コード例 #1
    def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
        """Returns parameter as a dictionary, saving all attributes from
        self._whitelist.keys() For more information see

        fullcopy : Bool (optional, False)
            Copies of objects are stored, not references. If any found,
            functions will be pickled and signals converted to dictionaries
        dic : dictionary with the following keys:
            _id_name : string
                _id_name of the original parameter, used to create the
                dictionary. Has to match with the self._id_name
            _twins : list
                a list of ids of the twins of the parameter
            _whitelist : dictionary
                a dictionary, which keys are used as keywords to match with the
                parameter attributes.  For more information see
            * any field from _whitelist.keys() *

        dic = {'_twins': [id(t) for t in self._twins]}
        export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
        return dic
コード例 #2
    def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
        """Returns component as a dictionary
        For more information on method and conventions, see

        fullcopy : Bool (optional, False)
            Copies of objects are stored, not references. If any found,
            functions will be pickled and signals converted to dictionaries

        dic : dictionary
            A dictionary, containing at least the following fields:
            parameters : list
                a list of dictionaries of the parameters, one per
            _whitelist : dictionary
                a dictionary with keys used as references saved attributes, for
                more information, see
            * any field from _whitelist.keys() *
        dic = {
            'parameters': [p.as_dictionary(fullcopy) for p in self.parameters]
        export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
        from hyperspy.model import _COMPONENTS
        if self._id_name not in _COMPONENTS:
            import dill
            dic['_class_dump'] = dill.dumps(self.__class__)
        return dic
コード例 #3
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: dairejpwalsh/hyperspy
 def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
     """Returns component as a dictionary
     For more information on method and conventions, see
     fullcopy : Bool (optional, False)
         Copies of objects are stored, not references. If any found,
         functions will be pickled and signals converted to dictionaries
     dic : dictionary
         A dictionary, containing at least the following fields:
         parameters : list
             a list of dictionaries of the parameters, one per
         _whitelist : dictionary
             a dictionary with keys used as references saved attributes, for
             more information, see
         * any field from _whitelist.keys() *
     dic = {
         'parameters': [p.as_dictionary(fullcopy) for p in self.parameters]
     export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
     return dic
コード例 #4
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: woozey/hyperspy
    def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
        """Returns parameter as a dictionary, saving all attributes from
        self._whitelist.keys() For more information see

        fullcopy : Bool (optional, False)
            Copies of objects are stored, not references. If any found,
            functions will be pickled and signals converted to dictionaries
        dic : dictionary with the following keys:
            _id_name : string
                _id_name of the original parameter, used to create the
                dictionary. Has to match with the self._id_name
            _twins : list
                a list of ids of the twins of the parameter
            _whitelist : dictionary
                a dictionary, which keys are used as keywords to match with the
                parameter attributes.  For more information see
            * any field from _whitelist.keys() *

        dic = {'_twins': [id(t) for t in self._twins]}
        export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
        return dic
コード例 #5
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: woozey/hyperspy
 def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
     """Returns component as a dictionary
     For more information on method and conventions, see
     fullcopy : Bool (optional, False)
         Copies of objects are stored, not references. If any found,
         functions will be pickled and signals converted to dictionaries
     dic : dictionary
         A dictionary, containing at least the following fields:
         parameters : list
             a list of dictionaries of the parameters, one per
         _whitelist : dictionary
             a dictionary with keys used as references saved attributes, for
             more information, see
         * any field from _whitelist.keys() *
     dic = {
         'parameters': [
             p.as_dictionary(fullcopy) for p in self.parameters]}
     export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
     from hyperspy.model import components
     if self._id_name not in components.__dict__.keys():
         import dill
         dic['_class_dump'] = dill.dumps(self.__class__)
     return dic
コード例 #6
ファイル: hartree_slater_gos.py プロジェクト: bm424/hyperspy
 def as_dictionary(self, fullcopy=True):
     """Export the GOS as a dictionary
     dic = {}
     export_to_dictionary(self, self._whitelist, dic, fullcopy)
     return dic