コード例 #1
ファイル: transports.py プロジェクト: kaushik25T/healthchecks
    def notify(self, check):
        pieces = self.channel.value.split("|")
        user_key, prio = pieces[0], pieces[1]
        # The third element, if present, is the priority for "up" events
        if len(pieces) == 3 and check.status == "up":
            prio = pieces[2]

        from hc.api.models import TokenBucket

        if not TokenBucket.authorize_pushover(user_key):
            return "Rate limit exceeded"

        others = self.checks().filter(status="down").exclude(code=check.code)
        # list() executes the query, to avoid DB access while
        # rendering a template
        ctx = {"check": check, "down_checks": list(others)}
        text = tmpl("pushover_message.html", **ctx)
        title = tmpl("pushover_title.html", **ctx)

        payload = {
            "token": settings.PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN,
            "user": user_key,
            "message": text,
            "title": title,
            "html": 1,
            "priority": int(prio),

        # Emergency notification
        if prio == "2":
            payload["retry"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_RETRY_DELAY
            payload["expire"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_EXPIRATION

        return self.post(self.URL, data=payload)
コード例 #2
    def notify(self, check) -> None:
        pieces = self.channel.value.split("|")
        user_key, down_prio = pieces[0], pieces[1]

        # The third element, if present, is the priority for "up" events
        up_prio = down_prio
        if len(pieces) == 3:
            up_prio = pieces[2]

        from hc.api.models import TokenBucket

        if not TokenBucket.authorize_pushover(user_key):
            raise TransportError("Rate limit exceeded")

        # If down events have the emergency priority,
        # send a cancel call first
        if check.status == "up" and down_prio == "2":
            url = self.CANCEL_TMPL % check.unique_key
            cancel_payload = {"token": settings.PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN}
            self.post(url, data=cancel_payload)

        ctx = {"check": check, "down_checks": self.down_checks(check)}
        text = tmpl("pushover_message.html", **ctx)
        title = tmpl("pushover_title.html", **ctx)
        prio = up_prio if check.status == "up" else down_prio

        payload = {
            "token": settings.PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN,
            "user": user_key,
            "message": text,
            "title": title,
            "html": 1,
            "priority": int(prio),
            "tags": check.unique_key,

        # Emergency notification
        if prio == "2":
            payload["retry"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_RETRY_DELAY
            payload["expire"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_EXPIRATION

        self.post(self.URL, data=payload)