def sync_task(args): """ Sync bedeutet, die pakete von einem in einen anderen Status zu heben, wenn das vorher auf dem Masterserver auch passiert ist. Hier die Liste der möglichen Änderungen: install -> deinstall, purge, hold deinstall -> install purge -> install hold -> install Im Status "unknown" tun wir nichts... vorerst :) """ master_list = list() master_dist = '' for server in servers: try: print colorize(leet_equal_signs(server.get('host')), color and YELLOW) apt_cmd = AptMachine(apt_command=args.apt_executable, debug=args.verbose, simulate=args.simulate, **server) full_lists = args.full_lists package_list = apt_cmd.get_all_packages() print 'Operating System:', apt_cmd.distribution print 'Packages listed:', len(package_list) if server.get('reference'): master_dist = apt_cmd.distribution print colorize('This server is reference, generating master list.', color and BLUE) master_list = package_list elif master_list: try: print colorize('This server will now be synchronized with the master server.', color and BLUE) if apt_cmd.distribution != master_dist: print colorize("WARNING operating system differs from master server", color and YELLOW) print colorize("[01/16] (missing) unknown => install", color and GREEN) print colorize("[02/16] (missing) unknown => hold", color and GREEN) print colorize("[03/16] (missing) remove => purge", color and GREEN) print colorize("[04/16] (missing) remove => hold", color and GREEN) print colorize("[05/16] (missing) purge => hold", color and GREEN) print colorize("[06/16] (missing) hold => install", color and GREEN) print colorize("[07/16] (missing) hold => remove", color and GREEN) print colorize("[08/16] (missing) hold => purge", color and GREEN) print colorize("[09/16 apt-get update]", color and GREEN) apt_cmd.execute_apt('update') print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: missing_packages = apt_cmd.get_missing_packages(master_list) print colorize("[10/16 remove, purge => install]", color and GREEN), list_print(missing_packages, full_lists) if missing_packages: print apt_cmd.install(missing_packages) print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: redundant_packages = apt_cmd.get_redundant_packages(master_list) print colorize("[11/16 install => remove]", color and GREEN), list_print(redundant_packages, full_lists) if redundant_packages: print apt_cmd.remove(redundant_packages) print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: purged_packages = apt_cmd.get_purged_packages(master_list) print colorize("[12/16 install => purge]", color and GREEN), list_print(purged_packages, full_lists) if purged_packages: print apt_cmd.remove(purged_packages, purge=True) print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color)
print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: purged_packages = apt_cmd.get_purged_packages(master_list) print colorize("[12/16 install => purge]", color and GREEN), list_print(purged_packages, full_lists) if purged_packages: print apt_cmd.remove(purged_packages, purge=True) print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: held_packages = apt_cmd.get_hold_packages(master_list) print colorize("[13/16 install => hold]", color and GREEN), list_print(held_packages, full_lists) if held_packages: print apt_cmd.hold(held_packages) print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) # some cleanup tasks try: print colorize("[14/16 autoremove]", color and GREEN) apt_cmd.execute_apt('autoremove') print colorize('[OK]', color and GREEN) except Exception, e: print_errors(e, color) try: print colorize("[15/16 clean]", color and GREEN)