コード例 #1
ファイル: optimize_center.py プロジェクト: decarlof/syncpy
def _optimize_center(data, theta, slice_no, center_init, tol):
    Find the distance between the rotation axis and the middle
    of the detector field-of-view.
    The function exploits systematic artifacts in reconstructed images 
    due to shifts in the rotation center [1]. It uses image entropy
    as the error metric and ''Nelder-Mead'' routine (of the scipy 
    optimization module) as the optimizer.

    data : ndarray
        Input data.

    slice_no : scalar
        The index of the slice to be used for finding optimal center.

    center_init : scalar
        The initial guess for the center.

    tol : scalar
        Desired sub-pixel accuracy.

    optimal_center : scalar
        This function returns the index of the center position that
        results in the minimum entropy in the reconstructed image.
    [1] `SPIE Proceedings, Vol 6318, 631818(2006) \
    # Make an initial reconstruction to adjust histogram limits. 
    recon = Gridrec(data, airPixels=20, ringWidth=10)
    recon.reconstruct(data, theta=theta, center=center_init, slice_no=slice_no)
    # Adjust histogram boundaries according to reconstruction.
    hist_min = np.min(recon.data_recon)
    if hist_min < 0:
        hist_min = 2 * hist_min
    elif hist_min >= 0:
        hist_min = 0.5 * hist_min
    hist_max = np.max(recon.data_recon)
    if hist_max < 0:
        hist_max = 0.5 * hist_max
    elif hist_max >= 0:
        hist_max = 2 * hist_max

    # Magic is ready to happen...
    res = minimize(_costFunc, center_init,
                   args=(data, recon, theta, slice_no, hist_min, hist_max),
                   method='Nelder-Mead', tol=tol)
    # Have a look at what I found:
    print "calculated rotation center: " + str(np.squeeze(res.x))
    return res.x
コード例 #2
ファイル: diagnose_center.py プロジェクト: tacaswell/tomopy
def diagnose_center(args):
    Diagnostic tools to find rotation center.
    Helps finding the rotation center manually by
    visual inspection of the selected reconstructions
    with different centers. The outputs for different
    centers are put into ``data/diagnose`` directory
    and the corresponding center positions are printed
    so that one can skim through the images and
    select the best.
    data : ndarray
        Input data.
    slice_no : scalar, optional
        The index of the slice to be used for diagnostics.
    center_start, center_end, center_step : scalar, optional
        Values of the start, end and step of the center values to
        be used for diagnostics.
    data, theta, dir_path, slice_no, center_start, center_end, center_step = args
    num_projections =  data.shape[0]
    num_slices =  data.shape[1]
    num_pixels =  data.shape[2]
    # Define diagnose region.
    if slice_no is None:
        slice_no = num_slices / 2
    if center_start is None:
        center_start = (num_pixels / 2) - 20
    if center_end is None:
        center_end = (num_pixels / 2) + 20
    if center_step is None:
        center_step = 1
    center_step /= 2.

    # Make preperations for the slices and corresponding centers.
    slice_data = data[:, slice_no, :]
    center = np.arange(center_start, center_end, center_step)
    num_center = center.size
    stacked_slices = np.zeros((num_projections, num_center, num_pixels))
    for m in range(num_center):
        stacked_slices[:, m, :] = slice_data

    # Reconstruct the same slice with different centers.
    recon = Gridrec(stacked_slices)
    recon.run(stacked_slices, center=center, theta=theta)

    # Save it to a temporary directory for manual inspection.
    for m in range(center.size):
        if m % 2 == 0: # 2 slices same bec of gridrec
            img = misc.toimage(recon.data_recon[m, :, :])
            file_name = dir_path + str(np.squeeze(center[m])) + ".tif"
コード例 #3
ファイル: recon.py プロジェクト: tacaswell/tomopy
def gridrec_wrapper(TomoObj, *args, **kwargs):
    if not TomoObj.FLAG_DATA:
        logger.warning("optimize rotation center (data missing) [bypassed]")
    if not TomoObj.FLAG_THETA:
        logger.warning("optimize rotation center (angles missing) [bypassed]")

