コード例 #1
ファイル: graph-cnn.py プロジェクト: thosvarley/propofol_cnn
def make_laplacian_directory(fname_input):
    levs = 3
    A = genfromtxt(fname_input, delimiter=',')
    A_ = sparse.csr_matrix(A).astype(np.float32)

    graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A_, levels=levs, self_connections=False)
    L_list = [graph.laplacian(g, normalized=True) for g in graphs]
    L = L_list[0].astype(np.float32)
    return L, perm, levs, L_list
コード例 #2
    def coarsening_pooling(self, normalize=True):

        adj = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(self.adjacency_matrix)
        for i in range(len(self.pooling_sizes)):

            adj_coarsened, pooling_matrices = self._coarserning_pooling_(
                adj, self.pooling_sizes[i], normalize)

            pooling_matrices = np.array(pooling_matrices)

            self.layer2pooling_matrices[i] = pooling_matrices
            adj = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adj_coarsened)

        #num_nodes_before_final = adj_coarsened.shape[0]
        #if num_nodes_before_final < 4:
        #num_nodes_before_final = 4
        num_nodes_before_final = 4
        pooling_matrices_final = [
            sp.lil_matrix((adj_coarsened.shape[0], 1))
            for i in range(num_nodes_before_final)
        if adj_coarsened.shape[0] > 1:
            L_i = graph.laplacian(adj_coarsened, normalize)
            lamb_i, U_i = graph.fourier(L_i)

            for j in range(num_nodes_before_final):
                if j < adj_coarsened.shape[0]:
                    if U_i[0, j] < 0:
                        pooling_matrices_final[j][:, 0] = -U_i[:, j].reshape(
                            -1, 1)
                                                  0] = U_i[:,
                                                           j].reshape(-1, 1)
                    if U_i[0, adj_coarsened.shape[0] - 1] < 0:
                            j][:, 0] = -U_i[:, adj_coarsened.shape[0] -
                                            1].reshape(-1, 1)
                                                  0] = U_i[:, adj_coarsened.
                                                           shape[0] -
                                                           1].reshape(-1, 1)

            for j in range(num_nodes_before_final):
                pooling_matrices_final[j][:, 0] = adj_coarsened.reshape(-1, 1)

        self.layer2pooling_matrices[i + 1] = pooling_matrices_final
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Dario-Mantegazza/GDL_HW1
def coarsen(A, levels):
    graphs, parents = coarsening.metis(A, levels)  # Coarsen a graph multiple times using Graclus variation of the METIS algorithm.
    # Basically, we randomly sort the nodes, we iterate on them and we decided to group each node
    # with the neighbor having highest w_ij * 1/(\sum_k w_ik) + w_ij * 1/(\sum_k w_kj)
    # i.e. highest sum of probabilities to randomly walk from i to j and from j to i.
    # We thus favour strong connections (i.e. the ones with high weight wrt all the others for both nodes)
    # in the choice of the neighbor of each node.

    # Construction is done a priori, so we have one graph for all the samples!

    # graphs = list of spare adjacency matrices (it contains in position
    #          0 the original graph)
    # parents = list of numpy arrays (every array in position i contains
    #           the mapping from graph i to graph i+1, i.e. the idx of
    #           node i in the coarsed graph -> that is, the idx of its cluster)
    perms = coarsening.compute_perm(parents)  # Return a list of indices to reorder the adjacency and data matrices so
    # that two consecutive nodes correspond to neighbors that should be collapsed
    # to produce the coarsed version of the graph.
    # Fake nodes are appended for each node which is not grouped with anybody else
    laplacians = []
    for i, A in enumerate(graphs):
        M, M = A.shape

        # We remove self-connections created by metis.
        A = A.tocoo()

        if i < levels:  # if we have to pool the graph
            A = coarsening.perm_adjacency(A, perms[i])  # matrix A is here extended with the fakes nodes
            # in order to do an efficient pooling operation
            # in tensorflow as it was a 1D pooling

        A = A.tocsr()
        Mnew, Mnew = A.shape
        print('Layer {0}: M_{0} = |V| = {1} nodes ({2} added), |E| = {3} edges'.format(i, Mnew, Mnew - M, A.nnz // 2))

        L = graph.laplacian(A, normalized=normalized_laplacian)

    return laplacians, perms[0] if len(perms) > 0 else None
コード例 #4
        while os.path.exists(full_tb_path):
            run_number += 1
            full_tb_path = tb_path+"train_run"+str(run_number)
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(full_tb_path, sess.graph)
            self.op_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
            for i in range(iterations):
                print i
                next_batch = self.inputs.next_batch(self.batch_size)

                inputs = {"data:0": next_batch[0], "labels:0": next_batch[1], "do_rate:0": .5}

                sess.run(self.op_train, feed_dict=inputs)
                if i%10 == 0:
                    writer.add_summary(sess.run(self.op_summary, feed_dict=inputs), i)
                    print i

