コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: neuromancer/libmind
    def __init__(self, language = 'en_US', lmin = 2, rmin = 2, compound_lmin = 2,
    compound_rmin = 2,
        directory = ''):
        Return a hyphenator object initialized with a dictionary for the specified language, typically a locale name.

            Example: 'en_NZ' for English / New Zealand

        Each class instance has an attribute 'info' of type dict containing metadata on its dictionary including
        its local file path.
        If the module-level attribute dict_info
        does not contain an item for this dictionary, the info attribute of the Hyphenator instance is None.
        In this case the 'directory' argument must be set to the local
        path of the hyphenation dictionary.
        There is also a 'language' attribute of type str which is deprecated since v1.0b1.
        lmin, rmin, compound_lmin and compound_rmin: set minimum number of chars to be cut off by hyphenation in
        single or compound words
        if language in dict_info:
            file_path = dict_info[language].filepath
            file_path = '/'.join((directory, '/', 'hyph_' + language + '.dic'))
        self.__hyphenate__ = hnj.hyphenator_(file_path, lmin, rmin,
            compound_lmin, compound_rmin)
        self.language = language
        if language in dict_info:
            self.info = dict_info[language]
        else: self.info = None
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, language = 'en_US', lmin = 2, rmin = 2, compound_lmin = 2,
    compound_rmin = 2,
        directory = config.default_dic_path):
        Return a hyphenator object initialized with a dictionary for the
        specified language.

            'language' should by convention be a string of length 5 of the form
            "ll_CC" where ll is the language code          and CC the country code.
            This is inspired by the file names of
            OpenOffice's hyphenation dictionaries.
            Example: 'en_NZ' for English / New Zealand

        Each class instance has a member 'language' showing the language
        of its dictionary.
            lmin, compound_lmin and friends set the minimum number of characters
            cut off at the beginning or end of the entire word
               or compound parts thereof.
        file_path = ''.join((directory, '/hyph_', language, '.dic'))
        self.__hyphenate__ = hnj.hyphenator_(file_path, lmin, rmin,
            compound_lmin, compound_rmin)
        self.language = language
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,
        Return a hyphenator object initialized with a dictionary for the specified language, typically a locale name.

            Example: 'en_NZ' for English / New Zealand

        Each class instance has an attribute 'info' of type dict containing metadata on its dictionary including
        its local file path.
        If the module-level attribute dict_info
        does not contain an item for this dictionary, the info attribute of the Hyphenator instance is None.
        In this case the 'directory' argument must be set to the local
        path of the hyphenation dictionary.
        There is also a 'language' attribute of type str which is deprecated since v1.0b1.
        lmin, rmin, compound_lmin and compound_rmin: set minimum number of chars to be cut off by hyphenation in
        single or compound words

        if language in dict_info:
            file_path = dict_info[language].filepath
            file_path = '/'.join((directory, '/', 'hyph_' + language + '.dic'))
        self.__hyphenate__ = hnj.hyphenator_(file_path, lmin, rmin,
                                             compound_lmin, compound_rmin)
        self.language = language
        if language in dict_info:
            self.info = dict_info[language]
            self.info = None