    # Find center if center is absent.
    if not hasattr(TomoObj, 'center'):
        TomoObj.center = optimize_center(TomoObj.data, TomoObj.theta)
    recon = Gridrec(TomoObj.data, *args, **kwargs)
    recon.run(TomoObj.data, center=TomoObj.center, theta=TomoObj.theta)
    TomoObj.data_recon = recon.data_recon
    TomoObj.gridrec_pars = recon.params
    TomoObj.FLAG_DATA_RECON = True
    TomoObj.provenance['gridrec'] = (args, kwargs)
    logger.info("gridrec reconstruction [ok]")
コード例 #4
ファイル: diagnose_center.py プロジェクト: hellotomo/tomopy
def diagnose_center(
    data, theta, dir_path, slice_no, center_start, center_end, center_step, mask, ratio, dtype, data_min, data_max
    Diagnostic tools to find rotation center.
    Helps finding the rotation center manually by
    visual inspection of the selected reconstructions
    with different centers. The outputs for different
    centers are put into ``data/diagnose`` directory
    and the corresponding center positions are printed
    so that one can skim through the images and
    select the best.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    theta : ndarray, float32
        Projection angles.
    dir_path : str
        Directory to save output images.
    slice_no : scalar
        The index of the slice to be used for diagnostics.
    center_start, center_end, center_step : scalar
        Values of the start, end and step of the center values to
        be used for diagnostics.
    mask : bool
        If ``True`` applies a circular mask to the image.
    ratio : scalar
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the
        edge of the reconstructed image.
    dtype : bool, optional
        Export data type precision.
    data_min, data_max : scalar, optional
        User defined minimum and maximum values
        of the reconstructions that will be used to scale 
        the images when saving.
    - Finding rotation center by visual inspection:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Perform reconstructions with different centers.
        >>> d.diagnose_center(center_start=640, center_end=670)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at tmp/"
    num_projections = data.shape[0]
    num_pixels = data.shape[2]

    # Don't ask why. Just do that.
    center_step /= 2.0

    # Make preperations for the slices and corresponding centers.
    slice_data = data[:, slice_no, :]
    center = np.arange(center_start, center_end, center_step, dtype=np.float32)
    num_center = center.size
    stacked_slices = np.zeros((num_projections, num_center, num_pixels), dtype=np.float32)

    for m in range(num_center):
        stacked_slices[:, m, :] = slice_data

    # Reconstruct the same slice with different centers.
    recon = Gridrec(stacked_slices)
    recon.reconstruct(stacked_slices, theta=theta, center=center)

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rad = num_pixels / 2
        y, x = np.ogrid[-rad:rad, -rad:rad]
        msk = x * x + y * y > ratio * ratio * rad * rad
        for m in range(center.size):
            recon.data_recon[m, msk] = 0

    # Find max min of data for scaling
    if data_max is None:
        data_max = np.max(recon.data_recon)
    if data_min is None:
        data_min = np.min(recon.data_recon)

    if data_max < np.max(recon.data_recon):
        recon.data_recon[recon.data_recon > data_max] = data_max
    if data_min > np.min(recon.data_recon):
        recon.data_recon[recon.data_recon < data_min] = data_min

    # Save it to a temporary directory for manual inspection.
    for m in range(center.size):
        if m % 2 == 0:  # 2 slices same bec of gridrec.
            file_name = dir_path + str(np.squeeze(center[m])) + ".tif"
            arr = recon.data_recon[m, :, :]
            print data_min, data_max
            print np.min(arr), np.max(arr)
            if dtype is "uint8":
                arr = ((arr * 1.0 - data_min) / (data_max - data_min) * 255).astype("uint8")
            elif dtype is "uint16":
                arr = ((arr * 1.0 - data_min) / (data_max - data_min) * 65535).astype("uint16")
            elif dtype is "float32":
                arr = ((arr * 1.0 - data_min) / (data_max - data_min)).astype("float32")
            print np.min(arr), np.max(arr)

