コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: ging/fiware-validator
def switch(request, tenant_id, redirect_field_name=auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME):
    """Switches an authenticated user from one project to another."""
    LOG.debug('Switching to tenant %s for user "%s".'
              % (tenant_id, request.user.username))

    endpoint = utils.fix_auth_url_version(request.user.endpoint)
    session = utils.get_session()
    # Keystone can be configured to prevent exchanging a scoped token for
    # another token. Always use the unscoped token for requesting a
    # scoped token.
    unscoped_token = request.user.unscoped_token
    auth = utils.get_token_auth_plugin(auth_url=endpoint,

        auth_ref = auth.get_access(session)
        msg = 'Project switch successful for user "%(username)s".' % \
            {'username': request.user.username}
    except keystone_exceptions.ClientException:
        msg = (
            _('Project switch failed for user "%(username)s".') %
            {'username': request.user.username})
        messages.error(request, msg)
        auth_ref = None
        LOG.exception('An error occurred while switching sessions.')

    # Ensure the user-originating redirection url is safe.
    # Taken from django.contrib.auth.views.login()
    redirect_to = request.GET.get(redirect_field_name, '')
    if not is_safe_url(url=redirect_to, host=request.get_host()):
        redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL

    if auth_ref:
        old_endpoint = request.session.get('region_endpoint')
        old_token = request.session.get('token')
        if old_token and old_endpoint and old_token.id != auth_ref.auth_token:
            delete_token(endpoint=old_endpoint, token_id=old_token.id)
        user = auth_user.create_user_from_token(
            auth_user.Token(auth_ref, unscoped_token=unscoped_token),
        auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, user)
        message = (
            _('Switch to project "%(project_name)s" successful.') %
            {'project_name': request.user.project_name})
        messages.success(request, message)
    response = shortcuts.redirect(redirect_to)
    utils.set_response_cookie(response, 'recent_project',
    return response
コード例 #2
def switch(request, tenant_id, redirect_field_name=auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME):
    """Switches an authenticated user from one project to another."""
    LOG.debug('Switching to tenant %s for user "%s".' %
              (tenant_id, request.user.username))

    endpoint = utils.fix_auth_url_version(request.user.endpoint)
    session = utils.get_session()
    # Keystone can be configured to prevent exchanging a scoped token for
    # another token. Always use the unscoped token for requesting a
    # scoped token.
    unscoped_token = request.user.unscoped_token
    auth = utils.get_token_auth_plugin(auth_url=endpoint,

        auth_ref = auth.get_access(session)
        msg = 'Project switch successful for user "%(username)s".' % \
            {'username': request.user.username}
    except keystone_exceptions.ClientException:
        msg = (_('Project switch failed for user "%(username)s".') % {
            'username': request.user.username
        messages.error(request, msg)
        auth_ref = None
        LOG.exception('An error occurred while switching sessions.')

    # Ensure the user-originating redirection url is safe.
    # Taken from django.contrib.auth.views.login()
    redirect_to = request.GET.get(redirect_field_name, '')
    if not is_safe_url(url=redirect_to, host=request.get_host()):
        redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL

    if auth_ref:
        old_endpoint = request.session.get('region_endpoint')
        old_token = request.session.get('token')
        if old_token and old_endpoint and old_token.id != auth_ref.auth_token:
            delete_token(endpoint=old_endpoint, token_id=old_token.id)
        user = auth_user.create_user_from_token(
            request, auth_user.Token(auth_ref, unscoped_token=unscoped_token),
        auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, user)
        message = (_('Switch to project "%(project_name)s" successful.') % {
            'project_name': request.user.project_name
        messages.success(request, message)
    response = shortcuts.redirect(redirect_to)
    utils.set_response_cookie(response, 'recent_project',
    return response
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: ging/fiware-validator
def websso(request):
    """Logs a user in using a token from Keystone's POST."""
    referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', settings.OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL)
    auth_url = utils.clean_up_auth_url(referer)
    token = request.POST.get('token')
        request.user = auth.authenticate(request=request, auth_url=auth_url,
    except exceptions.KeystoneAuthException as exc:
        msg = 'Login failed: %s' % six.text_type(exc)
        res = django_http.HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
        res.set_cookie('logout_reason', msg, max_age=10)
        return res

    auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, request.user)
    auth.login(request, request.user)
    if request.session.test_cookie_worked():
    return django_http.HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
コード例 #4
def websso(request):
    """Logs a user in using a token from Keystone's POST."""
    referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', settings.OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL)
    auth_url = utils.clean_up_auth_url(referer)
    token = request.POST.get('token')
        request.user = auth.authenticate(request=request,
    except exceptions.KeystoneAuthException as exc:
        msg = 'Login failed: %s' % six.text_type(exc)
        res = django_http.HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
        res.set_cookie('logout_reason', msg, max_age=10)
        return res

    auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, request.user)
    auth.login(request, request.user)
    if request.session.test_cookie_worked():
    return django_http.HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
コード例 #5
def login(request, template_name=None, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
    """Logs a user in using the :class:`~openstack_auth.forms.Login` form."""

