def train_from_samples(self, patches): min_prob = self._settings.get('min_prob', 0.01) kp_patches = patches.reshape((patches.shape[0], -1, patches.shape[-1])) flatpatches = kp_patches.reshape((kp_patches.shape[0], -1)) q = [] models = [] constant_terms = [] constant_terms_unsummed = [] tree = []# -123*np.ones((1000, 2), dtype=np.int64) cur_pos = 0 s = 0 cur_part_id = 0 q.insert(0, (cur_pos, 0, flatpatches)) s += 1 #cur_pos += 1 while q: p, depth, x = q.pop() model = np.clip(np.mean(x, 0), min_prob, 1 - min_prob) def entropy(x): return -(x * np.log2(x) + (1 - x) * np.log2(1 - x)) H = np.mean(entropy(model)) sc = self._settings.get('split_criterion', 'H') if len(x) < self._settings.get('min_samples_per_part', 20) or depth >= self._max_depth or \ (sc == 'H' and H < self._settings.get('split_entropy', 0.30)): #tree[p,0] = -1 #tree[p,1] = cur_part_id tree.append((-1, cur_part_id)) cur_part_id += 1 else: mm = BernoulliMM(n_components=self._num_parts_per_layer, n_iter=self._settings.get('n_iter', 8), tol=1e-15, n_init=self._settings.get('n_init', 1), # May improve a bit to increase this random_state=self._settings.get('em_seed', 0), #params='m', min_prob=min_prob)[:self._settings.get('traing_limit')]) logprob, resp = mm.score_samples(x) comps = resp.argmax(-1) w = logit(mm.means_[1]) - logit(mm.means_[0]) Hafter = np.mean(entropy(mm.means_[0])) * mm.weights_[0] + np.mean(entropy(mm.means_[1])) * mm.weights_[1] IG = H - Hafter if sc == 'IG' and IG < self._settings.get('min_information_gain', 0.05): tree.append((-1, cur_part_id)) cur_part_id += 1 else: tree.append((len(models), s)) K_unsummed = np.log((1 - mm.means_[1]) / (1 - mm.means_[0])) K = np.sum(K_unsummed) models.append(w) constant_terms.append(K) constant_terms_unsummed.append(K_unsummed) #tree[p,1] = s q.insert(0, (s, depth+1, x[comps == 0])) #cur_pos += 1 q.insert(0, (s+1, depth+1, x[comps == 1])) #cur_pos += 1 s += 2 shape = (len(models),) + patches.shape[1:] weights = np.asarray(models).reshape(shape) constant_terms = np.asarray(constant_terms) constant_terms_unsummed = np.asarray(constant_terms_unsummed).reshape(shape) tree = np.asarray(tree, dtype=np.int64) self._tree = tree self._num_parts = cur_part_id #print('num_parts', self._num_parts) self._w = weights self._constant_terms = constant_terms supp_radius = self._settings.get('keypoint_suppress_radius', 0) if supp_radius > 0: NW = self._w.shape[0] max_indices = self._settings.get('keypoint_max', 1000) keypoints = np.zeros((NW, max_indices, 3), dtype=np.int64) kp_constant_terms = np.zeros(NW) num_keypoints = np.zeros(NW, dtype=np.int64) from gv.keypoints import get_key_points for k in range(NW): kps = get_key_points(self._w[k], suppress_radius=supp_radius, max_indices=max_indices) NK = len(kps) num_keypoints[k] = NK keypoints[k,:NK] = kps for kp in kps: kp_constant_terms[k] += constant_terms_unsummed[k,kp[0],kp[1],kp[2]] self._keypoints = keypoints self._num_keypoints = num_keypoints self._keypoint_constant_terms = kp_constant_terms
def superimposed_model(settings, threading=True): num_mixtures = settings['detector']['num_mixtures'] # Train a mixture model to get a clustering of the angles of the object descriptor = gv.load_descriptor(settings) detector = gv.BernoulliDetector(num_mixtures, descriptor, settings['detector']) files = get_training_files(detector) neg_files = sorted(glob.glob(settings['detector']['neg_dir']))"Checkpoint 1") testing_type = detector.settings.get('testing_type') # Extract clusters (manual or through EM) ############################################################################## detector, comps = cluster(detector, files) each_mix_N = np.bincount(comps, minlength=num_mixtures) ##############################################################################"Checkpoint 3")"Checkpoint 4") support = kernels = []"TODO, quitting") #return detector # Determine bounding boxes ############################################################################## psize = settings['detector']['subsample_size'] bbs = calc_bbs(detector)"Checkpoint 6")"Checkpoint 7") bkgs = [] orig_sizes = [] new_support = [] im_size = settings['detector']['image_size']"Checkpoint 8") all_negs = []"Checkpoint 9") # Retrieve features and support ##############################################################################'Fetching positives again...') all_pos_feats = [] all_neg_feats = [] alphas = [] all_alphas = [] all_binarized_alphas = [] if settings['detector'].get('superimpose'): detector.extra['concentrations'] = [] argses = [(m, settings, bbs[m], list(np.where(comps == m)[0]), files, neg_files, settings['detector'].get('stand_multiples', 1)) for m in range(detector.num_mixtures)] for mixcomp, neg_feats, pos_feats, alpha_maps, extra in itr.starmap(get_pos_and_neg, argses): alpha = np.mean(alpha_maps, axis=0) alpha_maps = np.asarray(alpha_maps) all_alphas.append(alpha_maps) all_binarized_alphas.append(alpha_maps > 0.05) alphas.append(alpha) all_neg_feats.append(neg_feats) all_pos_feats.append(pos_feats) detector.extra['concentrations'].append(extra.get('concentrations', {}))'Done.') # Setup some places to store things if 'weights' not in detector.extra: detector.extra['weights'] = [None] * detector.num_mixtures if 'sturf' not in detector.extra: detector.extra['sturf'] = [{} for _ in xrange(detector.num_mixtures)] for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): detector.extra['sturf'].append(dict()) obj = all_pos_feats[m].mean(axis=0) bkg = all_neg_feats[m].mean(axis=0) size =[m]) kernels.append(obj) bkgs.append(bkg) orig_sizes.append(size) new_support.append(alphas[m]) if 0: for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): obj = all_pos_feats[m].mean(axis=0) bkg = all_neg_feats[m].mean(axis=0) size =[m]) eps = 0.025 obj = np.clip(obj, eps, 1 - eps) avg = np.clip(avg, eps, 1 - eps) #lmb = obj / avg #w = np.clip(np.log(obj / avg), -1, 1) w = np.log(obj / (1 - obj) * ((1 - avg) / avg)) #w = np.log( #w_avg = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, w * support[...,np.newaxis], [0, 1]) / support.sum() #w -= w_avg * support[...,np.newaxis] if 'weights' not in detector.extra: detector.extra['weights'] = [] detector.extra['weights'].append(w) if 'sturf' not in detector.extra: detector.extra['sturf'] = [] detector.extra['sturf'].append(dict()) kernels.append(obj) bkgs.append(bkg) orig_sizes.append(size) new_support.append(alphas[m]) detector.settings['per_mixcomp_bkg'] = True else: # Get a single background model for this one bkg = _get_background_model(settings, neg_files) crop_image = detector.settings.get('crop_image') import pdb; pdb.set_trace() argses = [(m, settings, list(np.where(comps == m)[0]), files, crop_image) for m in range(detector.num_mixtures)] for m, pos_feats in gv.parallel.starmap(get_positives, argses): obj = pos_feats.mean(axis=0) all_pos_feats.append(pos_feats) kernels.append(obj) bkgs.append(bkg) size =[m]) orig_sizes.append(size) support = np.ones(settings['detector']['image_size']) new_support.append(support) detector.settings['per_mixcomp_bkg'] = True # False # Get weights and support for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): #kern = detector.kernel_templates[m] #bkg = detector.fixed_spread_bkg[m] obj = all_pos_feats[m].mean(axis=0) bkg = all_neg_feats[m].mean(axis=0) if detector.eps is None: detector.prepare_eps(bkg) weights = detector.build_clipped_weights(obj, bkg, detector.eps) detector.extra['weights'][m] = weights detector.extra['sturf'][m]['support'] = arrange_support(alphas[m], weights.shape, psize) # Modify weights if not detector.settings.get('plain'): for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): weights = detector.extra['weights'][m] F = detector.num_features indices = get_key_points(weights, suppress_radius=detector.settings.get('indices_suppress_radius', 