            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                skimage_io.imsave(file_name, arr, plugin="tifffile")

    return dtype, data_max, data_min
コード例 #5
ファイル: diagnose_center.py プロジェクト: gazzar/tomopy
def diagnose_center(data, theta, dir_path, slice_no, 
                    center_start, center_end, center_step, 
                    mask, ratio):
    Diagnostic tools to find rotation center.
    Helps finding the rotation center manually by
    visual inspection of the selected reconstructions
    with different centers. The outputs for different
    centers are put into ``data/diagnose`` directory
    and the corresponding center positions are printed
    so that one can skim through the images and
    select the best.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    theta : ndarray, float32
        Projection angles.
    dir_path : str
        Directory to save output images.
    slice_no : scalar
        The index of the slice to be used for diagnostics.
    center_start, center_end, center_step : scalar
        Values of the start, end and step of the center values to
        be used for diagnostics.
    mask : bool
        If ``True`` applies a circular mask to the image.
    ratio : scalar
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the
        edge of the reconstructed image.
    - Finding rotation center by visual inspection:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Perform reconstructions with different centers.
        >>> d.diagnose_center(center_start=640, center_end=670)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at tmp/"
    num_projections =  data.shape[0]
    num_pixels =  data.shape[2]
    # Don't ask why. Just do that.
    center_step /= 2.
    # Make preperations for the slices and corresponding centers.
    slice_data = data[:, slice_no, :]
    center = np.arange(center_start, center_end, center_step, dtype=np.float32)
    num_center = center.size
    stacked_slices = np.zeros((num_projections, num_center, num_pixels),
    for m in range(num_center):
        stacked_slices[:, m, :] = slice_data

    # Reconstruct the same slice with different centers.
    recon = Gridrec(stacked_slices)
    recon.reconstruct(stacked_slices, theta=theta, center=center)
    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rad = num_pixels/2
        y, x = np.ogrid[-rad:rad, -rad:rad]
        msk = x*x + y*y > ratio*ratio*rad*rad
        for m in range(center.size):
            recon.data_recon[m, msk] = 0

    # Save it to a temporary directory for manual inspection.
    for m in range(center.size):
        if m % 2 == 0: # 2 slices same bec of gridrec.
            img = misc.toimage(recon.data_recon[m, :, :])
            file_name = dir_path + str(np.squeeze(center[m])) + ".tif"
コード例 #6
ファイル: optimize_center.py プロジェクト: ddale/tomopy
def optimize_center(data, theta, slice_no, center_init, tol, mask, ratio):
    Find the distance between the rotation axis and the middle
    of the detector field-of-view.
    The function exploits systematic artifacts in reconstructed images 
    due to shifts in the rotation center [1]. It uses image entropy
    as the error metric and ''Nelder-Mead'' routine (of the scipy 
    optimization module) as the optimizer.

    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    slice_no : scalar
        The index of the slice to be used for finding optimal center.

    center_init : scalar
        The initial guess for the center.

    tol : scalar
        Desired sub-pixel accuracy.
    mask : bool
        If ``True`` applies a circular mask to the image.

    ratio : scalar
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the
        edge of the reconstructed image.

    output : scalar
        This function returns the index of the center position that
        results in the minimum entropy in the reconstructed image.
    [1] `SPIE Proceedings, Vol 6318, 631818(2006) \
    - Finding rotation center automatically:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Find rotation center.
        >>> d.optimize_center()
        >>> # Perform reconstruction
        >>> d.gridrec()
        >>> # Save reconstructed data
        >>> output_file='tmp/recon_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data_recon, output_file)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'

    # Make an initial reconstruction to adjust histogram limits. 
    recon = Gridrec(data, airPixels=20, ringWidth=10)
    recon.reconstruct(data, theta=theta, center=center_init, slice_no=slice_no)

