def update_report(self): all_msg = [] for name, allowed in self.pkg_validations.allowed_to_update.items(): msg = [] if self.pkg_validations.allowed_to_update[name] is False: msg.append(html_reports.p_message(self.pkg_validations.evaluate_changes[name] + ': ' + _('{item} is not allowed to be updated.').format(item=name))) # allowed to update order_change = self.pkg_validations.changed_orders.get(name) if order_change is not None: # order change if order_change[1] in self.pkg_validations.rejected_order_change.keys(): # order change is rejected msg.append(html_reports.p_message(validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR + ': ' + _('{new_order} is being assign to more than one file: {files}').format(new_order=order_change[1], files=', '.join(self.pkg_validations.rejected_order_change[order_change[1]])))) else: # order change is acceptable msg.append(html_reports.p_message(validation_status.STATUS_WARNING + ': ' + _('order changed: {old} => {new}').format(old=order_change[0], new=order_change[1]))) if len(self.pkg_validations.relaxed_comparison[name]) > 0: msg.append(html_reports.p_message(self.pkg_validations.evaluate_changes[name] + ': ' + _('{item} contains too many differences. It seems {item} in the package is very different from the one previously published.').format(item=name))) if len(self.pkg_validations.exact_comparison[name]) > 0: #self.evaluate_changes[name] msg.append(html_reports.tag('h5', _('Previously registered:'))) for label, differences in self.pkg_validations.exact_comparison[name]: msg.append(html_reports.tag('p', differences[1])) msg.append(html_reports.tag('h5', _('Update:'))) for label, differences in self.pkg_validations.exact_comparison[name]: msg.append(html_reports.tag('p', differences[0])) if len(msg) > 0: all_msg.append(html_reports.tag('h4', name)) all_msg.append('<div class="issue-problem">') all_msg.append(''.join(msg)) all_msg.append('</div>') return ''.join(all_msg)
def affiliations(self): r = html_reports.tag('p', 'Affiliations:', 'label') for item in self.article.affiliations: r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.format_html_data(item.xml)) th, w, data = self.affiliations_sheet_data() r += html_reports.sheet(th, data) return r
def table_of_contents_data_with_lang(self): r = '' for lang in sorted(self.article.title_abstract_kwd_languages): label = html_reports.tag('smaller', attributes.LANGUAGES.get(lang, _('unknown')) + ' [' + lang + ']') r += '<h4>' + label + '</h4>' r += '<p>' + '; '.join([k.text for k in self.article.abstracts_by_lang.get(lang, [])]) + '</p>' r += html_reports.tag('h5', '; '.join([k.text for k in self.article.keywords_by_lang.get(lang, [])])) return r
def files_and_href(self): r = '' r += html_reports.tag('h4', _('Files in the package')) th, data = self.package_files() r += html_reports.sheet(th, data, table_style='validation') r += html_reports.tag('h4', '@href') th, data = self.hrefs_sheet_data() r += html_reports.sheet(th, data, table_style='validation') return r
def content(self): error_messages = [] if self.rejected_order_changes + self.update_report != '': error_messages.append(html_reports.tag('h2', _('Order validations'))) error_messages.append(self.rejected_order_changes) if self.update_report != '': error_messages.append(html_reports.tag('h3', _('Changes detected'))) error_messages.append(self.update_report) return ''.join(error_messages)
def footnotes(self): r = '' for item in self.article.article_fn_list: scope, fn_xml = item r += html_reports.tag('p', scope, 'label') r += html_reports.tag('p', fn_xml) if len(r) > 0: r = html_reports.tag('p', 'foot notes:', 'label') + r return r
def rejected_order_changes(self): error_messages = [] if len(self.pkg_validations.rejected_order_change) > 0: error_messages.append(html_reports.tag('h3', _('rejected orders'))) error_messages.append('<div class="issue-problem">') error_messages.append(html_reports.p_message(validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR + ': ' + _('It is not allowed to use same order for different articles.'))) for order, items in self.pkg_validations.rejected_order_change.items(): error_messages.append(html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.format_html_data({order:items}))) error_messages.append('</div>') return ''.join(error_messages)
def table_tables(self): r = '<!-- no tables -->' if len(self.article.tables) > 0: r = html_reports.tag('p', 'Tables:', 'label') for t in self.article.tables: if t.table: table_data = '' table_data += html_reports.display_labeled_value('label', t.label, 'label') table_data += html_reports.tag('div', t.table, 'element-table') r += html_reports.tag('div', table_data, 'block') return r