4), even=True) L0 = indices.shape[0] // F kp_weights = np.zeros((L0, F)) M = np.zeros(weights.shape, dtype=np.uint8) counts = np.zeros(F) for index in indices: f = index[2] M[tuple(index)] = 1 kp_weights[counts[f],f] = weights[tuple(index)] counts[f] += 1 #theta = np.load('theta3.npy')[1:-1,1:-1] #th = theta #eth = np.load('empty_theta.npy') #support = 1-th[:,:,np.arange(1,F+1),np.arange(F)].mean(-1) #offset = gv.sub.subsample_offset_shape(alphas[m].shape, psize) support = detector.extra['sturf'][m]['support'] # def subsample_offset_shape(shape, size): pos, neg = all_pos_feats[m].astype(bool), all_neg_feats[m].astype(bool) #avg = np.apply_over_axes( diff = pos ^ neg appeared = pos & ~neg disappeared = ~pos & neg #bs = (support > 0.5)[np.newaxis,...,np.newaxis] A = appeared.mean(0) / (0.00001+((1-neg).mean(0))) D = disappeared.mean(0) / (0.00001+neg.mean(0)) #ss = D.mean(-1)[...,np.newaxis] ss = support[...,np.newaxis] B = (np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, A*ss, [0, 1])).squeeze() / ss.mean() def clogit(x): return gv.logit(gv.bclip(x, 0.025)) def find_zero(fun, l, u, depth=30): m = np.mean([l, u]) if depth == 0: return m v = fun(m) if v > 0: return find_zero(fun, l, m, depth-1) else: return find_zero(fun, m, u, depth-1) # Find zero-crossing #for f in xrange(F): # Now construct weights from these deltas #weights = ((clogit(ss * deltas + A) - clogit(B))) #weights = (ss * (clogit(deltas + pos.mean(0)) - clogit(neg.mean(0)))) avg = np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, pos * M * ss, [1, 2]) / (ss * M).mean() if 0: for l0, l1, f in gv.multirange(*weights.shape): def fun(w): return -(np.clip(pos[:,l0,l1,f].mean(), 0.005, 0.995) - np.mean(expit(w + logit(avg[...,f])))) weights[l0,l1,f] = find_zero(fun, -10, 10) if 1: # Print these to file from matplotlib.pylab import cm grid = gv.plot.ImageGrid(detector.num_features, 1, weights.shape[:2], border_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) mm = np.fabs(weights).max() for f in xrange(detector.num_features): grid.set_image(weights[...,f], f, 0, vmin=-mm, vmax=mm, cmap=cm.RdBu_r) fn = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$HOME'), 'html', 'plots', 'plot2.png'), scale=10) os.chmod(fn, 0644) #A = appeared.mean(0) / (0.00001+((1-neg).mean(0))) #mm = (A * ss).mean() / ss.mean() #xx = (bs & pos) | (~bs & appeared) #avg = xx.mean(0) weights1 = ss*(weights - np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, weights * ss, [0, 1])/ss.mean()) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['weights1'] = weights1 eps = 0.025 avg_pos = (np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, pos * ss, [0, 1, 2]) / ss.mean()).squeeze().clip(eps, 1-eps) avg_neg = (np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, neg * ss, [0, 1, 2]) / ss.mean()).squeeze().clip(eps, 1-eps) #w_avg = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, weights * support[...,np.newaxis], [0, 1]) / support.sum() # #w_avg = (logit(np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, pos, [0, 1, 2])) - \ # logit(np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, neg, [0, 1, 2]))).squeeze() w_avg = logit(avg_pos) - logit(avg_neg) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['wavg'] = w_avg detector.extra['sturf'][m]['reweighted'] = (w_avg * support[...,np.newaxis]).squeeze() #weights -= w_avg * support[...,np.newaxis] #weights *= support[...,np.newaxis] * M if 0: weights *= support[...,np.newaxis] avg_weights = np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, weights, [0, 1]) / M.mean(0).mean(0) avg_w = kp_weights.mean(0) weights -= avg_w - (-kp_weights.var(0) / 2) weights *= support[...,np.newaxis] print((weights * M).mean(0)) #weights = (weights - w_avg) * support[...,np.newaxis] #weights -= (w_avg + 0.0) * support[...,np.newaxis] weights -= w_avg * support[...,np.newaxis] F = detector.num_features if 0: for f in