コード例 #1
def corrFireball(demFolder, corrDemFolder, isNorth):
    '''Correct Fireball DEMs'''

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Correcting Fireball DEMs ...')

    # Loop through all the input images
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + corrDemFolder)
    demFiles = os.listdir(demFolder)
    for demFile in demFiles:

        inputPath = os.path.join(demFolder, demFile)
        if not icebridge_common.isDEM(inputPath): continue

        # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
        outputPath = os.path.join(corrDemFolder, os.path.basename(inputPath))

        # Skip existing files
        if os.path.exists(outputPath):
            logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)

        execPath = asp_system_utils.which('correct_icebridge_l3_dem')
        cmd = (('%s %s %s %d') % (execPath, inputPath, outputPath, isNorth))

        if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
            raise Exception('Failed to convert dem file: ' + demFile)
コード例 #2
def label_images(outputFolder, frameNum, trainingPath, site, yyyymmdd,
    '''Apply the labeling algorithm to a single image, then map project the result.'''

    print 'Running label for frame: ' + str(frameNum)

    # Get required paths
    inputFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(outputFolder)
    cameraFolder = icebridge_common.getCameraFolder(outputFolder)
    labelFolder = icebridge_common.getLabelFolder(outputFolder)
    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getLabelOrthoFolder(outputFolder)

    # Hardcoded paths!!!
    toolPath = 'python ~/repo/OSSP/ossp_process.py'
    refDemFolder = '/nobackup/smcmich1/icebridge/reference_dems/'

    # Run the label tool
    NO_SPLITTING = 1  # Plenty of RAM to load these images

    # Figure out the label path
    run = run_helper.RunHelper(site, yyyymmdd)
    labelName = icebridge_common.makeLabelFileName(run, frameNum)
    labelPath = os.path.join(labelFolder, labelName)

    #cmd = ('%s %s --output_dir %s --min_frame %d --max_frame %d srgb %s --splits %d --parallel %d' %
    #       (toolPath, inputFolder, labelFolder, frameNum, frameNum, trainingPath, NO_SPLITTING, ONE_PROCESS))
    cmd = (
        'time %s %s --output_dir %s --min_frame %d --max_frame %d srgb %s' %
        (toolPath, inputFolder, labelFolder, frameNum, frameNum, trainingPath))
    print cmd
    if icebridge_common.isValidImage(labelPath):
        print 'Skipping completed file: ' + labelPath

    # Also generate the map projected version of the image

    # Figure out the camera and output path
    cameraPath = get_camera(cameraFolder, frameNum)
    fname = os.path.basename(labelPath).replace('classified',
    mapProjPath = os.path.join(orthoFolder, fname)

    if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(labelPath):
        print 'ERROR: Failed to generate label file: ' + labelPath

    # Set map projection parameters
    toolPath = 'mapproject'
    isSouth = (site == 'AN')
    srs = projString = icebridge_common.getEpsgCode(isSouth, asString=True)
    demPath = 'WGS84'  # Map project on to a flat surface, elevation zero.
    #demPath  = os.path.join(refDemFolder, icebridge_common.getReferenceDemName(site)) # The NSIDC ortho DEM

    # Mapproject
    cmd = (
        'time %s %s %s %s %s -t nadirpinhole --t_srs %s --threads %d --num-processes 1 --ot Byte --nearest-neighbor'
        % (toolPath, demPath, labelPath, cameraPath, mapProjPath, srs,
    print cmd
    if icebridge_common.isValidImage(mapProjPath):
        print 'Skipping existing file: ' + mapProjPath

    if not os.path.exists(mapProjPath):
        print 'ERROR: Failed to generate map projected label file: ' + mapProjPath
コード例 #3
def label_images(outputFolder, frameNum, trainingPath, site, yyyymmdd, numThreads):
    '''Apply the labeling algorithm to a single image, then map project the result.'''

    print 'Running label for frame: ' + str(frameNum)

    # Get required paths
    inputFolder  = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder      (outputFolder)
    cameraFolder = icebridge_common.getCameraFolder    (outputFolder)
    labelFolder  = icebridge_common.getLabelFolder     (outputFolder)
    orthoFolder  = icebridge_common.getLabelOrthoFolder(outputFolder)

