nG[n : n + 1], kpt, ekin)

                if self.normalize:
                    norm_n[n] = integrate(psit2_nG[n], psit2_nG[n])

                H_2n2n[n, n] = kpt.eps_n[n]
                S_2n2n[n, n] = 1.0

            if self.normalize:
                for norm, psit2_G in zip(norm_n, psit2_nG):
                    psit2_G *= norm ** -0.5

            # Calculate projections
            P2_ani = wfs.pt.dict(nbands)
            wfs.pt.integrate(psit2_nG, P2_ani, kpt.q)

            # Hamiltonian matrix
            # <psi2 | H | psi>
            wfs.apply_pseudo_hamiltonian(kpt, hamiltonian, psit2_nG, Htpsit_nG)
            gd.integrate(psit_nG, Htpsit_nG, global_integral=False, _transposed_result=self.H_nn)
            # gemm(1.0, psit_nG, Htpsit_nG, 0.0, self.H_nn, 'c')

            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P2_ni = P2_ani[a]
                dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                self.H_nn += np.dot(P2_ni, np.dot(dH_ii, P_ni.T.conj()))

            gd.comm.sum(self.H_nn, 0)
            H_2n2n[nbands:, :nbands] = self.H_nn

            # <psi2 | H | psi2>
            gd.integrate(psit2_nG, Htpsit_nG, global_integral=False, _transposed_result=self.H_nn)
            # r2k(0.5 * gd.dv, psit2_nG, Htpsit_nG, 0.0, self.H_nn)
            for a, P2_ni in P2_ani.items():
                dH_ii = unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s])
                self.H_nn += np.dot(P2_ni, np.dot(dH_ii, P2_ni.T.conj()))

            gd.comm.sum(self.H_nn, 0)
            H_2n2n[nbands:, nbands:] = self.H_nn

            # Overlap matrix
            # <psi2 | S | psi>
            gd.integrate(psit_nG, psit2_nG, global_integral=False, _transposed_result=self.S_nn)
            # gemm(1.0, psit_nG, psit2_nG, 0.0, self.S_nn, 'c')

            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P2_ni = P2_ani[a]
                dO_ii = wfs.setups[a].dO_ii
                self.S_nn += np.dot(P2_ni, np.inner(dO_ii, P_ni.conj()))

            gd.comm.sum(self.S_nn, 0)
            S_2n2n[nbands:, :nbands] = self.S_nn

            # <psi2 | S | psi2>
            gd.integrate(psit2_nG, psit2_nG, global_integral=False, _transposed_result=self.S_nn)
            # rk(gd.dv, psit2_nG, 0.0, self.S_nn)
            for a, P2_ni in P2_ani.items():
                dO_ii = wfs.setups[a].dO_ii
                self.S_nn += np.dot(P2_ni, np.dot(dO_ii, P2_ni.T.conj()))

            gd.comm.sum(self.S_nn, 0)
            S_2n2n[nbands:, nbands:] = self.S_nn

            if gd.comm.rank == 0:
                m = 0
                if self.smin:
                    s_N, U_NN = np.linalg.eigh(S_2n2n)
                    m = int((s_N < self.smin).sum())

                if m == 0:
                    general_diagonalize(H_2n2n, eps_2n, S_2n2n)
                    T_Nn = np.dot(U_NN[:, m:], np.diag(s_N[m:] ** -0.5))
                    H_2n2n[:nbands, nbands:] = H_2n2n[nbands:, :nbands].conj().T
                    eps_2n[:-m], P_nn = np.linalg.eigh(np.dot(np.dot(T_Nn.T.conj(), H_2n2n), T_Nn))
                    H_2n2n[:-m] = np.dot(T_Nn, P_nn).T

            gd.comm.broadcast(H_2n2n, 0)
            gd.comm.broadcast(eps_2n, 0)

            kpt.eps_n[:] = eps_2n[:nbands]

            # Rotate psit_nG
            gd.gemm(1.0, psit_nG, H_2n2n[:nbands, :nbands], 0.0, Htpsit_nG)
            gd.gemm(1.0, psit2_nG, H_2n2n[:nbands, nbands:], 1.0, Htpsit_nG)
            psit_nG, Htpsit_nG = Htpsit_nG, psit_nG

