コード例 #1
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: teohxuen/cs50final
def stats():
    # get the list of exercises under this userid
    data = db.execute(
        "SELECT id, name, target, date FROM exercises WHERE userid = :userid",

    if len(data) == 0:
        # if the user have no exercise added, it alerts the user on how he can add it
            "You current have no exercises added! Get moving! Click on 'New Exercise' to add a new exercise"

    for row in data:
        temp = db.execute(
            "SELECT SUM(count) FROM history WHERE exerciseid = :exerciseid",

        # if user have not completed any work out for that particular exercise
        if temp[0]["SUM(count)"] == None:
            # set his count to 0
            row["count"] = 0
            row["count"] = convert(temp[0]["SUM(count)"])

        # if users have a target set
        if row["target"] != "":
            # find difference between current count and target
            row["diff"] = row["count"] - float(row["target"])
            row["diff"] = convert(row["diff"])
            row["target"] = convert(row["target"])
            # if target date is not left blank
            if row["date"] != "":
                # get the target date
                tdate = datetime.strptime(row["date"], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
                today = datetime.today().date()
                # find out how many days are between target date and today
                row["tdiff"] = (tdate - today).days

                row["date"] = tdate.strftime("%d %b %Y")

                # if the difference is negative (yet to hit target)
                if row["diff"] < 0:
                    # if days left is 0
                    if row["tdiff"] == 0:
                        row["gpd"] = abs(row["diff"])
                        # find out how many count per day to hit target
                        row["gpd"] = abs(convert(row["diff"] / row["tdiff"]))
        # if user did not have a target count but has a target date
        elif row["date"] != "":
            tdate = datetime.strptime(row["date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
            row["date"] = tdate.strftime("%d %b %Y")

    flash("Click on Fitness60 to add more workouts! Get Moving!")
    return render_template("stats.html", data=data)
コード例 #2
    def convertJSONtoXML(self, json_file, xml_file="output.xml"):
    .. method:: convertJSONtoXML(json_file, xml_file)

       This method converts the JSON in the given file to the XML and
       outputs to the given file.

       The implementer of this method is responsible for opening both
       files, reading from the JSON file and writing to the XML
       file. He must ensure that all the proper error handling is

       :param str json_file: A string representing a file path to a
                             JSON file.
       :param str xml_file: A string representing a file path to
                            output XML after converting it from the
                            given JSON file
       :returns: True if success, else False
       :rtype: Boolean

        json_data = open(json_file)
        data = json.load(json_data)

        output = []

        add_output_line = output.append

        if type(data) in [dict, list]:

            if self.root_object == True:

                add_output_line('<%s>%s</%s>' % (

                add_output_line('%s' % (convert(data)))

            add_output_line('%s' % convert(data, add_name=False))

        output_file = open(xml_file, "wb")



        print("XML output is successfully saved to : {}".format(xml_file))

        return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: teohxuen/cs50final
def index():
    if request.method == "GET":

        # Select all of this user's exercise
        exercise = db.execute(
            "SELECT name, id FROM exercises WHERE userid = :userid",
        # if the user have no exercise they are redireced to the page to add new exercise
        if len(exercise) == 0:
            # tell users that they have to add a new exercise
            flash("You currently have no exercises. Add an exercise!")
            return redirect("/new")

        # get a random exercise which the user has yet to reach his goal
        random = db.execute("SELECT name,target, target-SUM(count) FROM\
                            exercises LEFT JOIN history ON exercises.id = history.exerciseid\
                            WHERE exercises.userid=:userid AND target !=''\
                            GROUP BY exercises.id\
                            HAVING target-SUM(count)>0 OR target-SUM(count) IS NULL\
                            ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1",

        # if there is a random exercise
        if len(random) != 0:
            if random[0]["target-SUM(count)"] == None:
                random[0]["target-SUM(count)"] = random[0]["target"]
            random[0]["target-SUM(count)"] = convert(
            random[0]["target"] = convert(random[0]["target"])

        return render_template("index.html", exercise=exercise, random=random)
        # HTML ensures that at least a count is chosen

        # Get the current time
        time = datetime.now().strftime("%d %b %Y %A %I %M %p")

        # insert work out into history database
            "INSERT INTO history (exerciseid, userid, count, notes, time)\
                    VALUES (:exerciseid, :userid, :count, :notes, :time)",

        # return a message to indicate that work out has been added successfully
        flash("Work out added!")
        return redirect("/")
コード例 #4
    def testGetAllScripts2(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example1: {",
            "    test: //src1//,",
            "    script: stack test 1,",
            "  },",
            "  example2: {",
            "    test: //src2//,",
            "    script: stack test 1,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)

        name1 = config[0]['name']
        name2 = config[1]['name']
        names = sorted([name1, name2])
        notices = ''.join(map(notice, names))
        expected = [
            notices + 'stack test 1'
        actual = getAllScripts(config)
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #5
    def testGetScripts7(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example1: {",
            "    test: //src1//,",
            "    script: stack test 1,",
            "  },",
            "  example2: {",
            "    test: //src2//,",
            "    script: stack test 2,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)
        files = [

        name1 = config[0]['name']
        expected = [
            notice(name1) + 'stack test 1'
        actual = getScripts(config, files)
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #6
    def testConvert1(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example1: {",
            "    test: /^src//,",
            "    script: stack test,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)

        actual = len(config)
        expected = 1
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = ['name', 'test', 'script']
        actual = config[0].keys()
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = 'example1'
        actual = config[0]['name']
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = re.compile('^src/')
        actual = config[0]['test']
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = 'stack test'
        actual = config[0]['script']
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: teohxuen/cs50final
def history():
    # get all work out completed by this user_id
    data = db.execute(
        "SELECT time, count, notes, exerciseid FROM history WHERE\
                        userid = :userid",

    if len(data) == 0:
        # if user have no work out recorded, it alerts the user on how he can add it
            " You current have no work out recorded! Get moving! Click on 'Fitness60' to add a new work out"