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_data = datasets.test_singles()
    #train_data = datasets.train_singles()
    coords = np.asarray([[float(cord) for cord in re.split("\n | ", line)] for line in open("234_coords_3column.txt")])
    dist, idx = graph.distance_scipy_spatial(coords, k=10, metric="euclidean")
    adj = graph.adjacency(dist, idx).astype(np.float64)
    L = graph.laplacian(adj, normalized=True)
    comp_graph = tf.Graph()
    with comp_graph.as_default():
        A = deep_cgnn(comp_graph, L, test_data, batch_size=1)
コード例 #5
def prepare_graphs():
    p = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../survivalnet/data/Brain_Integ.mat')
    D = sio.loadmat(p)
    T = np.asarray([t[0] for t in D['Survival']])
    O = 1 - np.asarray([c[0] for c in D['Censored']])
    X = D['Integ_X']  #[:,1855:]
    X = (X - np.mean(X, axis=0)) / np.std(X, axis=0)
    fold_size = int(10 * len(X) / 100)
    X_train, T_train, O_train = X[2 * fold_size:], T[2 *
                                                     fold_size:], O[2 *
    X_test, T_test, O_test = X[:fold_size], T[:fold_size], O[:fold_size]
    X_val, T_val, O_val = X[fold_size:2 *
                            fold_size], T[fold_size:2 *
                                          fold_size], O[fold_size:2 *
    print_log('train and test shapes:' + str(X_train.shape) +
    if not LOAD_A:
        start = time.time()
        dist, idx = graph.distance_scipy_spatial(X_train.T,
        print_log('graph constructed:' + str(dist.shape) + str(idx.shape) +
                  ' in ' + str(time.time() - start))
        A = graph.adjacency(dist, idx).astype(np.float32)
        d = X.shape[1]
        assert A.shape == (d, d)
        print('d = |V| = {}, k|V| < |E| = {}'.format(d, A.nnz))
    #plt.spy(A, markersize=2, color='black');
        start = time.time()
        loader = np.load('A.npz')
        A = csr_matrix((loader['data'], loader['indices'], loader['indptr']),
        print_log('graph loaded:' + ' in ' + str(time.time() - start))
        print('adjacency matrix type and shape: ', A.__class__, A.shape)
    start = time.time()
    graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A, levels=CL, self_connections=False)
    print_log('graph coarsened:' + ' in ' + str(time.time() - start))
    X_train = coarsening.perm_data(X_train, perm)
    X_val = coarsening.perm_data(X_val, perm)
    X_test = coarsening.perm_data(X_test, perm)
    print_log('train and test shapes:' + str(X_train.shape) +
    L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True) for A in graphs]

    n_train = len(X_train)
    params = dict()
    params['dir_name'] = 'demo'
    params['num_epochs'] = 2000
    params['batch_size'] = int(len(X_train) / 1.0)
    params['eval_frequency'] = 10

    # Building blocks.
    params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
    params['brelu'] = 'b1relu'
    params['pool'] = 'apool1'

    # Architecture.
    params['F'] = [8, 8, 8]  # Number of graph convolutional filters.
    params['K'] = [9, 9, 9]  # Polynomial orders.
    params['p'] = [2, 2, 2]  # Pooling sizes.
    params['M'] = [128, 1]  # Output dimensionality of fully connected layers.

    # Optimization.
    params['regularization'] = 0
    params['dropout'] = 1
    params['learning_rate'] = 1e-4
    params['decay_rate'] = 0.999
    params['momentum'] = 0
    params['decay_steps'] = n_train / params['batch_size']
    model = models.cgcnn(L, **params)
    accuracy, loss, t_step = model.cox_fit(X_train, T_train, O_train, X_val,
                                           T_val, O_val)
コード例 #6
ファイル: train.py プロジェクト: xujinglin/MVGCN
def train(method, view_com, n_views, k, m, n_epoch, batch_size, pairs, labels,
          coords, subj, data, data_type, i_fold):
    str_params = view_com + '_k' + str(k) + '_m' + str(m) + '_'
    obj_params = 'softmax'

    print('Construct ROI graphs...')
    t_start = time.process_time()
    # A = grid_graph(86, corners=False)
    # A = graph.replace_random_edges(A, 0)
    coo1, coo2, coo3 = coords.shape  # coo2 is the roi dimension
    features = np.zeros([coo1 * coo3, coo2])
    for i in range(coo3):
        features[coo1 * i:coo1 * (i + 1), :] = coords[:, :, i]
    dist, idx = graph.distance_scipy_spatial(np.transpose(features),
    A = graph.adjacency(dist, idx).astype(np.float32)