            # Rotate P_uni:
            for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
                P2_ni = P2_ani[a]
                gemm(1.0, P_ni.copy(), H_2n2n[:nbands, :nbands], 0.0, P_ni)
                gemm(1.0, P2_ni, H_2n2n[:nbands, nbands:], 1.0, P_ni)

            if nit < niter - 1:
                wfs.apply_pseudo_hamiltonian(kpt, hamiltonian, psit_nG, Htpsit_nG)
                R_nG = Htpsit_nG
                self.calculate_residuals(kpt, wfs, hamiltonian, psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.eps_n, R_nG)

        error = gd.comm.sum(error)
        return error, psit_nG
コード例 #53
    def apply_orbital_dependent_hamiltonian(self,
        if kpt.f_n is None:

        deg = 2 // self.nspins  # Spin degeneracy
        hybrid = self.hybrid
        P_ani = kpt.P_ani
        setups = self.setups
        is_cam = self.is_cam

        vt_g = self.finegd.empty()
        if self.gd is not self.finegd:
            vt_G = self.gd.empty()
        if self.rsf == 'Yukawa':
            y_vt_g = self.finegd.empty()
            # if self.gd is not self.finegd:
            #     y_vt_G = self.gd.empty()

        nocc = int(ceil(kpt.f_n.sum())) // (3 - self.nspins)
        if self.excitation is not None:
            ex_band = nocc - self.excited - 1
            if self.excitation == 'singlet':
                ex_weight = -1
            elif self.excitation == 'triplet':
                ex_weight = +1
                ex_weight = 0

        if self.unocc or self.excitation is not None:
            nbands = len(kpt.f_n)
            nbands = nocc
        self.nocc_s[kpt.s] = nocc

        if Htpsit_nG is not None:
            kpt.vt_nG = self.gd.empty(nbands)
            kpt.vxx_ani = {}
            kpt.vxx_anii = {}
            for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
                I = P_ni.shape[1]
                kpt.vxx_ani[a] = np.zeros((nbands, I))
                kpt.vxx_anii[a] = np.zeros((nbands, I, I))

        exx = 0.0
        ekin = 0.0

        # XXXX nbands can be different numbers on different cpus!
        # That means some will execute the loop and others not.
        # And deadlocks with augment-grids.

        # Determine pseudo-exchange
        for n1 in range(nbands):
            psit1_G = psit_nG[n1]
            f1 = kpt.f_n[n1] / deg
            for n2 in range(n1, nbands):
                psit2_G = psit_nG[n2]
                f2 = kpt.f_n[n2] / deg
                if n1 != n2 and f1 == 0 and f1 == f2:
                    continue  # Don't work on double unocc. bands
                # Double count factor:
                dc = (1 + (n1 != n2)) * deg
                nt_G, rhot_g = self.calculate_pair_density(
                    n1, n2, psit_nG, P_ani)
                vt_g[:] = 0.0
                # XXXXX This will go wrong because we are solving the
                # Poisson equation on the distribution of gd, not finegd
                # Or maybe it's fixed now

                                         charge=-float(n1 == n2),
                vt_g *= hybrid
                if self.rsf == 'Yukawa':
                    y_vt_g[:] = 0.0
                                                      charge=-float(n1 == n2),
                    if is_cam:  # Cam like correction
                        y_vt_g *= self.cam_beta
                        y_vt_g *= hybrid
                    vt_g -= y_vt_g
                if self.gd is self.finegd:
                    vt_G = vt_g
                    self.restrictor.apply(vt_g, vt_G)

                # Integrate the potential on fine and coarse grids
                int_fine = self.finegd.integrate(vt_g * rhot_g)
                int_coarse = self.gd.integrate(vt_G * nt_G)
                if self.gd.comm.rank == 0:  # only add to energy on master CPU
                    exx += 0.5 * dc * f1 * f2 * int_fine
                    ekin -= dc * f1 * f2 * int_coarse
                if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                    Htpsit_nG[n1] += f2 * vt_G * psit2_G
                    if n1 == n2:
                        kpt.vt_nG[n1] = f1 * vt_G
                        if self.excitation is not None and n1 == ex_band:
                            Htpsit_nG[nocc:] += f1 * vt_G * psit_nG[nocc:]
                        if self.excitation is None or n1 != ex_band \
                                or n2 < nocc:
                            Htpsit_nG[n2] += f1 * vt_G * psit1_G
                            Htpsit_nG[n2] += f1 * ex_weight * vt_G * psit1_G