    # for each work out
    for row in data:
        # get the name of the exercise
        temp = db.execute("SELECT name FROM exercises WHERE id= :exerciseid",
        row["name"] = temp[0]["name"]

        # convert the count to integer if the count is a whole number
        row["count"] = convert(row["count"])

        # Format the time
        temptime = row["time"].split(" ")
        row["date"] = f"{temptime[0]} {temptime[1]} {temptime[2]}, {temptime[3]}"
        row["time"] = f"{temptime[4]}:{temptime[5]}{temptime[6]}"

    flash("Click on Fitness60 to add more workouts! Get Moving!")
    return render_template("history.html", data=data)
コード例 #8
    def testGetScripts5(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example: {",
            "    test: /src$/,",
            "    script: stack test,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)
        files = ['base/src/path.hs']

        expected = []
        actual = getScripts(config, files)
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #9
    def testGetScripts4(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example: {",
            "    test: /^src//,",
            "    script: stack test,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)
        files = ['src/path.hs']

        name = config[0]['name']
        expected = [notice(name) + 'stack test']
        actual = getScripts(config, files)
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #10
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: xkenneth/surfaceadaptor
    def addMWDRealTime(self,name,timestamp,value):


        mwdrt = [name,timestamp,value]
        if mwdrt in last:
            logging.info(str('Duplicate Found! Ignoring'))            

        if name == '':
            logging.info(str("No Name attached to data!"))            
        logging.info(str("buffer size:"+str(len(last))))        

        #pop the first
        if len(last) > last_length:

        #value = float(value)
        kwargs = {'well':db_settings.get_active_well(),
        kwargs['type'], axis, value = convert(name, value)

        if axis != '':
            kwargs['value_'+axis] = str(value)
            kwargs['value'] = str(value)

        logging.info(str("Final Value:")+str(kwargs))
        t = ToolMWDRealTime(**kwargs)


        #append to the back

        return 'OK'
コード例 #11
def fetch_mongo_data(sql_count):
    '''Fetch data from Mongodb database'''
    # Client connection
    ###### client = MongoClient('CLIENT ID INSERT HERE') # Removed for security

    # Database Name
    db = client['Cluster0']
    # Collection Name
    col = db['entries']

    # Start point for fetch data to avoid duplication/use of memory
    start_point = sql_count

    # Select data and store in list
    mongo_db = list(col.find({}, {'_id': 0, 'dateString': 1, 'sgv': 1}))
    mongo_count = len(mongo_db)

    print("\n###########################\nMongo records:", mongo_count)
    glucose_data = []
    id = 1
    # if statement to begin fetch at start point?
    for record in mongo_db:
            mmol = convert(record['sgv'])
            tz_data = timezone(record['dateString'])
            (db_datetime, ntz) = tz_data  # Unpack tuple
            dt_split = db_datetime.split()
            date = dt_split[0]
            time = dt_split[1][:5]
            data_list = [id, date, time, mmol]
            id += 1
        except KeyError:
    glucose_data = glucose_data[start_point:]
    mongo_fetch_data = (ntz, glucose_data)

    return mongo_fetch_data
コード例 #12
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: teohxuen/cs50final
def goals():
    if request.method == "GET":
        # Select all of the user's exercises
        exercise = db.execute("SELECT * FROM exercises WHERE userid = :userid",
        for row in exercise:
            if row["target"] != "":
                row["target"] = convert(row["target"])
            # check if target date is empty
            if row["date"] != "":
                # if target date is not empty format the date
                temp = datetime.strptime(row["date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
                row["date"] = temp.strftime("%d %b %Y")
        return render_template("goals.html", exercise=exercise, today=today)

            "UPDATE exercises SET target = :target, date= :date WHERE id= :id",
        flash("Your goal is updated! Kepp working to hit your goals!")
        return redirect("/goals")
コード例 #13
    def testGetAllScripts1(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example1: {",
            "    test: //src1//,",
            "    script: stack test 1,",
            "  },",
            "  example2: {",
            "    test: //src2//,",
            "    script: stack test 2,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)

        name1 = config[0]['name']
        name2 = config[1]['name']
        expected = [
            notice(name1) + 'stack test 1',
            notice(name2) + 'stack test 2'
        actual = getAllScripts(config)
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #14
    def testConvert2(self):
        yamlStr = '\n'.join([
            "  example1: {",
            "    test: /^src1//,",
            "    script: stack test 1,",
            "  },",
            "  example2: {",
            "    test: /^src2//,",
            "    script: stack test 2,",
            "  }",
        configRaw = yaml.load(yamlStr)
        config = convert(configRaw)

        actual = len(config)
        expected = 2
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        for i, rec in enumerate(config):
            expected = ['name', 'test', 'script']
            actual = rec.keys()
            self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)

            expected = "example"+str(i+1)
            actual = rec['name']
            self.assertCountEqual(expected, actual)

            expected = re.compile("^src"+str(i+1)+"/")
            actual = rec['test']
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

            expected = "stack test "+str(i+1)
            actual = rec['script']
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)