    if method == '2gcn':
        graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A,
        L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True) for A in graphs]
        data = coarsening.perm_data1(data, perm, True)
        graphs = list()
        L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True)]

    print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.process_time() - t_start))
    # graph.plot_spectrum(L)
    del A

    print('Set parameters...')
    mp = model_perf()
    # Architecture.
    common = {}
    common['dir_name'] = 'ppmi/'
    common['num_epochs'] = n_epoch
    common['batch_size'] = batch_size
    common['eval_frequency'] = 5 * common['num_epochs']
    common['patience'] = 5
    common['regularization'] = 5e-3
    common['dropout'] = 1
    common['learning_rate'] = 1e-2
    common['decay_rate'] = 0.95
    common['momentum'] = 0.9
    common['n_views'] = n_views
    common['view_com'] = view_com
    # common['brelu']          = 'b1relu'
    # common['pool']           = 'mpool1'

    print('Get feed pairs and labels...')
    train_pairs, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_pairs, test_y = get_feed_data(
        data, subj, pairs, labels, method)
    C = max(train_y) + 1
    common['decay_steps'] = train_pairs.shape[0] / (common['batch_size'] * 5)

    if method == 'fnn':
        str_params += 'siamese_'
        name = 'mvfnn'
        params = common.copy()
        params['method'] = 'fnn'
        params['fin'] = 1
        params['F'] = [m]
        params['K'] = [1]
        params['p'] = [1]
        params['M'] = [C]
        params['dir_name'] += name
        mp.test(models.siamese_fnn(L, **params), name, params, data,
                train_pairs, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_pairs, test_y)

    if method == '2fnn':
        str_params += 'siamese_layer2_'
        name = 'mvfnn2'
        params = common.copy()
        params['method'] = 'fnn'
        params['fin'] = 1
        params['F'] = [m]
        params['K'] = [1]
        params['p'] = [1]
        params['M'] = [64, C]
        params['dir_name'] += name
        mp.test(models.siamese_fnn(L, **params), name, params, data,
                train_pairs, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_pairs, test_y)

    if method == 'gcn':
        # str_params += 'b_max_eu_'
        name = 'mvgcn'
        params = common.copy()
        params['method'] = 'gcn'
        params['F'] = [m]  # filters
        params['K'] = [k]  # supports
        params['p'] = [1]
        params['M'] = [C]
        params['fin'] = val_x.shape[3]
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
        params['brelu'] = 'b2relu'
        params['pool'] = 'apool1'
        mp.test(models.siamese_m_cgcnn(L, **params), name, params, data,
                train_pairs, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_pairs, test_y)

    # Common hyper-parameters for LeNet5-like networks.
    if method == '2gcn':
        str_params += 'p4_fc64_'
        name = 'mvgcn2'
        params = common.copy()
        params['method'] = '2gcn'
        params['F'] = [m, 64]  # filters
        params['K'] = [k, k]  # supports
        params['p'] = [4, 4]
        params['M'] = [512, C]
        params['fin'] = val_x.shape[3]
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
        params['brelu'] = 'b2relu'
        params['pool'] = 'apool1'
        mp.test(models.siamese_m_cgcnn(L, **params), name, params, data,
                train_pairs, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_pairs, test_y)

    # mp.save(data_type)
    method_type = method + '_'
    mp.fin_result(method_type + data_type + str_params + obj_params, i_fold)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: 326623/cnn_graph
    # Connections are only vertical or horizontal on the grid.
    # Corner vertices are connected to 2 neightbors only.
    if corners:
        import scipy.sparse
        A = A.toarray()
        A[A < A.max()/1.5] = 0
        A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A)
        print('{} edges'.format(A.nnz))

    print("{} > {} edges".format(A.nnz//2, FLAGS.number_edges*m**2//2))
    return A

t_start = time.process_time()
A = grid_graph(28, corners=False)
A = graph.replace_random_edges(A, 0)
L = graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True)
print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.process_time() - t_start))
# graph.plot_spectrum(L)
del A

gcnn = GCNN(L, 10, 10, 10)
batch_size = 200
epochs = 20
prefetch_size = 1

train_data_copy = train_data.map(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, 1)).batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
train_labels_copy = train_labels.batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
train_data = train_data.map(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, 1)).batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
train_labels = train_labels.batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
val_data = val_data.map(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, 1)).batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
val_labels = val_labels.batch(batch_size).prefetch(prefetch_size)
コード例 #8
        return (x, y)

def MAELoss(out, truth):
    err = out.data.numpy() - truth.data.numpy()
    MAE = np.average(np.abs(err))
    return MAE

train_data = PopDataset(t1=20, t2=10)
train_loader = Data.DataLoader(dataset=train_data, batch_size=15, shuffle=True)

mex = pd.read_csv('E:/NN/Metro_train/Metro_roadMap.csv', index_col=0)
a = mex.as_matrix()
w = sp.csc_matrix(a).astype(float)
L = laplacian(w)