    # Hardcoded paths!!!
    toolPath     = 'python ~/repo/OSSP/ossp_process.py'
    refDemFolder = '/nobackup/smcmich1/icebridge/reference_dems/'

    # Run the label tool
    NO_SPLITTING = 1 # Plenty of RAM to load these images
    ONE_PROCESS  = 1

    # Figure out the label path
    run       = run_helper.RunHelper(site, yyyymmdd)
    labelName = icebridge_common.makeLabelFileName(run, frameNum)
    labelPath = os.path.join(labelFolder, labelName)

    #cmd = ('%s %s --output_dir %s --min_frame %d --max_frame %d srgb %s --splits %d --parallel %d' % 
    #       (toolPath, inputFolder, labelFolder, frameNum, frameNum, trainingPath, NO_SPLITTING, ONE_PROCESS))
    cmd = ('time %s %s --output_dir %s --min_frame %d --max_frame %d srgb %s' %
           (toolPath, inputFolder, labelFolder, frameNum, frameNum, trainingPath))
    print cmd
    if icebridge_common.isValidImage(labelPath):
        print 'Skipping completed file: ' + labelPath

    # Also generate the map projected version of the image

    # Figure out the camera and output path
    cameraPath  = get_camera(cameraFolder, frameNum)
    fname       = os.path.basename(labelPath).replace('classified', 'classified_ortho')
    mapProjPath = os.path.join(orthoFolder, fname)

    if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(labelPath):
        print 'ERROR: Failed to generate label file: ' + labelPath

    # Set map projection parameters
    toolPath = 'mapproject'
    isSouth  = (site == 'AN')
    srs      = projString = icebridge_common.getEpsgCode(isSouth, asString=True)
    demPath  = 'WGS84' # Map project on to a flat surface, elevation zero.
    #demPath  = os.path.join(refDemFolder, icebridge_common.getReferenceDemName(site)) # The NSIDC ortho DEM

    # Mapproject
    cmd = ('time %s %s %s %s %s -t nadirpinhole --t_srs %s --threads %d --num-processes 1 --ot Byte --nearest-neighbor' %
           (toolPath, demPath, labelPath, cameraPath, mapProjPath, srs, numThreads))
    print cmd
    if icebridge_common.isValidImage(mapProjPath):
        print 'Skipping existing file: ' + mapProjPath

    if not os.path.exists(mapProjPath):
        print 'ERROR: Failed to generate map projected label file: ' + mapProjPath
コード例 #4
def doFetch(options, outputFolder):
    '''The main fetch function.
       Returns the number of failures.'''

    # Verify that required files exist
    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    if not (os.path.exists(home + '/.netrc')
            and os.path.exists(home + '/.urs_cookies')):
            'Missing a required authentication file!  See instructions here:\n'
            '    https://nsidc.org/support/faq/what-options-are-available-bulk-'
            + 'downloading-data-https-earthdata-login-enabled')
        return -1

    curlPath = asp_system_utils.which("curl")
    curlOpts = ' -n -L '
    cookiePaths = ' -b ~/.urs_cookies -c ~/.urs_cookies '
    baseCurlCmd = curlPath + curlOpts + cookiePaths

    logger.info('Creating output folder: ' + outputFolder)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + outputFolder)

    isSouth = (options.site == 'AN')

    if options.type == 'nav':  # Nav fetching is much less complicated
        return fetchNavData(options, outputFolder)

    parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd,
    if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(parsedIndexPath):
        # Some dirs are weird, both images, fireball dems, and ortho.
        # Just accept whatever there is, but with a warning.
        logger.info('Warning: Missing index file: ' + parsedIndexPath)

    # Store file information in a dictionary
    # - Keep track of the earliest and latest frame
    logger.info('Reading file list from ' + parsedIndexPath)
        (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)
        # We probably ran into old format index file. Must refetch.
        logger.info('Could not read index file. Try again.')
        options.refetchIndex = True
        parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd,
        (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)

    if options.stopAfterIndexFetch:
        return 0

    isLidar = (options.type in LIDAR_TYPES)

    allFrames = sorted(frameDict.keys())

    if not isLidar:
        # The lidar frames use a totally different numbering than the image/ortho/dem frames
        firstFrame = icebridge_common.getLargestFrame()  # start big
        lastFrame = icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame()  # start small
        for frameNumber in allFrames:
            if frameNumber < firstFrame:
                firstFrame = frameNumber
            if frameNumber > lastFrame:
                lastFrame = frameNumber

        if options.allFrames:
            options.startFrame = firstFrame
            options.stopFrame = lastFrame

    if isLidar:
        # Based on image frames, determine which lidar frames to fetch.
        if options.ignoreMissingLidar and len(frameDict.keys()) == 0:
            # Nothing we can do if this run has no lidar and we are told to continue
            logger.info("Warning: missing lidar, but continuing.")
            lidarsToFetch = set()
            lidarsToFetch = lidarFilesInRange(frameDict, outputFolder,