def display_article_data_in_toc(_article): r = '' style = 'excluded' if _article.is_ex_aop else None #status = validation_status.STATUS_INFO + ': ' + _('This article is an ex-aop article. ') + _('Order of ex-aop is reserved, it is not allowed to reuse it for other article. ') if _article.is_ex_aop else '' #r += html_reports.p_message(status) r += html_reports.tag('p', _article.toc_section, 'toc-section') r += html_reports.tag('p', _article.article_type, 'article-type') r += display_article_metadata(_article, '; ') return html_reports.tag('div', r, style)
def old_embedded_pdf_items(self, page_id='', width='400px', height='400px'): items = [] pdf = self.xml_path + '/' + self.xml_name + '.pdf' if os.path.isfile(pdf): #items.append('<object id="' + pdf_id + '" data="file://' + pdf + '" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="view" value="Fit" /></object>') items.append(html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.display_embedded_object(pdf, os.path.basename(pdf), page_id + self.xml_name, width, height))) for lang in self.article.trans_languages: pdf = self.xml_path + '/' + self.xml_name + '-' + lang + '.pdf' if os.path.isfile(pdf): items.append(html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.display_embedded_object(pdf, os.path.basename(pdf), page_id + self.xml_name + '_' + lang, width, height))) return ''.join(items)
def article_history(articles): r = [] for status, article in articles: text = [] text.append(html_reports.tag('h4', _(status))) text.append(html_reports.display_label_value(_('name'), article.xml_name, 'p')) if article.is_ex_aop: text.append(html_reports.display_label_value(_('status'), 'ex-aop', 'p')) text.append(html_reports.display_label_value('order', article.order, 'p')) if article.creation_date_display is not None: text.append(html_reports.display_label_value(_('creation date'), article.creation_date_display, 'p')) text.append(html_reports.display_label_value(_('last update date'), article.last_update_display, 'p')) r.append(html_reports.tag('div', ''.join(text), 'hist-' + status)) return ''.join(r)
def display_author(author): text = '' if isinstance(author, PersonAuthor): if author.surname is not None: text += html_reports.tag('span', author.surname, 'surname') if author.suffix is not None: text += ' ' + html_reports.tag('span', author.suffix, 'suffix') if author.fname is not None: text += ', ' + html_reports.tag('span', author.fname, 'name') else: text += html_reports.tag('span', author.collab, 'collab') return text
def display_article_metadata(_article, sep='<br/>'): r = '' r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.tag('strong', _article.xml_name), 'doi') r += html_reports.tag('p', _article.publisher_article_id, 'doi') r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.tag('strong', _article.order), 'fpage') r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.tag('strong', _article.title), 'article-title') r += html_reports.tag('p', display_authors(_article.article_contrib_items, sep)) return r
def table_of_contents_data(self): r = '' r += html_reports.tag('p', self.article.toc_section, 'toc-section') r += html_reports.tag('p', self.article.article_type, 'article-type') r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.tag('strong', self.article.pages), 'fpage') r += html_reports.tag('p', self.article.doi, 'doi') r += html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.tag('strong', self.article.title), 'article-title') a = [] for item in authors_list(self.article.article_contrib_items): a.append(html_reports.tag('span', item)) r += html_reports.tag('p', '; '.join(a)) return r
def conclusion_message(self): text = ''.join(self.error_messages) app_site = converter_env.web_app_site if converter_env.web_app_site is not None else _('scielo web site') status = '' result = _('be updated/published on {app_site}').format(app_site=app_site) reason = '' update = True if self.xc_status == 'rejected': update = False status = validation_status.STATUS_BLOCKING_ERROR if self.articles_merger.total_to_convert > 0: if self.total_not_converted > 0: reason = _('because it is not complete ({value} were not converted).').format(value=str(self.total_not_converted) + '/' + str(self.articles_merger.total_to_convert)) else: reason = _('unknown') else: reason = _('because there are blocking errors in the package.') elif self.xc_status == 'ignored': update = False reason = _('because no document was changed.') elif self.xc_status == 'accepted': status = validation_status.STATUS_WARNING