コード例 #1
def estimateFeatureTranslation(startX, startY, Ix, Iy, img1, img2):
    I_gray_1, I_gray_2 = rgb2gray(img1), rgb2gray(img2)
    X_old, Y_old = generatePatch(startX, startY)
    X_old, Y_old = X_old.astype(np.int32), Y_old.astype(np.int32)
    Ix_temp, Iy_temp = Ix[Y_old, X_old], Iy[Y_old, X_old]
    x0, y0 = startX, startY
    min_error = 999999
    error_thresh = 1

    iteration = 5
    for i in range(iteration):
        X_new, Y_new = generatePatch(x0, y0)
        old_coor = np.array((x0, y0)).reshape(-1, 1)
        It_temp = interp2(I_gray_2, X_new, Y_new) - I_gray_1[Y_old, X_old]
        error = np.linalg.norm(It_temp)

        if error < min_error:
            min_error = error
            newX, newY = x0, y0
            if error < error_thresh:

        A = np.hstack((Ix_temp.reshape(-1, 1), Iy_temp.reshape(-1, 1)))
        b = -It_temp.reshape(-1, 1)
        flow_temp = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(A.T, A), np.dot(A.T, b))
        new_coor = old_coor + flow_temp
        x0, y0 = new_coor[0, 0], new_coor[1, 0]

    return newX, newY
コード例 #2
def warp_box(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, img1, img2, box):
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import warp_image

    # This will fail if there is overlap between the boxes

    max_dist = 4
    pad = 5

    source = rgb2gray(img1)
    target = rgb2gray(img2)
    source_warped = np.copy(source)

    h, w = source.shape

    # Get the boundaries of bounding box
    xmin = max([np.amin(box[:, 0]) - pad, 0])
    xmax = min([np.amax(box[:, 0]) + pad + 1, w])
    ymin = max([np.amin(box[:, 1]) - pad, 0])
    ymax = min([np.amax(box[:, 1]) + pad + 1, h])

    # Remove points who traveled to far between frames
    distances = np.sqrt(
        np.square(newXs - startXs) + np.square(newYs - startYs))
    indexer = distances < max_dist
    indexer = np.ones(len(startXs), dtype=bool)  # Overwrite this for now
    ux = startXs[indexer]
    uy = startYs[indexer]
    vx = newXs[indexer]
    vy = newYs[indexer]

    # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
    N = len(ux)
    u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
    v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

    T = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                      args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
    T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))

    target_area = target[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    source_area = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    warped_area = warp_image(source, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    source_warped[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = warped_area

    return source_warped
コード例 #3
def calc_sim(img, coin):

    if img.shape[-1] == 3:
        img = rgb2gray(img)
    img = img.astype('uint8')
    img = img_as_ubyte(img)

    if coin.shape[-1] == 3:
        coin = rgb2gray(coin)
    coin = coin.astype('uint8')
    coin = img_as_ubyte(coin)

    quantized_img = img // 16
    coin = coin // 16

    # Compute coin histogram and normalize
    coin_hist, _ = np.histogram(coin.flatten(), bins=16, range=(0, 16))
    coin_hist = coin_hist.astype(float) / np.sum(coin_hist)

    # Compute a disk shaped mask that will define the shape of our sliding window
    # A disk with diameter equal to max(w,h) of the roi should be a big enough reference
    selem = disk(max(coin.shape) // 2)

    # Compute the similarity across the complete image
    similarity = windowed_histogram_similarity(quantized_img, selem, coin_hist,