    # There is always a chance that not all requested frames are available.
    # That is particularly true for Fireball DEMs. Instead of failing,
    # just download what is present and give a warning.
    if options.startFrame not in frameDict and not isLidar:
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.startFrame) +
                    " is not found in this flight.")

    if options.stopFrame and (options.stopFrame
                              not in frameDict) and not isLidar:
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.stopFrame) +
                    " is not found in this flight.")

    allFilesToFetch = [
    ]  # Files that we will fetch, relative to the current dir.
    allUrlsToFetch = []  # Full url of each file.

    # Loop through all found frames within the provided range
    currentFileCount = 0
    lastFrame = ""
    if len(allFrames) > 0:
        lastFrame = allFrames[len(allFrames) - 1]

    hasTfw = (options.type == 'fireball')
    hasXml = (isLidar or (options.type == 'ortho') or hasTfw)
    numFetched = 0
    skipCount = 0
    for frame in allFrames:

        # Skip frame outside of range
        if isLidar:
            if frameDict[frame] not in lidarsToFetch:
            if ((frame < options.startFrame) or (frame > options.stopFrame)):

        # Handle the frame skip option
        if options.frameSkip > 0:
            if skipCount < options.frameSkip:
                skipCount += 1
            skipCount = 0

        filename = frameDict[frame]

        # Some files have an associated xml file. Fireball DEMs also have a tfw file.
        currFilesToFetch = [filename]
        if hasXml:
        if hasTfw:

        for filename in currFilesToFetch:
            url = os.path.join(urlDict[frame], filename)
            outputPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, filename)

    # Restrict lidar fetch amount according to the parameter
    if (isLidar and options.maxNumLidarToFetch > 0
            and len(allFilesToFetch) > options.maxNumLidarToFetch):

        # Ensure an even number, to fetch both the lidar file and its xml
        if options.maxNumLidarToFetch % 2 == 1:
            options.maxNumLidarToFetch += 1

        allFilesToFetch = allFilesToFetch[0:options.maxNumLidarToFetch]
        allUrlsToFetch = allUrlsToFetch[0:options.maxNumLidarToFetch]

    icebridge_common.fetchFilesInBatches(baseCurlCmd, MAX_IN_ONE_CALL,
                                         options.dryRun, outputFolder,
                                         allFilesToFetch, allUrlsToFetch,

    # Fetch from disk the set of already validated files, if any
    validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
        os.path.dirname(outputFolder), options.startFrame, options.stopFrame)
    validFilesSet = set()
    validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
        validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Verify that all files were fetched and are in good shape
    failedFiles = []
    for outputPath in allFilesToFetch:

        if options.skipValidate:

        if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(outputPath):
            logger.info('Missing file: ' + outputPath)

        if icebridge_common.hasImageExtension(outputPath):
            if False:
                # This check is just so slow. Turn it off for now.
                # This will impact only the validation of jpegs,
                # as the other files can be validated via the checksum.
                # Jpegs will be validated when converting them to 1 band images
                if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                    #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath)   # verbose
                    if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                        logger.info('Found an invalid image. Will wipe it: ' +
                        if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                        logger.info('Valid image: ' + outputPath)
                        validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

        # Sanity check: XML files must have the right latitude.
        if icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.xml':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) #verbose
                if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                        latitude = icebridge_common.parseLatitude(outputPath)
                        logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)
                        validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated
                        # Corrupted file
                        logger.info("Failed to parse latitude, will wipe: " +
                        if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)

