コード例 #1
ファイル: test_hkshell.py プロジェクト: attish/heapkeeper-old
    def test__config_format_3(self):
        """Tests hkshell start when the config file is in version 3."""

        # Empty heap
        config_file = os.path.join(self._dir, 'test.cfg')
        config_str = \
             'name=My heap\n'
        hkutils.string_to_file(config_str, config_file)

        cmdl_options, args = \
            hkshell.parse_args(['--configfile', 'test.cfg', '--noshell',
                                '--hkrc', 'NONE'])
        hkshell.main(cmdl_options, args)

            'Warning: post directory does not exists: "my_heap_dir"\n'
            'Post directory has been created.\n'
            'Warning: HTML directory does not exists: "my_html_dir"\n'
            'HTML directory has been created.')
コード例 #2
ファイル: hkdu_utils.py プロジェクト: hcs42/hk-dev-utils
def run_test(testname, testfun, prefix="", inline=True):

    # Executing the test
    logger.info("Running the %s test..." % testname)
    passed, res = testfun()

    # Examining the results
    if passed:
        logger.info("...the %s test passed" % testname)
        logger.info("...the %s test reported problems" % testname)
        caption = "%sproblems reported by the %s test" % (prefix, testname)
        if inline:
            sep = "#" * 79
            prints("%s\n\n%s\n%s\n" % (caption, res.strip(), sep))
            tmpprefix = testname + "_test_"
            filename = mkstemp(dir=tmp_dir, prefix=tmpprefix)
            hkutils.string_to_file(res, filename)
            msg = "The %s test reported problems: see the output in %s" % (testname, filename)
            prints("%s%s" % (prefix, msg))
    return passed, res
コード例 #3
ファイル: hkdu_utils.py プロジェクト: hcs42/hk-dev-utils
def javascript_tester_old():
    # This test will have problems when more than one wants to run at the same
    # time, because the second one will not be able to reserve port 8081.

    cfg_file = mkstemp(dir=tmp_dir, prefix="javascript.cfg.")
    js_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir, prefix="javascript.heap")
    s = "[heaps/myheap]\n" "path=%s\n" % js_tmp_dir
    hkutils.string_to_file(s, cfg_file)

    # We use port 8081 so that we don't disturb the service running on 8080
    # (e.g a Heapkeeper web server). We sleep 5 seconds in the end to make sure
    # that the browser has the time to finish the request.
            "import hkweb",
            "import subprocess",
            ('subprocess.call(["google-chrome",' '"localhost:8081/static/html/test.html"])'),
            "import time",

    # We can't decide whether the tests passed or failed; the user has to do
    # that by looking at the opened browser.
    return (True, "")