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10))

    axes[0].imshow(quantized_img, cmap='gray')
    axes[0].set_title('Quantized image')

    axes[1].imshow(coin, cmap='gray')
    axes[1].set_title('Quantized ROI image')

    axes[2].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    axes[2].imshow(similarity, cmap='hot', alpha=0.5)
    axes[2].set_title('Original image with overlaid similarity')


    cv2.imwrite('img/sim_map.jpg', similarity)

    return similarity
コード例 #4
def getBoxFeature(img):
    max_pts = 20
    row, col = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]

    if (img.ndim == 3):
        img = rgb2gray(flipChannel(img))
    corners = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(img.astype(np.float32), max_pts, 0.01, 10)
    corners = np.int0(corners)
    x, y = corners[:, :, 0], corners[:, :, 1]
    inlier_ind = (x > 5) * (x < col - 5) * (y > 5) * (y < row - 5)
    x, y = x[inlier_ind], y[inlier_ind]

    return x, y
コード例 #5
def estimateAllTranslation(startXs, startYs, img1, img2):
    row, col = img1.shape[0], img1.shape[1]
    N, F = startXs.shape[0], startXs.shape[1]
    I_gray_1 = rgb2gray(img1)
    Ix, Iy = np.gradient(I_gray_1, axis=(1, 0))
    newXs = np.zeros((N, F), dtype=np.int32)
    newYs = np.zeros((N, F), dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(F):
            if startXs[i][j] < 2     or startYs[i][j] < 2 \
            or startXs[i][j] > col-2 or startYs[i][j] > row-2:
            newX, newY = estimateFeatureTranslation(startXs[i][j],\
                                startYs[i][j], Ix, Iy, img1, img2)
            if newX >= 0 and newX < col and newY >= 0 and newY < row > 0:
                newXs[i][j] = newX
                newYs[i][j] = newY

    return newXs, newYs
コード例 #6
def estimateAllTranslation(startXs, startYs, origXs, origYs, img1, img2, bbox,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    from calculateError import calculateError

    # ---------- Part 1: Setup ---------- #

    # Get images computed to grayscale
    # For now I'm going to pad the images symmetrically to get W for edges and corners
    # It will just be important to remember that padding's there when solving for pixel locations
    window = 11
    pad = int((window - 1) / 2)

    # Blur the images to get better optical flow results
    Gx = signal.gaussian(window, 1.4).reshape(1, window)
    Gy = signal.gaussian(window, 1.4).reshape(window, 1)
    gray1 = signal.convolve2d(rgb2gray(img1), Gx, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray1 = signal.convolve2d(gray1, Gy, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray2 = signal.convolve2d(rgb2gray(img2), Gx, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    gray2 = signal.convolve2d(gray2, Gy, mode="full", boundary="symm")

    # Pull out parameters for looping
    F = len(startXs)

    # Initialize our outputs
    newXs = np.zeros(F, dtype=object)
    newYs = np.zeros(F, dtype=object)

    # Calculate the gradients
    kx = np.array([[1, -1]])
    ky = np.array([[1], [-1]])
    Ix = signal.convolve2d(gray1, kx, mode="same")
    Iy = signal.convolve2d(gray1, ky, mode="same")

    # ---------- Part 2: Caluclate the feature translations ---------- #

    # Use these gradients to find the new locations of the feature points
    # I'm not going to put this into a second function to reduce runtime
    A = np.zeros((window**2, 2))
    b = np.zeros((window**2, 1))

    # Iterate for each bounding box as necessary
    for i in range(F):
        error = np.nan_to_num(np.Inf)
        min_error = error.copy()
        iters = 0

        tempOrigXs = np.copy(origXs[i])
        tempOrigYs = np.copy(origYs[i])

        # Run for a max of 5 iterations or until the average squared distance between ea feat pt value is less than 5k
        while error > 5000 and iters < 5:
            N = len(startXs[i])
            potXs = np.zeros(N)
            potYs = np.zeros(N)

            It = gray2 - gray1
            iters += 1
            for j in range(N):

                # Get our feature location
                fx = startXs[i][j]
                fy = startYs[i][j]

                # Generate a meshgrid for interpolating
                meshx, meshy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(window),
                meshx = meshx + fx
                meshy = meshy + fy

                # Build A and b from A*[u; v] = b centered around the feature location
                A[:, 0] = interp2(Ix, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # Ix[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)
                A[:, 1] = interp2(Iy, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # Iy[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)
                b[:, 0] = interp2(It, meshx, meshy).reshape(
                )  # It[fy - pad: fy + pad + 1, fx - pad: fx + pad + 1].reshape(window**2)

