コード例 #1
def compute_initial_guess_for_all_pairs(set_of_pose_pairs, algorithm_name, hand_eye_config,
                                        filtering_config, optimization_config, visualize=False):
  Iterate over all pairs and compute an initial guess for the calibration (both time and
  transformation). Also store the experiment results from this computation for each pair.

  set_of_dq_H_E_initial_guess = []
  set_of_time_offset_initial_guess = []

  # Initialize the result entry.
  result_entry = ResultEntry()
  result_entry.init_from_configs(algorithm_name, 0, filtering_config,
                                 hand_eye_config, optimization_config)

  for (pose_file_B_H, pose_file_W_E) in set_of_pose_pairs:
    print("\n\nCompute initial guess for calibration between \n\t{} \n and \n\t{} \n\n".format(
        pose_file_B_H, pose_file_W_E))

     ) = read_time_stamped_poses_from_csv_file(pose_file_B_H)
    print("Found ", time_stamped_poses_B_H.shape[0],
          " poses in file: ", pose_file_B_H)

     quaternions_W_E) = read_time_stamped_poses_from_csv_file(pose_file_W_E)
    print("Found ", time_stamped_poses_W_E.shape[0],
          " poses in file: ", pose_file_W_E)

    # No time offset.
    time_offset_initial_guess = 0.
    # Unit DualQuaternion.
    dq_H_E_initial_guess = DualQuaternion.from_vector(
        [0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0., 0., 0., 0.])

    print("Computing time offset...")
    time_offset_initial_guess = calculate_time_offset(times_B_H, quaternions_B_H, times_W_E,
                                                      quaternions_W_E, filtering_config,

    print("Time offset: {}s".format(time_offset_initial_guess))

    print("Computing aligned poses...")
    (aligned_poses_B_H, aligned_poses_W_E) = compute_aligned_poses(
        time_stamped_poses_B_H, time_stamped_poses_W_E, time_offset_initial_guess, visualize)

    # Convert poses to dual quaterions.
    dual_quat_B_H_vec = [DualQuaternion.from_pose_vector(
        aligned_pose_B_H) for aligned_pose_B_H in aligned_poses_B_H[:, 1:]]
    dual_quat_W_E_vec = [DualQuaternion.from_pose_vector(
        aligned_pose_W_E) for aligned_pose_W_E in aligned_poses_W_E[:, 1:]]

    assert len(dual_quat_B_H_vec) == len(dual_quat_W_E_vec), ("len(dual_quat_B_H_vec): {} "
                                                              "vs len(dual_quat_W_E_vec): {}"

    dual_quat_B_H_vec = align_paths_at_index(dual_quat_B_H_vec)
    dual_quat_W_E_vec = align_paths_at_index(dual_quat_W_E_vec)

    # Draw both paths in their Global / World frame.
    if visualize:
      poses_B_H = np.array([dual_quat_B_H_vec[0].to_pose().T])
      poses_W_E = np.array([dual_quat_W_E_vec[0].to_pose().T])
      for i in range(1, len(dual_quat_B_H_vec)):
        poses_B_H = np.append(poses_B_H, np.array(
            [dual_quat_B_H_vec[i].to_pose().T]), axis=0)
        poses_W_E = np.append(poses_W_E, np.array(
            [dual_quat_W_E_vec[i].to_pose().T]), axis=0)
      every_nth_element = args.plot_every_nth_pose
      plot_poses([poses_B_H[:: every_nth_element], poses_W_E[:: every_nth_element]],
                 True, title="3D Poses Before Alignment")

    print("Computing hand-eye calibration to obtain an initial guess...")

    if hand_eye_config.use_baseline_approach:
      (success, dq_H_E_initial_guess, rmse,
       num_inliers, num_poses_kept,
       runtime, singular_values, bad_singular_values) = compute_hand_eye_calibration_BASELINE(
          dual_quat_B_H_vec, dual_quat_W_E_vec, hand_eye_config)
      (success, dq_H_E_initial_guess, rmse,
       num_inliers, num_poses_kept,
       runtime, singular_values, bad_singular_values) = compute_hand_eye_calibration_RANSAC(
          dual_quat_B_H_vec, dual_quat_W_E_vec, hand_eye_config)

    result_entry.dataset_names.append((pose_file_B_H, pose_file_W_E))


  return (set_of_dq_H_E_initial_guess,
          set_of_time_offset_initial_guess, result_entry)
コード例 #2
def compute_hand_eye_calibration(dq_B_H_vec_inliers,
  Do the actual hand eye-calibration as described in the referenced paper.
  Assumes the outliers have already been removed and the scalar parts of
  each pair are a match.
    n_quaternions = len(dq_B_H_vec_inliers)

    # Verify that the first pose is at the origin.
    assert np.allclose(dq_B_H_vec_inliers[0].dq,
                       [0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                       atol=1.e-8), dq_B_H_vec_inliers[0]
    assert np.allclose(dq_W_E_vec_inliers[0].dq,
                       [0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                       atol=1.e-8), dq_W_E_vec_inliers[0]

    if enforce_same_non_dual_scalar_sign:
        for i in range(n_quaternions):
            dq_W_E = dq_W_E_vec_inliers[i]
            dq_B_H = dq_B_H_vec_inliers[i]
            if ((dq_W_E.q_rot.w < 0. and dq_B_H.q_rot.w > 0.)
                    or (dq_W_E.q_rot.w > 0. and dq_B_H.q_rot.w < 0.)):
                dq_W_E_vec_inliers[i].dq = -dq_W_E_vec_inliers[i].dq.copy()