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.L = L
        self.input_dim = input_dim
コード例 #9
ファイル: train.py プロジェクト: xuzhenxing2019/MemGCN
def train(modality, method, data_type, distance, k, fdim, nhops, mem_size, code_size, n_words, edim, n_epoch, batch_size, pairs, labels, coords, data, records, i_fold):
    str_params = '_' + modality + '_' + distance + '_k' + str(k) + '_fdim' + str(fdim) + '_nhops' + str(nhops) + '_memsize' + str(mem_size) + '_codesize' + str(code_size) + '_nwords' + str(n_words) + '_edim' + str(edim)

    print ('Construct ROI graphs...')
    t_start = time.process_time()
    coo1, coo2, coo3 = coords.shape # coo2 is the roi dimension
    features = np.zeros([coo1*coo3, coo2])
    for i in range(coo3):
        features[coo1*i:coo1*(i+1), :] = coords[:, :, i]
    dist, idx = graph.distance_scipy_spatial(np.transpose(features), k=10, metric='euclidean')
    A = graph.adjacency(dist, idx).astype(np.float32)
    if method == '2gcn':
        graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A, levels=FLAGS.coarsening_levels, self_connections=False)
        L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True) for A in graphs]
        data = coarsening.perm_data1(data, perm)
        graphs = list()
        L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True)]
    print ('The number of GCN layers: ', len(L))
    print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.process_time() - t_start))
    # graph.plot_spectrum(L)
    del A

    print ('Set parameters...')
    mp = model_perf(i_fold, get_pair_label(pairs, labels))
    # Architecture.
    common = {}
    common['dir_name']       = 'ppmi/'
    common['num_epochs']     = n_epoch
    common['batch_size']     = batch_size
    common['eval_frequency'] = 5 * common['num_epochs']
    common['patience']       = 5
    common['regularization'] = 1e-2
    common['dropout']        = 1
    common['learning_rate']  = 5e-3
    common['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    common['momentum']       = 0.9
    common['init_std']       = 5e-2

    print ('Get feed pairs and labels...')
    train_pairs, val_pairs, test_pairs = pairs
    train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_x, test_y = get_feed_data(data, pairs, labels, method)
    train_r, val_r, test_r = get_feed_records(records, pairs, mem_size, code_size, method)
    C = max(train_y)+1
    common['decay_steps']    = train_x.shape[0] / common['batch_size']

    if method == 'MemGCN':
        # str_params += ''
        name = 'cgconv_softmax'
        params = common.copy()
        params['method'] = method
        params['p']              = [1] # pooling size
        params['M']              = [C]
        params['K']              = k    # support number
        params['nhops']          = nhops # hop number
        params['fdim']           = fdim # filters dimension
        params['edim']           = edim # embeddings dimension
        params['mem_size']       = mem_size # the length of sequential records
        params['code_size']      = code_size # the size of one record
        params['n_words']        = n_words # feature dimension
        params['distance']       = distance
        params['fin'] = train_x.shape[2]
        params['dir_name'] += name
        params['filter'] = 'chebyshev5'
        params['brelu'] = 'b2relu'
        params['pool'] = 'apool1'
        mp.test(models.siamese_cgcnn_mem(L, **params), name, params,
                        data, records, train_x, train_r, train_y,
                        val_x, val_r, val_y, test_x, test_r, test_y,
                        train_pairs, test_pairs)

    # mp.save(data_type)
    method_type = method + '_'
    mp.fin_result(method_type + data_type + str_params, i_fold)
コード例 #10
    # Corner vertices are connected to 2 neightbors only.
    if corners:
        import scipy.sparse
        A = A.toarray()
        A[A < A.max()/1.5] = 0
        A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A)
        print('{} edges'.format(A.nnz))

    print("{} > {} edges".format(A.nnz//2, FLAGS.number_edges*m**2//2))
    return A

t_start = timeit.default_timer()
A = grid_graph(58, corners=False)
A = graph.replace_random_edges(A, 0)
graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A, levels=FLAGS.coarsening_levels, self_connections=False)
L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True) for A in graphs]
print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(timeit.default_timer() - t_start))
del A