                # Solve for [u; v]
                    translation = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(A.T, A)), A.T), -b)
                except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    translation = np.array([0, 0])

                # Save our result into our output
                potXs[j] = startXs[i][j] + translation[0]
                potYs[j] = startYs[i][j] + translation[1]

            # Calculate the error
            error, gray1, indexer, Ix, Iy, potXs, potYs = calculateError(
                startXs[i], startYs[i], potXs, potYs, np.copy(gray1),
                np.copy(gray2), Ix, Iy, np.copy(bbox[i]), params)

            startXs[i] = np.copy(potXs)
            startYs[i] = np.copy(potYs)
            tempOrigXs = tempOrigXs[indexer]
            tempOrigYs = tempOrigYs[indexer]

            # If we did better this time, save the results
            if error < min_error:
                min_error = error.copy()
                newXs[i] = np.copy(potXs)
                newYs[i] = np.copy(potYs)
                origXs[i] = np.copy(tempOrigXs)
                origYs[i] = np.copy(tempOrigYs)

    return newXs, newYs, origXs, origYs
コード例 #7
def calculateError(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, img1, img2, Ix, Iy, box,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import interp2
    from scipy import signal
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import warp_image

    # Extract parameters
    max_dist = params[0]
    k1 = params[1]
    k2 = params[2]
    k3 = params[3]
    k4 = params[4]
    pad = 5

    source = rgb2gray(img1)
    target = rgb2gray(img2)
    source_warped = np.copy(source)

    h, w = source.shape

    # Get the boundaries of bounding box
    xmin = max([np.amin(box[:, 0]) - pad, 0])
    xmax = min([np.amax(box[:, 0]) + pad + 1, w])
    ymin = max([np.amin(box[:, 1]) - pad, 0])
    ymax = min([np.amax(box[:, 1]) + pad + 1, h])

    # Outlier handling
    indexer = np.all(np.stack([
        newXs > xmin + pad, newXs < xmax - pad, newYs > ymin + pad,
        newYs < ymax - pad
    distances = np.sqrt(
        np.square(newXs - startXs) + np.square(newYs - startYs))
    avg_dist = np.mean(distances)
    std_dist = np.std(distances)
    if avg_dist != 0:
        indexer = np.logical_and(
                distances < min([k1 * avg_dist + k2 * std_dist, max_dist]),
                distances > k3 * avg_dist - k4 * std_dist))

    # Generate vectors of inliers for calculating the transformation
    ux = startXs[indexer]
    uy = startYs[indexer]
    vx = newXs[indexer]
    vy = newYs[indexer]

    # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
    N = len(ux)
    u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
    v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

    # Calculate the transformation via least squares
    T = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                      args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
    T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))
    newXs = np.matmul(T, u)[0]
    newYs = np.matmul(T, u)[1]

    # Warp img1, Ix and Iy based on calculated transformation
    target_area = target[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
    source_area = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

    warped_area = warp_image(source, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    source_warped[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = warped_area

    Ix_area = warp_image(Ix, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    Ix[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = Ix_area

    Iy_area = warp_image(Iy, T, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    Iy[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = Iy_area

    # Calculate the error per feature point
    interpx = np.array([newXs])
    interpy = np.array([newYs])
    values_this = interp2(source_warped, interpx, interpy).reshape(len(newXs))
    values_next = interp2(target, interpx, interpy).reshape(len(newXs))
    error = np.sum(np.square(values_next - values_this)) / len(newXs)

    return error, source_warped, indexer, Ix, Iy, newXs, newYs
コード例 #8
def main(video_file, output_filename):
    imgs = np.array([])
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
    ret, img1 = cap.read()
    img1 = img1[..., ::-1]
    h, w, d = img1.shape

    display_img = img1.copy()
    display_img = cv2.cvtColor(display_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    cv2.namedWindow("Start Frame")
    cv2.setMouseCallback("Start Frame", draw_box)