    # 0. Stop alignment if there are still pairs that do not have matching
    # scalar parts.
    for j in range(n_quaternions):
        dq_B_H = dq_W_E_vec_inliers[j]
        dq_W_E = dq_B_H_vec_inliers[j]

        scalar_parts_B_H = dq_B_H.scalar()
        scalar_parts_W_E = dq_W_E.scalar()

        assert np.allclose(
            atol=scalar_part_tolerance), (
                "Mismatch of scalar parts of dual quaternion at idx {}:"
                " dq_B_H: {} dq_W_E: {}".format(j, dq_B_H, dq_W_E))

    # 1.
    # Construct 6n x 8 matrix T
    t_matrix = setup_t_matrix(dq_B_H_vec_inliers, dq_W_E_vec_inliers)

    # 2.
    # Compute SVD of T and check if only two singular values are almost equal to
    # zero. Take the corresponding right-singular vectors (v_7 and v_8)
    U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(t_matrix)

    # Check if only the last two singular values are almost zero.
    bad_singular_values = False
    for i, singular_value in enumerate(s):
        if i < 6:
            if singular_value < 5e-1:
                bad_singular_values = True
            if singular_value > 5e-1:
                bad_singular_values = True
    v_7 = V[6, :].copy()
    v_8 = V[7, :].copy()
    # print("v_7: {}".format(v_7))
    # print("v_8: {}".format(v_8))

    # 3.
    # Compute the coefficients of (35) and solve it, finding two solutions for s.
    u_1 = v_7[0:4].copy()
    u_2 = v_8[0:4].copy()
    v_1 = v_7[4:8].copy()
    v_2 = v_8[4:8].copy()
    # print("u_1: {}, \nu_2: {}, \nv_1: {}, \nv_2: {}".format(u_1, u_2, v_1, v_2))

    a = np.dot(u_1.T, v_1)
    assert a != 0.0, "This would involve division by zero."
    b = np.dot(u_1.T, v_2) + np.dot(u_2.T, v_1)
    c = np.dot(u_2.T, v_2)
    # print("a: {}, b: {}, c: {}".format(a, b, c))
    square_root_term = b * b - 4.0 * a * c

    if square_root_term < -1e-2:
        assert False, "square_root_term is too negative: {}".format(
    if square_root_term < 0.0:
        square_root_term = 0.0
    s_1 = (-b + np.sqrt(square_root_term)) / (2.0 * a)
    s_2 = (-b - np.sqrt(square_root_term)) / (2.0 * a)
    # print("s_1: {}, s_2: {}".format(s_1, s_2))

    # 4.
    # For these two s values, compute s^2*u_1^T*u_1 + 2*s*u_1^T*u_2 + u_2^T*u_2
    # From these choose the largest to compute lambda_2 and then lambda_1
    solution_1 = s_1 * s_1 * np.dot(u_1.T, u_1) + 2.0 * \
        s_1 * np.dot(u_1.T, u_2) + np.dot(u_2.T, u_2)
    solution_2 = s_2 * s_2 * np.dot(u_1.T, u_1) + 2.0 * \
        s_2 * np.dot(u_1.T, u_2) + np.dot(u_2.T, u_2)

    if solution_1 > solution_2:
        assert solution_1 > 0.0, solution_1
        lambda_2 = np.sqrt(1.0 / solution_1)
        lambda_1 = s_1 * lambda_2
        assert solution_2 > 0.0, solution_2
        lambda_2 = np.sqrt(1.0 / solution_2)
        lambda_1 = s_2 * lambda_2
    # print("lambda_1: {}, lambda_2: {}".format(lambda_1, lambda_2))

    # 5.
    # The result is lambda_1*v_7 + lambda_2*v_8
    dq_H_E = DualQuaternion.from_vector(lambda_1 * v_7 + lambda_2 * v_8)
    # Normalize the output, to get rid of numerical errors.

    if (dq_H_E.q_rot.w < 0.):
        dq_H_E.dq = -dq_H_E.dq.copy()
    return (dq_H_E, s, bad_singular_values)
コード例 #3
         ) = read_time_stamped_poses_from_csv_file(pose_file_B_H)
        print("Found ", time_stamped_poses_B_H.shape[0],
              " poses in file: ", pose_file_B_H)

         quaternions_W_E) = read_time_stamped_poses_from_csv_file(pose_file_W_E)
        print("Found ", time_stamped_poses_W_E.shape[0],
              " poses in file: ", pose_file_W_E)

        # No time offset.
        time_offset_initial_guess = 0.
        # Unit DualQuaternion.
        dq_H_E_initial_guess = DualQuaternion.from_vector(
            [0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0., 0., 0., 0.])

        print("Computing time offset...")
        time_offset_initial_guess = calculate_time_offset(times_B_H, quaternions_B_H, times_W_E,
                                                          quaternions_W_E, filtering_config, args.visualize)

        print("Time offset: {}s".format(time_offset_initial_guess))

        print("Computing aligned poses...")
        (aligned_poses_B_H, aligned_poses_W_E) = compute_aligned_poses(
            time_stamped_poses_B_H, time_stamped_poses_W_E, time_offset_initial_guess, args.visualize)

        # Convert poses to dual quaterions.
        dual_quat_B_H_vec = [DualQuaternion.from_pose_vector(
            aligned_pose_B_H) for aligned_pose_B_H in aligned_poses_B_H[:, 1:]]
        dual_quat_W_E_vec = [DualQuaternion.from_pose_vector(