# # Data

with gzip.open('../data/syn_adhd_train_data_quater_scale.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:  
    X_train = pickle.load(f)
X = zip(*X_train)[0]
labels = zip(*X_train)[1]
X = np.asarray(X)
y = np.asarray(labels)
コード例 #11
def fGraph(inFIDDic, series_size=3, is_distance=True):
    # # 1 get the label of this sample.
    k = list(inFIDDic.keys())[0]
    label = 1 if inFIDDic[k][0] == 3 else 0
    # # 2 get the feature vector of vertices.
    #     representing the building object (one vertice) by a feature vector,
    #     Fourer expansion or Geometry description.
    #     the number of buildings (vertices) in one building group (a sample)
    subObject_size = len(inFIDDic[k][1])
    XY_coords, vertice, coords = [], [], []

    for i in range(0, subObject_size):

        # one building in the sample.
        subObject = inFIDDic[k][1][i]

        [density] = inFIDDic[k][2][i]

        # Calculate the basic indicators of polygon.
        # Geometry descriptors: area, peri, SMBR_area
        [[CX, CY], area,
         peri] = geoutils.get_basic_parametries_of_Poly(subObject)
        XY_coords.append([CX, CY, i])

        compactness = area / math.pow(0.282 * peri, 2)
        OBB, SMBR_area = geoutils.mininumAreaRectangle(subObject)
        orientation = OBB.Orientation()
        length_width = OBB.e1 / OBB.e0 if OBB.e0 > OBB.e1 else OBB.e0 / OBB.e1
        area_radio = area / (OBB.e1 * OBB.e0 * 4)
        # print("area={}, peri={}, SMBR_area={}".format(area, peri, SMBR_area))

        # Five basic indices. Faster
        geometry_vector = [
            orientation, area, length_width, area_radio, compactness

        # More indices and more slowly.
        if True:
            # preparatory work
            uniform_coords = np.array([[(j[0] - CX), (j[1] - CY)]
                                       for j in subObject])
            uniform_size = len(uniform_coords)
            # Closing the polygon.
            if uniform_coords[0][0] - uniform_coords[uniform_size - 1][
                    0] != 0 or uniform_coords[0][1] - uniform_coords[
                        uniform_size - 1][1] != 0:

            # Part One. Size indicators: CONVEX_area, MEAN_radius, LONG_chord
            convexHull = ConvexHull(uniform_coords)
            CONVEX_area = convexHull.area

            sum_radius, size_radius, MEAN_radius, LONG_chord = 0, 0, 0, 0
            for j in range(0, uniform_size - 1):
                sum_radius += math.sqrt(
                    uniform_coords[j][0] * uniform_coords[j][0] +
                    uniform_coords[j][1] * uniform_coords[j][1])
                size_radius += 1
            if size_radius != 0:
                MEAN_radius = sum_radius / size_radius

            pairwise_distances, index_j, index_h = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(
                n_jobs=1), 0, 0
            for j in range(0, len(pairwise_distances)):
                for h in range(j, len(pairwise_distances)):
                    if (pairwise_distances[j, h] > LONG_chord):
                        LONG_chord, index_j, index_h = pairwise_distances[
                            j, h], j, h

            SECOND_chord, index_p, index_q = 0, 0, 0
            for j in range(0, len(pairwise_distances)):
                for h in range(j, len(pairwise_distances)):
                    if pairwise_distances[j, h] > SECOND_chord:
                        if j != index_j and h != index_h:
                            SECOND_chord, index_p, index_q = pairwise_distances[
                                j, h], j, h

            # Part two. Orientation indicators: LONGEDGE_orien, SMBR_orien, WEIGHT_orien

            from_longedge, to_longedge = uniform_coords[convexHull.vertices[
                index_j]], uniform_coords[convexHull.vertices[index_h]]
            LONGEDGE_orien = abs(
                math.atan2(from_longedge[0] - to_longedge[0],
                           from_longedge[1] - to_longedge[1]))

            from_secondedge, to_secondedge = uniform_coords[
                convexHull.vertices[index_p]], uniform_coords[
            SENCONDEDGE_orien = abs(
                math.atan2(from_secondedge[0] - to_secondedge[0],
                           from_secondedge[1] - to_secondedge[1]))

            #LONGEDGE_dis = math.sqrt((from_longedge[0]-to_longedge[0])*(from_longedge[0]-to_longedge[0]) + (from_longedge[1]-to_longedge[1])*(from_longedge[1]-to_longedge[1]))
            SECONDEDGE_dis = math.sqrt(
                (from_secondedge[0] - to_secondedge[0]) *
                (from_secondedge[0] - to_secondedge[0]) +
                (from_secondedge[1] - to_secondedge[1]) *
                (from_secondedge[1] - to_secondedge[1]))

            BISSECTOR_orien = (LONGEDGE_orien * LONG_chord +
                               SENCONDEDGE_orien * SECONDEDGE_dis) / (
                                   LONG_chord + SECONDEDGE_dis)
            # print("LONG_width={}, LONGEDGE_dis={}".format(LONG_width, LONGEDGE_dis))