    # Loop until the user is done drawing boxes
    while True:
        cv2.imshow("Start Frame", display_img)
        key = cv2.waitKey(0)

        if key == ord('q'):

    # Destroy the drawing window

    # Show the result
    for i in range(int(len(refPt) / 2)):
        cv2.rectangle(display_img, refPt[2 * i], refPt[(2 * i) + 1],
                      (0, 255, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow("Result", display_img)

    bbox = []
    for i in range(int(len(refPt) / 2)):

        # Top Left and bottom right
        box_corners = np.array([refPt[2 * i], refPt[(2 * i) + 1]])
        start_x, start_y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(box_corners)

        # Create the four coordinates for the box and reshape
        box = np.array([[start_x, start_y], [start_x + width, start_y],
                        [start_x + width, start_y + height],
                        [start_x, start_y + width]])


    # Turn it into a numpy array
    bbox = np.array(bbox)

    orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
    centers = np.zeros((len(bbox), 2))
    trajectory_indexer = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=bool)

    # Get the features from inside the bounding box
    x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

    newXs = np.copy(x)
    newYs = np.copy(y)

    f = 0
    frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox,
                                  np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs),
    frame = Image.fromarray(frame)

    # Store the processed frames so we can turn it into a video later
    all_frames = []

    a = 0
    while ret:
        f += 1
        a += 1
        if not f % 8:
            print("Frame: ", f)
            a = 1
            for i in range(len(bbox)):
                # xmin = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 0])[0]
                # xmax = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 0])[3]
                # ymin = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 1])[0]
                # ymax = np.sort(bbox[i, :, 1])[3]
                # bbox[i, ...] = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymax]).reshape(4,2)
                orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
            x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)
            newXs = np.copy(x)
            newYs = np.copy(y)

        thresh = .1 + .02 * a

        ret, img2 = cap.read()
        if not ret:
        img2 = img2[..., ::-1]

        iterations = 1

        # Get the new feature locations in the next frame
        updatex, updatey, x, y = estimateAllTranslation(
            newXs, newYs, np.copy(x), np.copy(y), np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2),

        for k in range(len(bbox)):
            centers[k] = np.array(
                [np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]),
                 np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1])]).astype(int)

        # Warp the image for the next iteration
        newXs, newYs, bbox, warped = applyGeometricTransformation(
            np.copy(x), np.copy(y), updatex, updatey, np.copy(orig_box),
            np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2), thresh)

        for k in range(len(bbox)):
            xcen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]))
            ycen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1]))
            num = int(
                max([abs(xcen - centers[k, 0]),
                     abs(ycen - centers[k, 1])]))
            centerx = np.linspace(centers[k, 0], xcen + 1, num).astype(int)
            centery = np.linspace(centers[k, 1], ycen + 1, num).astype(int)
            if centerx.size > 0 and centery.size > 0:
                trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen + 1] = True
                trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen + 1] = True

        frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img2), bbox,
                                      np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
        frame = Image.fromarray(frame)
        # frame.save("medium_frame%d.jpg" % f)

        img1 = np.copy(img2)


    np_frames = np.array(
        [cv2.cvtColor(np.array(f), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for f in all_frames])
    gen_video(np.array(np_frames), "{0}.avi".format(output_filename))
コード例 #9
ファイル: mymosaic.py プロジェクト: mattlisle/computer-vision
def mymosaic(img_input):
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import warp_image
    from corner_detector import corner_detector
    from anms import anms
    from feat_desc import feat_desc
    from feat_match import feat_match
    from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math

    # Set out constants
    max_pts = 1000
    thresh = 0.5
    h, w, d = img_input[0].shape

    # ---------- Part 1: Get descs for each image ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    x = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    y = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    descs = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)