    # If the user enabled websso and selects default protocol
    # from the dropdown, We need to redirect user to the websso url
    if request.method == 'POST':
        auth_type = request.POST.get('auth_type', 'credentials')
        if utils.is_websso_enabled() and auth_type != 'credentials':
            auth_url = request.POST.get('region')
            url = utils.get_websso_url(request, auth_url, auth_type)
            return shortcuts.redirect(url)

    if not request.is_ajax():
        # If the user is already authenticated, redirect them to the
        # dashboard straight away, unless the 'next' parameter is set as it
        # usually indicates requesting access to a page that requires different
        # permissions.
        if (request.user.is_authenticated()
                and auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.GET
                and auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.POST):
            return shortcuts.redirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)

    # Get our initial region for the form.
    initial = {}
    current_region = request.session.get('region_endpoint', None)
    requested_region = request.GET.get('region', None)
    regions = dict(getattr(settings, "AVAILABLE_REGIONS", []))
    if requested_region in regions and requested_region != current_region:
        initial.update({'region': requested_region})

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = functional.curry(forms.Login)
        form = functional.curry(forms.Login, initial=initial)

    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {'redirect_field_name': auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME}

    if not template_name:
        if request.is_ajax():
            template_name = 'auth/_login.html'
            extra_context['hide'] = True
            template_name = 'auth/login.html'

    res = django_auth_views.login(request,
    # Save the region in the cookie, this is used as the default
    # selected region next time the Login form loads.
    if request.method == "POST":
        utils.set_response_cookie(res, 'login_region',
                                  request.POST.get('region', ''))
        utils.set_response_cookie(res, 'login_domain',
                                  request.POST.get('domain', ''))

    # Set the session data here because django's session key rotation
    # will erase it if we set it earlier.
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, request.user)
        regions = dict(forms.Login.get_region_choices())
        region = request.user.endpoint
        login_region = request.POST.get('region')
        region_name = regions.get(login_region)
        request.session['region_endpoint'] = region
        request.session['region_name'] = region_name
    return res
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: ging/fiware-validator
def login(request, template_name=None, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
    """Logs a user in using the :class:`~openstack_auth.forms.Login` form."""

    # If the user enabled websso and selects default protocol
    # from the dropdown, We need to redirect user to the websso url
    if request.method == 'POST':
        auth_type = request.POST.get('auth_type', 'credentials')
        if utils.is_websso_enabled() and auth_type != 'credentials':
            auth_url = request.POST.get('region')
            url = utils.get_websso_url(request, auth_url, auth_type)
            return shortcuts.redirect(url)

    if not request.is_ajax():
        # If the user is already authenticated, redirect them to the
        # dashboard straight away, unless the 'next' parameter is set as it
        # usually indicates requesting access to a page that requires different
        # permissions.
        if (request.user.is_authenticated() and
                auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.GET and
                auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.POST):
            return shortcuts.redirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)

    # Get our initial region for the form.
    initial = {}
    current_region = request.session.get('region_endpoint', None)
    requested_region = request.GET.get('region', None)
    regions = dict(getattr(settings, "AVAILABLE_REGIONS", []))
    if requested_region in regions and requested_region != current_region:
        initial.update({'region': requested_region})

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = functional.curry(forms.Login)
        form = functional.curry(forms.Login, initial=initial)

    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {'redirect_field_name': auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME}

    if not template_name:
        if request.is_ajax():
            template_name = 'auth/_login.html'
            extra_context['hide'] = True
            template_name = 'auth/login.html'

    res = django_auth_views.login(request,
    # Save the region in the cookie, this is used as the default
    # selected region next time the Login form loads.
    if request.method == "POST":
        utils.set_response_cookie(res, 'login_region',
                                  request.POST.get('region', ''))
        utils.set_response_cookie(res, 'login_domain',
                                  request.POST.get('domain', ''))

    # Set the session data here because django's session key rotation
    # will erase it if we set it earlier.
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        auth_user.set_session_from_user(request, request.user)
        regions = dict(forms.Login.get_region_choices())
        region = request.user.endpoint
        login_region = request.POST.get('region')
        region_name = regions.get(login_region)
        request.session['region_endpoint'] = region
        request.session['region_name'] = region_name
    return res