            SMBR_orien, WALL_orien, WEIGHT_orien = orientation, 0, 0

            # Calculate vertical width agaist long cord.
            # line equation:
            longedge_a, longedge_b, longedge_c = geoutils2.get_equation(
                from_longedge, to_longedge)
            LONG_width, up_offset, down_offset = 0, longedge_c, longedge_c
            for j in range(0, uniform_size - 1):
                crossing_product = longedge_a * uniform_coords[j][
                    0] + longedge_b * uniform_coords[j][1]
                if crossing_product + up_offset < 0:
                    up_offset = -crossing_product
                if crossing_product + down_offset > 0:
                    down_offset = -crossing_product
            longedge_square = math.sqrt(longedge_a * longedge_a +
                                        longedge_b * longedge_b)
            if longedge_square == 0:
                LONG_width = abs(up_offset - down_offset)
                LONG_width = abs(up_offset - down_offset) / longedge_square

            edge_orien_weight, edge_length_sun, edge_tuple, candidate_max = 0, 0, [], 0
            for j in range(0, uniform_size - 1):
                dx, dy = uniform_coords[j + 1][0] - uniform_coords[j][
                    0], uniform_coords[j + 1][1] - uniform_coords[j][1]
                edge_orien = (math.atan2(dx, dy) + math.pi) % (math.pi / 2.0)
                # edge_orien = (math.atan2(dx, dy) + 2*math.pi) % math.pi
                # edge_orien = math.atan2(dx, dy)
                edge_length = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

                edge_orien_weight += edge_length * edge_orien
                edge_length_sun += edge_length

                edge_tuple.append([edge_orien, edge_length])
                # add test code.
                # print("edge_length={},  edge_orien={}".format(edge_length, edge_orien*180/math.pi))
            WALL_orien = edge_orien_weight / edge_length_sun

            for j in range(0, 90):
                candidate_orien, candidate_weight = j * math.pi / 180, 0
                for j in range(0, len(edge_tuple)):
                    if abs(edge_tuple[j][0] - candidate_orien) < math.pi / 24:
                        candidate_weight += (
                            math.pi / 24 -
                            abs(edge_tuple[j][0] - candidate_orien)
                        ) * edge_tuple[j][1] / (math.pi / 24)
                if candidate_weight > candidate_max:
                    candidate_max, WEIGHT_orien = candidate_weight, candidate_orien

            # Part three. shape indices: Diameter-Perimeter-Area- measurements

            RIC_compa, IPQ_compa, FRA_compa = area / peri, 4 * math.pi * area / (
                peri * peri), 1 - math.log(area) * .5 / math.log(peri)
            GIB_compa, Div_compa = 2 * math.sqrt(
                math.pi * area) / LONG_chord, 4 * area / (LONG_chord * peri)

            # Part four. shape indices: Related shape

            # fit_Ellipse = geoutils2.fitEllipse(np.array(uniform_coords)[:,0], np.array(uniform_coords)[:,1])
            # ellipse_axi = geoutils2.ellipse_axis_length(fit_Ellipse)
            # elongation, ellipticity, concavity = length_width, ellipse_axi[0]/ellipse_axi[1] if ellipse_axi[1] != 0 else 1, area/convexHull.area
            elongation, ellipticity, concavity = length_width, LONG_width / LONG_chord, area / convexHull.area

            radius, standard_circle, enclosing_circle = math.sqrt(
                area / math.pi), [], geoutils2.make_circle(uniform_coords)
            for j in range(0, 60):
                    math.cos(2 * math.pi * j / 100) * radius,
                    math.sin(2 * math.pi * j / 100) * radius

            standard_intersection = Polygon(uniform_coords).intersection(
            standard_union = Polygon(uniform_coords).union(

            DCM_index = area / (math.pi * enclosing_circle[2] *
            BOT_index = 1 - standard_intersection.area / area

            closest_length, closest_sun, closest_size, BOY_measure = [], 0, 0, 0
            for j in range(0, 40):
                x, y = math.cos(2 * math.pi * j / 40) * peri, math.sin(
                    2 * math.pi * j / 40) * peri
                closest_point, is_test = geoutils2.find_intersection(
                    uniform_coords, [x, y])
                if is_test:
                    print("k={},  i={},  j={}".format(k, i, j))
                    # plt.plot([0, closest_point[0]], [0, closest_point[1]]) # debug

                if closest_point is not None:
                    # plt.plot([0, closest_point[0]], [0, closest_point[1]]) # debug
                        math.sqrt(closest_point[0] * closest_point[0] +
                                  closest_point[1] * closest_point[1]))
                    closest_sun += math.sqrt(
                        closest_point[0] * closest_point[0] +
                        closest_point[1] * closest_point[1])
                    closest_size += 1
                #    print("Maybe the centerpoint is not in the polygon.")
            for j in closest_length:
                BOY_measure += abs(100 * j / closest_sun - 100 / closest_size)
            BOY_index = 1 - BOY_measure / 200