    # Get x, y, and descs for each image
    for i in range(3):
        print("---------- Processing Image %d ----------" % (i + 1))
        gray = rgb2gray(img_input[i])

        print("Detecting corners")
        cimg = corner_detector(gray)

        print("Suppressing non maxima")
        x[i], y[i], rmax = anms(cimg, max_pts)

        print("Finding descriptors")
        descs[i] = feat_desc(gray, x[i], y[i])

    # ---------- Part 2: Estimate homographies ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    H = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    inlier_ind = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners[1] = np.stack(
        [np.array([0, w, w, 0]),
         np.array([0, 0, h, h]),
    H[1] = np.identity(3)

    for i in [0, 2]:
        print("---------- Matching Images %d and %d ----------" % (i + 1, 2))
        print("Finding matching descriptors")

        match = feat_match(descs[1], descs[i])
        matches = (np.where([match >= 0])[1], match[match >= 0])

        print("Performing RANSAC")
        H[i], inlier_ind[i] = ransac_est_homography(x[i][matches[1]],
                                                    y[1][matches[0]], thresh)

        # Find the boundaries that the mosaic has to fit into
        warped_corners = np.matmul(H[i], corners[1])
        corners[i] = warped_corners / warped_corners[2]

    # ---------- Part 3: Assemble the mosaic ---------- #
    print("---------- Assembling the Mosaic ----------")
    # Initialize the mosaic using corners
    xmin = int(math.floor(np.amin(corners[0][0])))
    xmax = int(math.ceil(np.amax(corners[2][0])))
    ymin = int(
    ymax = int(
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin, 3)).astype(int)

    # Need to find the mesh to interpolate with
    print("Warping images")
    left, yi0, w0, h0 = warp_image(img_input[0], H[0], corners[0])
    center = img_input[1].astype(int)
    right, yi2, w2, h2 = warp_image(img_input[2], H[2], corners[2])

    # Need the offsets to correctly align images
    xi1 = -xmin
    yi1 = -ymin
    w1 = w
    h1 = h

    # Assemble the mosaic
    print("Putting it all together")
    if yi0 < yi2:
        img_mosaic[:h0, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi2 - yi0:h2 + yi2 - yi0,
                   -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi0 - yi2:h0 + yi0 - yi2, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[:h2, -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
    img_mosaic[yi1:yi1 + h1, xi1:xi1 + w1] = center

    return img_mosaic
コード例 #10
ファイル: visualizer.py プロジェクト: xxm0703/DeepQuest

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = gym.make('Seaquest-v0')
    state_size = env.observation_space.shape
    action_size = env.action_space.n
    agent = DQNAgent(state_size, action_size)
    done = False
    batch_size = 32
    K_frames = 3
    action = 0
    i = 0
    while True:
        state = env.reset()
        state = rgb2gray(state)
        i += 1
        for t in range(4000):
            if t % K_frames == 0:
                action = agent.decide(state)
            isOpened = env.render()

            if not isOpened:

            next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

            state = rgb2gray(next_state)
            if done:
                print("episode: {}, score: {}".format(i, t))
コード例 #11
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import rgb2gray
from corner_detector import corner_detector
from anms import anms
from feat_desc import feat_desc
from feat_match import feat_match
from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography

print("---------- Processing First Image ----------")
path1 = "street-2.jpg"
img1 = Image.open(path1)
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 1000

print("Detecting corners")
cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)

print("Suppressing non maxima")
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)

print("Finding descriptors")
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)

# plt.imshow(img1)
# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
コード例 #12
frame1 = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox)
frame1 = Image.fromarray(frame1)
# plt.imshow(frame1)
# plt.show()

# For debugging: Show the bounding box we've chosen
# plt.imshow(img1)
# for box in bbox:
# 	for i in range(3):
# 		plt.plot(box[i: i+2, 0], box[i: i+2, 1], color="red")
# 	plt.plot([box[0, 0], box[3, 0]], [box[0, 1], box[3, 1]], color="red")
# plt.show()