                    # On a second thought, don't wipe files with wrong latitude, as
                    # next time we run fetch we will have to fetch them again.
                    # Hopefully they will be ignored.
                    #isGood = hasGoodLat(latitude, isSouth)
                    #if not isGood:
                    #    logger.info("Wiping XML file " + outputPath + " with bad latitude " + \
                    #                str(latitude))
                    #    os.remove(outputPath)
                    #    imageFile = icebridge_common.xmlToImage(outputPath)
                    #    if os.path.exists(imageFile):
                    #        logger.info("Wiping TIF file " + imageFile + " with bad latitude " + \
                    #                    str(latitude))
                    #        os.remove(imageFile)

        # Verify the chcksum
        if hasXml and len(outputPath) >= 4 and outputPath[-4:] != '.xml' \
               and outputPath[-4:] != '.tfw':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # verbose
                isGood = icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(outputPath, logger)
                if not isGood:
                    xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                    logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe: ' +
                                outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
                    if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                    if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)
                    logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)

        if hasTfw and icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.tfw':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath)
                isGood = icebridge_common.isValidTfw(outputPath, logger)
                if not isGood:
                    xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                    logger.info('Found invalid tfw. Will wipe: ' + outputPath +
                                ' ' + xmlFile)
                    if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                    if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)
                    logger.info('Valid tfw file: ' + outputPath)

    # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
    # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
    # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
    # managers are running at the same time.
    numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
        validFilesSet = \
                      icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    numFailed = len(failedFiles)
    if numFailed > 0:
        logger.info("Number of files that could not be processed: " +

    return numFailed
コード例 #5
def convertJpegs(jpegFolder, imageFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, skipValidate,
                 cameraMounting, logger):
    '''Convert jpeg images from RGB to single channel.
       Returns false if any files failed.'''

    badFiles = False

    logger.info('Converting input images to grayscale...')

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + imageFolder)

    # Loop through all the input images

    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath +
     jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,

    # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder))
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath +
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
            os.path.dirname(jpegFolder), startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
            validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Fast check for missing images. This is fragile, as maybe it gets
    # the wrong file with a similar name, but an honest check is very slow.
    imageFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(imageFolder, prependFolder=True)
    imageFrameDict = {}
    for imageFile in imageFiles:
        frame = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageFile)
        if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue
        imageFrameDict[frame] = imageFile

    for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

        inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]

        # Only deal with frames in range
        if not ((frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame)):

        if frame in imageFrameDict.keys() and skipValidate:
            # Fast, hackish check

        if frame not in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Could not find ortho image for jpeg frame: " +
            # Don't want to throw here. Just ignore the missing ortho

        # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
            outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(
                inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very verbose
                validFilesSet.add(inputPath)  # Must have this

            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath) # verbose
                if not skipValidate:
                    # Mark both the input and the output as validated

        # Use ImageMagick tool to convert from RGB to grayscale
        # - Some image orientations are rotated to make stereo processing easier.
        rotateString = ''
        if cameraMounting == 2:  # Flight direction towards top of image
            rotateString = '-rotate 90'
        if cameraMounting == 3:  # Flight direction towards bottom of image
            rotateString = '-rotate -90'
        cmd = ('%s %s -colorspace Gray %s %s') % \
              (asp_system_utils.which('convert'), inputPath, rotateString, outputPath)

        # Run command and fetch its output
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(" "),
        output, error = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Command failed.")
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw

        if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
            badFiles = True
            logger.error('Failed to convert jpeg file: ' + inputPath)
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw

        # Check for corrupted files
        if error is not None:
            output += error
        m = re.match("^.*?premature\s+end", output,
                     re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        if m:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
コード例 #6
def correctFireballDems(fireballFolder, corrFireballFolder, startFrame,
                        stopFrame, isNorth, skipValidate, logger):
    '''Fix the header problem in Fireball DEMs'''

    logger.info('Correcting Fireball DEMs ...')

    # Read the existing DEMs
    fireballIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(fireballFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(fireballIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing fireball index file: " +
                        fireballIndexPath + ".")