            # Part six. shape indices: Dispersion of elements / components of area
            M02, M20, M11 = 0, 0, 0
            for j in range(0, uniform_size - 1):
                M02 += (uniform_coords[j][1]) * (uniform_coords[j][1])
                M20 += (uniform_coords[j][0]) * (uniform_coords[j][0])
                M11 += (uniform_coords[j][0]) * (uniform_coords[j][1])

            Eccentricity = ((M02 + M20) * (M02 + M20) + 4 * M11) / area

            geometry_vector = [CX, CY, area, peri, LONG_chord, MEAN_radius, \
                               SMBR_orien, LONGEDGE_orien, BISSECTOR_orien, WEIGHT_orien, \
                               RIC_compa, IPQ_compa, FRA_compa, GIB_compa, Div_compa, \
                               elongation, ellipticity, concavity, DCM_index, BOT_index, BOY_index, \
                               M11, Eccentricity, \
            geometry_vector = [CX, CY, area, peri, MEAN_radius, \
                               SMBR_orien, WEIGHT_orien, \
                               IPQ_compa, FRA_compa, elongation, concavity, BOT_index, \

    # # 3 get the adjacency graph of the building group (one sample).
    # KNN, MST, Delaunay = 1, 2, 3.
    vertice = np.array(vertice)
    points = np.array(XY_coords)
    adjacency = np.zeros((subObject_size, subObject_size))
    # print(points[:,0:2])
    tri = Delaunay(points[:, 0:2])
    for i in range(0, tri.nsimplex):
        if i > tri.neighbors[i, 2]:
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 0], tri.vertices[i, 1]] = 1
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 1], tri.vertices[i, 0]] = 1
        if i > tri.neighbors[i, 0]:
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 1], tri.vertices[i, 2]] = 1
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 2], tri.vertices[i, 1]] = 1
        if i > tri.neighbors[i, 1]:
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 2], tri.vertices[i, 0]] = 1
            adjacency[tri.vertices[i, 0], tri.vertices[i, 2]] = 1
    adjacency = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(adjacency,
                                        shape=(subObject_size, subObject_size))

    distances = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(points[:, 0:2],
    if False:
        # Distance matrix. is it necessary to be normalized?
        idx = np.argsort(distances)[:, 1:1 + 1]
        distances = graph.adjacency(distances[:, 1:1 + 1], idx)
        adjacency = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
            np.ones((subObject_size, subObject_size)),
            shape=(subObject_size, subObject_size)).multiply(distances)
        print(distances.toarray())  # adjacency = adjacency.multiply(distances)
        adjacency = adjacency.multiply(distances)
        if False:
            adjacency = scipy.sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(adjacency)
            adjacency = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adjacency).toarray()
            adjacency += adjacency.T - np.diag(adjacency.diagonal())
            # print(adjacency)
            # distances = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(points[:,0:2], metric="euclidean", n_jobs=1)
            adjacency = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adjacency).toarray()

    if False:
        file = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ahtor\thesis\gcnn\data\_used_bk.txt'
        file = "./data/_config_22.txt"
        conc = np.loadtxt(file)
        #print((vertice[0,3] - conc[0,1]) / conc[1,1])
        vertice_shape = vertice[:, 2:].shape
        vertice[:, 2:] -= np.tile(conc[0, :],
        vertice[:, 2:] /= np.tile(conc[1, :],

    if len(vertice) < 128 and False:
        vertice = np.pad(vertice, ((0, 128 - len(vertice)), (0, 0)),
        adjacency = np.pad(adjacency, ((0, 128 - adjacency.shape[0]),
                                       (0, 128 - adjacency.shape[0])),

    laplacian = graph.laplacian(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adjacency),
    return coords, np.array(vertice), np.array(adjacency), laplacian, np.array(
コード例 #12
    def _coarserning_pooling_(self,
        num_nodes = adjacency_matrix[:, 0].shape[0]
        A_dense = adjacency_matrix.todense()
        num_clusters = int(num_nodes / pooling_size)
        if num_clusters == 0:
            num_clusters = num_clusters + 1
        sc = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=num_clusters,

        clusters = dict()
        for inx, label in enumerate(sc.labels_):
            if label not in clusters:
                clusters[label] = []
        num_clusters = len(clusters)

        num_nodes_in_largest_clusters = 0
        for label in clusters:
            if len(clusters[label]) >= num_nodes_in_largest_clusters:

                num_nodes_in_largest_clusters = len(clusters[label])
        if num_nodes_in_largest_clusters <= 5:
            num_nodes_in_largest_clusters = 5

        num_nodes_in_largest_clusters = 5

        Adjacencies_per_cluster = [
            adjacency_matrix[clusters[label], :][:, clusters[label]]
            for label in range(len(clusters))
        ######## Get inter matrix
        A_int = sp.lil_matrix(adjacency_matrix)

        for i in range(len(clusters)):
            zero_list = list(set(range(num_nodes)) - set(clusters[i]))
            for j in clusters[i]:
                A_int[j, zero_list] = 0
                A_int[zero_list, j] = 0