                    # Update the vxx_uni and vxx_unii vectors of the nuclei,
                    # used to determine the atomic hamiltonian, and the
                    # residuals
                    v_aL = self.ghat.dict()
                    self.ghat.integrate(vt_g, v_aL)
                    for a, v_L in v_aL.items():
                        v_ii = unpack(np.dot(setups[a].Delta_pL, v_L))
                        v_ni = kpt.vxx_ani[a]
                        v_nii = kpt.vxx_anii[a]
                        P_ni = P_ani[a]
                        v_ni[n1] += f2 * np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n2])
                        if n1 != n2:
                            if self.excitation is None or n1 != ex_band or \
                                    n2 < nocc:
                                v_ni[n2] += f1 * np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n1])
                                v_ni[n2] += f1 * ex_weight * \
                                    np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n1])
                            # XXX Check this:
                            v_nii[n1] = f1 * v_ii
                            if self.excitation is not None and n1 == ex_band:
                                for nuoc in range(nocc, nbands):
                                    v_ni[nuoc] += f1 * \
                                        np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[nuoc])

        def calculate_vv(ni, D_ii, M_pp, weight, addme=False):
            """Calculate the local corrections depending on Mpp."""
            dexx = 0
            dekin = 0
            if not addme:
                addsign = -2.0
                addsign = 2.0
            for i1 in range(ni):
                for i2 in range(ni):
                    A = 0.0
                    for i3 in range(ni):
                        p13 = packed_index(i1, i3, ni)
                        for i4 in range(ni):
                            p24 = packed_index(i2, i4, ni)
                            A += M_pp[p13, p24] * D_ii[i3, i4]
                    p12 = packed_index(i1, i2, ni)
                    if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                        dH_p[p12] += addsign * weight / \
                            deg * A / ((i1 != i2) + 1)
                    dekin += 2 * weight / deg * D_ii[i1, i2] * A
                    dexx -= weight / deg * D_ii[i1, i2] * A
            return (dexx, dekin)

        # Apply the atomic corrections to the energy and the Hamiltonian
        # matrix
        for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
            setup = setups[a]

            if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                # Add non-trivial corrections the Hamiltonian matrix
                h_nn = symmetrize(
                    np.inner(P_ni[:nbands], kpt.vxx_ani[a][:nbands]))
                ekin -= np.dot(kpt.f_n[:nbands], h_nn.diagonal())

                dH_p = dH_asp[a][kpt.s]

            # Get atomic density and Hamiltonian matrices
            D_p = self.density.D_asp[a][kpt.s]
            D_ii = unpack2(D_p)
            ni = len(D_ii)

            # Add atomic corrections to the valence-valence exchange energy
            # --
            # >  D   C     D
            # --  ii  iiii  ii
            (dexx, dekin) = calculate_vv(ni, D_ii, setup.M_pp, hybrid)
            ekin += dekin
            exx += dexx
            if self.rsf is not None:
                Mg_pp = setup.calculate_yukawa_interaction(self.omega)
                if is_cam:
                    (dexx, dekin) = calculate_vv(ni,
                    (dexx, dekin) = calculate_vv(ni,
                ekin -= dekin
                exx -= dexx
            # Add valence-core exchange energy
            # --
            # >  X   D
            # --  ii  ii
            if setup.X_p is not None:
                exx -= hybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)
                if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                    dH_p -= hybrid * setup.X_p
                    ekin += hybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)

                if self.rsf == 'Yukawa' and setup.X_pg is not None:
                    if is_cam:
                        thybrid = self.cam_beta  # 0th order
                        thybrid = hybrid
                    exx += thybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_pg)
                    if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                        dH_p += thybrid * setup.X_pg
                        ekin -= thybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_pg)
                elif self.rsf == 'Yukawa' and setup.X_pg is None:
                    thybrid = exp(-3.62e-2 * self.omega)  # educated guess
                    if is_cam:
                        thybrid *= self.cam_beta
                        thybrid *= hybrid
                    exx += thybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)
                    if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                        dH_p += thybrid * setup.X_p
                        ekin -= thybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)
                # Add core-core exchange energy
                if kpt.s == 0:
                    if self.rsf is None or is_cam:
                        if is_cam:
                            exx += self.cam_alpha * setup.ExxC
                            exx += hybrid * setup.ExxC

        self.exx_s[kpt.s] = self.gd.comm.sum(exx)
        self.ekin_s[kpt.s] = self.gd.comm.sum(ekin)
コード例 #54
ファイル: hybrid.py プロジェクト: robwarm/gpaw-symm
    def apply_orbital_dependent_hamiltonian(self, kpt, psit_nG,
                                            Htpsit_nG=None, dH_asp=None):
        if kpt.f_n is None:
        deg = 2 // self.nspins   # Spin degeneracy
        hybrid = self.hybrid
        P_ani = kpt.P_ani
        setups = self.setups

        vt_g = self.finegd.empty()
        if self.gd is not self.finegd:
            vt_G = self.gd.empty()

        nocc = int(kpt.f_n.sum()) // (3 - self.nspins)
        if self.unocc:
            nbands = len(kpt.f_n)
            nbands = nocc
        self.nocc_s[kpt.s] = nocc