    (fireballFrameDict, fireballUrlDict) = \
                        icebridge_common.readIndexFile(fireballIndexPath, prependFolder = True)

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
            os.path.dirname(fireballFolder), startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
            validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Loop through all the input images
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + corrFireballFolder)
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(fireballFrameDict.keys()):

        # Skip if outside the frame range
        if not ((frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame)):

        inputPath = fireballFrameDict[frame]
        if not icebridge_common.isDEM(inputPath):

        outputPath = os.path.join(corrFireballFolder,

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very vebose

            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

        # Run the correction script
        execPath = asp_system_utils.which('correct_icebridge_l3_dem')
        cmd = (('%s %s %s %d') % (execPath, inputPath, outputPath, isNorth))
        # TODO: Run this as a subprocess and check the return code

        # Check if the output file is good
        if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to convert dem file, wiping: ' + inputPath +
                         ' ' + outputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
                validFilesList, validFilesSet)
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
コード例 #7
def doFetch(options, outputFolder):
    '''The main fetch function.
       Returns the number of failures.'''
    # Verify that required files exist
    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    if not (os.path.exists(home+'/.netrc') and os.path.exists(home+'/.urs_cookies')):
        logger.error('Missing a required authentication file!  See instructions here:\n' +
                     '    https://nsidc.org/support/faq/what-options-are-available-bulk-' +
        return -1
    curlPath = asp_system_utils.which("curl")
    curlOpts    = ' -n -L '
    cookiePaths = ' -b ~/.urs_cookies -c ~/.urs_cookies '
    baseCurlCmd = curlPath + curlOpts + cookiePaths

    logger.info('Creating output folder: ' + outputFolder)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + outputFolder)  

    isSouth = (options.site == 'AN')
    if options.type == 'nav': # Nav fetching is much less complicated
        return fetchNavData(options, outputFolder)
    parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd, outputFolder)
    if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(parsedIndexPath):
        # Some dirs are weird, both images, fireball dems, and ortho.
        # Just accept whatever there is, but with a warning.
        logger.info('Warning: Missing index file: ' + parsedIndexPath)

    # Store file information in a dictionary
    # - Keep track of the earliest and latest frame
    logger.info('Reading file list from ' + parsedIndexPath)
        (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)
        # We probably ran into old format index file. Must refetch.
        logger.info('Could not read index file. Try again.')
        options.refetchIndex = True
        parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd, outputFolder)
        (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)

    if options.stopAfterIndexFetch:
        return 0
    isLidar = (options.type in LIDAR_TYPES)

    allFrames  = sorted(frameDict.keys())
    if not isLidar:
        # The lidar frames use a totally different numbering than the image/ortho/dem frames
        firstFrame = icebridge_common.getLargestFrame()    # start big
        lastFrame  = icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame()   # start small
        for frameNumber in allFrames:
            if frameNumber < firstFrame:
                firstFrame = frameNumber
            if frameNumber > lastFrame:
                lastFrame = frameNumber

        if options.allFrames:
            options.startFrame = firstFrame
            options.stopFrame  = lastFrame

    if isLidar:
        # Based on image frames, determine which lidar frames to fetch.
        if options.ignoreMissingLidar and len(frameDict.keys()) == 0:
            # Nothing we can do if this run has no lidar and we are told to continue
            logger.info("Warning: missing lidar, but continuing.")
            lidarsToFetch = set()
            lidarsToFetch = lidarFilesInRange(frameDict, outputFolder,
                                              options.startFrame, options.stopFrame)
    # There is always a chance that not all requested frames are available.
    # That is particularly true for Fireball DEMs. Instead of failing,
    # just download what is present and give a warning. 
    if options.startFrame not in frameDict and not isLidar:
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.startFrame) +
                    " is not found in this flight.")
    if options.stopFrame and (options.stopFrame not in frameDict) and not isLidar:
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.stopFrame) +
                    " is not found in this flight.")

    allFilesToFetch = [] # Files that we will fetch, relative to the current dir. 
    allUrlsToFetch  = [] # Full url of each file.
    # Loop through all found frames within the provided range
    currentFileCount = 0
    lastFrame = ""
    if len(allFrames) > 0:
        lastFrame = allFrames[len(allFrames)-1]

    hasTfw = (options.type == 'fireball')
    hasXml = ( isLidar or (options.type == 'ortho') or hasTfw )
    numFetched = 0
    skipCount  = 0
    for frame in allFrames:

        # Skip frame outside of range
        if isLidar:
            if frameDict[frame] not in lidarsToFetch:
            if ((frame < options.startFrame) or (frame > options.stopFrame) ):
        # Handle the frame skip option
        if options.frameSkip > 0: 
            if skipCount < options.frameSkip:
                skipCount += 1
            skipCount = 0

        filename = frameDict[frame]
        # Some files have an associated xml file. Fireball DEMs also have a tfw file.
        currFilesToFetch = [filename]
        if hasXml: 
        if hasTfw: 

        for filename in currFilesToFetch:    
            url        = os.path.join(urlDict[frame], filename)
            outputPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, filename)