xrange(F): #zz = np.random.normal(-1.5, size=(1, 1, 50)) zz = np.random.normal(-1.5, size=(1, 1, 50)).ravel() betas = np.zeros(len(zz)) for i, z in enumerate(zz): def fun(beta): w = weights[...,f] - beta * support return np.log(1 - expit(w[...,np.newaxis] + z)).mean() - np.log(1 - expit(z)) betas[i] = find_zero(fun, -10, 10) if f == 0:'betas.npy', betas) beta0 = betas.mean() print(f, beta0, betas.std()) weights[...,f] -= beta0 * support if 1: # Print these to file from matplotlib.pylab import cm grid = gv.plot.ImageGrid(detector.num_features, 2, weights.shape[:2], border_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) mm = np.fabs(weights).max() for f in xrange(detector.num_features): grid.set_image(weights[...,f], f, 0, vmin=-mm, vmax=mm, cmap=cm.RdBu_r) grid.set_image(M[...,f], f, 1, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap=cm.RdBu_r) fn = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$HOME'), 'html', 'plots', 'plot.png'), scale=10) os.chmod(fn, 0644)'sum', np.fabs(np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, weights, [0, 1])).sum()) # Instead, train model rigorously!! detector.extra['sturf'][m]['pos'] = all_pos_feats[m] detector.extra['sturf'][m]['neg'] = all_neg_feats[m] # Averags of all positives ff = all_pos_feats[m] posavg = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, all_pos_feats[m] * support[...,np.newaxis], [1, 2]).squeeze() / support.sum() negavg = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, all_neg_feats[m] * support[...,np.newaxis], [1, 2]).squeeze() / support.sum() S = np.cov(posavg.T) Sneg = np.cov(negavg.T) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['pavg'] = avg_pos detector.extra['sturf'][m]['pos-samples'] = posavg detector.extra['sturf'][m]['S'] = S detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Sneg'] = Sneg detector.extra['sturf'][m]['navg'] = avg_neg Spos = S rs = np.random.RandomState(0) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Zs'] = rs.multivariate_normal(avg_neg, Sneg, size=1000).clip(min=0.005, max=0.995) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Zs_pos'] = rs.multivariate_normal(avg_pos, Spos, size=1000).clip(min=0.005, max=0.995) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Zs_pos2'] = rs.multivariate_normal(avg_pos, Spos * 2, size=1000).clip(min=0.005, max=0.995) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Zs_pos10'] = rs.multivariate_normal(avg_pos, Spos * 10, size=1000).clip(min=0.005, max=0.995) detector.extra['sturf'][m]['Zs_pos50'] = rs.multivariate_normal(avg_pos, Spos * 50, size=1000).clip(min=0.005, max=0.995) #{{{ if 0: argses = [(m, settings, bbs[m], np.where(comps == m)[0], files, neg_files) for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures)] for kern, bkg, orig_size, sup in gv.parallel.starmap(_create_kernel_for_mixcomp, argses): kernels.append(kern) bkgs.append(bkg) orig_sizes.append(orig_size) new_support.append(sup)"Checkpoint 10") detector.settings['per_mixcomp_bkg'] = True #}}} detector.kernel_templates = kernels detector.kernel_sizes = orig_sizes detector.settings['kernel_ready'] = True detector.use_alpha = False = new_support # Determine the background"Determining background") detector.fixed_bkg = None detector.fixed_spread_bkg = bkgs detector.settings['bkg_type'] = 'from-file' detector._preprocess() detector.prepare_eps(detector.fixed_spread_bkg[0]) # Determine the standardization values"Determining standardization values") #fixed_train_mean = np.zeros(detector.num_mixtures) #detector.fixed_train_mean = [] #fixed_train_std = np.ones(detector.num_mixtures) # Determine indices for coarse detection sweep if INDICES: detector.indices = [] for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): these_indices = [] weights = detector.extra['weights'][m]'Indices:', # If not plain, we need even keypoints even = not detector.settings.get('plain') indices = get_key_points(weights, suppress_radius=detector.settings.get('indices_suppress_radius', 4), even=even) if not detector.settings.get('plain'): detector.extra['weights'][m] = weights assert len(indices) > 0, "No indices were extracted when keypointing" detector.indices.append(indices) else: detector.indices = None if testing_type in ('fixed', 'non-parametric'): detector.standardization_info = [] if testing_type == 'fixed': if detector.settings.get('standardize_with_samples'): detector.standardization_info = [dict(mean=0, std=1)] * detector.num_mixtures info = [] source = detector.settings.get('standardize_negative_source', 'neg-dir') N = detector.settings.get('standardize_num_images', 50) if source.startswith('voc-train-non-'): obj_class = source.split('-')[-1] print('Taking negatives from voc train, without class', obj_class) gen = gv.voc.gen_negative_files(obj_class, 'train') #print('negatives', len([im for im in gen])) else: print('Taking negatives from neg_dir') gen = itr.cycle(gv.datasets.ImgFile(path=fn, img_id=os.path.basename(fn)) for fn in neg_files) gen = itr.cycle(gen) gen = itr.islice(gen, N) gens = itr.tee(gen, detector.num_mixtures) th = -np.inf for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): neg_files_segment = gens[m] argses = [(detector, i, fileobj, th, m) for i, fileobj in enumerate(neg_files_segment)] topsy = list(gv.parallel.starmap_unordered(get_strong_fps_single, argses)) confs = np.asarray([bbobj.confidence for topsy_m in topsy for bbobj in topsy_m]) info.append(dict(mean=confs.mean(), std=confs.std())) #for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): detector.standardization_info = info else: argses = [(m, settings, detector.eps, bbs[m], kernels[m], bkgs[m], None, None, None, detector.indices[m] if INDICES else None, 3) for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures)] detector.standardization_info = list(gv.parallel.starmap(_calc_standardization_for_mixcomp, argses)) else: raise Exception("Unknown testing type") detector.settings['testing_type'] = testing_type #detector.settings['testing_type'] = 'NEW' #detector. # # Data mine stronger negatives # # TODO: Object class must be input if 1: contest = 'voc' obj_class = 'car' gen = gv.voc.gen_negative_files(obj_class, 'train') else: contest = 'custom-tmp-frontbacks' obj_class = 'bicycle' gen, tot = gv.datasets.load_files(contest, obj_class) import heapq top_bbs = [[] for k in xrange(detector.num_mixtures)] TOP_N = 10000 if detector.settings.get('cascade'): # New SVM attempt detector.extra['cascade_threshold'] = detector.settings.get('cascade_threshold', 8) COUNT = detector.settings.get('cascade_farming_count', 500) args = itr.izip( \ itr.repeat(detector), xrange(COUNT), itr.islice(gen, COUNT) ) for res in gv.parallel.starmap_unordered(get_strong_fps, args): for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): top_bbs[m].extend(res[m])'- TOPS ------'), top_bbs) ) detector.extra['top_bbs_shape'] = map(np.shape, top_bbs) # Save the strong negatives detector.extra['negs'] = top_bbs def phi(X, mixcomp): if SVM_INDICES and 0: indices = detector.indices2[mixcomp][0] return X.ravel()[np.ravel_multi_index(indices.T, X.shape)] else: #return gv.sub.subsample(X, (2, 2)).ravel() return X.ravel() all_neg_X0 = [] for k in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): all_neg_X0.append(np.asarray(map(lambda bbobj: phi(bbobj.X, k), top_bbs[k]))) del top_bbs all_pos_X0 = [] for mixcomp, pos_feats in enumerate(all_pos_feats): all_pos_X0.append(np.asarray(map(lambda X: phi(X, mixcomp), pos_feats)))'Done.') detector.extra['poss'] = all_pos_feats'Training SVMs...') # Train SVMs #from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC, SVC clfs = [] detector.indices2 = None # not [] for now #all_neg_X0 = [[bbobj.X for bbobj in top_bbs[m]] for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures)] detector.extra['svms'] = [] for m