reason = _(' even though there are some fatal errors. Note: These errors must be fixed in order to have good quality of bibliometric indicators and services.') elif self.xc_status == 'approved': status = validation_status.STATUS_OK reason = '' else: status = validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR reason = _('because there are blocking errors in the package.') action = ' not' if update: action = '' text = _('{status}: {issueid} will{action} {result} {reason}.').format(status=status, issueid=self.acron_issue_label, result=result, reason=reason, action=action) text = html_reports.tag('h2', _('Summary report')) + html_reports.p_message(_('converted') + ': ' + str(self.total_converted) + '/' + str(self.articles_merger.total_to_convert), False) + html_reports.p_message(text, False) return text
def aop_report(self, status, status_items): if status_items is None: return '' r = '' if len(status_items) > 0: labels = [] widths = {} if status == 'aop': labels = [_('issue')] widths = {_('issue'): '5'} labels.extend([_('filename'), 'order', _('article')]) widths.update({_('filename'): '5', 'order': '2', _('article'): '88'}) report_items = [] for item in status_items: issueid = None article = None if status == 'aop': issueid, name, article = item else: name = item article = self.articles_merger.merged_articles.get(name) if article is not None: if not article.is_ex_aop: values = [] if issueid is not None: values.append(issueid) values.append(name) values.append(article.order) values.append(article.title) report_items.append(pkg_validations.label_values(labels, values)) r = html_reports.tag('h3', _(status)) + html_reports.sheet(labels, report_items, table_style='reports-sheet', html_cell_content=[_('article')], widths=widths) return r
def link_to_pdf_items(self): items = [] for item in self.article.related_files: items.append(html_reports.tag('p', item, os.path.basename(item), window=('800', '400')))) return ''.join(items)
def display_article_data_to_compare(_article): r = '' style = 'excluded' if _article.is_ex_aop else None status = validation_status.STATUS_INFO + ': ' + _('This article is an ex-aop article. ') + _('Order of ex-aop is reserved, it is not allowed to reuse it for other article. ') if _article.is_ex_aop else '' r += html_reports.p_message(status) r += display_article_metadata(_article, '<br/>') return html_reports.tag('div', r, style)
def conclusion_message(total, converted, not_converted, xc_status, acron_issue_label): app_site = converter_env.web_app_site if converter_env.web_app_site is not None else _('scielo web site') status = '' action = '' result = _('be updated/published on ') + app_site reason = '' if xc_status == 'rejected': action = _(' not') status = validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR if total > 0: if not_converted > 0: reason = _('because it is not complete (') + str(not_converted) + '/' + str(total) + _(' were not converted).') else: reason = _('unknown') else: reason = _('because there are blocking errors in the package.') elif xc_status == 'ignored': action = _(' not') reason = _('because no document was changed.') elif xc_status == 'accepted': status = validation_status.STATUS_WARNING reason = _(' even though there are some fatal errors. Note: These errors must be fixed in order to have good quality of bibliometric indicators and services.') elif xc_status == 'approved': status = validation_status.STATUS_OK reason = '' else: status = validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR reason = _('because there are blocking errors in the package.') text = status + ': ' + acron_issue_label + _(' will') + action + ' ' + result + ' ' + reason text = html_reports.tag('h2', _('Summary report')) + html_reports.p_message(_('converted') + ': ' + str(converted) + '/' + str(total), False) + html_reports.p_message(text, False) return text
def embedded_pdf_items(self, page_id='', width='400px', height='400px'): items = [] for item in self.article.related_files: items.append(html_reports.tag('p', html_reports.display_embedded_object( item, os.path.basename(item), page_id + item, width, height))) return ''.join(items)
