コード例 #1
    fragments = args.fragments

    patients = load_patients()

    for fragment in fragments:
        if VERBOSE >= 1:
            print fragment

        refs = []
        for pname, patient in patients.iterrows():
            if VERBOSE >= 2:
                print pname
            patient = Patient(patient)

        ali = align_muscle(*refs, sort=True)

        # Check whether all references are complete (using the longest primers)
        if VERBOSE >= 2:
            print 'Check alignment'
        alim = np.array(ali)
        if (alim[:, :4] == '-').any():
            raise ValueError('Gaps at the beginning of fragment found')
        elif (alim[:, -4:] == '-').any():
            raise ValueError('Gaps at the end of fragment found')

        if VERBOSE >= 2:
            print 'Save to file'
        fn = get_reference_alignment_filename(fragment)
        AlignIO.write(ali, fn, 'fasta')
コード例 #2
        patient = Patient(patient)

        for region in regions:
            if VERBOSE >= 1:
                print patient.name, region

            if VERBOSE >= 2:
                print 'Get haplotype counts'
            (hct, ind, seqs) = patient.get_region_count_trajectories(region,
            times = patient.times[ind]

            if VERBOSE >= 2:
                print 'Align sequences'
            ali = align_muscle(*seqs, sort=True)
            alim = np.array(ali)

            if VERBOSE >= 2:
                print 'Get distributions'
            ds = get_distance_distributions(hct, alim, VERBOSE=VERBOSE)

            data.append({'pname': pname, 'ds': ds, 't': times,
                         'region': region})

    if use_plot:
        for pname, patient in patients.iterrows():
            patient = Patient(patient)

            nrows = 1 + (len(regions) - 1) // 3
コード例 #3
    fragments = args.fragments

    patients = load_patients()

    for fragment in fragments:
        if VERBOSE >= 1:
            print fragment

        refs = []
        for pname, patient in patients.iterrows():
            if VERBOSE >= 2:
                print pname
            patient = Patient(patient)

        ali = align_muscle(*refs, sort=True)

        # Check whether all references are complete (using the longest primers)
        if VERBOSE >= 2:
            print 'Check alignment'
        alim = np.array(ali)
        if (alim[:, :4] == '-').any():
            raise ValueError('Gaps at the beginning of fragment found')
        elif (alim[:, -4:] == '-').any():
            raise ValueError('Gaps at the end of fragment found')

        if VERBOSE >= 2:
            print 'Save to file'
        fn = get_reference_alignment_filename(fragment)
        AlignIO.write(ali, fn, 'fasta')