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rad = data.shape[2]/2
        y, x = np.ogrid[-rad:rad, -rad:rad]
        msk = x*x + y*y > ratio*ratio*rad*rad
        recon.data_recon[0, msk] = 0
    # Adjust histogram boundaries according to reconstruction.
    hist_min = np.min(recon.data_recon)
    if hist_min < 0:
        hist_min = 2 * hist_min
    elif hist_min >= 0:
        hist_min = 0.5 * hist_min
    hist_max = np.max(recon.data_recon)
    if hist_max < 0:
        hist_max = 0.5 * hist_max
    elif hist_max >= 0:
        hist_max = 2 * hist_max

    # Magic is ready to happen...
    res = minimize(_costFunc, center_init,
                   args=(data, recon, theta, slice_no, 
                         hist_min, hist_max, mask, ratio),
                   method='Nelder-Mead', tol=tol)
    # Have a look at what I found:
    print "calculated rotation center: " + str(np.squeeze(res.x))
    return res.x
コード例 #7
def diagnose_center(data, theta, dir_path, slice_no, 
                    center_start, center_end, center_step, 
                    mask, ratio, dtype, data_min, data_max):
    Diagnostic tools to find rotation center.
    Helps finding the rotation center manually by
    visual inspection of the selected reconstructions
    with different centers. The outputs for different
    centers are put into ``data/diagnose`` directory
    and the corresponding center positions are printed
    so that one can skim through the images and
    select the best.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    theta : ndarray, float32
        Projection angles.
    dir_path : str
        Directory to save output images.
    slice_no : scalar
        The index of the slice to be used for diagnostics.
    center_start, center_end, center_step : scalar
        Values of the start, end and step of the center values to
        be used for diagnostics.
    mask : bool
        If ``True`` applies a circular mask to the image.
    ratio : scalar
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the
        edge of the reconstructed image.
    dtype : bool, optional
        Export data type precision.
    data_min, data_max : scalar, optional
        User defined minimum and maximum values
        of the reconstructions that will be used to scale 
        the images when saving.
    - Finding rotation center by visual inspection:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Perform reconstructions with different centers.
        >>> d.diagnose_center(center_start=640, center_end=670)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at tmp/"
    num_projections =  data.shape[0]
    num_pixels =  data.shape[2]
    # Don't ask why. Just do that.
    center_step /= 2.
    # Make preperations for the slices and corresponding centers.
    slice_data = data[:, slice_no, :]
    center = np.arange(center_start, center_end, center_step, dtype=np.float32)
    num_center = center.size
    stacked_slices = np.zeros((num_projections, num_center, num_pixels),
    for m in range(num_center):
        stacked_slices[:, m, :] = slice_data

    # Reconstruct the same slice with different centers.
    recon = Gridrec(stacked_slices)
    recon.reconstruct(stacked_slices, theta=theta, center=center)
    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rad = num_pixels/2
        y, x = np.ogrid[-rad:rad, -rad:rad]
        msk = x*x + y*y > ratio*ratio*rad*rad
        for m in range(center.size):
            recon.data_recon[m, msk] = 0
    # Find max min of data for scaling
    if data_max is None:
        data_max = np.max(recon.data_recon)
    if data_min is None:
        data_min = np.min(recon.data_recon)
    if data_max < np.max(recon.data_recon):
        recon.data_recon[recon.data_recon>data_max] = data_max
    if data_min > np.min(recon.data_recon):
        recon.data_recon[recon.data_recon<data_min] = data_min

    # Save it to a temporary directory for manual inspection.
    for m in range(center.size):
        if m % 2 == 0: # 2 slices same bec of gridrec.
            file_name = dir_path + str(np.squeeze(center[m])) + ".tif"
            arr = recon.data_recon[m, :, :]
            if dtype is 'uint8':
                arr = ((arr*1.0 - data_min)/(data_max-data_min)*255).astype('uint8')
            elif dtype is 'uint16':
                arr = ((arr*1.0 - data_min)/(data_max-data_min)*65535).astype('uint16')
            elif dtype is 'float32':
                arr = ((arr*1.0 - data_min)/(data_max-data_min)).astype('float32')

            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                skimage_io.imsave(file_name, arr, plugin='tifffile')
    return dtype, data_max, data_min