def conversion_report(self): #resulting_orders labels = [_('article'), _('registered') + '/' + _('before conversion'), _('package'), _('executed actions'), _('achieved results')] widths = {_('article'): '20', _('registered') + '/' + _('before conversion'): '20', _('package'): '20', _('executed actions'): '20', _('achieved results'): '20'} #print(self.articles_merger.history_items) for status, status_items in self.aop_status.items(): for status_data in status_items: if status != 'aop': name = status_data article = self.articles_merger.xc_articles[name] self.articles_merger.history_items[name].append((status, article)) for status, names in self.conversion_status.items(): for name in names: self.articles_merger.history_items[name].append((status, self.articles_merger.xc_articles[name])) history = sorted([(hist[0][1].order, xml_name) for xml_name, hist in self.articles_merger.history_items.items()]) history = [(xml_name, self.articles_merger.history_items[xml_name]) for order, xml_name in history] items = [] for xml_name, hist in history: values = [] values.append(article_reports.display_article_data_in_toc(hist[-1][1])) values.append(article_reports.article_history([item for item in hist if item[0] == 'registered article'])) values.append(article_reports.article_history([item for item in hist if item[0] == 'package'])) values.append(article_reports.article_history([item for item in hist if not item[0] in ['registered article', 'package', 'rejected', 'converted', 'not converted']])) values.append(article_reports.article_history([item for item in hist if item[0] in ['rejected', 'converted', 'not converted']])) items.append(pkg_validations.label_values(labels, values)) return html_reports.tag('h3', _('Conversion steps')) + html_reports.sheet(labels, items, html_cell_content=[_('article'), _('registered') + '/' + _('before conversion'), _('package'), _('executed actions'), _('achieved results')], widths=widths)
def link_to_pdf_and_xml_files(self): items = [] for item in self.article.related_files: location = '{PDF_PATH}' if item.endswith('.pdf') else '{XML_PATH}' items.append(html_reports.tag('p', location + item, item, window=('1000', '400')))) return ''.join(items)
def final_status_report(self): actions_result_labels = {'delete': 'deleted', 'update': 'updated', 'add': 'added', '-': '-', 'skip-update': 'skipped', 'order changed': 'order changed', 'fail': 'update/add failed', 'block-update': 'update blocked'} orders = sorted(list(set([article.order for article in self.previous_registered_articles.values()] + [article.order for article in self.db.registered_articles.values()] + [article.order if article.tree is not None else 'None' for article in self.pkg.articles.values()]))) sorted_previous_registered = pkg_reports.articles_sorted_by_order(self.previous_registered_articles) sorted_registered = pkg_reports.articles_sorted_by_order(self.db.registered_articles) sorted_package = pkg_reports.articles_sorted_by_order(self.pkg.articles) items = [] for order in orders: if order in sorted_registered.keys(): # documento na base for article in sorted_registered[order]: action = self.actions[article.xml_name] result = actions_result_labels[action] _notes = '' if action == 'update': if article.last_update_display is None: result = 'error' elif self.previous_registered_articles.get(article.xml_name).last_update_display == article.last_update_display: result = 'error' name = article.xml_name if name in self.changed_orders.keys(): previous_order, new_order = self.changed_orders[name] _notes = previous_order + '=>' + new_order if result == 'error': _notes = validation_status.STATUS_ERROR + ': ' + _('Unable to replace ') + _notes labels, values = complete_issue_items_row(article, action, result, 'registered', _notes, True) items.append(pkg_reports.label_values(labels, values)) elif order in sorted_package.keys(): # documento no pacote mas nao na base for article in sorted_package[order]: action = self.actions[article.xml_name] name = article.xml_name _notes = '' if name in self.changed_orders.keys(): previous_order, new_order = self.changed_orders[name] _notes = previous_order + '=>' + new_order _notes = validation_status.STATUS_ERROR + ': ' + _('Unable to replace ') + _notes labels, values = complete_issue_items_row(article, action, 'error', 'package', _notes, True) items.append(pkg_reports.label_values(labels, values)) elif order in sorted_previous_registered.keys(): # documento anteriormente na base for article in sorted_previous_registered[order]: action = 'delete' name = article.xml_name _notes = '' if name in self.changed_orders.keys(): previous_order, new_order = self.changed_orders[name] _notes = 'deleted ' + previous_order + '=> new: ' + new_order labels, values = complete_issue_items_row(article, '?', 'deleted', 'excluded', _notes, True) items.append(pkg_reports.label_values(labels, values)) after_conversion_report = html_reports.tag('h4', _('Documents status in the package/database - after conversion')) after_conversion_report += html_reports.sheet(labels, items, 'dbstatus', 'result') return after_conversion_report