    # Restrict lidar fetch amount according to the parameter
    if (isLidar and options.maxNumLidarToFetch > 0 and 
           len(allFilesToFetch) > options.maxNumLidarToFetch):

        # Ensure an even number, to fetch both the lidar file and its xml
        if options.maxNumLidarToFetch % 2 == 1:
            options.maxNumLidarToFetch += 1
        allFilesToFetch = allFilesToFetch[0:options.maxNumLidarToFetch]
        allUrlsToFetch  = allUrlsToFetch [0:options.maxNumLidarToFetch]
    icebridge_common.fetchFilesInBatches(baseCurlCmd, MAX_IN_ONE_CALL, options.dryRun,
                                         allFilesToFetch, allUrlsToFetch, logger)

    # Fetch from disk the set of already validated files, if any
    validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(outputFolder),
                                                     options.startFrame, options.stopFrame)
    validFilesSet = set()
    validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    # Verify that all files were fetched and are in good shape
    failedFiles = []
    for outputPath in allFilesToFetch:

        if options.skipValidate:
        if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(outputPath):
            logger.info('Missing file: ' + outputPath)

        if icebridge_common.hasImageExtension(outputPath):
            if False:
                # This check is just so slow. Turn it off for now.
                # This will impact only the validation of jpegs,
                # as the other files can be validated via the checksum.
                # Jpegs will be validated when converting them to 1 band images
                if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                    #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath)   # verbose
                    if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                        logger.info('Found an invalid image. Will wipe it: ' + outputPath)
                        if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                        logger.info('Valid image: ' + outputPath)
                        validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated

        # Sanity check: XML files must have the right latitude.
        if icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.xml':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) #verbose
                if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                        latitude = icebridge_common.parseLatitude(outputPath)
                        logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)
                        validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
                        # Corrupted file
                        logger.info("Failed to parse latitude, will wipe: " + outputPath)
                        if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)

                    # On a second thought, don't wipe files with wrong latitude, as
                    # next time we run fetch we will have to fetch them again.
                    # Hopefully they will be ignored.
                    #isGood = hasGoodLat(latitude, isSouth)
                    #if not isGood:
                    #    logger.info("Wiping XML file " + outputPath + " with bad latitude " + \
                    #                str(latitude))
                    #    os.remove(outputPath)
                    #    imageFile = icebridge_common.xmlToImage(outputPath)
                    #    if os.path.exists(imageFile):
                    #        logger.info("Wiping TIF file " + imageFile + " with bad latitude " + \
                    #                    str(latitude))
                    #        os.remove(imageFile)
        # Verify the chcksum    
        if hasXml and len(outputPath) >= 4 and outputPath[-4:] != '.xml' \
               and outputPath[-4:] != '.tfw':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # verbose
                isGood = icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(outputPath, logger)
                if not isGood:
                    xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                    logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe: ' + outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
                    if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                    if os.path.exists(xmlFile):    os.remove(xmlFile)
                    logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)

        if hasTfw and icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.tfw':
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath)
                isGood = icebridge_common.isValidTfw(outputPath, logger)
                if not isGood:
                    xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                    logger.info('Found invalid tfw. Will wipe: ' + outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
                    if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                    if os.path.exists(xmlFile):    os.remove(xmlFile)
                    logger.info('Valid tfw file: ' + outputPath)

    # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
    # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
    # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
    # managers are running at the same time.
    numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
        validFilesSet = \
                      icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    numFailed = len(failedFiles)
    if numFailed > 0:
        logger.info("Number of files that could not be processed: " + str(numFailed))
    return numFailed
コード例 #8
def doFetch(options, outputFolder):