# Get the features from inside the bounding box
x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

# For debugging: Show the bounding box and the features inside
# plt.imshow(img1)
# for box in bbox:
# 	for i in range(3):
# 		plt.plot(box[i: i+2, 0], box[i: i+2, 1], color="red")
# 	plt.plot([box[0, 0], box[3, 0]], [box[0, 1], box[3, 1]], color="red")
# for i in range(x.shape[1]):
# 	plt.scatter(x[i], y[i][:], color="blue")
# plt.show()

nextframe = np.copy(img2)
warped = np.copy(img1)
newXs = np.copy(x)
newYs = np.copy(y)
コード例 #13
ファイル: mymosaic.py プロジェクト: ZetongJia/CIS581Project3A
def mymosaic(img_input):
    # Your Code Here
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((img_input.shape[0], 1), dtype=object)
    for i in range(img_input.shape[0]):
        imgA = img_input[i, 0]
        imgB = img_input[i, 1]
        imgC = img_input[i, 2]

        imgA_gray = rgb2gray(imgA)
        imgB_gray = rgb2gray(imgB)
        imgC_gray = rgb2gray(imgC)

        cimgA = corner_detector(imgA_gray)
        cimgB = corner_detector(imgB_gray)
        cimgC = corner_detector(imgC_gray)

        max_pts = 500

        xA, yA, rmaxA = anms(cimgA, max_pts)
        xB, yB, rmaxB = anms(cimgB, max_pts)
        xC, yC, rmaxC = anms(cimgC, max_pts)

        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrate ANMS result
        #         IA = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA,xA,yA,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('A'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IA)
        #         IB = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB,xB,yB,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('B'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IB)
        #         IC = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC,xC,yC,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('C'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IC)
        # =============================================================================

        descsA = feat_desc(imgA_gray, xA, yA)
        descsB = feat_desc(imgB_gray, xB, yB)
        descsC = feat_desc(imgC_gray, xC, yC)

        match1 = feat_match(descsA, descsB)
        match2 = feat_match(descsC, descsB)

        ransac_thresh = 10

        xA1, yA1 = xA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB1, yB1 = xB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H1, inlier_ind1 = ransac_est_homography(xA1, yA1, xB1, yB1,

        xC2, yC2 = xC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB2, yB2 = xB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H2, inlier_ind2 = ransac_est_homography(xC2, yC2, xB2, yB2,
        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrating RANSAC match result
        #         row,col,_ = imgA.shape
        #         outlier_ind1 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xA1)),inlier_ind1)
        #         IA1 = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[outlier_ind1],yA1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         IB1 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[inlier_ind1],yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[outlier_ind1],yB1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         imgAB = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgAB[:,0:col,:] = IA1
        #         imgAB[:,col:2*col,:] = IB1
        #         drawLines(imgAB,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1]\
        #                   ,xB1[inlier_ind1]+col,yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('left_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgAB)
        #         outlier_ind2 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xC2)),inlier_ind2)
        #         IC2 = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[inlier_ind2],yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[outlier_ind2],yC2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         IB2 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[outlier_ind2],yB2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         imgBC = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgBC[:,0:col,:] = IB2
        #         imgBC[:,col:2*col,:] = IC2
        #         drawLines(imgBC,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2]\
        #                   ,xC2[inlier_ind2]+col,yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('right_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgBC)
        # =============================================================================

        new_left, new_middle, new_right = getNewSize(H1, H2, imgA, imgB, imgC)

        #   Blend Images by  Seam Carving or Alpha Blending
        img_mosaic[i, 0] = seamBlend(new_left, new_middle, new_right)
#        img_mosaic[i,0] = alphaBlend(alphaBlend(new_left,new_middle),new_right)

    return img_mosaic
コード例 #14
def objectTracking(rawVideo, output_filename, draw_boxes=False):
	imgs = np.array([])
	cap = cv2.VideoCapture(rawVideo)
	ret, img1 = cap.read()
	img1 = img1[...,::-1]
	h, w, d = img1.shape

	fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
	out = cv2.VideoWriter("{0}.avi".format(output_filename), fourcc, 20.0, (w,h))