in xrange(detector.num_mixtures): X = np.concatenate([all_pos_X0[m], all_neg_X0[m]]) # Flatten, ':', X.shape) #X = phi(X, k), '>', X.shape) y = np.concatenate([np.ones(len(all_pos_feats[m])), np.zeros(len(all_neg_X0[m]))]) #detector.extra['data_x'].append(X) #detector.extra['data_y'].append(y) from sklearn import cross_validation as cv #C = 5e-8 C = 1.0 #clf = LinearSVC(C=C) #clf = LinearSVC(C=C) clf = SVC(C=C, kernel='linear'), y) svm_info = dict(intercept=float(clf.intercept_), weights=clf.coef_) detector.extra['svms'].append(svm_info) #sh = all_pos_feats[m][0].shape # Get most significant coefficients #th = smallest_th[k] #th = 0 #detector.extra['svms'].append(dict(svm=clf, th=th, uses_indices=SVM_INDICES))'Done.') # Remove negatives and positives from extra, since it takes space if 1: del detector.extra['poss'] del detector.extra['negs']'extra')'eps', detector.eps)"THIS IS SO TEMPORARY!!!!!") if 'weights' in detector.extra: #detector.indices = None #try: # detector.standardization_info[0]['std'] = 1.0 #except TypeError: # detector.standardization_info = [dict(std=1.0, mean=0.0)]'corner2', detector.extra['weights'][0][0,0,:5]) return detector
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('model', metavar='<model file>', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='Filename of model file') parser.add_argument('output_model', metavar='<output model file>', type=str, help='Filename of output model file') args = parser.parse_args() d = gv.BernoulliDetector.load(args.model) assert len(d.kernel_templates) == 1, "Can only rotate a model that has a single component to begin with" #assert d.descriptor.settings.get('polarities', 1) == 1, "Only POL 1 for now" deg_per_step = d.descriptor.degrees_per_step ROT = d.descriptor.settings.get('orientations', 1) print('degrees per step', deg_per_step) #rots = [-ROT//4, ROT//4] rots = np.arange(ROT)[::1][1:] print('rots', rots) new_components = [] #kern = d.kernel_templates[0] w0 = d.weights(0) weights = [w0] bbs = copy(d.extra['bbs']) bb0 = bbs[0] supports = copy( kernel_sizes = copy(d.kernel_sizes) for rot in rots: deg = rot * deg_per_step print('deg', deg) slices = [] for f in xrange(w0.shape[-1]): rotated = (rotate(w0[...,f] / 20 + 0.5, deg, resize=True, cval=0.5) - 0.5) * 20 slices.append(rotated) if f % 50 == 0: print(f) # Crop it a bit # TODO if 0: plt.figure() plt.imshow(w0[...,f], vmin=-3, vmax=3,, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig(vz.generate_filename()) plt.figure() plt.imshow(rotated, vmin=-3, vmax=3,, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig(vz.generate_filename()) slices = np.rollaxis(np.asarray(slices), 0, 3) # THE PARTS ARE NOT ROTATED YET! for k in xrange(w0.shape[-1]//ROT): slices[k*ROT:(k+1)*ROT] = np.roll(slices[k*ROT:(k+1)*ROT], rot, axis=-1) weights.append(slices) bb =,, deg)) bbs.append(bb) supports.append([0]) kernel_sizes.append(d.kernel_sizes[0]) d.num_mixtures = len(weights) print(map(np.shape, weights)) bkg = np.apply_over_axes(np.mean, d.fixed_spread_bkg[0], [0, 1]).ravel() # Invent new keypoints and determine standardization info indices = [] info = [] for m in xrange(d.num_mixtures): w = weights[m] ii = get_key_points(w, suppress_radius=d.settings.get('indices_suppress_radius', 4), even=True) indices.append(ii) llh_mean = 0.0 llh_var = 0.0 for index in ii: part = index[-1] # TODO: Should this really be clipped before averaging? mvalue = bkg[part] llh_mean += mvalue * w[tuple(index)] llh_var += mvalue * (1 - mvalue) * w[tuple(index)]**2 info.append(dict(mean=llh_mean, std=np.sqrt(llh_var))) d.settings['testing_type'] = 'fixed' d.standardization_info = info # Now store the weights preprocessed d.indices = indices d.extra['weights'] = weights d.extra['bbs'] = bbs print('bbs', bbs) = supports d.kernel_sizes = kernel_sizes print('d.TEMP_second', d.TEMP_second) print('kernel_sizes', d.kernel_sizes) d.TEMP_second = False