        if Htpsit_nG is not None:
            kpt.vt_nG = self.gd.empty(nbands)
            kpt.vxx_ani = {}
            kpt.vxx_anii = {}
            for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
                I = P_ni.shape[1]
                kpt.vxx_ani[a] = np.zeros((nbands, I))
                kpt.vxx_anii[a] = np.zeros((nbands, I, I))

        exx = 0.0
        ekin = 0.0

        # Determine pseudo-exchange
        for n1 in range(nbands):
            psit1_G = psit_nG[n1]
            f1 = kpt.f_n[n1] / deg
            for n2 in range(n1, nbands):
                psit2_G = psit_nG[n2]
                f2 = kpt.f_n[n2] / deg

                # Double count factor:
                dc = (1 + (n1 != n2)) * deg
                nt_G, rhot_g = self.calculate_pair_density(n1, n2, psit_nG,
                vt_g[:] = 0.0
                iter = self.poissonsolver.solve(vt_g, -rhot_g,
                                                charge=-float(n1 == n2),
                vt_g *= hybrid

                if self.gd is self.finegd:
                    vt_G = vt_g
                    self.restrictor.apply(vt_g, vt_G)

                # Integrate the potential on fine and coarse grids
                int_fine = self.finegd.integrate(vt_g * rhot_g)
                int_coarse = self.gd.integrate(vt_G * nt_G)
                if self.gd.comm.rank == 0:  # only add to energy on master CPU
                    exx += 0.5 * dc * f1 * f2 * int_fine
                    ekin -= dc * f1 * f2 * int_coarse
                if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                    Htpsit_nG[n1] += f2 * vt_G * psit2_G
                    if n1 == n2:
                        kpt.vt_nG[n1] = f1 * vt_G
                        Htpsit_nG[n2] += f1 * vt_G * psit1_G

                    # Update the vxx_uni and vxx_unii vectors of the nuclei,
                    # used to determine the atomic hamiltonian, and the 
                    # residuals
                    v_aL = self.ghat.dict()
                    self.ghat.integrate(vt_g, v_aL)
                    for a, v_L in v_aL.items():
                        v_ii = unpack(np.dot(setups[a].Delta_pL, v_L))
                        v_ni = kpt.vxx_ani[a]
                        v_nii = kpt.vxx_anii[a]
                        P_ni = P_ani[a]
                        v_ni[n1] += f2 * np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n2])
                        if n1 != n2:
                            v_ni[n2] += f1 * np.dot(v_ii, P_ni[n1])
                            # XXX Check this:
                            v_nii[n1] = f1 * v_ii

        # Apply the atomic corrections to the energy and the Hamiltonian matrix
        for a, P_ni in P_ani.items():
            setup = setups[a]

            if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                # Add non-trivial corrections the Hamiltonian matrix
                h_nn = symmetrize(np.inner(P_ni[:nbands], 
                ekin -= np.dot(kpt.f_n[:nbands], h_nn.diagonal())

                dH_p = dH_asp[a][kpt.s]
            # Get atomic density and Hamiltonian matrices
            D_p  = self.density.D_asp[a][kpt.s]
            D_ii = unpack2(D_p)
            ni = len(D_ii)
            # Add atomic corrections to the valence-valence exchange energy
            # --
            # >  D   C     D
            # --  ii  iiii  ii
            for i1 in range(ni):
                for i2 in range(ni):
                    A = 0.0
                    for i3 in range(ni):
                        p13 = packed_index(i1, i3, ni)
                        for i4 in range(ni):
                            p24 = packed_index(i2, i4, ni)
                            A += setup.M_pp[p13, p24] * D_ii[i3, i4]
                    p12 = packed_index(i1, i2, ni)
                    if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                        dH_p[p12] -= 2 * hybrid / deg * A / ((i1 != i2) + 1)
                    ekin += 2 * hybrid / deg * D_ii[i1, i2] * A
                    exx -= hybrid / deg * D_ii[i1, i2] * A
            # Add valence-core exchange energy
            # --
            # >  X   D
            # --  ii  ii
            if setup.X_p is not None:
                exx -= hybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)
                if Htpsit_nG is not None:
                    dH_p -= hybrid * setup.X_p
                    ekin += hybrid * np.dot(D_p, setup.X_p)

                # Add core-core exchange energy
                if kpt.s == 0:
                    exx += hybrid * setup.ExxC

        self.exx_s[kpt.s] = self.gd.comm.sum(exx)
        self.ekin_s[kpt.s] = self.gd.comm.sum(ekin)