	# Set parameters based on which video it is
	if rawVideo == "Easy.mp4":
		difficulty = "easy"
		print("Performing tracking on easy video")
		k_pad = 2
		params = [4, 1, 3, 1, 1.5]
	elif rawVideo == "Medium.mp4":
		difficulty = "medium"
		print("Performing tracking on medium video")
		k_pad = 2.5
		params = [3, 1, 3, 0, 0]
		print("Invalid path - valid videos are 'Easy.mp4' and 'Medium.mp4'")
		return None	

	if draw_boxes:
		display_img = img1.copy()
		display_img = cv2.cvtColor(display_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
		cv2.namedWindow("Start Frame")
		cv2.setMouseCallback("Start Frame", draw_box)

		# Loop until the user is done drawing boxes
		while True:
				cv2.imshow("Start Frame", display_img)
				key = cv2.waitKey(0)

				if key == ord('q'):

		# Destroy the drawing window

		# Show the result
		for i in range(int(len(refPt)/2)):
				cv2.rectangle(display_img, refPt[2*i], refPt[(2*i)+1], (0,255,0), 2)

		cv2.imshow("Result", display_img)

		bbox = []
		for i in range(int(len(refPt)/2)):

				# Top Left and bottom right
				box_corners = np.array([refPt[2*i], refPt[(2*i)+1]])
				start_x, start_y, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(box_corners)

				# Create the four coordinates for the box and reshape		
				box = np.array([[start_x, start_y],
										[start_x+width, start_y],
										[start_x+width, start_y + height],
										[start_x, start_y + height]])


		# Turn it into a numpy array
		bbox = np.array(bbox)
		# Load the bounding boxes that were drawn manually
		bbox = np.load("bbox_" + difficulty + ".npy")

	orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
	centers = np.zeros((len(bbox), 2))

	# For ploting the trajectory of the object
	trajectory_indexer = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=bool)

	# Get the features from inside the bounding box
	x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)

	# Initialize these before the loop starts 
	newXs = np.copy(x)
	newYs = np.copy(y)

	# Record the initial frame
	f = 0
	frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img1), bbox, np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
	out.write(frame[..., ::-1])

	# Loop through the remainder of the frames
	while True:
		f += 1
		print("Processing frame: %d..." % f, end="\r", flush=True)

		if bbox.size:

			# Get new features every 8 frames and update the key frame
			if not f % 8:
				for i in range(len(bbox)):
					orig_box = np.copy(bbox)
				x, y = getFeatures(rgb2gray(img1), bbox)
				newXs = np.copy(x)
				newYs = np.copy(y)

			# Read the next frame
			ret, img2 = cap.read()
			if not ret:

			# Switch to RGB
			img2 = img2[...,::-1]

			# Get the new feature locations in the next frame
			updatex, updatey, x, y = estimateAllTranslation(np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs), np.copy(x), np.copy(y), np.copy(img1), np.copy(img2), np.copy(bbox), params)

			# Find centers for trajectory plotting
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				centers[k] = np.array([np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]), np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1])]).astype(int)

			# Warp the image for the next iteration
			newXs, newYs, bbox = applyGeometricTransformation(np.copy(x), np.copy(y), updatex, updatey, np.copy(orig_box), np.copy(img1), k_pad)

			# Handle when we've gotten rid of a bounding box
			indexer = np.ones(len(bbox), dtype=bool)
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				if not np.any(bbox[k]) or len(newXs[k]) < 2:
					indexer[k] = False

			# Nix everything associated with the removed bounding box
			bbox = bbox[indexer]
			orig_box = orig_box[indexer]
			newXs = newXs[indexer]
			newYs = newYs[indexer]
			x = x[indexer]
			y = y[indexer]
			centers = centers[indexer]