######## Getting adjacenccy matrix wuith only external links
        A_ext = adjacency_matrix - A_int
        ######## Getting cluster vertex indicate matrix

        row_inds = []
        col_inds = []
        data = []

        for i in clusters:
            for j in clusters[i]:

        Omega = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row_inds, col_inds)))
        A_coarsened = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(Omega), A_ext), Omega)

        ########## Constructing pooling matrix

        pooling_matrices = [
            sp.lil_matrix((num_nodes, num_clusters))
            for i in range(num_nodes_in_largest_clusters)

        for i in clusters:
            adj = Adjacencies_per_cluster[i]

            if len(clusters[i]) > 1:
                L_i = graph.laplacian(adj, normalize)
                lamb_i, U_i = graph.fourier(L_i)

                for j in range(num_nodes_in_largest_clusters):
                    if j < len(clusters[i]):
                        if U_i[0, j] < 0:
                                                i] = -U_i[:, j].reshape(-1, 1)
                                                i] = U_i[:, j].reshape(-1, 1)
                        if U_i[0, len(clusters[i]) - 1] < 0:
                                                i] = -U_i[:,
                                                          len(clusters[i]) -
                                                          1].reshape(-1, 1)
                                                i] = U_i[:,
                                                         len(clusters[i]) -
                                                         1].reshape(-1, 1)

                for j in range(num_nodes_in_largest_clusters):

                    pooling_matrices[j][clusters[i], i] = adj.reshape(-1, 1)

        return A_coarsened, pooling_matrices
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, config, rng):
        self.config = config
        self.rng = rng
        self.model_dir = config.model_dir
        self.gpu_memory_fraction = config.gpu_memory_fraction
        self.checkpoint_secs = config.checkpoint_secs
        self.log_step = config.log_step
        self.num_epoch = config.num_epochs
        self.stop_win_size = config.stop_win_size
        self.stop_early = config.stop_early

        ## import data Loader ##ir
        batch_size = config.batch_size
        server_name = config.server_name
        mode = config.mode
        target = config.target
        sample_rate = config.sample_rate
        win_size = config.win_size
        hist_range = config.hist_range
        s_month = config.s_month
        e_month = config.e_month
        e_date = config.e_date
        s_date = config.s_date
        data_rm = config.data_rm
        coarsening_level = config.coarsening_level
        cnn_mode = config.conv
        is_coarsen = config.is_coarsen

        self.data_loader = BatchLoader(server_name, mode, target, sample_rate,
                                       win_size, hist_range, s_month, s_date,
                                       e_month, e_date, data_rm, batch_size,
                                       coarsening_level, cnn_mode, is_coarsen)

        actual_node = self.data_loader.adj.shape[0]
        if config.conv == 'gcnn':
            graphs = self.data_loader.graphs
            if config.is_coarsen:
                L = [
                    graph.laplacian(A, normalized=config.normalized)
                    for A in graphs
                L = [
                ] * len(graphs)
        elif config.conv == 'cnn':
            L = [actual_node]
            tmp_node = actual_node
            while tmp_node > 0:
                tmp_node = int(tmp_node / 2)
            raise ValueError("Unsupported config.conv {}".format(config.conv))

        ## define model ##
        self.model = Model(config, L, actual_node)

        ## model saver / summary writer ##
        self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
        self.model_saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.model_vars)
        self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.model_dir)
        # Checkpoint
        # meta file: describes the saved graph structure, includes
        # GraphDef, SaverDef, and so on; then apply
        # tf.train.import_meta_graph('/tmp/model.ckpt.meta'),
        # will restore Saver and Graph.

        # index file: it is a string-string immutable
        # table(tensorflow::table::Table). Each key is a name of a tensor
        # and its value is a serialized BundleEntryProto.
        # Each BundleEntryProto describes the metadata of a
        # tensor: which of the "data" files contains the content of a tensor,
        # the offset into that file, checksum, some auxiliary data, etc.
        # data file: it is TensorBundle collection, save the values of all variables.
        sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=self.model_dir,

        gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(
            allow_growth=True)  # seems to be not working
        sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,
        self.sess = sv.prepare_or_wait_for_session(config=sess_config)