    # Verify that required files exist
    home = os.path.expanduser("~")
    if not (os.path.exists(home + '/.netrc')
            and os.path.exists(home + '/.urs_cookies')):
            'Missing a required authentication file!  See instructions here:\n'
            '    https://nsidc.org/support/faq/what-options-are-available-bulk-downloading-data-https-earthdata-login-enabled'
        return -1

    curlPath = asp_system_utils.which("curl")
    curlOpts = ' -n -L '
    cookiePaths = ' -b ~/.urs_cookies -c ~/.urs_cookies '
    baseCurlCmd = curlPath + curlOpts + cookiePaths

    logger.info('Creating output folder: ' + outputFolder)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + outputFolder)

    isSouth = (options.site == 'AN')
    parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd,
    if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(parsedIndexPath):
        # Some dirs are weird, both images, dems, and ortho.
        # Just accept whatever there is, but with a warning.
        logger.info('Warning: Missing index file: ' + parsedIndexPath)

    # Store file information in a dictionary
    # - Keep track of the earliest and latest frame
    logger.info('Reading file list from ' + parsedIndexPath)
        (frameDict, urlDict) = readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)
        # We probably ran into old format index file. Must refetch.
        logger.info('Could not read index file. Try again.')
        options.refetchIndex = True
        parsedIndexPath = fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd,
        (frameDict, urlDict) = readIndexFile(parsedIndexPath)

    allFrames = sorted(frameDict.keys())
    firstFrame = icebridge_common.getLargestFrame()  # start big
    lastFrame = icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame()  # start small
    for frameNumber in allFrames:
        if frameNumber < firstFrame:
            firstFrame = frameNumber
        if frameNumber > lastFrame:
            lastFrame = frameNumber

    if options.allFrames:
        options.startFrame = firstFrame
        options.stopFrame = lastFrame

    # There is always a chance that not all requested frames are available.
    # That is particularly true for Fireball DEMs. Instead of failing,
    # just download what is present and give a warning.
    if options.startFrame not in frameDict:
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.startFrame) + \
                    " is not found in this flight.")

    if options.stopFrame and (options.stopFrame not in frameDict):
        logger.info("Warning: Frame " + str(options.stopFrame) + \
                    " is not found in this flight.")

    allFilesToFetch = [
    ]  # Files that we will fetch, relative to the current dir.
    allUrlsToFetch = []  # Full url of each file.

    # Loop through all found frames within the provided range
    currentFileCount = 0
    lastFrame = ""
    if len(allFrames) > 0:
        lastFrame = allFrames[len(allFrames) - 1]

    hasTfw = (options.type == 'dem')
    hasXml = ((options.type in LIDAR_TYPES) or (options.type == 'ortho')
              or hasTfw)
    numFetched = 0
    for frame in allFrames:
        if (frame >= options.startFrame) and (frame <= options.stopFrame):

            filename = frameDict[frame]

            # Some files have an associated xml file. DEMs also have a tfw file.
            currFilesToFetch = [filename]
            if hasXml:
            if hasTfw:

            for filename in currFilesToFetch:
                url = os.path.join(urlDict[frame], filename)
                outputPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, filename)

    if options.maxNumToFetch > 0 and len(
            allFilesToFetch) > options.maxNumToFetch:
        allFilesToFetch = allFilesToFetch[0:options.maxNumToFetch]
        allUrlsToFetch = allUrlsToFetch[0:options.maxNumToFetch]

    icebridge_common.fetchFilesInBatches(baseCurlCmd, MAX_IN_ONE_CALL,
                                         options.dryRun, outputFolder,
                                         allFilesToFetch, allUrlsToFetch,

    # Verify that all files were fetched and are in good shape
    failedFiles = []
    for outputPath in allFilesToFetch:

        if options.skipValidate: continue

        if not icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(outputPath):
            logger.info('Missing file: ' + outputPath)

        if icebridge_common.hasImageExtension(outputPath):
            if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                logger.info('Found an invalid image. Will wipe it: ' +
                if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                logger.info('Valid image: ' + outputPath)

        # Sanity check: XML files must have the right latitude.
        if icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.xml':
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                latitude = icebridge_common.parseLatitude(outputPath)
                isGood = hasGoodLat(latitude, isSouth)
                if not isGood:
                    logger.info("Wiping XML file " + outputPath + " with bad latitude " + \
                    imageFile = icebridge_common.xmlToImage(outputPath)
                    if os.path.exists(imageFile):
                        logger.info("Wiping TIF file " + imageFile + " with bad latitude " + \