			# Plot the trajectory on the image
			for k in range(len(bbox)):
				xcen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 0]))
				ycen = int(np.mean(bbox[k, :, 1]))
				if xcen < w - 2 and xcen > 2 and ycen < h - 2 and ycen > 2:
					num = int(max([abs(xcen - centers[k, 0]), abs(ycen - centers[k, 1])]))
					centerx = np.linspace(centers[k, 0], xcen + 1, num).astype(int)
					centery = np.linspace(centers[k, 1], ycen + 1, num).astype(int)
					if centerx.size > 0 and centery.size > 0:
						trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery, centerx + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[centery + 1, centerx + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen, xcen + 1] = True
						trajectory_indexer[ycen + 1, xcen + 1] = True

			# Generate the next frame
			frame = generate_output_frame(np.copy(img2), bbox, np.copy(trajectory_indexer), np.copy(newXs), np.copy(newYs))
			frame = frame[..., ::-1]
		# We have no bounding boxes, move on to generating the video
			ret, img2 = cap.read()
			if not ret:
			frame = img2

		# Update img1 for the next loop
		img1 = np.copy(img2)


	return None
コード例 #15
  Author: Shiv, Matt
  Date created: 10/25/2018

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import rgb2gray
from corner_detector import corner_detector
from anms import anms
from feat_desc import feat_desc

path1 = "1L.jpg"
img1 = Image.open(path1)
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 50

cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)



# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
# 	plt.plot(boxes1[:,0,i], boxes1[:,1,i], color="red")
# 	plt.plot(oris1[0,:,i], oris1[1,:,i], color="green")
コード例 #16
def applyGeometricTransformation(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, bbox, img,
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import inlier_cost_func
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares

    F = len(bbox)
    pad = 5
    gray = rgb2gray(img)
    output = np.copy(gray)
    h, w = gray.shape

    for i in range(F):

        # If the item went of the screen, its bounding box could be empty
        if not np.any(bbox[i]):

        # --------- Part 1: Estimate the homography for a given bounding box ---------- #

        # Squeeze the box to the features within a margin determined by k*pad
        xmin = max([np.amin(bbox[i, :, 0]), np.amin(newXs[i]) - k_pad * pad])
        xmax = min([np.amax(bbox[i, :, 0]), np.amax(newXs[i]) + k_pad * pad])
        ymin = max([np.amin(bbox[i, :, 1]), np.amin(newYs[i]) - k_pad * pad])
        ymax = min([np.amax(bbox[i, :, 1]), np.amax(newYs[i]) + k_pad * pad])
        bbox[i] = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax,
                            ymin]).reshape(4, 2)

        ux = np.copy(startXs[i])
        uy = np.copy(startYs[i])
        vx = np.copy(newXs[i])
        vy = np.copy(newYs[i])

        # Form our initial and final feature points in homogeneous coordinates
        N = len(ux)
        u = np.stack([ux, uy, np.ones(N)])
        v = np.stack([vx, vy, np.ones(N)])

        # Calculate the transformation
        H = least_squares(inlier_cost_func,
                          args=(u, v))["x"].reshape(2, 3)
        H = np.concatenate((H, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))

        # --------- Part 2: Update the ith bounding box ---------- #

        # Apply the homography to the corners
        corners = np.stack([bbox[i].T[0], bbox[i].T[1], np.ones(4)])
        corners = np.matmul(H, corners)
        corners = corners / corners[
            2]  # unnecessary for affine transformations

        # If the object has passed out of the image frame, get rid of it
        if np.any(np.logical_or(corners[0] >= w, corners[0] < 0)) and np.any(
                np.logical_or(corners[1] >= h, corners[1] < 0)):
            bbox[i] = np.zeros((4, 2))
            newXs[i] = vx
            newYs[i] = vy

        # Restrict the bounding box to the image frame
        corners[corners < 0] = 0
        corners[0][corners[0] >= w] = w - 1
        corners[1][corners[1] >= h] = h - 1

        # Update the corners of the box
        bbox[i, ...] = corners[:2].T

        # Update the feature entries to remove outliers
        newXs[i] = vx
        newYs[i] = vy

    return newXs, newYs, bbox