def references_stats(self): r = html_reports.tag('h2', 'references') sheet_data = [] for ref_type, q in self.article.refstats.items(): row = {} row['element-citation/@publication-type'] = ref_type row['quantity'] = q sheet_data.append(row) r += html_reports.sheet(['element-citation/@publication-type', 'quantity'], sheet_data) return r
def display_formulas(self): labels = ['id', 'code', 'graphic', 'xml'] formulas_data = [] for formula_data in self.article.formulas_data: if formula_data['graphic'] is not None: formula_data['graphic'] ='{IMG_PATH}/' + formula_data['graphic'], html_reports.image('{IMG_PATH}/' + formula_data['graphic'])) if formula_data['code'] is not None: formula_data['code'] = formula_data['code'].replace('mml:', '') formulas_data.append(formula_data) return html_reports.tag('h1', _('Equations')) + html_reports.sheet(labels, formulas_data, html_cell_content=['code'])
def article_data_and_validations_report(journal, article, new_name, package_path, images_generation_report_filename, is_db_generation, is_sgml_generation): if article.tree is None: sheet_data = None article_display_report = None article_validation_report = None content = validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR + ': ' + _('Unable to get data of ') + new_name + '.' else: article_validation = article_validations.ArticleContentValidation(journal, article, is_db_generation, False) sheet_data = ArticleSheetData(article, article_validation) article_display_report = ArticleDisplayReport(article, sheet_data, package_path, new_name) article_validation_report = ArticleValidationReport(article_validation) content = [] img_report_content = '' if os.path.isfile(images_generation_report_filename): img_report_content = fs_utils.read_file(images_generation_report_filename) if len(img_report_content) > 0: content.append(html_reports.tag('h1', _('ATTENTION'), 'warning')) content.append(html_reports.tag('h1', _('New report: Images Report at the bottom'), 'warning')) if is_sgml_generation: content.append(article_display_report.issue_header) content.append(article_display_report.article_front) content.append(article_validation_report.validations(display_all_message_types=False)) content.append(article_display_report.table_tables) content.append(article_display_report.article_body) content.append(article_display_report.article_back) else: content.append(article_validation_report.validations(display_all_message_types=False)) content.append(article_display_report.table_tables) content.append(sheet_data.files_and_href(package_path)) if len(img_report_content) > 0: content.append(img_report_content) content = html_reports.join_texts(content) return content
def id_and_tag_list(self): sheet_data = [] t_header = ['@id', 'tag'] for item in self.article.elements_which_has_id_attribute: row = {} row['@id'] = item.attrib.get('id') row['tag'] = item.tag sheet_data.append(row) r = html_reports.tag('h2', 'elements and @id:') r += html_reports.sheet(t_header, sheet_data) return r
def validations_table(results): r = '' if results is not None: rows = [] for result in results: result = list(result) if len(result) == 3: result.append('') label, status, msg, xml = result rows.append({'label': sps_help(label), 'status': status, 'message': msg, 'xml': xml, _('why it is not a valid message?'): ' '}) r = html_reports.tag('div', html_reports.sheet(['label', 'status', 'message', 'xml', _('why it is not a valid message?')], rows, table_style='validation')) return r
def references(self, display_all): rows = '' found_errors = [] for ref, ref_result in self.article_validation.references: if not display_all: found_errors = [res[1] for res in ref_result if res[1] in [validation_status.STATUS_WARNING, validation_status.STATUS_ERROR, validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR]] ref_result = [res for res in ref_result if res[1] != validation_status.STATUS_OK] if len(found_errors) > 0: rows += html_reports.tag('h3', _('Reference {id}').format( rows += validations_table(ref_result) return rows
def references(self, display_all): rows = '' found_errors = [] for ref, ref_result in self.article_validation.references: if not display_all: found_errors = [status for label, status, msg in ref_result if status in [validation_status.STATUS_WARNING, validation_status.STATUS_ERROR, validation_status.STATUS_FATAL_ERROR]] ref_result = [(label, status, msg) for label, status, msg in ref_result if status != validation_status.STATUS_OK] if len(found_errors) > 0: rows += html_reports.tag('h3', 'Reference ' + rows += validations_table(ref_result) return rows