        # Verify the chcksum
        if hasXml and len(outputPath) >= 4 and outputPath[-4:] != '.xml' \
               and outputPath[-4:] != '.tfw':
            isGood = icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(outputPath)
            if not isGood:
                xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe it: ' + outputPath +
                            ' ' + xmlFile)
                if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)
                logger.info('Valid chksum: ' + outputPath)

        if hasTfw and icebridge_common.fileExtension(outputPath) == '.tfw':
            isGood = icebridge_common.isValidTfw(outputPath)
            if not isGood:
                xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)
                logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe it: ' + outputPath +
                            ' ' + xmlFile)
                if os.path.exists(outputPath): os.remove(outputPath)
                if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)
                logger.info('Valid tfw file: ' + outputPath)

    numFailed = len(failedFiles)
    if numFailed > 0:
        logger.info("Number of files that could not be processed: " +

    return numFailed
コード例 #9
def convertJpegs(jpegFolder, imageFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, skipValidate,
                 cameraMounting, logger):
    '''Convert jpeg images from RGB to single channel.
       Returns false if any files failed.'''

    badFiles = False
    logger.info('Converting input images to grayscale...')

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + imageFolder)

    # Loop through all the input images

    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath + ".")
    (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)
    # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder))
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
    (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)
    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder),
                                                         startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    # Fast check for missing images. This is fragile, as maybe it gets
    # the wrong file with a similar name, but an honest check is very slow.
    imageFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(imageFolder, prependFolder = True)
    imageFrameDict = {}
    for imageFile in imageFiles:
        frame = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageFile)
        if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue
        imageFrameDict[frame] = imageFile
    for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

        inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]
        # Only deal with frames in range
        if not ( (frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame) ):

        if frame in imageFrameDict.keys() and skipValidate:
            # Fast, hackish check

        if frame not in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Could not find ortho image for jpeg frame: " + str(frame))
            # Don't want to throw here. Just ignore the missing ortho
        # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
            outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
        except Exception as e:
            logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            badFiles = True
        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very verbose
                validFilesSet.add(inputPath) # Must have this
            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath) # verbose
                if not skipValidate:
                    # Mark both the input and the output as validated
        # Use ImageMagick tool to convert from RGB to grayscale
        # - Some image orientations are rotated to make stereo processing easier.
        rotateString = ''
        if cameraMounting == 2: # Flight direction towards top of image
            rotateString = '-rotate 90 '
        if cameraMounting == 3: # Flight direction towards bottom of image
            rotateString = '-rotate -90 '
        cmd = ('%s %s -colorspace Gray %s%s') % \
              (asp_system_utils.which('convert'), inputPath, rotateString, outputPath)

        # Run command and fetch its output
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
        output, error = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Command failed.")
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

        if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
            badFiles = True
            logger.error('Failed to convert jpeg file: ' + inputPath)
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

        # Check for corrupted files
        if error is not None:
            output += error
        m = re.match("^.*?premature\s+end", output, re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
        if m:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList,
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    if badFiles:
        logger.error("Converstion of JPEGs failed. If any files were corrupted, " +
                     "they were removed, and need to be re-fetched.")
    return (not badFiles)
コード例 #10
def correctFireballDems(fireballFolder, corrFireballFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, isNorth,
                        skipValidate, logger):
    '''Fix the header problem in Fireball DEMs'''

    logger.info('Correcting Fireball DEMs ...')

    # Read the existing DEMs
    fireballIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(fireballFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(fireballIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing fireball index file: " + fireballIndexPath + ".")
    (fireballFrameDict, fireballUrlDict) = \
                        icebridge_common.readIndexFile(fireballIndexPath, prependFolder = True)
    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(fireballFolder),
                                                         startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Loop through all the input images
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + corrFireballFolder)
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(fireballFrameDict.keys()):

        # Skip if outside the frame range
        if not ( (frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame) ):

        inputPath = fireballFrameDict[frame]
        if not icebridge_common.isDEM(inputPath):

        outputPath = os.path.join(corrFireballFolder, os.path.basename(inputPath))

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very vebose
            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
        # Run the correction script
        execPath = asp_system_utils.which('correct_icebridge_l3_dem')
        cmd = (('%s %s %s %d') %
               (execPath, inputPath, outputPath, isNorth))
        # TODO: Run this as a subprocess and check the return code
        # Check if the output file is good
        if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to convert dem file, wiping: ' + inputPath + ' ' + outputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList,
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)